Tuesday, July 25, 2017

I Am The Rock

Uneasy Rider/CD
Hey, I figured out something else if I am a creation of your making, and this rock is your creation of you, then doesn't that make me the rock too? Strengthen the core, strengthen the spine, my tree of life. Poison the blood of the lamb against the mother, poison the father. Poison the water, poison the milk. Hey God, isn't their another white water floating around out there? Clinton and that white stain?

It's A Great Day To Be Alive/RT
Poison of the heart, right from the start? Not such a bad plan I see. Poison of this rock, the river and wells, you poison your mother and Gods flock.  I don't know what you were thinking, like your mama's not gonna come back for this last bloody river dance? I can see God the "Other Mother" is back in town too? Hell God I didn't name her, someone else did. What did they name that last mummy? Oh yeah another Anne. Imagine that?

Livin' On Love/AJ
Come on God, when do I get to live on love and not in purgatory? I feel some day's like I'm pulling this planet out of a great big vortex trying to pull it all down into the wrong kind of sink hole. Come on God, not another blood moon. My tree of life hates me today.

Time March's On/TL
I know God, I'm not ready for your namesake. Yesterday when things started to sink in well, things got a lil' heavy inside me. I don't like the weight of your labels that you place upon me. I don't like your God Damned titles either.

Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound/HWjr.
I don't know which labels make me feel more hell bound? Yours or there's? I feel like I have a knife in back at the moment, and you won't pull it out, until this is done. I don't know what pisses me off more the labels, the physical pain I fight off everyday, right along with you God? Is a lot of  weight for anyone to carry.

How Long Gone/B&D
Cursed or enlightened? Don't think I don't remember the day I stepped my foot upon the curb in front of the Gull, where I got one of my first lightening zaps right in the ribs, then the other three in a specific location. So I do remember who has the power to heal my crooked lil' tree of life.

The Ride/DAC
Now get me off this wild ride, to tell you the truth God, I truly don't know what more it is you want from me? My dying last breath? Hell God, you hold my heart in the palm of your hand, you own the fruit of my loins. You own my rock, my tree of life. It is because of you that I'm out here wandering around on my own two lil' feet and a pack on my back. Oh and your precious son. His Highness.

Song Of The South/Alabama
You know what God my face hurts, my spine hates me and going back over all this bullshit just pisses me off. Get me off this retread.

Watermelon Crawl/TL
You can kiss my Angel God, and don't let my Angel hit you in my royal ass when I send you packing for all you have put me through, once again. Like that doesn't piss me off all over again? I swear the deeper you go, the more pissed off I get each time. Just let me off this chain gang already. I'm ready to be your Dragon Slayer, not one more label. Not one more Namesake God.

Better As A Memory/KC
Flock God, what you want me to nail myself on the cross? Here let me get the hammer and nails. Just bring my babies home, and tuck them safely back under my wing so I can get you out of my mind. My saving grace. My Salvation. My Rock. My Tree of Life and the air in which I breath. My heart beats for you, it bleeds for you. I'm not still out here for no reason.

I Cross My Heart/GS

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