Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Mountain View

Guns And Roses/Patience Patience? Fuck you. I'm so pissed as I'm connecting shite more and more/ I had no idea it was going to take this long. I have no idea if Kyle, Mr. Solomon and his ring of fire is still alive. I have no idea what it is they want me to do. I know Peter said I'm going down there to pull out the righteous. No mother fucking way. Absolutely not. Then there is this goat in a clown suit with an entity sitting on another rock by him. What in the hell am I supposed to do with him? After I call myself out is this goat coming to me or am I going to it's pit? Is this the location of that fiery pit of hell you talk about? God dammit. I'm angry it's me. Fly By NIght/Rush All I've been saying for the last 2 day's is I hate this planet. I hate this planet. How could you put me here? Purgatory and hell on earth is right. Haven't seen it anywhere else. Yet I didn't want it the day Jesus Christ went to touch me on the shoulder. I duck away, oh no you don't. I don't want your power. No body in their right mind would wsnt your power. Now after all that I have learned, people, nations, this entity all want the controling power. Always seems to be the wrong one's. Narcicist psychopaths, and sociopaths, all black hearts. All slavery. I Want U 2 Want Me/Cheap Trick I figured out that the malakites are the amalakites. Not aliens even though it sounds pretty alien to me. Nope turns out these were the slave drivers to the Isrealites. It dawned on me. U know sitting up there that we still have slavery. I mean Martin Luther King Ir., killed. Abraham Lincoln killed. Anastatia Czar and her family, killed. My 2 uncles the Kennedy's, wanted to speak Truth, killed. Quite the common denominator. So I'm here to end slavery all the way around. Should I stay Or Should I Go/The Clash I hate this family today. I have figured out even more. Sunnyvale/The lifting of the veil. Then Santa Clara turned into St. Clair. Then Mtn. View. The night I was in Lakota mode and the shadow of an eagle flew over me at a light. The Red Book, I hated metaphores. Especially this one. I knew I was the mtn with the broken heart yet I've been sing songing I'm the rock, I'm the mountain, I'm the diamond in the rough .I'm the Aries I'm the Ram, I'm God's little lamb. The Atom's apple of God's eye. Your trying to tell me, even in my pint size I'm the mountain? Like bombs. alien's and demons coming down on me, I'll be in a bubble of energy? Like bam, bam bam, it all just bounces off? Here I GO Again/Whitesnake About that Conductor? That conductor and energy? Why am I feeling like all at once a huge explosion hitting this rock? Like all of heaven hit;s the earth? Boom! Or God's fist? I'm feeling like please don't light a match around me. As far as what to do with the entity and it's location? It's hell, it's the smell of sulphur, no flame throwers might not work. I watched a show as a child it was called the entity. First the woman thought it was orgasmic dreams, but later it was a being that followed her every where. It was raping her brutally. In front of her children too. They had to freeze it. I know I'm the most powerful person on earth sent here to rid this rock of this entity, all entitities, your machines. Wall Street, the big apple, like the walls of jericho your coming down. Pretty Woman/VH I'm worried that I'll become paralyzed again and not be able to move or lift my body. I don't even know what to do to prevent this. I know they're going to lightening bolt me, and now it seems it's going to be more intense this time. I just wished they'd do it but no they want me to make this video. I'm still rolling around in emotions, especially anger. Purging it before I get to judgement day, so I don't lose my shite at what it is I'm looking at and living through. Cold As Ice/Foreigner I miss my girls. I know you don't understand what a scribe is? Yeah they use my emotion's, they use my body, but they wrote this. I just let their words and emotions flow thru me, they do the rest.

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