Friday, April 6, 2018


Time H&TB
Actually I think I made myself quite clear. I am done. I am done with all of it. Michail got his Truth. Truth be told I didn't care for once in my life how he received it. As for my daughter she got her Truth too. Clean up that mouth when you speak to your mother. Until you walk a day in my shoes don't ever tell me how to speak or I am being rude again. Don't you ever judge your mother for something you know nothing about or are willing to sit down and listen. Done. Her mouth kept going until I blocked the little shit. This disrespect bullshit is done speaking to your elders. These millennials can jump ship. This mother giveth, this mother taketh you abuse it.

Get Closer/S&C
Fuck the love songs. Fuck this mother flocking book that I have wanted done and over and off my back in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. As far as your concerned this is your truth and its the last truth or investment of my time into telling you the truth. This is bigger than both of us. Turns out I wrote this Truthful great book that turns out to be the greatest love story ever written from up above. I have put myself on the line all the way through this. I was not the wolf knocking at your door, but if you want to believe that so be it? Don't say I didn't tell you so? I said to Greg in the begin when I told him up to what I do know, "what if your wrong and I'm right?" Truth is I am right. I have never been wrong. My whole God Dammned life people walk up after and say just that.

From A Distance/BM
Here's my perspective on you. Your just like every other man. Who says they want to go out and that's enough? I'm supposed to what get all woozy and fall to my knees? To old, to done.  Now I have not disagreed with anything you have said. I too am tired. You said it yourself. Judas behavior. Interesting that name and how it too keeps coming around? Weather u like it or not you jobe on the top, I'm jobe on the bottom. I'm tired of the insanity the good excuse for bad behavior. I'm tired of every piece of shit man blocking the door every time I try to walk out. That's after I get cleaned out. Castrated because how dare I?  To make sure I'm hungry, hurt and suffer. Every time no matter how peaceful.

Don't Know Much/LR
Just like Carey 3 years. Starts talking to a woman online and for four months I put up with the bad behavior, the pointing the finger at shit they don't even do. Yet he tells me as his excuse, that he wants to marry me? I look at him and this is how you tell me? You cheat on me. You call this loving behavior? You call this love? Once again, I don't give a flying flock about your boat, your trucks, your houses, planes and any other toys for boys you got floating around out there. From my perspective your to busy and all you really want is another side kick to shadow you. To tuck into your little life. I didn't ask for you. I was asked to do this and be truthful so you don't get fucked in the ass every which way. Your stock market, those trucks? Most of all those children.

Fast Car/TC
I have handed you all I know. I rewrote it so you can be very clear, our nine lives are up. I know one thing as mother natures daughter my emotions bring on the storm, and right now I'm about over the edge. When I get done here I got bigger fish to fry. I still have to finish rewriting those messages. I don't get paid for this shit. Three years and I'm almost to the end and I'm not letting this shit go. It's all shutting down. It will disappear, black out. You can keep your arrogant little self where ever, because its obvious just like the rest of humanity they just think they can keep God off? They think they can squeeze in this wrath on their timeline? They just think they are going to pick the time and place? They don't. They don't get to pick nothing. Not the mother, nor the father, the brother or the sister. They don't get to pick what goes in my garden. They don't don't get to pick the whats and hows to get through heavens gates. All this middleman bullshit is going away.

Closing Time/Semisonic
I don't know what more you want from me? Whatever it is your not going to get it. You don't always get what you want when you want it the way you want it. If you got a problem with that to bad. Quite frankly I have told you more about yourself in just what little I knew from just a few conversations. If thats not enough I don't know what to tell you? You have gotten from me more than any man ever up front. Pretty much got the whole flocking cow before the milk. Including video sex. Yuck! I actually feel cheap and regret doing it. Hey I got to do whatever I have to do to knock on your head. This is the Truth the whole God Damned truth and if thats not enough for you go fuck yourself with the lot of you? I'm done. I have no more energy for this. I have nothing left to give, except this book. The holy grail you dumb shit. I handed you the keys to the kingdom and its still not enough. If my hearts not enough go fuck yourself? f this rock not enough go fuck yourself?

Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin,/Journey.
Just like I tell God everyday. I want none of it except the heart, the whole heart and nothing less. Keep the flocking gold crown I never wanted. The only reason I accepted the power is because of you. Something I have fought off every step of the way. Even in name only.

Let Me Be Your Man/H&TB
Fuck that. I am back to square one and done proving my self worth and value to another person let alone a man.
Record Year/Eric Church

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