Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Meeting Of Osiris

Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles
I was still feeling pretty monotone inside my heart after being told, "no your the actual Jesus Christ that hung on the cross." It must of been July 6th, taking an evening walk on the drag. I get up so early and keep moving as much as possible, which is getting harder to do everyday. I am bored out of my gourd, no matter what is going on inside me, I need to get out of this box. By evening I try to stay lose by walking, dancing or stretching again. In my mind I was trying to process "how I'm supposed to feel about this? Come on I have to have some kind of emotion? You have to tell me what I am supposed to do with this? Where's that Ah Ah white light I have yet to feel?"

Hurricane by Luke Combs
It is my emotions and purging of my emotions that help me through this. I felt like "okay God purge this. I have to feel something aside from disbelief?" Just then my right hand went into the air and it automatically made a peace sign. Inside my head I got happy all of a sudden. I said "Osiris! Brother!" I walked like that for a minute just feeling it. Just feeling him and trying to figure out who he is to me? As the mother of all mothers he is my son, or is he? ISIS and Atums first born son.

There's Nothing Holding Me Back by SM
After being told I'm actually Jesus Christ from way back, I had to ask "wait is he my brother from another mother? Is he one of the celestial entities watching over Jesus Christ on his journey, living in the flesh?" I decided whom ever he is to me and my family, I have no issue accepting him.

Craving You by TR&MM
I had been feeling other lately and well this is just another perspective on the other feeling I have been feeling. I'm still trying to figure out, "is the reason this system initially didn't want us to know we are all celestial light beings living in the flesh, because it wanted us as human to write off any other higher being as a demon?" I'd have to say yes, just walking through the treatment center's, hospitals and institutions, the training of the nurses and doctors to lock them up for any sign of schizophrenia. It seems this healthcare and pharmaceutical and the powers that be behind the iron curtain have created a monopoly on this diagnosis as well as others.

She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS
Goes hand in hand with the H.P.P.A. form in the hospitals. Having to plant the labels to pay for the insurance. Like A.D.H.D. being Indigo Children. The one's most connected and re-active to the energy in the earth. Interesting how their are so many people carrying this label? Interesting the timing in the schools? The process of serving a system of numbers in the education system, right along with the label of A.D.H.D. children whom are hands on sensory children? They are wiggly worms, they don't learn rote numbers the way this system wants them to. In case you didn't know their are 9 different kinds of A.D.H.D. Their is a MRI that can be done on your child to determine which kind. I wanted that done, so I could identify the behavior when I saw it and I could learn the best approach to make this an asset without the drugs. I wasn't given that chance however.

Don't Let Me Down by TC&D
Then back around the number nine I go? Nine ant hills driving to work every morning. Nine is the number of beings in that big dipper. The nine principals in which we are universally breaking. Seven up front and two hidden. The nine in the T.V. drama, Intruders. The hosting of the body coming back around. The same greedy beings keeping all the secrets. To keep hidden. Control the money and the Truth of Gods Love. The Truth of Gods flock. All to kill off this rock and get to my God and my brother standing at heavens gates. All to keep you wishing upon the wrong kind of star.

Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran
When Osiris chimed in introducing himself, like Robin Williams did the day God made himself known. I about choked on my tears, he made me laugh in the middle of my shock and rage. Then it took me back to that O ring I had been writing about. In more ways than one. Earthworks park and the three rings the day, I conversed with both my father and brother. The day my phone dinged and Alex told me she's going to Thailand.

The O-ring, how throughout history, any job you held those that owned the keys to your kingdom whether boss nor King, nor warrior in the field. They own the rights to you and yours O-ring as well. How far are you willing to go to make sure your children can eat and have a roof over their head? Seems to be the most sought out and one of the most controversial topics still today. For such an advanced society this is absurd.

Drinkin' Problem by Midland
Then I had to think about the word sire and the deed? Then the word Iris? The flower on this rock and the Iris, the flower of your eye. Your map to your soul. The stars and the dimensions of who you really are inside. How the Iris changes with your emotions? How the Iris can darken and lighten with your emotions. Even how the Iris can do a eclipse. Like mine started about the summer of 1980. My sisters first wedding at the age of seventeen.

When We Were Young by Adele
Others telling "no Colleen your eye's aren't brown they are hazel, they are black, they have a burning ring of fire around them." I don't reply to whom others telling me things I know are not true about myself. My eyes are shit brown. I stopped replying much to anyone telling me what nationality they think I am. I stopped responding to others telling me I remind them of someone they know. My reply usually "yeah, I hear that allot." Pretty generic if you ask me. Maybe God made me that way so I can be a natural born chameleon wherever I go. Including being seen at all day or night.

Dirty South by Lucas Hoge
Standing in plain sight no one see's me. Sit at a rock in public, stand at a corner, or step outside a doorway and whisper a prayer, here comes the police. "You know God a part of me, just wants to let humanity never find out Gods plan to get to choose. To even the playing field. Tell the Truth and make it a fair fight, yet what would be the point? You have it written in more ways than one about judgement day. If humanity can't figure out compassion and love for others at this stage of the game?"

