Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Are they ghost or spirit's?

Last night I went 2 bed about 12:30. Monday April 20th I stayed up to get good and tired. On my way in 2 the bedroom I had 2 grab the door way and this time I did it. I threw myself forward and breathed until the blackness lifted. Fainting sucks. I stumbled to the bed and fell onto it. 
I curl up on my right side. I close my eyes and opened them back up. I have 3 ghost right in front of me. They were fully formed. I started punching and kicking them. I'm yelling, my mantra, in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke U. Now get the fuck out of my house and don't you come round here nomore. 
I punched the woman in the middle. You could see her middle dissipitate into air. She wore a forest green dress. Not from this time. She had a man on both sides. 
The 3rd man to her right was younger than the other 2. He had on a red sweatshirt.  This guys head was shrinking and he's angry coming down on top of me. I'm screaming and I kicked him off of me. Michaels trying 2 pin me down yelling their is no one there. 
I'm getting up screaming still and trying 2 keep my legs working running them out. I moved out 2 the couch so I could have a light. I'm leaning against my pillows. I looked over 2 the back of the hall and I could see a teenager with a plaid shirt. I'm yelling ICU standing there. Then I'm yelling for Michael. Then the next one showed up all dressed in white. Michael is in my face screaming at me because I woke him up. His arms on both sides of me. I can see over his shoulder. The guy was laughing. Then he turned around facing the bedroom door and extended his height over the bedroom door. Apparently they can shape shift too. 
I turned on the bathroom light and shut Michails door. He was pissed, but I wasn't going to let them have a darker corner to stand in. Besides Michael is useless. He's not a seer. He's not clairvoyant, or clairadient. 
Awhile back the bathroom lit up and a Asian guy walks out with a gun, I'm screaming Michael he has a gun, he has a gun. Michael is saying there is no one there. I said inside me oh shit that's right he can't see.
(Back 2 the morning of the 20th)
Something caught my eye on the left. It was a glowing red string wiggling around like I'm a cat. Then it was on the floor wiggling back and forth. There wasn't anything working it. It was invisible. I'm pissed off yelling at whatever is doing this, knock it the fuck off.
Of course no sleep. In the morning right B4 daybreak about 5:45. I turned to the left and from under our chair an animal comes crawling out. Like this is normal. It stretches. It had a ferret face only much bigger with wider body. Not afraid it walks out and laid on the living room floor. 
I have no idea where it disappered to I followed it, the only place it could go was under a small dresser. Creepy and freaky. I started questioning myself. It was 2 much and I could describe them. 
Aliens, ghost, past lives, Jesus Christ, 5 days the Valley Shadow of Death, and this was what terrified me? It was unexpected. How many times in my life have I been woken up by something standing over me? How many people and beings have I met? It's just pissing me off now. It makes me wonder why now? Where's my guides? Where's my brother sitting in a chair in the dining room. I could C him thru the walls. Shoulder length dark hair, head down elbows on his knees. It was the same position he was sitting in. My step father a belt in hand. Zion Mary is yelling at him calling him names. Telling him he's the bad seed. He'd just escaped from Juvie again. I believe this was the last time I recall seeing him. 
Zion Mary as abusive as ever. Blaming her only Son 4 being born. When Jim picked me up by the ankle and spanked me 4 not eating my cream of corn. Yeah, who doesn't want a man like this 2 do your bidding? Got 2 marry this 1. 

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