Saturday, July 29, 2017


You have all made a living in this system off of my suffering. Not one of you bothered to ask how I got here in the first place? From the very start I was labeled and thrown away. The scourge of society because I wore your scarlet letter A. Right from the start I was put in purgatory hell, told abuse doesn't matter here in this Washington when it comes down to a dissolution of  a marriage. We got this blanket law that makes it legal so we don't have to look back at how you came to be in this place. Here's the catch, we get to label you and determine your self-worth from here on out. We get to determine your value to society. We will now keep track of everything you stick in your mouth from this day forward.

Everyone else in your life that you cross paths with will also determine how you suffer and even whether you are worthy of some pain relief, let alone a diagnosis. We're just keep sending you back around and around through hell, through this health care system now, and this justice system. From here on out we own everything about you. We own your body, we own how you suffer, we own the diagnosis. We own the keys to your kingdom. We own you. You may no longer speak from here on out without ten thousand bucks and proof of life.

I have been told by this system how to think and how to feel. I have been told I am 86'd for bowing my head and saying a silent prayer. Can't do that here or we will make you suffer more, we will shut you down. We own you, we own your children. We own the rights to a character assassination if you speak the Truth about your tree of life. We will chop you off at your knees by going after your bleeding heart. The fruit of my loins. The bread of my life, the air in which I breath, are my rock and my light. They are the two very best part of me and the reason I still stand here today. You are no longer welcome to plant negative labels on my emotions. Not after the neglect you have placed on me and mine.

Now we all know neglect is an invisible crime, no bruises right? No proof of life, no proof of damage. Nor wear and tear. She still looks pretty good. Pain is an elusive bugger, invisible fellow, especially when it has been allowed to move it's way through my tree of life so slowly that no one saw it or would even bother, because you have created a system that I am not allowed to even speak to defend myself. In this poison apple of a Washington State Health plan, it is nothing but more purgatory and dead ends, more fines. Back to the justice system I go and told another ten thousand dollars to remove, or accept the charges and pay the fine.

This is my tree of life and I'm not even allowed to have a consultation with a doctor to speak about my spine and how it came to be this way. In this health care and insurance industry after two and half years no one has even bothered to look at this tree of life to discuss my history all I've been through and how it came to be this way. I can't even discuss all these pills that I never needed in the first place. I can't discuss the allergies and bad effects I have had on them consistently over and over.

Only in this system I am already lying before I open my mouth. All because of that scarlet letter A that has been placed on me by you doctors, your treatment centers which are truly nothing but a bunch of mental institutions rolling through that door, collecting the insurance on all the labels of addiction you placed on humanity. None of it adds up to any kind of help. Dysfunctional people working them and a broken system sending humanity back to hell to collect your fees, to pay for a health care system that adds up to nothing but bullshit. You made an industry out of bullshit. Just a bunch of blanket laws and band aids placing more human beings in purgatory behind that H.P.P.A. form.

You can check in but you may never leave, unless you carry the label, so our insurance can collect the fee, and we have proof of life that you are broken and mentally ill. Here take another pill. We don't like the Truth and what your saying. Here's your band-aid, here's your pill to shut you down because of you delusions, here's your label that your gonna carry for the rest of you life. Right along with that black cloud in the sky, keeping track of all your character defects and how much this cure is gonna cost humanity. In order to be a perfect person on this rock, one character defect and "you will pay all right. We got you hook line and sinker in this system. We got the cure for all that ails, but it's gonna cost you your family, your heart and well that tree of life and all it entails, we own.

This insurance that all you seem to enjoy working into corporate America with, your mafia men in the middle, that created this whole mess in the beginning and you sold me out. You have created a disposable industry on humanity. You value your parking lots, buildings and machines more than you value this rock that God gave us to feed your children everlasting life.

Yet you had to go and poison the food to to keep humanity coming back to your service, while you blatantly make a living off of humanities body parts and all it entails in your hospitals and justice system. You even use the word justice and this is the biggest lie ever. Their ain't no justice in a system that never let me speak in the first place. You were all so busy diagnosing me and not one time did you bother to find out about my UN-diagnosed sociopath X. All to busy pointing the finger in my direction.

Not allowing me to speak, not allowing me to defend myself, is a crime against me. I don't know about you but this mother will not allow you to treat my baby girls tree of life like this.

