Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Look around cum to me...Oh I wouldn't want to be sum of u? Oh no it never dawned on any of u that as your judge, that it would be your mother? Your original mother from beyond that created life, to be your judge cum last call? U know JD? Judgment Day? The reason why they had me standing in front of you judges all these years? Is because of U big brother and how you set up this judicial system long ago? To learn that it's a woman judge cum final call to asses if you get thru heavens gates?

How you fed others vs. how u fed yourselves in all walks of life? So big brother, all u judges sitting in congress how does it feel to be blanket judged and take the blame in just a few minutes and never let me speak from day one? Unless I follow all your ground rules first? Jump through all your hoops, pay all your fines and fees? Still you never get to the table to speak in your justice system? To many marked up middle men, deciding what Truth will be spoken if its even worth being spoken? Oh how you have judged me?

Angels In Waiting/TC
No I wouldn't want to be sum of U? Laugh my flocking ass off you judge, your creation is energy, split a piece of wood I am there? Lift a rock I am there? Your part of the trinity that you stand on, make a living off from? Your creation is your mother whose been walking down here all along watching U all along? It's what I'm seeing that is astounding is whose really feeding who what? Whose eating it up? Whose doling it out? Why wouldn't your mama want u to feed each other, instead of a machine? This machine has no heart but your mother does. The real reason why Justice and Freedom is a woman? Final call come judgment day is your mother? A creation of your own making, literally?

Jesus Paid It All/FO
Why wouldn't your own creation want you to pick up and help others? If you are all her little beasties, why would she ever want you to destroy your ancestors and all that cums b4 to feed u  eternal life, in order for u to be standing here today? Look what U have done to my rock? My tree's whose footprints are your ancestors that cleans our air and feeds all of us life? You tear down to recreate for the next generation? All this mother see's is destruction in all walks of life, circling back around going into my landfills. The biggest sin of all is the crimes of the heart when it cums down to feeding others love?  The depression of the fig? The judgment you have placed on love? That O ring and whose really doing the raping?

The Atom is your judge. Your original mother that has had to carry this tree of life all these decades? For you big brother to give humanity to turn a blind eye to me and mine? All my suffering all my pain as you strip me and deplete me from the inside out? Still you turn a blind eye right here in your hell care system and U big brother judging me this mother? All because I filed for divorce from an abuser? Yeah neglect is a crime u do not see? Especially when you big brother gave Him the beast himself permission to hide the true crime of the heart all those years? That just like this system he doesn't have one and neither do you. 
Lightning Crashes/Live
Perhaps that why all of you in your robes, behind your mask you wear, don't get to judge mother nature's little beasties when it comes down to getting through heavens gates? No big brother you will get your big nose out of this little mothers ass once and for all. This mothers no longer on the menu and neither are my children. We don't need your monopoly games feeding us your lies and this disservice. Why would your own mother, your creation of all you little beasties that you descend from ever want you to feel guilt and shame for the color of your skin? Your shape? Your size? No because your mama didn't put this bullshit in your heads. It was the ones wearing the wrong white colors all this time? All to mine me, nickel and dime me? My how you deplete me, rape me and my children all the way around? Steal all my power? No big brother it is U that poisoned the human races constitution inside and out long ago.

Jessie's Girl/RS
No this little atom, this creation of your own making is taking it all back. Perhaps you shouldn't of judged me for the color of my skin? Perhaps you shouldn't of assumed nothing when it comes down to this little mother? The way this mother see's it if we were all white their wouldn't be no color. You take that to the bank and tell them Faith said so. My favorite color when it comes down to Faith is that she can be very black. Rosa Park's back from the back of that bus, you remember her?

Because Of You/RB
You want to feel your creation's, your original mothers pain and suffering be my guest?U know what Michail's God Shot was the other night? He crossed his arms and fell to the floor, he felt grief. His answer the only one U should be worrying about pleasing and making happy in all things that U do in life is me. Isn't that the Truth. No matter whom your higher may be? U should be living like you are being watched in all things you do in the closet or your box with your pride? How do u feed others love in all your different characters each day? Did you really feed them love unconditionally, unselfishly or did you feed yourself? What and why did you choose to feed yourself that way? What is your justification for all your bad behavior? I mean hell in this United States we live in a justified system. Talk about cause and effect of that trickle down effect and the perception you have served others? Selling off humanity to an insurance industry to fill your institutions and feed the wrong stock. The same ones that caused the depression in the 20's U allowed to cause the depression inside our hearts, minds and bodies today. What is slavery it's oppression, from the suppressors. The one's that created all this high cost of living and high price on sin to feed a machine? Not the human heart.

Come Alive/The First Time

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