Thursday, June 10, 2021

Druid, Celt or the Mother?

I'm trying 9nce again 2 post pictures I took December 26th 2020. I lost the blogger app off of my share screen. I can't share the photos I took that day. I went to C Gary and drop off a gift I had for him. His sight didn't look lived in. I left it in a tent that was barely standing.
I did my usual walk thru. I 2alked thru the area behind warrior number 2. Once upon a time I saw it as a sign. I had 2 search for Warrior number 1. This is the area that I walked thru after I left V. And my lil backpack purse flew straight off my back. It took 3 day's 2 show back up exactly where it disappered from. Everything spread out.
I found a dragon fly rainbow 🌈 rattle and I shook it around this area for 3 day's. I buried Michaels monkey with my red cherry wood sun box under a tree. 
I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Another sign another clue. Only I have no idea who set this up. I walked all the way thru the woods not believing what I'm looking at and where. So many things going thru my head. Memories of this area.
Wondering who set this up? Realizing I had never seen Gary walk thru this part.  I turned back around on the other side of the woods seeing if I'm actually still looking at this. Nope. Still there. The tree's again. There R branches going up most tree's. 4 of them. It reminds me of the pyramids in Egypt only on tree's now. Sum have branches on the bottom of these pyramid's in a square shape. I took photos once again on Mother Nature's trail's. The way the branches R lined up in pathways on the ground. Sum end. Some goes under a curve of a branch. A pathway like I followed on this journey and the day I ran in2 brother 🍒. 
I don't know if it's a celt or a druid thing. Which mother did this? I saw a big cross going down Kyles chest. A black feather on right forearm. He said his wife who died with her twin sister in a car wreck about 15 years earlier. I hadn't put together the words I had heard earlier on this journey.
I am being watched. Which turned out 2 B true. My whole God damned life. I rationalized it. Then I find out I had watchers from all walks of life thru out history R real.
The second, druid, celt, seer. Had no clue what they were.
Then scribe, profit, Messiah. Heard the names just not what they were, nor in conjunction with me. I tried explaining to Kyle what a Scribe is. I had to discover this on my own. I told him, I did not write this. I don't write poetry music and we'll any of this 8s not me. I hope I didn't fail and he's still alive. 8 just wished I had asked him then what a Celt is? He could of answered me where Thor and Odin descend from. That Nike is an actual being, a warrior from history. And that man it makes sense now who the vituvian man is? The picture that I thot was in Greg's organic chemistry book. No it's the anatomy book. Well that fits with the 3 words I herd on that oil can. IsIs, twin towers, and word 3 organ. Anatomy. Then I find out what he went 2 college for, all at a time Keith is collecting Leonardo's photos and plates. At that time many many moons ago, Engineering was mechanical engineering. 
I still hate this planet. I still think not sure once again where it's written down my journal or this blog, about all the different beings in this universe their R. They don't need an invitation or door. They don't beem in they're just standing there. 
I've been trying 2 figure out how 2 tell whose on our side during this house cleaning, so far if they're shooting at me or mine. Not good. 8f they R shooting at U not good. 
When I went back on Mother's day, I brought Gary food and a enhanced J. I showed him the photos I took earlier and in December. He did not do it or even see it. He wasn't here then. He was in town for 6 week's. Sleeping in an abandoned house. Being kicked out of Ace for using the restroom and walking around. They called the police the fourth time they saw him. He had minimum a hundred bucks on him to purchase what he was shopping for previously. The Profit who cums B4 is being band from a business 4 using the John and shopping. This is a law based on assumption. A potential liability law. The abuse of the right to refuse service. 
I left the type Os with the numbers. Angele's 101 numbers. My guide, my book on this journey. God's 1st family. The Legion is here. 

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