Sunday, July 23, 2017

Livin' The Dream

Yeah God, a bad dream. When are we gonna get to the good stuff? Oh this is the good stuff. Really? Let me count the ways God, all those other discoveries in my family tree.
Matthew by JD
Yup, that John the Baptist guy, whom got his head served up on a platter? I saw the documentary God. I wrote "when you break bread with someone they become your family". The lords prayer? Turns out to be John the Baptist prayer. He baptized Jesus Christ. I could see clearly God how you had JC roaming around, learning things on his own. Walking through it all and you let him see for himself, experience for himself, and come to his own conclusion of what your words are. If it ain't love, it ain't God. Sides who are you to choose for someone else? This seems to be how we got into all these hot spots going on all over the desert in the first place. EVERYONE WANTING TO BE A GOD. Everyone wants to hold the keys to what they believe is the kingdom of heaven. Keep it for themselves I see. That ain't any of God's family or behavior that I'm looking at.
Get Closer by Seals and Croft
God please, the music God? Then God, I learned a new tidbit of information. That Osiris, my brother is an angel of death. I think I missed that when I went down names and job descriptions. I mean God, I laughed. Then I had to think about it, isn't Jesus Christ second coming also can be considered by some to be an angel of death? Depends on your perspective. Your security in your own heart of knowing what home your going to. Faith is a strong power to have God.
Jumper by Third Eye Blind
Thanks for making me a female this time. That's a swell idea. Like you didn't once again make my job even harder. Yeah, God switched gears. I feel another transition. A passing of a baton. No thank you. You know God, I can't be you guys, when I was standing with Moses and you conversing, all I could hear screeching down my mother flocking spine, like loud birds screeching in a nest. "I'm Hungry! I'm Hungry! MOOOMMMMMM, I'M HUNGRY. Is this what you hear all mother flocking day? This is the reason I wanted my emotions in check before I had children. Adults can't handle the screaming in their own heads and homes. That takes allot of emotional maturity to take on. A baby pretty much has one language when something is off. Crying, then you have to have the education and patience to teach them to communicate, and go potty on Q.
Down Under
I knew going into motherhood, kids are mini versions of you. In the beginning they count on you for all their needs. I so looked forward to this part of motherhood. Teaching, feeding and guiding my babies. I watched other people cook my whole life. It's not as fun as you men might think. It is never ending for the mother, (if this is her role) to come up with 3 meals a day for a family. Snack's and drinks in between, Nutrition and the high cost of nutrition. Doing the best you can to feed a family on today's budget is stressful. Then you have all those dirty dishes that just keep you enslaved. Palmolive my ass Madge. Absurd and for such an advanced society God, we shouldn't still be teaching adults and children the value of nutrition. However they created a whole industry. New news out of old news. Only it's poison, including the bullshit excuses they give you for creating it. As humans we lost focus on what is most important in society. Our food, our organic bodies, and this rock that feeds all of us. What palm is humanity eating from God? At what cost? You remove mother natures essence, you remove a huge part of who you are? That is the plan God to kill me off, slowly but surely so no one will notice. All to get control of you, heavens gates, all its resources, so I can't feed my babies. I don't think so.
Piano Man, by Billy Joel
I want humanity to go back to the family God. I want them to go back to the kitchen. Teach your children about balance and nutrition without all the overkill. Teach them the value of food and family sitting around that table, or campfire. It just kills me inside God, that no one really sat and thought about how deadly it was for humanity, to turn God's organic food chain into a synthetic all to feed a machine and fill someone else's pockets, is morally wrong.
Against All Odds by PC
Now I have a moral dilemma. I don't even know if its a matter of Faith God? What do I do with all this? Going to the authorities and speaking truthfully is like stepping into my own coffin and hammering in the nail. Especially when I don't even know what power I have. I try to leave that up to you. To tell or not to tell? Is it a question of morals or faith? I don't know but enough placating me. Thanks for the Kodak moments on my walks.
Lovin' Touchin' Sqeezin'/Journey
I discovered another seventeen God. Merony the angel. Another angel God? His name was Joseph, another Joe? Thanks like I don't have a hard enough time keeping track of all these Jack's, John's, James, Jeremiah and JJ's? Not only do I have a JJ in my family tree, I wanted one of my own. Jimmie Jane, her daddy another James, his twin another John.
Bright Lights/MB20
He was also guided by an angel, to a ancient text along with I believe another rose stone. This angel was from Paladies another star cluster. He was a messenger also between the human realm and the angelic realm. It is clear in the O.T. that angels can take on human form.
You're The Inspiration/Chicago
Then God, I got introduced to the "Three Fates." I still had no ill will. Knowing these women have my life by a thread. Hell I've lived this long. Been going over my list of close calls that no one else really noticed. How many lives now God? Do car accidents, or almost having a RV land on top of you count? Almost beheaded by a Safeway semi. Black car side swiped in white snow. Could I be any more of a beacon?

