Tuesday, June 29, 2021


I really had to go back to my journal's for this discovery. Who was really with me in that Valley Shadow Of Death? Nope not in the prayer and why you don't want The Good Shepard 2 guide? Makes me wonder were U inside me in me dream's, or standing on the outside looking in? That Goat came up a couple of time's again. In David 8, it talk's about a ram and a Goat. Yes, I've been thoroughly scrooged this far, but I have been asking about the goat I saw in my dream, my last morning being in Fall City. It also mention's the name Elam, turn's out to be another marriage and another name in my family tree line. What's even more interesting is the name of the Hotel they got married at? The same name as the pepto bismol pink apartment's my grandparent's managed and I lived in. Monticello apartment's and The Monticello Motel. Elam was a province. Then Danielle Ch8. Vs. 21 The Goat is King of Greece. I accidentally type o'd Kong. Large Horn between Goat's Eye's. My 3rd eye of Truth. It is 1st King, and only because your inside me when U choose too. Humanity is gonna take that personal. It's up to you all. Figuring out that the reason I met these angel's, past God's, prophet's, seer's, King's and Queen's throughout past lives? Where their is a life their is a soul. They are all coming back. With Truth and Love in their heart. Fighting for this rock. Fighting for love and evol. Freedom and Justice. The end of slavery. It say's in AA spirituality a God of my making. Hippa on top gets to control and illegalize emotions and prayers. Number 9 I may only pray in a religion. Wow, what an abuse of power. Pharmaceutical. The depressors. Then I heard this morning don't remember where, regardless of religion, race, national Origin. Well all I can say is I stand and was born in the land of Freedom. U sitting up there might want to ask why I stand in the land of King's? Getting ready to close the journal and I forgot what Danielle Ch8. Vs 17 said? It's Michael's birthday. It mean's human being, Ben Adam. Then I remembered, Jack my father Adam's County, Then how many times in how many way's have so many went over the atom? The apple and the atom? The Adam from the Adam's family, or just to be naughty and scary, "The Atom from The Atom's family. A creation of your own making. Just like my X always the opposite of what I'd request. I should of taken that Brother machine and beat it with a baseball bat in the baseball field. Right in the center of that diamond. It was the dial up. Oh that mother board with all your porn and 6 of my lotions sitting right there. How many day's and hours have U locked yourself back here? The full bag of porn hidden in plain sight, and I'm being told to cancel the rat's he caused and that I'm not bringing in an income to get a haircut. A hair designer who cut everyone's hair. Flock me get me off this retread. I'm tired of U pulling my chain. The higher and deeper I go.
Being reminded Halloween 2016, shrooms. Got taken 2 3 dreams. I got the 3 flashes. Started screaming pulling and punching him in the arm. Crying no no I don't want 2 go back. I don't want 2 know. 
He rolled his eyes, " Colleen don't be ridiculous,. I'm God. I always forget. He sent his son in his making. I accepted this is the God Son. God is energy always there inside U. God provided all around this rock. It also explains why he doesn't have blond hair. 
I've tried 2 figure out how many times he's stood outside me? How many conversations since that first summer, when 👁️ said Jesus Christ are U nuts? I know the size of the dick, hip bone 2 hip bone. Now what about the bull balls? 
I read somewhere that the wrath or rapture is where U R automatically sending people 2 hell. I've been writing that your taking them home 2 heaven, but it seems they're going 2 the other home from down under. Holy hell. Just do it already. 

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