Thursday, April 5, 2018

What It's Like by Everlast

Never Be The Same/CC / 
Okay sweet pea? Reading/ through these messages trying 2 get you 2 the next step as quickly as possible? It started 2 dawn on me I have some more ground 2 cover? Boy do I? Some you will like again and well Truth can have different perspectives with different emotions to walk you through until you get 2 acceptance. To empower sweet pea and make you stronger. I have no idea how my music in the last few days have taken a turn like this? Spiritual and Truthful throughout time but it's definitely pulling more religion than usual. Try and go with the flow.
Remora/The Broken Toys
Hilarious the 1st few words "this is our story." I chose this title, I'll Never B yr Beast Of Burden because I'm standing at the A-line across from Snow White Laundry. Fuck that BOB shit. Pissed off and fed up with this book? I mean fucking move it along and get to the point already? This book is a heavy load. The truth, the emotion, the passion, the erotica, the desire? I mean cum on lets dance already. Lets play already. This song came on and I'm yelling fuck you! Fuck you all 4 this. What a lie that song turned out 2B? I'm sorry sweet pea (I may change the title by the time I finish but you get my point?)
How Much I Feel/Ambrosia (Ambrosia is another family name from history right along with the color of that stone. I just lost a Ambrosia ring I found on a cement wall. I wore it for awhile.)
It dawned on me that I'm gonna have to prepare you for beasty mode? You might think you have an idea what that is but truly until you do it and see it? It's a whole new ball game. On one hand you'll do just fine, just from the texting, and well that Big Daddy upstairs didn't bless you with those bull balls 4 nothing. I forgot 2 explain the Greece location? Why I said to Alex if your gonna keep runnin and gunnin that is the place to go. The Owlism spiritual belief in history that I just happen 2 of cum across. My life started out with owls and this journey I keep going back to the golden dawn and rainbows in spiritual beliefs in all walks of life? Especially where you's least expect it? I can't get this kid to casually get her little ass back here without freaking her out? I mean the UK, that's a long journey 2 process the truth on your own at a young age?
Follow Me/UK
Humanity thinks JC's second cumming is going 2B all rainbows and sunshine? It will B. First it's gonna get dark and ugly. The best way I can move you along, is 2 explain my hand signals when I move? When I go after something dark I should prepare you 4 what your gonna C me do and why? I need to explain that circle of life in this house? How these numbers cum back around? You being in the 12th house? Well cumming up behind me is 12 to my 1. I'm from that 1st house you number 12. Sweet! Yeah u bet I'm gonna climb that mountain. Bring it.
Wonderful, Merciful, Savior/Selah
God I can't believe the music as I try to break the news 2U along the way? I need 2 prepare U4 this part 2? Even though they have shown me how dark this is going 2 get beasty style? I need 2 prepare U4 the emotional rollercoaster ride our children and your grandchildren, especially that 7 year old they are going 2 go through? It's a cleansing and a healing as they move you along this family tree line we ascend from. They really take you back to the beginning.
Hotel California/Eagles
Picture God as a great big magnet. It's like your the other magnet and they pull you backwards and 4words through this taking you a little higher with the Truth and a little lower with the Truth until you see the light. To have Faith guiding you back to the light on this emotional rollercoaster ride they have pulled me through. Some days kicking and screaming. Walking away like an umpire with my hands. No! No! No! Fuck that shit. Try 2 remember this started with my brother, the first words out of my mouth for awhile was Jesus Christ! RU NUTS? Now it's Jesus Mother Flocking Christ RU NUTS? What little sister doesn't scream at her brother. Hit him and nail his ass?