Jessie's Girl/RS
Like these three ladies haven't played a huge part in my life. Still kicking. I didn't even freak out at another proof of life God. I laughed. I love my ladies. I can so relate. Let me see God. my marriage? All those times I literally felt like he was expecting me to do just that. Spin the wool into Gold. Turn no quality and broken pieces into high quality for his lazy ass and not my children's. "No Colleen, you do all the work. Gotta do your part." Being pricked at fifteen on an agreement with my best friend, Gweners. An agreement I make in the fifth grade, I held too. 

 My Homes In Alabama
Then my own daughter? You just know I would of been a vulture at that door. I mean the shotgun on the wall, with empty shot gun shells. With the names of past little boys who tried to get into my baby girls panties, before I felt she was mature enough. The broken right hand, just like her mama? She said after "you were right mom, I needed to come home. Turns out it was a blessing in disguise." I could hear her spiral over the phone. "To be loved? Why doesn't he love me? Whats wrong with me? Not a thing. He's not ready that's all. He's been telling you the words all along. You just don't want to hear them. Their she was just like her mother, waiting to be noticed. Waiting to be loved by the right kind of man. Putting her life on hold waiting for another broken heart, another wet pillow to cry yourself to sleep. Wondering when someone's gonna feed me the good love mama? Just like her mama.

Minute by Minute/TDB
I could not understand how Greg, a young stud himself trying to get in all the little girls panties, could just invite them in and hand them over? Hell God, he'd get drunk with them. Yes, God if that was going on I had a right to be there. I couldn't get, nor did I no longer have the right to anything after the labels and responsibility I was held under after my divorce.

Wind Beneath My Wings/BM
Back to Zeus and his three ladies. Colossal spun the thread of life. Lakisis who wove it and Atripus who cut the thread at the moment of death. Universal Order, Meta Mamatu, The Goat headed Goddess of fate. Who God? What another OT. Another Other Mother IC?

New Kid In Town/Eagles
New York City, Spring 1940, David Parkinson. The Nazis conquered Europe, the battle of what God? The Battle of Dungkiak. Do I see another curse here from another war? More dung, more bullshit? More nines, and his body was another portal in his dreams. Our body is a vessel, I don't know who's great idea it was to make human dreams nothing? Truth is it is another dimension from within, just like your heart and mind. The Truth why religion wants to hide that "Thy Own Self Be True" is your kingdom inside you. You don't need a building, a counselor, rabbi or priest. What I see here is another positive example of being a receiver, another proof of life from which to ascend and science wants to control this, right along with religion, and the alien race that wants this rock playing behind the scenes. This is what was shutdown so we don't learn what that other ninety percent of our minds really do. 

I'd Be There/UK
So anything that is outside of whatever belief system they created for humanity to know, they call it demons or a psychosis. So they created a pharma system and negative labels to shut down mother natures children and keep humanity from knowing you ascend from two always. God is about procreation. He has proven that within everything in life. It takes two. So now God, if this is such a scam and not true, why is science trying to control it? In the lab and through all the subliminal messaging?

