Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jonesing For Jesus

Jonesing for Jesus? Are you mother flocking kidding me? OH MY GOD! Do you know what just dawned on me after all this hot talk?

Your My Best Friend/Queen
Standing in the kitchen re-heating a cup of Joe, once again it starts to sink in what I wrote on my last post about what my body was doing every time I saw a picture of Jesus Christ? That boner I get that pulls my hips forward? You just made me literally look like the scarlet letter W.

Trampled Under Foot/LZ
The whore of Babylon, the Truth Seer whom gets a hard on for Jesus Christ, my God, what have you done to me? Talk about a weird confession. I had no idea what was happening to me? I had no idea why this was? In my past like twenty years ago, my body would have that just make me drop to my knee's when I looked at a particular mans T-Zone. I did all I could do to stop my body from re-acting. From just walking over to him and climb on. Then it happened again when I got my Tattoo at Harley Davidson. I walked away thinking "my God, what the flock is wrong with me."

Another Brick In The Wall/PF
I mean my personality then was Betty Crocker. I even wore sweaters that looked like a Fred Rogers sweater. I was pretty much Crate and Barrell personality, quilting bee and wine with my friends. It was just for me the strongest response I had ever had to another man in my life.

It Ain't Me/CCR
Until recently trying to figure who Jesus Christ even was, their I was. I mean talk about looking like the Anti-Christ you Asshole.

I'm On The Highway To Hell/AC/DC
Do you think? Look what you have done to me with all this enlightenment. All this honesty in this families tree and where I ascend from? You try explaining that that Morning Glory is on both sides of the family tree? I'm the tree of life not death.

Ramble On/LZ
You know God, I am really in no mood today for more discoveries. My mood at the moment is bring it or walk away. Been up since 3:30, with another mask of pain. I do not feel like working out. I fell asleep without taking my med's so where have I been just dribbling and shiitting away up until about an hour ago? Dehydrated and oh so burned out on serving this John God. Once again my back pain is sinking in.

Miss You/TRS
Some days God, I don't want to commit my day to try and keep moving through the pain, just so I don't hurt worse tomorrow. It's exhausting. If I don't I'm going to get a stiffy here, get knotty there, then my snake starts to shift and shape right out of alignment. I start all over somewhere else, back to square one, I don't know whats worse, the geriatric side of my pain, or the knotty side of my pain, the mask of pain I fight? The stabbing pain between my blades? That ring of pain around my head? Pick my poison, pick my misery, still always somebody nitpicking me telling me, I'm can do it better, or I'm doing it wrong. They give a little tweak here and they think they cured me. The credit this healthcare system is going to take for getting me this far, does not sit well with me. I don't care who my John is God Dammit. You want to see Bridezilla Asshole, then bring it.

Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen
There ain't no going back now. What's done is done. I don't give a flying flock what you bring from up above or down below, just get me over this hump before I lose my mother flocking shitte on an innocent. You set me up, so lets see whatcha got. Pony up Big Daddy. I'm tired of living in purgatory and hell. Amongst all this insanity of an insurance system. All this service of a Justice system. Ten Thousand Bucks my ass. You can Kiss My Lily White Angel.

Flaming Telepaths/BOC on Secret Treaties
To infinity and beyond you go. I'm locking the door and I'm throwing away the key. The Jokes on you, like my Lil' Robin said, "he's going to have the last laugh."

Runnin' With The Devil/VH
Hell God, the way I see it, if I'm going to burn this hot and Jones this bad for a man, it might as well be Jesus Christ. Hell you put me here. Come on God, let's light this mothers fire.

Who Made Who/AC/DC
I got one for you God. Who came first? The Adam, The Atom or The Atum? Which Big A blew me first? Just talking this way makes me want to spew my milk and honey all over my wet panties. "Hey, there's Mikey, you know what they say about Mikey God? Mikey will eat anything. That's what the box of Life said.

Foreplay/Long Time/Boston
Now your singing my song. What can I say Big Daddy, this Mommy could use an adjustment. Gotta get a tune up every so many miles. Rotate my tires. Come on Big Daddy, my gears are grinding, and I'm burning real hot. I need to lighten my load some days too. Let off some steam, gotta all this milk and honey inside me, just ready to erupt. Come on Big Daddy, stop teasing and start pleasing. I'll let you crank me up, and wind me down. All I ask is that you keep me going full throttle, and keep me rolling over and over and over. I love some oil in all my joints. Crank me up real tight, shift up, wind me up, shift up wind me up full throttle.....

Hot Blooded/Foreigner
Garden of Eden, this Daddy's way. You bet your sweet ass, I want my freedom.Yeah God, this family can be habit all right.

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