Theirs no Standard of Service anymore. In any industry. You have eroded away humanities civil rights, all because of a machine an industry in Corporate America today. Liability Insurance in everything. You made humanity liable for an insurance industry, by billing the workers at the front lines, standing at the counters, making them feel guilty and fortunate to even have a job. It's literally written on the wall at a State Transportation Department how much a wreck will cost each employee out of their paycheck. You have brainwashed humanity that they are responsible for the corporation to pay for the insurance, to run their business. That is all ready over priced and inflated. All for this mark-up on everything humanity needs to survive.

Your constituents pay out of each paycheck workman's comp. Your system sold that out too. When their is any kind of accident, I would just bet their is an injury to the human body? Isn't that what it's for, is to back you up when you get hurt on the job? Yet, I have watched Michael and many others have just this happen to them. Instead they get a phone call about every three months and told to report to some Chiropractor further and further away for another check up, another x-ray perhaps. Then after about a year later and four check ups, he's asked if he feels better? Now this insurance likes Chiropractors now however. You released the L&I and the quality of care humanity receives right back to the one who writes their paycheck.

You handed a machine the rights to determine my value, by holding it against my paycheck which is a law and a tax I have to pay and their is no S.O.S. today. You gave this insurance industry my body. You allowed an industry to determine my value. My goods vs. the service I'm worthy to receive, for such a Government so addicted to talking about all the addiction. You pay for all this marketing and hype, yet you won't pay for any alternative health care on a three dimensional human being?

Pain Vs. Energy and how it works in in our bodies?

When we wake up we should be feeling 100%. If we wake up hurting everyday, we feel fatigued. Not up to par, Not 100%.  All my energy and endorphins are going to that pain. Truth is I knew where my pain was all along and no one would listen to me. All these years my energy and my pain have only been allowed to be treated one way, as I'm getting worse being bounced from doctor to doctor.

Each time having to start all over with less and less being handed more and more type of anti-inflammatory with a new label, a new name, a little glitch in the solution to all the pollution you have done to my body is not a cure for this tree of life.

Each time a new insurance, a new direction, a new parameter, a new guideline to determine if I am even worthy not to suffer. Less and less proof of life, as my spine declines. My stories never changed, it's not in my heart, it's not in my mind, it's in my spine. My chart is not a proof of life. It is a liability insurance plan. To determine my value, my self worth, if I'm even allowed to speak without another ten thousand bucks.

Your doctors, your justice system and this liability insurance have made quite a living off this tree of life. All I have heard from all your red tape, all your referrals, and all your doctor's is I'm sorry I wish I could help you not suffer, however I am a specialist, I'm still not that kind of specialist. It says here on the insurance, I can't treat you that way. Your gonna have to go back to start.

Getting piece mealed and more mental health diagnosis because you don't want to look at my tree of life as a whole is not my issue. Sending my diagnosis in the wrong direction, to another doctor once again to pass on the bill and liability all to pay for a liability of a health care system does not sit well with me and mine.  Spreading out my suffering and pain because I don't fit into one of your guideline and parameters is no longer welcome. This system, and all it entails couldn't figure out how to unscrew a light bulb with three very educated hands and perspectives. That's the way I see it.

You with all your education are all to busy standing around, wasting the tax payers time and money, all for you to tax society to have another drawn out meeting is just morally wrong. Just your mark up in all these industries to serve humanity is no excuse. In this health care system and this justice system. Your label's fines and all your institutions are no longer making a living off of this mothers tree of life.

All because you choose to turn a blind eye to me and mine. This mothers tree of life. All those cries of help even those you chose to mislabel and misdiagnose, because I'm no longer worthy to eat from this bread of life, let alone not suffer. All because you made more money in this industry diagnosing my heart and my mind and not my spine, is no excuse for the other big eye in this system.

That other big I of Ignorance is no longer a good excuse for me. I know one thing, you lawyers, your blanket insurance, your blanket justice system, your corporate America all working hand in hand to fund a banking system, a machine might of buried me under, but I'm here to tell you this is my spine. This is my tree of life. Yes, this tree of life, this kinky snake you gave me to sit in hell with belongs to me and mine. Not you and yours.

The way I see it for all this advanced technology, that you count on to guide you along, this system of numbers you use to feed your tree of life, that fake money tree is nothing but Poison Ivy to me and mine. After just the last two and half years and all this injustice I have walked through, "I want this bullshit system, that is destroying humanity off of my rock.

