Sunday, April 29, 2018

Real Thing

Real Thing/Zac Brown Band
Running On Empty/JB
I was wondering what was up about adversity and being willing to represent to stand up for what you believe in? Walk the talk? Talk your walk? It was that crack and why I said yes to actually going to dinner with you in the first place? Even though you had shown me pictures of your two houses I didn't look. I remember a shot of blue water that is all? I had wondered what it was in that crack that I saw? I knew it had something to do with being gay? I heard a loud crack I got flashes of adversity would be the best word? Heart break in the adversity and walking through it? Then I remember thinking Oh my God! He's the one with all those kids? Like that wasn't a wall right there?

Ashes To Ashes/DB
Even after I walked away I wasn't sure why  I said yes? Especially at that time in my life? It was what I saw right there that made me willing to get to know someone better that went through that? You as a parent had to live it and walk it and watch it with her. All that heart break and adversity to walk through at such a young age? On your own at that? In society at that? Today at that? Being Babylon, the creation, the atom and the Truth in why you don't get to choose love and what one carries in their heart? No humanity is not going to like me.

It's Over/Electric Light Orchestra
I knew you had one in that batch. This is why I didn't ever want to meet your children right here? You have no idea the heart break and Justice they just rolled me through inside my body? What you don't know, that I do know is that in their own sweet time in their own sweet way they are going to make me walk through and feel each heart break with each one. Being who they are, no one wants to ever feel that. So no some day's I am not happy with you right there.

Human Wheels/John Mellencamp
The dread of just that one right there. Having to feel Freya's daughters, their creators chosen ones hearts to carry, that load right there? This is not a stage of the journey I am looking forward to. It's bad enough just knowing some of the locations where these girls are? No inside I don't want to know, because in the beginning of this journey they showed me certain locations just in this United States? Yeah I'm not ready for that answer just this morning was bad enough. Love and hate relationship with that family upstairs everyday. I believe their point is you don't get to choose the context of your relationship with your higher power? Only they know what and who I am going through this. Only they know the true context of my words and what I carry. Considering I started out from ground zero on all of it. Sci Fi vs. Truth, politics, ethics and all this religion? Moral characters and the perception of the ones who carry the integrity and heart inside them?

Werewolves Of London/WZ
The one's running our country who are still alive in our lifetime still can't get it right? The damage the ones did in just the choices they made selling out our own people in just our lifetime? They literally sold out the human race to an insurance industry making choices here in this united states on a human beings body parts on the inside and out? How we suffer? The price of suffering? The price of sin and big brothers perception of what sin is and how they valued the human race? The ones they were supposed to be feeding? Instead they created a land of consumers in all walks of life? The energy inside our bodies and how we feed that depleted energy? Literally is going in that justice system and those land fills? They put a higher value on that garbage and where it goes than they did a human beings life.

Crazy On U/Heart
Tonight I get to tell Michail what it is my brother went through in those 17 little years in order for him to still be standing here today? Being born and taking the blame? Being abandoned and alone as a little boy standing on a street corner with a box as my mother drove away? Then he had to serve the lawn mower man living on a back porch to earn his keep as a young boy. Then having to fuck the little girls in my uncles garden, and wire hanging beatings from my aunt for that? I have to tell him that by the time I was born my brother already had a child of his own that just happened to be in my wedding? With the Beast, Mr. 666, Mr Creepy Crowley who I married is my X. The wrong brother from that garden of Eden. The one who left Eve to take the Blame for eating off that Wisdom tree of life. Put the weapon in her hand and leave her to take the blame? The curse of the Gin in this Justice system that started twenty years ago, just to fill the institutions? The profits big brother has made off that revolving door of the blame game just in that institution? They handed pharma America and HMO's the keys to the kingdom right there, insurance? In my family you have assurance your going home. You don't need insurance.

Time For Me To Fly/REO Speedwagon
They are taking me back into Justice mode today, being the mother, the creation, the atom, this mothers perspective on what Big Brother did to humanity and how my Big Brother feels about that. Well I don't know politics, names, wars, locations and sides on this speech but I know I got one cumming up? Those were some of the questions I wanted to ask you? Today I got the Atom, Big Brother and that copper Lincoln little penny and how to break these chains that bind so elegantly scary when I speak to the human race. Just the way I like it when I make a point. Short, sweet scary and to the point. Boy it's gonna hurt.
Traffic/Medicated Goo
Wheel In The Sky/Journey
Take Back Home Girl/CL

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