Wednesday, June 23, 2021

2 things mediums told me

The first was setting boundaries, the first time I tried to set boundaries, the chaos it caused in my families life, and who paid? The second one was after our divorce, I had just asked Greg to use his mailing ID to do a mailer for Doggy Duty. It was after this I was told that I give him power. I've been going all the way back to how that was another key, another answer I should of had before. I realized in our marriage, it didn't matterwhat I asked him for the answer was no. If I sumhow attained it on my own by doing sumthing with my own 2 hands just to have sumthing nice, yes I paid still. This man did nothing but turn a blind eye to anything that involved me, me and my girls. It was a conversation my sister and I had. How did we marry the same personality as our mother. Even these two fathers from completly walks of life. They did nothing but punish us, download on us, turn a blind eye abandon and blame. What we didn't understand that by punishing the daughter and the mother to these children, U R punishing the children and truly they didn't care. The curse of the black heart. The blind spot U don't C. When they used the word sabatoge with Greg. U have no idea. My keys kept disappearing. I had to have the fire department break me in 3 times. Since our first apartment in Sunnyvale I walked in the door and hung my keys right away on that hook. I get another set made. Hang them both up, next morning both gone. I get 2 more sets made. Hang up all 4, next morning they're gone. Greg walks in and drops a huge bag on the floor. I have no idea why he carriesit back and forth. I spied with my little eye that bag. I walk over, lift the one t-shirt in it, and there underneath are all 4 sets, along with unma iled bills. I didn't discover until late why Greg checks the mail and mails the mail. It was his way of doing his part. It was his way of hiding all those porn videos. I'm being sat down and told that what makes me think I should be paying for a haircut when I'm not bringing in an income. THis is after him and Mary stol my life. Everything I worked for. Everythig I did to keep this roof over our head. Poof gone. I'm a useless piece of garbaget. I was garbage B4 but I had use. How can U have balance when literally everything was a lie. He knew how to do nothing. Nothing. I went to marriage counceling to be aware of issues that come up. Communication, not blame. I statements. I'm the whole time communicating about money, with someone who has no logic. Including balancing a checkbook. Investments that was his job. He said if I did not agree with him he'd come in and just take it. He did just that. How can U have balance when anything he has agrred to do, he just stops doing it. His passive agressive way of assigning it to me. My sleep doctor said U do the work of 3 women a day. My number at that time was nine hats. He said, your husband is a doctor. Hell I couldn't walk in with a bag of lettuce, bcuz he did anotherwalk thru the kitchen when he comes home, giving his report on what I'm doing wrong. I'm wasting money. Sorry your hineous I didn't have an hour and a half out of my day to drive back down the highway to go to Costco to get those 6 heads of romaine that barely fit in my pint size refrigerator. He couldn't problem solve or communicate without me. He not only leaving me to sit in the shit on my own, like with his fatale attraction, her husbamd and his boss. This is not the first time he has done this. Sitting with his elbows on knee's. Head down. No eye contact anywhere. It didn't matter the scene, if I'm being verbally assaulted. Speaking rationally. Sorry I'm on atangent. I mean they have shown me sequentially so how I'm a seer. How they made me a seer my whole life. So when I did this journey, I'd have Faith and be comfortable. The sequence game I played the first time in Mt. Si. with blue eyed Dave and Jack, and ant Mary. My chair broke. I'm the smallest. Tmhey have shown me sequentially so just how Zion Mary, and Greg. His parents used me. Used me for their attention. I came across something and the mirror in that solar system. My next story Mirror Mirror on The Wall. Jay Z & Linkin Park I have it on Y2K music trying to get more musicians in my writing but I write with emotions so far this station and the one I had it on B4 soft Rock, just isn't hard enuf 4 me today. More things they've been going over from my past, is what a medium said to me during my marriage with my girls. It was about setting boundaries with my children. I watched them and I realized they don't get into anything and they listen really good. Justin Timberlake/Sexyback Since I have discovered just who it is that I really am, it was a message