You poisoned mother natures essence a long time ago. You allowed Corporate America to control all of the food and water, you allowed the ones working behind this iron curtain to kill off this rock and all these gardens to fight all your wars, across each nation, you allowed this system to control the seven sea's and this universe, and humanity. God's Flock. You allowed it to come in and steal mother natures resources across each nation, all to put the weapon in each others hands, so we can keep blaming each other and doing exactly what this entity wants you to do for them, kill off mother nature, so she can't feed her children. God's Flock. Not my problem you allowed a system to feed you love and not God.

I know when all is said and done you ain't gonna do nothing to me that I haven't already been through for this rock before. Anything you can dole out in all your judgment of me, your jails, your cells, your purgatory, you placed me on me and mine, I promise you this I'm rubber your glue, anything you say or do unto me, I give it all back to you.

Now I'm back in town to shut that mother flocking door one last time. You gotta a problem with that then you can go to hell this time. All nine layers to infinity and beyond for all I care. This is not my problem you chose to take stock in a machine and not humanity. I mean what the flock do you think God hears? All he here's is "I'm hungry." What did you feed humanity in all your service work? You poison humanity, you think you have the right to tell me how I feed myself? You leave me to hurt to suffer, you leave me out here blowing in the wind taking the hits, and you couldn't be bothered to diagnoses Scoliosis, that turned over the years into Kyphosis. Two and a half years later, no diagnosis, no relief, and it is no excuse.

I have been there and done that so many times in your health care system. All I get is sunk lower and lower with less and less every step of the way. Told to jump through more hoops, do more tricks, while you make it harder and harder to even get to the next step, with all your fines and fees following me around.

You wouldn't let me speak from day one or could even be bothered to take a look at this tree of life, because now we have a new specialist whom only has to read an x-ray up to a certain point of spacing, is not a diagnosis for this tree of life. It's not just the spacing that is the issue, it's all that shaping and shifting going on over the years. I mean how many years, how many doctors, how many specialist do you think I went to? In twenty years not one could be bothered to do an x-ray, now it's no longer even legal to come back on all you doctors and pain clinics because you created a system to protect itself. You made it harder and harder to get any justice with any corporation, or any white collar crime sitting waiting in line at all these civil court offices. You hardly if ever re-coop any money for all your time and suffering, because you tie that up to. There's no Truth, and their is no honor in your justice system.

The root of the problem is not was not nor has it ever been my mind. It's been my heart only, in all the rejection I have received when I have asked one of you to service me. I sat in all these treatment centers, all these institutions and all these jails to pay for a crime committed against me in the first place, for doing the right thing. I had my proof of life then, I have it now and once again I'm going to get a I'm sorry letter. I'm sorry you fell between the cracks. I'm sorry isn't going to cut it anymore. We both know it's to late to fix anything.

For the longest time I carried the load. I carried the baggage. I did every one's dirty laundry, and I scrubbed their houses clean, I fed everyone else's children, just to keep a roof over my head. I accepted my fines and purgatory all these years, to cover someone else's crime whom poisoned humanity against this mothers heart, and you allowed him to walk away Scott free and lock my babies behind closed doors all to cover a lie, a mental illness that I couldn't figure out or get around? I have learned in the last two and half years just how a sociopath personality gets you to do the crime is to put the weapon in someone else's hands. Your own.

Now God gave me that S curve, over the years, you passed laws every time to prevent me from getting any help, only more pat prescriptions to shut me down neurologically and emotionally. I want to know since I am already taking all this, why am I still showing up in these hospitals and doctors with huge knots still going across my shoulders and down my spine. No diagnosis, yet I'm nit picked, every time, why do you hurt here? Why do you have knots here? Isn't that what I am there for?

I had four neurologist look at me and diagnose me about twenty years, and they said it is muscular skeletal that's all we know and you in this healthcare system chose to ignore that. Always had something new to try, you wonder why it didn't work? You are only treating part of a problem. Yet back to treatment, more purgatory, hell and more boxes I go. I'm hear to tell you this mothers tree of life, this mothers heart, and this mothers mind ain't going to be put in more boxes to satisfy you. You stole my life, you stole my time and I want it all back. I know what side of the door I stand on when this goes down, do you?

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