Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Castle On The Hill

Castle On The Hill/ES
"Am I God? Am I on my way to the next step?" After more conversing yesterday I discovered my fear of your Namesake and what it means to me inside? Cold dead fear God. I feel as if you coming back here to literally live, that I'm losing my lifeline. A whole half of my being. Even after two years of this in all this enlightening history through different generations. All this proof of life I really hate finding some days. The New Dawn is me? It's all about to change? Even if I understand it's for the better of mankind. Even if you are the profit. The biggest Atom of all the land, with all your own little Atoms tucked up under your wing. The energy of angels. The energy of the rock. The energy of all the beasties and wildlife is just energy of your creation in a different mass. Like thicker energy of the human body. Your creation of your making in one of many dimensions you have created around this universe.

Dirty South/LH
I started to realize maybe I am more human than higher being after all. How I accept things and my willingness to accept things? Baby steps some days. Really, really big baby steps that want to turn around and back track some moments. Moon walk as fast as I can, you might say. One of the Same is a better word for me to accept that other O.S. is much easier.

The heartbeat of this rock is me? Your a bigger asshole than Satan some days God, ya know that don't you? It makes me so angry when my own words come back and haunt me. How many times have I said, "but of course he is you?" You as in God the energy of this rock your son, Jesus Christ that you have stated so clearly over and over, is a creation of your making, in human form. Even the Jewish people who couldn't even respect your word enough to accept that is Gods word of Truth, and his own people killed Him.

Craving You/TRMM
Hence whom is You. Back to Him JC, hence which was me then, hence whom is me now. Jesus Christ, your killing me. This family tree lineage does not feel like a road map to heaven God. After all everything I have been through especially the last two plus years? Even I don't know who's on first some days let alone home plate.

Play That Song/Train
I fell asleep to Maleficent the other night. Now God, once again who really clipped my wings? Male Life Scent or is it Ma's Life Cent is pretty much not worth a cent anymore God? All the destruction of our true mothers natures. I mean who can even smell mother natures true scent with all this poison in the air with those not so funny Cirrus clouds? The poison in our food that creates allergies. In our soil and seed, having to use all these decongestants now. Who can smell or taste anything anymore? Another way, another huge way to destroy this rock. The scent of mother nature, right along with the taste of humanities food. Dull the senses dull the connection. Poison and dulling of mother natures essence so her own children don't even notice she is slowly eroding and disappearing right before their own eyes.

Something Just Like This/TC&C
Are my true wings hidden in a box God? Am I going to finally get my wings back? I don't like some of these stories I have read in the Bible? The man with all daughters whom took in two angels for the night. What happens? Are you mother flocking kidding me? Male human beings have so much ego, fear and hate for angels that they want to deflower and make them impure? Yet humanity uses this book as an excuse for the same bad behavior God? All this confusion on sexuality? The curse of King Tut? The opening of the tomb, all this sexual confusion and how many years have these wars been going on in the desert? The powers that be working behind the scene's write off curses as nonsense, by labeling it myth, right out of your book, and you haven't come back to get rid of it. Revelation's is a myth now too?

It clearly states, Wicca and Merlin's.  That you are coming back to get rid of this bullshit. If you already returned to get rid of all this b.s., then I would like to see when you exactly did that again? It is not my fault God if society wants to turn a blind eye to the Truth, God. Which I forgot until I read back from long ago, the name of my demon is Truth. Even I forget I have a demon.

Judah and the Lion/Take It All Back
What has humanity been taught over time God? That anything different spiritual from you, or that you think is different from you is labeled a demon. Even the Angels God, this religion has labeled anything scary and spiritual through lack of education and understanding as a demon. Then we have other walks of life showing you the true scary form of demons. Like all these paranormal activity reality shows, showing you the Truth of their own experience with the history and documentations to back up the traumas and deaths that has formed in a house, on land, and has attached itself to a child usually or a ill being. Whomever is the most naive' and spiritually weakest.

Yes God, even in all your power and glory you have just handed me another plate of bullshit to contend with in humanities fears of me. You G, some moments you are my biggest issue, what to do with you in all your glory and guidance? I'm gonna shove you in a glory hole when this is done, if you don't get me to that Garden Of Eden.

Why Girl/DS
Why Girl? You have to ask after all this? Even the man sitting across from me on my journey back to The Bush, had on a black shirt with a red rose embroidered on the pocket, written underneath "The Rose". This Asshole is not an occasion I'm sure I want to rise too. Now that's not completely true, some parts yes, that's just a given after all this teasing. For the longest time I couldn't look at a photo or a documentary on Jesus Christ with out my hips flexing forward and pulling me into an orgasm. How flocking weird right God? My true nympho side is for Jesus Christ my husband, which is you, no actually Him this time.

