Friday, April 6, 2018

Let It Whip

The Rose/BM
You know what breaks my heart about humanity? Is God gave you that color of skin. You hate it. I don't blame you, the way you have been treated, you yellow, you red, you black and brown. Weather you like it or not that color of skin was a gift to wear with pride from your maker. You wear it with pride or take it off. You whites with your white collars from up above you created this mess. You will clean it up. You create the guilt and shame on the color of another mans skin. Why?
She Talks To Angels/The Black Crows
From this mothers perspective you big brothers with the wrong white collars. You elite and entitled fed yourselves and not humanity. Not this rock that you stand on. You shit on it, You spit on it. You elite and entitled. All you do is take and take. Every last vessel. You commit the crime, you create the guilt and shame. You put humanity in purgatory fighting your holy wars. All you holy rollers with your big books, you ain't got nothing to me but a book. I got a rock. To feed my children everlasting life what you got but your lies you carry in that book. Your pious soap box you stand on? Pointing the fingers committing the sin. You hide in the dark, you hide in the closet behind that mask you wear. That ?????? to kill off humanity in all walks of life.
Mother Mary comes to me? Let It Be/The Beatles. No you wish that. I'm done letting it be. All the destruction on humanity on this rock. I carry inside me that torch of Justice, Athena. Who the flock cares, the mason or the illuminati you all made your beds with me. Pick a corner. Pick a label I do not care. I'm rubber your glue what ever you say to me I bounce back to you. I'd be careful and tread lightly when you choose your words. From this day forward you pick your path. My children will not carry the burdens and lies of your purgatory and hell. 
Let It Whip/DZ

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