Right Down The Line/
Then on the other hand being pulled into daughter mode a time or two up that family line? I look at it this way, what parent hasn't heard from their child, I hate you? I admit sometimes I am 3. I don't have allot of patience anymore waiting on others. I like 2 open my own doors and push my own buttons. I wasn't 2 happy 2 read Worthy Is The Lamb? To read, he goes looking for his lion only to find a bloody lamb? I'm yelling what people think this is fiction? Mythological? Then I find out I'm the lamb? I'm the aunt? I'm the atom ant of this rock, and well those golden showers over that big ant head? Or serpent? Hard to tell our family line ascends from both. Then it sunk in about that serpent and it dawned on me where I was working? What that entity really is? Well I wasn't 2 happy 2 find out about that cougar pride? Where there is one there's another? I should of clued in that of course cougars R gonna B in my location? I was walking through, working at the cougar and bear sanctuary. DUH!
All 4U/Sister Hazel
When I work, I need my hands and legs to work. I just discovered the next surgery I have no choice 2 get is the vascular surgery on my left side. It's so bad the chronic face and neck migraine. My left arm then my right weaken and my hands don't work. Then I go out right down that spine as I curl around. Now my legs shut down. It's just gotten that bad because it has gone undiagnosed for about 30 years. Can't treat something properly if u don't know what it is. Knowledge is key to making choices. In this hell care system u have no choices.
Great RU Lord/Casting Crowns
Good song. For this part to keep moving through the pain each step of the way 2 getting this done. I'm going 2 drop u in beasty mode. I realized after I do this work, naively so. It is exhilarating. I mean for 2 months I didn't hurt until I got back 2 that gateway. My TOL just came crashing down. I learned through watching Michael for three days. No I wasn't with him but I went back for 3 days. Got stuck because of more shit he pulled. That acceptance mode and keeping my patience is not working for me anymore. I need you 2 watch my hand movements. They are important in communication when this goes down. Try to remember I have learned on this journey why God had Moses use the blood of the lamb 2 wipe over doors that God wasn't going 2 touch? I mean God is energy. God is the Angel. God is the Beast. God is the Creation Kyle. Of course He knows the scent of his little lamb.
1985/Bowling 4 Soup
Well I should probably mention the dream I had when I let some guy that was hanging in a cage on those fish hooks out of His back. Turns out that is Biblically written 2. Something about God sent His angel to let Azazel off the chain? It was an industrial area. All I knew is it was my job 2 get this man off the hook. I stepped into the cage. I squatted a little bit. I released a small orgasm. This mans eyes opened. This was one of the 3 dreams I did not want to go back 2. I got 3 flashes. I'm kicking, begging and screaming. I don't want 2 go back. I don't want 2 know. I never win.
Baby I'm A Want U/Bread
Bread again imagine that? In this one when I got taken back to the end, the part I didn't remember? I only remembered my dreams I had over and over up 2 a certain point. I never knew their was another ending until I got taken back. It turns out the man that opened his eyes and came 2 life, was a big white bald man. By the end of my dream I somehow was replaced on those hooks. Why I'd ever do that I have no idea? I'm weeping, asking God why would I do that 2 myself? Just hop on the chain gang? I felt like it was my turn for something?
Holy Is The Lord/CT
Try to remember honey I had these dreams years ago. On the last day heading back 2 pick up Michail from V's, I had no idea he was in town. I was not happy. It was a storm the whole time. I get 2 V's I needed Michail to do a rack & crack on my upper back. He told me that he heard just B4, take the pain inside you. After he lifted me up, he drops me and yells. He bends in half and he's holding his chest. I knew one thing. Good I hope it hurt. That is the least he deserves.
Another Love Song/UK
Then I walk 2 the back of the property before we walked out the door so I can get back 2 Kent B4 I miss that last bus out of town. I stepped 2 where I buried that talon. M. was sticking closer. Not nearby but watching every move I made. I try to shove him off me as much as I can and just let it go. Listen 2 his words, pay attention 2 his behavior. I stepped aside 2P behind a bush and Michail could see me. After he said, that when you did that I don't know what is wrong with me but I wanted 2 just walk up behind you and grab U by the ass and ram you. I knew this was unusual, but trying to figure out what that big weight between my legs while walking around out there was? Things were connecting. Something about my body and scent was dawning on me? I didn't know yet if it was good or bad when this day cums? Now I know our scent in that ardeur is gonna shut this shit down. Remember that other nickname and the thing I had to look up? My Kitty Kat mode, the spray the cleansing. This is so embarrassing but I have 2 prepare u the best I can.
