Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blackmail Is Legal Now

So many things I've discovered, still after all this time and bullshit I do not have answer's to pertinent questions and concerns. 
Being the blood of the lamb? I did discover U sacrificed the lamb. Which I have learned that V. Served me a baby sheep and I liked it for the first time 7/10/2015. I was on my way to the red rock to sit. Yelling at them my shoes my time. This is when Solomon approached me. 
After it was sacrificed U had the blood of the lamb spread over people's door's so when your energy storm's thru. U don't touch it. Now I'm going 2 have a psychopath or fear and sin, think that my blood is going 2 protect them from U. My own blood hasn't cured me or mine.
You've been taking me thru that black heart, how I couldn't put together what I'm seeing and hearing with his words and behavior and not seeing.
Then the behavior with Zion Mary? They both burned me 9f energy and fuel. Demanding more and more. Both 2 punish, and entertainment. As far as Greg being a sadist. He took enjoyment out of my punishment's he filed out passively aggressively. He took enjoyment of my suffering. I thot he hated me yet it didn't make sense him yelling at me when I was up with Alex at 4 months. She kept going back 2 sleep. I said fuck tiredly. He yelled Colleen how dare you that is your child." Then I figured it out with her body language. Yet what I couldn't figure out was what I was trying 2 C what's wrong with this picture?
What was wrong is he never came in 2 ask if she's alright? What's wrong? Nothing from him except 5 years later him telling me and Wes what I did wron in his opinion as a mother? It was this that I said Fuck. Then the second thing was that I just needed  that Ford Exploder. I told him to leave my car alone when he sold his car. He takes it to work for 7 months and never thot of me or Alex. Then he left us to drive that death trap Datsun for 15 months. I'm pregnant I'm not driving this another winter. He ignored me for 3 weeks. I set him up to show up at a car lot one night. Then the next day he comes up to me wanting me to switch cars every other day, then week, then month. Each time I said no. Casually a simple no. U may drive it during family time. This is the second time he called me a selfish bitch. The other being over my car. He wanted it to go three blocks to school I can stand in the hot sun at a bus stop.  My answer, I work. I told U don't even look at my car if U sell yours. Get to stepping. He stood behind me and for the first time I'm a selfish bitch. I hate this man. U have no idea. 
When she was teething, I didn't want her 2 build a tolerance, so she could still get rest when she needed to on Tylenol.  I gave her an herb by day, called cat nip. It calmed them by about 50 percent. He has no idea what I do. He has no clue. He stand's in the door way telling me I shouldn't give her that.. oh so much more. Alex's ski accident. I cum home from tea party. He's watching TV she's in my bed crying, bleeding, split lip, half a tooth hanging out. No 8ce or cold washcloth. 
I was pissed. He just had away 9f not acknowledging anything and making me feel guilty for something he should be more than capable to handle. Truly I didn't feel guilty. I had no reason too. It was Greg's way of not doing anything and just dropping the ball completely. Just handing it to U without letting U know anything your walking into. Like the screw's on the floor by the outlet with the screwdriver. Alex had just started crawling, I called him and laughing and explaining that Alex is crawling. we have to watch that. His answer was it's my job. Everything was my job, literally. He couldn't even acknowledge the danger he put her in. He could not even acknowledge that maybe he should let me know ahead of time just what my job is. 
He did the same thing pawning me off when I'd ask for an adjustment. He just looked at them told them they are going 2 do it and they did. Or I'd wait for day's till or if he got around 2 me. I paid sum1 else in our town while pregnant with Kiley and well after once a week 25 bucks. U want to hold half a school loan over my head. U allowed them to blackmail me with your blanket laws. How is this Justice? 
hey have done is show me just how I paid over and over. 

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