Why is Science trying to set the parameters on human nature and all its dimensions? I mean if we have weed and shrooms, then why did you re-create the cause and effect by creating PCP, LSD, and whatever chemical that gives the same effect. This system wants to control everything. Right down to your dreams, the dimensions, the parameters of your body, your whole body. Your heart, your soul and your mind. Quiet frankly that higher power each man woman and child carry inside you. It is yours and no one has the right to tell you how to find your truth inside you, or how to pray, weep for sorrow and joy.

Perhaps that is why they re-created a sheep in the lab? Trying to re-make Gods perfect creatures in their making, only control the emotions to make you robots and zombies. Within any part of this system that you step into you signed away your rights to anything as soon as you step into any hospital, corporation, institution, government or doctors office. Their is no land that I can think of that isn't owned by some corporation or conglomerate today, being allowed to create its own guidelines and rules.
Right down to how I pray, peacefully. In a whisper and at times with my hands in the air. A native woman on native land. Why do I have less rights as a un-registered native woman, yet religion has more rights? Why do I have to carry a green card to say I'm a native and anyone can be christian or Jehova witness they can pray and knock on doors? I cant stand outside a door, on a rock, a corner, a mound without someone taking a picture and calling the police.
Cross My Heart/GS
Then sitting quietly writing under a tree a policeman drives by, goes into the business of the yard I'm sitting on. Just to ask the business if its okay for me to be sitting there. Yes, they knew. Now why does a policeman have to go make trouble for me? The reason I got in that semi was all the police, whom hadn't caught me at anything? I didnt even approach anyone.
Just because you have fear for me does not mean you have the right to tell me where I can stand, if I can purchase food without a scene. Make me stand in the middle of a business while I get chastised out loud in public for being raped and that demon dog poisoning himself, and then shooting himself in the head. Can we punish me more God?
Right Down The Line/GR
Yes God I figured out the Truth whether my grandma bishop new it or not, why my family really isn't registered still after all this time? You didn't want me or mine found, nor did you want a value or label placed upon me. Some days God, I don't like your labels either nor do I like the labels of some of your names.
It seems every time I get a name, not only do I get more family and more backing, I seem to get handed more responsibility ASSHOLE! Then I have the Hindu Goddess named Giree. Don't think I don't know about Alex and Peru God. Of all places Peru? Just get her ass home. Don't think I haven't figured out a couple other things either?
The Best of My Love/Eagles
In the beginning God, I felt like "The Pillsbury Dough Girl." Like something was slapping me all up down, re-shaping me an kneading me. Right down to butter up my butt a good old few pats on the behind and I'm on my way. Now you push, push, push, shove, shove, shove in a whole new direction I don't want to go, let alone know.
Under My Wheels/Bonzos
I have been frozen and thawed out so many times. Starting all over, right down to spraining my thigh muscles. Lift me up, tear me down, Wash, wash, wash, scrub, scrub, scrub, get behind the ears rub a dub dub. Lets wring her out, a few slams against the rock, nope not clean enough back to the wash board I go. I keep starting all over and I keep moving. Still no spilled seed.
 You've Got A Friend/CKJT
I keep getting my fluff back God. I can't stop my other bad habit. My devils food donuts, that just percs me right up and makes my day. If I can't find that? I move onto my next choice chocolate chip muffins, or butter horns God. I finally had to go back on to the white water God. I don't like white water for nutrition. Maybe I am like a cat, so I like my moo juice with some cream. 
Is it such a crime, my bad habits now? What pisses me off the most is that if you let me out of this box, I could fly and not have to spend my whole mother flocking day, moving and functioning around this geriatric body you gave me. Yes God, I figured out that we should actually be living about 120 years by now, yet this system made a industry out of stressing out, living off of God's flock to make a living and run this rock. Make it look like we are just a bunch of spassed out lil mice running around, having all this fun on the hamster wheel. Get me off this rock. I do not like the direction this is going.