Ask Me How I Know/UK
Talk about a boner, I never knew I had? It explained the constant need to rub one out. For me it was several. Then he said that when he saw me walk to a certain area he caught himself snort and growl. Guess where that location was? The talon. No Michail did not see me do this. No one was around. Then I think it was a couple days later, I needed a document from Michail. I did not want anything 2 do with him. I found out that the same day he took my pain in? He ended up in the hospital with kidney stones that night. As usual expecting pity. Fuck that shit.
The Gift Of Love/BM
I said good, once again you deserve it. What can I say Karma can be a real bitch. Isn't that just the point? Sometimes when I walk away from someone else's crazy bad behavior. I leave it up to Karma. I just didn't realize until this journey how much Karma has come through in my lifetime doling out her own justice after I walk away? Sometimes it makes me laugh. Sometimes it makes me cry. Then back 2 Justice I go. It is this part you need 2 know when I throw down? First I go after it with everything I have. I flap like a flapper from the 20's. My right hand shakes like a rattle snake. I get down. I get funky with my words. I get dark and nasty. You will see me drop and bounce back up. U will C Faith get very black. I get this head roll and shake.
I Will Sing Of My Redeemer/FO
Pay attention to my hand signals and body language. This is key. It took awhile to figure out what these signs mean when I communicate, move and dance? I do the peace sign. The Viper sign is peace down. I do a hang ten. A rock and roll. The love sign. I do the forward cross and the backward cross. I will do the 1.2, 3 and 4 hand signal. A straight line is obvious. It is a definite no go. Also pay attention to just a slight nod of my head. I mean it is slight and it is a no definitely do not cross. It is not welcome here whatever that may be at the time. Of course the stand with my arms crossed. The tapping of my 3rd eye and nose. Hey how about when I clop my right or left foot? Pay attention to those toe taps?
Don't Stop Believing/Journey
The ardeur the energy? That number 13 again?
UR The Woman/Firefall I heard in the begin. from the posting where it was a mans voice. Like a list of orders of what is 2B done when this goes down. It was specific in the locations? The timeline? The whose and what is 2 go down? It was a storm like you would not believe that I felt all around. Later I felt a fire all around me.
Get Down 2Nite/KC & The Sunshine Band
Back to the son I go. When you go into beasty mode all your primal instincts will be heightened. You have no idea. You will turn literally in2 a beast of Gods choice at that moment. Dog's hesitate on attack, a cat won't they pounce. You will snort. You will snarl. You will growl. Your sense of smell is going 2 go beastie mode. Your hearing you will notice every crack and feel every shift. Of course you don't have hair to stand on end? You get the idea. It will B red alert.
Your Song/EJ
When I get in this mode I smell death and I go after it. Sometimes I dry heave and hurl at the fecal scent. You will be able to smell taint of death. That sour heavy smell that you will recognize anywhere when it hits you. You will be able to smell that coppery scent of blood and track it down. Just like a hungry beast or a shark. Your body language will change. Your body language will go primal with whatever beast mode they slam you into. I heard in Gods Blog Log that no one is 2 touch us. I felt that order down deep inside me primarily so. I felt it was a matter of life and death that no one get near us or touch us.
UR My Hiding Place/Selah
Think of our family line as a five prong white star with that ring of fire from all walks of life. Remember when this is done the goal is to place that rainbow around that sun, not just the moonlight. We are going to clean this rocks slate once and for all. For all of humanity. No more debt and fee's like fleas. No more high price on sin. No more purgatory and cells for speaking the Truth. Only the Truth will set you free. With that being said it depends what it is we are judging and what we leave behind for our children to take care of the day we leave Gods green earth to this family line.
Under The Bridge/RHCP Smoke and pee break. Yule Brenner and Anna on the King and I?