Hide Away/Daya
I want out of the box God. I want out of all these boxes. The human side still wants to hide away from the world. The universe and all you beasties and aliens. Which humanity will not understand we are all aliens. We are all celestial light beings sitting in shells of these bodies.

My Old Man/ZB
Daddy when this is done, you bet my sweet ass I want options. Till then you all can kiss my angel until I can decide what to do with all this enlightenment.

Shape Of You/ES
Shape of you, which is me God, and this rock. Talk about having another form of Identity Disorder? The polarity of my twin is God? To be Gods creation in human form this close to the line? Twin's? Twin souls? Twin energy? His son here is my soulmate, which is Him and I am U? How do I identify myself God as my own being if you are my other half? Is this what twins go through? Of course I know the answer? Even though Alex and Kiley were two years apart, I could see twin energy all over these two. The yin/yang. They are so much alike they do not like each other for it. Kind of like we never want to be our parents either. We want our own identifier as we grow and discover for ourselves who we really are. Opposites attract to complete a whole picture. Animal instincts the scent of the beast inside. The attraction igniting in the loins of fire.

I think when I see  humans stop growing, right along with the partner some times we get stuck. The fear is that the other S.O. will outgrow and leave us. It's a rational fear, instead of going inside to deal with the fear of abandonment we fight to hold onto someone who is changing, growing and letting go. Life is about growth, technology is not growth. It is the advancement of a machine instead of humanity as a whole. As humans we fight with what it means to possess another human being.

To possess is not love. Not spiritually nor physically. You turn a human being into an item instead of a human being. With all this stress of this high cost of living, the price of the most basic technology that has been set up that we need it to survive or we die is a lie.

That's How I'll Always Be/TM
The best gift you can do God is to love yourself, only then can you love others. With all these bells and whistles going off on our computer screens and all this confusing information of a highway, password and numbers? We look at another that we love, as a dollar sign for survival. That is one of the big reasons I wanted to know who I was before I entered into any new relationship with a man.

Drinkin' Problem/Midland
Actually my plan was to never let another man in my life, that is one reason for the second job. So I could move on alone. Not depend on love, not depend on another man to feed me their jaded hearts and unrealistic expectations. Just because I make less money, does not make me less valuable as a human. Then the self-worth and value I get placed in. The expectations to earn my keep, usually puts me in a position of servitude. Even when I am the one bringing home the bacon, then it's all my job just because I'm a mother, a woman. It's expected of a woman, to maintain the children and the man's quality of life. It is not love. It is a label and a unrealistic expectation. Then when a woman outgrows this and is ready to expand her own horizon's, the male partner can't let go. That is not love to stop another from personal growth. 

In Case You Didn't Know/BY
Who am I God? Why am I here God? Being you is not the answer I wanted. The expectations and all that entails? Discovering as humans we are the most gullible and the weakest flock after all God, is not something I want to take on. I never envied any President or King of any nation whom had to make a choice, when to push the red button? I wish I could just get on the bat phone, or shine a beacon, a light for help. Yet I am the beacon? "OHHHH! My Angel, you are killing me." 

Can man live on Love alone God? Another depends answer. I have the answer to this. Man I love my job some days. I love God, some days. Alright all days. See I can't lie. I just don't always like every description of my job and all that it entails, like any other human being, I lose my Shiite at Gods answers too.

Slow Hands/Nail Horan
 I have to say this, I know full well humanity is going to try and use my human fear against me. Try to weaken my heart, my mind, my soul, the Truth of whom my family, nor husband, either the Father or the Son, in the heavens and that Sun that this Son on this rock represents. Know one thing, my Faith, my Family, is strong inside me. Having fear is a healthy fear. It's what makes us fly or die. Sink or swim. It is not my issue that you as human have fear of me.

The Truth is this time around. You either except all of me or non of me. This universe is my rock and all it entails. It is not my issue that you allowed someone else to keep you boxed in in your own heart. Set your heart free, set your mind free. Truth in yourself comes from within. Not a building, not a man in a robe. I am only a guide to you. I am not here to strike anyone down. I am just as human as any of you and I am as much an imperfect human being. I am not here to make choices for you. You can make your own choices. I do not choose to destroy another human beings choices they make in life.

It Ain't Me/K&SG
I am only here as a guide of Truth, to help you get to the next step, by showing you all of it as I walk along. Connect the dots. I will not go on the attack as long as you don't either. Give your fears to God or whomever else that may be to you. It is all okay to me as long as you are honest, not taking spiteful action to go behind someones back to create false witness. Only the truth will set you free. There is love in a parent whom comes back like he promised, and tell you the Truth once again. Isn't that a parent that we all wish we had? Unconditional Love, Truth and Guidance is God.

Forever And Ever Amen/RT

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