The only time I have ever said in my whole mother flocking life "I got your balls" was to Kyle on the phone. I put together in the last few days, the balls I have are his balls. He's Jesus Christ this time around. That big cross that goes right down the front of him. ARE YOU MOTHER FLOCKING KIDDING ME?" You wonder why I hate you some times. You wonder why I hate your labels worse than theirs some days.  Yet, what can I do about all this? Not one God Damn thing, accept, accept, accept, right God? I don't want your labels. I don't want your titles. I don't want the heiarchy.  Yesterday, I never watch the history channel except on demand. What do I turn it onto? The wrong kind of assholes wanting the wrong kind of power? Sudam and Hitler. Just a little reminder, right God?
Baker Street/GR
I said to Michael, first thing when I saw him again three or four years ago when I tried to describe these people to Michael in Kelso/Longview "They are hungry for food Michael, they are hungry for love." You showed me the heart of the matter back then. Looking at those treatment centers? The amount of success that actually walks out those doors, is nothing compared to the droves of people they have going in and out. Paying all that money out over and over, The true location of mental institution's that are State ran, are these treatment centers. It is a joke that no one sees the revolving door going round and round creating an industry and an insurance, by using the legal system is morally wrong. This system created this depression to pay for the depression, and everyone around this rock allowed it.
Annie's Song/JD
God I hate this song now.
Back to trying to figure out the false profit? Truth is God, I can't hold against someone, preaching the word of God, how they were taught? They know what they know, truth is they are just one part of whom I see is doing the best they can with what they have to work with. Same as the ones in our government all the way around this planet. I don't see the false profits as knowingly being only one part of the truth of their institution. I do see the false profit as being that series of numbers of which we in each government is fighting for. Survival of each individual domain and its constituents. It's the system of numbers that was created in order to keep moving ahead for survival. The numbers, the profit and loss on humanity is nothing but a bunch of numbers. Especially with all the mark-up behind it.
Flaming Telepaths/BOC, Secret Treaties
Gathering as much of mother natures resources, the gold and the greenbacks. The banking system, the wars, the liability insurance on all of humanity. This is the series of numbers, this is the machine and the false profit. It is not me God, it is not you. You kept your promise, you got your son to come back. The Truth behind the O.T.? Humanity does not know we are even enslaved still. It's not about blame to the individual that I fear as a human speaking truthfully it is humanities fear God. I feel they have a right to know the Truth. You obviously have more to get me to work through, why else would I still be out here.
Why is Dust In The Wind on Blue Oyster Cult Radio God? This is the shit I'm talking about. Not close to the same genre. If I mark it thumbs down, it won't even get played on the genre's it was originally supposed to be on. This is bullshit for music.
You Shook Me All Night Long/AC-DC
All these hot-spots just to get music. When we could just turn on a radio and you didn't even need batteries. Now we need, headphones, and we need a cell phone or computer. What freedom have we given up for all these filaments and affiliates to do business? How much stress do we go through to have a computer, make you have to pull everything out and start over to tell me my music is loud and it could be damaging? These smart phones make humanity dumb. I want it gone. To much garbage on the minds and in the landfills.
Fool In The Rain/Led Zeppelin
Promises, promises God. I'm truly tired of being strung along. Even for the greater good of mankind. I'm up to here with all of it God, including you and that is the Truth. I don't give a flying flock if I made an agreement with you and all of you around this universe. It's all so absurd and ridiculous, all of it pisses me off on more levels than one God. So either get it the fuck done, or go find some other guinea flocking pig to string along. I'm up to here with all your mother flocking games. All your so called test of love. You want to test my love any further, then mother flocking pony up asshole. As your wife, and your daughter, your representative or whatever the flocking other I am. I'm done with the lot of you. 
Sweet Home Alabama/LS
Fuck you and your sweet home. As far as I'm concerned God you can take this whole experiment or what the flying flock ever it is and SHOVE IT UP YOUR LILY WHITE ASS.
Iron Man/BS
Fuck you and your precious son God. I didn't want him or any other man in the first place. As far as I'm concerned God you two can be very happy together.
Letters From Home/JMM
Go fuck yourselves silly right off this rock. I am sick and tired of being a pawn for you or anyone else.
Do you have a mother flocking clue what it is like day after the same bullshit? The same retread and start over once again? I've said, it over and over. I'd live in a tree house just to be with you. I don't know how much more proof of life and love you want from me?

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