not for the present, but the past and future. I have been taken back to the first physical fight after my sister got back. I was being accused of my mothers bad behavior because I tried to set a boundary. I didn't want to hate my job B4 I even got started. I'm only home during this time of my life, Saturday night and Sunday's. Zion Mary every 2 weeks like a broken record, over and over I'd hear "oh, my hair, it's like a horses tail. It's so thick and it mushrooms out on the sides right here. She'd grab both sides of her hair and laugh. On top of that she is bringing her friends home voluteering me to cut their hair, on my one day off. I know Zion Mary was paying 50 bucks a month for my schooling. She paid 200 dollars thus far out of 500. This woman has never met the terms of any agreement she has made helping someone. She liked to get people to spend any money they have, like my sister came home with $5000. Zion Mary hounded her to go to electrolysis school, it happened to be $5000. With her best friend of over 30 yrs got an inheritence of 10,000 bucks. She was poor, living frugally. Zion Mary was right there to get her to buy up more mice to go to her collection. All collectors of course. Then the eating out. Yup, Zion becomes your best friend. Then these two took a cruise to Alaska. Later Zion Mary made her suffer. Zion was being paid from the state to care for her. She wasn't. Deanna asked for help, tried to have a conversation, instead Zion Mary punches her in the face, for even saying anything to her. Did I tell U Deanna was in a wheelchair with one leg. She removed all the cable cords to the television and all the window dowl's out of the window. Never spoke to her again. With my sister she kicked her out in the middle of the night with Courtney a 3 yr old. Left them homeless because she could. She liked for people to come back and beg for her forgiveness. I never did. I knew her game. I was just trying to get thru school and get tot work so I can get out of all this chaos. Instead I asked her to come in, I'm burning out already. I knew I'd be taking over the payments and I was fine with that. THe pro's do not out way the con's. I'm on the floor in front of the TV, kevin is behind me and my sister on a chair to my right. She loses it. SHe's leaning forward in the rocking chair down toward me. She said mom is in a bad mood and it's all your fault. I start to say balogny and she jumps me. She's sitting on my chest. my shoulders pinned down, hitting me back and forth across the face. Kevin pulled me out from underneath, told me to get my clothes, I'm coming with him. My sister follows us into my room apologizing to me. I told her then, I was just trying to set a boumdary so I don't hate my job. My sister's face as it was sinking in. Zion Mary comes in I told her what was going on and Zion said good I probably deserved it. Kevin said come on your staying with me. A couple nights B4 X-mas Eve. My favorite holiday. Family, food and laughter. I stayed at Kevin's for Christmas. I didn't want to intrude on his family traditions. I didn't get all the clothes I needed for school. I had to dress a certain way. I didn't take my car either. To punish me, she sold my car that my dad and Kevin built. She kept my clothes, then I found out later from my sister, that she owed $3 in medical for 2 bills in my name. I had had my tonsils out the previous summer. She kept opening and hiding hese bills. My sister tried finding them to pay them knowing what she's doing. It wasn't until I wasin Sunnyvale that I discovered what she did. Luckily it didn't show up when I bought my car. Can U imagine going to buy my car with Zion Mary sitting there and I find out what she did to make me pay? Four months later she calls me at school guilting me for not showing up or calling for Christmas. She's the adult and she caused all this. SHe had my number and knew where I was at. I knew since the age of 10 that my mother is a blamer. She takes no responsibilty for anything let alone acknowledge. Just like Greg and his family. it was all about blame. Who doesn't want to take niceness for granted. U have a blanket system of labels, U have a label for everything. Here I am truly just a nice person. Doing nice things for people with no strings attached. U got a label for that? Every person has made me pay. People throughout my life had no boundaries. COming up and saying whatever they want, knowing it's insulting, and it get's turned back around on me for speaking, everytime. When that medium said that to me, she wasn't talking about my own two children, she's was talking from the perspective of who I really am. The True mother of this Holy land.

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