It Don't Hurt Like It Used To by BC
"If they cannot let the money and greed go for their children then I don't know what to tell them?"

Yours If You Want It by RF
"You can only go by what someone carries in their heart and well truth is only you know their true intent. As far as I can see God, the other big I word, ignorance is no excuse anymore. Faith, Love and God. Not religion, but family and pride in that family, in you and yours. Yet humanity has so much fear from all this confusion? Why should I have to explain to act humanely is Godly?"

Don't Wanna Know by M5
I can't decide what is bothering me the most at this point? What is stopping me from having peace of mind walking with God? The not knowing? That is my answer. To be brought this far, I find out I'm JC in a female body and then God and my flock of angels upstairs went quiet once again.

The Fighter by KU
Just like they did February 12, 2016. It took everything I had to speak the Truth no matter the anger. The storms and the flood I sat in just before this. My right leg giving out after I started to notice, "hey why are others falling down around me"? I just wanted to lay the cards on the table, tell what I know and get some questions answered.

Something Like This by C&C
Walk away give Him time to process this on his own. At least know if something like this came up about my own life and my own children, especially with all this proof of life, I'd want to know. I'd be enraged at whomever decided not to tell me knowing the Truth. Then I had no choice but to accept, this is not the time for a three way conversation. Not only his fear but hers. I don't like to do harm to others if it can be avoided.

I'm So Alive by GGD
I had to accept that this mission is going to be an extended mission. For how long at that point, I had no idea? I still hadn't completely figured out what my flashes were even called around him? Being a seer you do this. Yet I never panic, except when it happens on the phone with him, because I didn't understand then and I didn't have answers to give on this part. I wanted to ask him, "Who is Wendy, What is a Druid? What is a Seer? Isn't this some kind of Welsh thing? Why is your wife waking me up at night?" 

My Girl by DS
I knew one thing for sure, I was still so angry myself that this had anything to do with him. To walk away and get a flash of him standing with his cup of coffee head bowed, left hand in pocket and a purple triangle over his head.  His twin towers and those twin towers.

 Judah and The Lion, Take It All Back
 I knew by then however that when Alex said "hearts, I want some hearts mommy (her word for strawberry pop tarts)." I'd get a flash of a card in my mind each time. The Red King of Hearts and somehow he was it. I hadn't connected he was my soulmate. I hadn't connected my heart to him as my heart. I hadn't connected what the feathers meant. I hadn't really connected that purple triangle and that he is the hidden father, the hidden beast, and most important the zero king of this rock.

A Guy With A Girl by BS
Still not sure what the 12 fruits of the tree meant at this point, but I connected that ring of fire to his ten? Not sure if I knew the number nineteen represented the 9/11 attack on the twin towers? The first number in that article was 19. I had connected the twin towers in New York to his two sets of twins. I hadn't connected the date of "The Siege being 9/11, 144,000, slavery, Revelations, the Pharaoh,and God is coming back to do it again, because us, as the most gullible flock I have ever seen doesn't even know this. Hell God, I had no idea you were even coming back until a couple weeks ago. I still thought two JC's and you were just paving the way? I still thought JC was inside me like everyone else and that the real JC was going to light Him up?"

Issues by JM
Thanks God, now I have "Real Big Daddy Issues." One lil' thing turns out to be me. T-N-T inside me? That Shiva the destroyer and re-set? That Garden of Eden. I don't care what people say God, my horn's on my Angel that transformed on my back, they represent a Ram. Those are the horns of my beast God.

Bad Blood by TS
My Old Man by Zac Brown Band

Believer by Imagine Dragons
Should I tattle God about my other finding in "The Book Of Thelma?" More secrets religion and this system wanted to hide. TSK! TSK! "Come on God let the cat out of the bag already. I'm tired of everyday, I can wake up feeling good, then some kind of pain slowly sets in. I'm getting stronger. Am I Kryptonite yet God? What am I supposed to do after all this? Do I get to hand it all off to you,which is Him? When is my penance over?"

It Ain't Me by K/SG
"That's right it ain't me. You've taken me to every stage of being so far as I can tell. Your setting me up for something. I know after all this hand holding it ain't enough. How difficult and what a ungrateful Lil 'Being I am being, however your the one stringing me along. Just untie me and get me off the chain. Come on Big Daddy let's flick my "Lil' Bean." Come on I'm going crazy down here. It's my body and I want a date. I want this over. Let's just get "The Deed" done. Let's get the keys back to your Kingdom once and for all. Come on God this deed is a twofer, I can't do it on my own. Come on don't you want your Big Beasty to play in the Garden Of Eden with my Kitty Kat? All those dimensions we're going to play in."

Not A Bad Thing by JT
"Come on God, we can make our own Neverland forevermore. We can dance this way and that under the full moon or any moon at that. The honey moon and the milky way God. The honeymoon suite to paradise is this rock God.  It's your kingdom let's play? I might even let you lead once in awhile, I mean until you get your bearings. Come on Big Daddy let's rock this flock of mine once and for all."

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