The depression of the fig? The burning of the fags during 3 centuries of the witches hammer. Cause and effect over the centuries is the judging of Love? Why does man feel they get to choose or make the rules on love to get through heavens gates? Mankind never considered that this rock, this holy mother, the creation of life the 01 and the atom has another side? Mother nature bitch.
I'll Fly Away/Jars Of Clay
I have never heard these songs on my all play in my life I swear to God. This is what they do when I know I'm moving in the right direction. As far as directions and that honing beacon when you get lost? That compass on the Masonry? Take notice sweet pea to the 2 V's cumming 2gether. Well as far as sense of direction? I don't have one. I can walk out the same door 12 times and circle 3 times 2 get my bearings again. That is just inside. The odd way my mother taught me to find my way back home? When I'm outside if I'm lost anywhere I am at I look to the West to get my bearings every time. What is to the West of me any where I go? That water baby. It never dawned on me something that is ingrained in2 most of humanity is that the sun rises in the East and Sets in the West? Duh!
One Of These Nights/Eagles
Jesus Mother Fucking Christ can you believe the songs? The eagles and UK all over the place? At the beginning of this journey every time I got lost traveling and hiking the woods in North Bend, I'd look to the West, yet it started to dawn on me, the things I am doing? The spiritual things I do when I face the East? Duh! I know this Truth is a heavy load? If I could do it any other way I would. I can't undo something that was started centuries ago with a game plan from beginning 2 end. The death card in a tarot deck does not mean death literal death. It means a closing of a door and a new door opening.
Come Rain Or Come Shine/BM
I promise you I have never heard these BM songs. Never in my life. It starts out I'm gonna love you like no one has loved you cum rain or shine. Like a rainbow room lounge singer once upon a time. Back to the rainbow? When I lived in Rainier Oregon the name of the cafe? The rainbow. In Kelso, Cowlitz county that paper mill, that coal, all that poison in what was once a quaint nice small town is lost now. The restaurant we'd go 2 sometimes the Rainbow Room. Walking thru a few years back it is still there.
You Make It Easy/JA
After my brothers death this is when those black things started shaking my bed and watching me at night. I thought it was rationally so from the scary movie I watched from the foot of the couch one night called the Sentinel? The woman who moved in alone to an empty apartment building all alone. Actually she thought it was full of people but turns out they were stuck in limbo and all dead. No these are the watchers. At night I would lie with my arms crossed across my chest. I felt like they wanted to stake me in the chest.
Summer Breeze/S&C Jasmine one of my favorite scents.
B4 The Throne Of God/Selah
Broken Halo's/CS
Take It 2 The Limit/Eagles
One other thing when we're out there it turns out we are the demons with that sharp razor tongue of Truth 2 kick them back. Weaken them anyway we can. Tear them down either back in line or off this rock. Just go after it with every word that comes 2 mind even if you don't know what it means at the time. Names are just going 2 pop in2 your mind and instinctively U will know which direction 2 take it. Have Faith in your family from up above that they will walk you through it each step of the way. Just let them use your body. I have reminded them several times myself that this body down here is alive unlike themselves. I get it. Just the dancing I have done trying to get rid of this dark energy is exhausting. Stomping your feet all night long on a grate at certain rhythm and pace is exhausting.
More Than A Feeling/Boston
When they first started using my body. I'd crash hard for two hours. Out of habit walking through my life, one of my survival tips was 2 begin anew each time I awoke. I was aware but I'd let the bad feelings go. I mean really what else was there for me 2 do in order to survive the bullshit at a young age on up?
Bad Moon Rising?CCWR
I promise you b4 this is done both of our lily white moons are going 2B up in the air. That is the point. We don't care when it cums down 2 taking this rock back. Give it all u got. Keep moving. Keep the Faith we keep the Family once and 4 all. Then you can have what ever your little heart desires from that day forward.
I'd B There/UK
Does Love conquer all? That is the plan after all.
Hold My Hand/H&TB The Sentinel and the wolf comes back around. Literally watch the Gifted and that is what is happening in these higher institutions. Oppression labels and drugs to hold you down from ascension and Truth to the light.

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