Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Fall and Teeth Shattering/dreams

The Fall
It was around the time that Greg had his fatal attraction. Weird things were happening to my body. I was always at the doctor asking to have my iron and or blood sugar checked. I'd get really dizzy start to shake and I'd drop to the floor. This is where I'd start eating a banana, chix breast whatever I could get my hands on. My mother got me a book of dreams and I'd look up the 2 dreams I kept having over and over, I don't remember what it said, I just remember it wasn't good. Not that the book was evil but I didn't want to know any more, so I threw it away.

I kept dreaming that I was falling in a group of people and no one saw me falling. Then I couldn't lift myself off of the floor. People are just stepping over me like I'm invisible. I'm not even there. I don't exist.

This has to do with the curse that the Hindu woman from the gateway told me about when I stepped on the egg that I brought and wrapped up in a bandana. When I stepped on it their was nothing under my heel. I lifted my foot and unwrapped the bandana from the egg and where the yolk was supposed to be it was the exact replica of my head, with the eyes blacked out. The hair was even mine, dark that flipped up at the ends with bangs.

She told me that Greg put a curse on my head. He has convinced every one that I am crazy. Just bat shit crazy. (People that worked there after were coming up to me telling me that him and Mary Stone sit every one down that they hire and give this speech, about how insane and unstable that I am. To avoid me when I come in. This was up to 6 years later that it was still going on.) I said yeah I know. She asked then why are you here? My answer because no one can tell me what to do about it.

I met her and her mother from 12 at the Gateway. They are real healers. Our government doesn't like healers. Only western medicine healers so they can control and profit off our organs. I knew she was working trying to break this curse. I have seen her twice since then. She always has on a bright yellow dress. Very similar to a yellow dress I used to own. She showed up before I went into the valley shadow of death. Apparently another agreement. She showed up the night I made the agreement to do this journey. When I stood up I bowed to her in my head and said namaste.

She also told me their is a curse on me with the alcohol and pain pills. That was why all the drownings when I was young. Another pause moment in my life. Their were 4.  and I saw a girl drowning. The other is when I took the two pain pills, wanting to know if I even needed to go in. I knew I was being set up. After I took them I saw a huge lion roar in front of me. I said to myself "oh, I need to go get some tools to learn how to take care of this lion." Plus I needed a break to find myself and if I got some counseling out of it great.

What a nightmare this manager turned out to be.

The second I'm not going to create a separate chapter for something so short. The second repeat dream was my teeth shattering and falling out of my head.

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