Thursday, June 10, 2021

Future Tripping

I've been thinking about that number 69. The day it came to light. Then the tao sign hearing I'm a lil Tao and it's about balance. How everything in me was about balance love and energy. U can't have balance with a sociopath. No logic or reality. 
That date 7/11. I didn't cum back. I thot I had time 2 speak 2 him in front 9f him again. Then it's not just 7 11 the business but Kai's birthday. Genesis ch 7 vs. 11 Noah and the flood. 
I've been good about not future tripping. I have no idea what they want me to do with Kyle/Solomon and his ring of fire. He's not gifted. He's not a seer. I've asked him. I've discovered Warrior number 1 is inside me. Not him. 
I still need 2 talk about what Zion Mary said when he was in a coma. That he looks like a vampire with all those tubes. His cheeks sunk in. I remember thinking yeah bcuz U never fed him love. U sucked the life, the energy right out of him. 5jis just after I hear her, standing right behind her telling my brother 2 fuck off. I wish I would die. A few days later he did. Then I hear her on the phone that she's glad he's dead. He was a bad seed. The bad seed is her. Later both my sister and I at different times lying  to others. Saying it shocked her so much she got a white streak in her hair. Later my sister and my conversation was once again in agreement. No no no 5hat never happened. 
I recon these R my numbers today. 

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