Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Movies and TV Shows

Sully - It was the number nine on this show. The machine to do the re-enactments of the accident's took 9 times what it took him one time.

Deep Water Horizon - 11 people killed to lay a pipeline. The number of Babylon. It is just their point allowing the rich to run their own show all to fuel your world economy. This is the Cobra insurance. This oil pipeline is the cause and effect all these intestinal ailments, like Crone's disease. GMO allergies. Thou does Covet. You changed it to encroachment. Why are my Lakota's 30 people one a pregnant woman standing alone on a mountain defending there rock? They were attacked by men with guns and dogs. Why is this kind of encroachment still going on today? Oh yeah it all goes back into this world economy. So as Freedom I'm calling those Indian Treaties back into play. You can thank Benjamin Franklin for popping back up and showing me this. Right along with a constellation site just before. It showed the Rams body facing freedom and her head turned toward the Pisces. As I was saying in the beginning I'm a little Tao.. To the right of the Pisces is the Aquarius. "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

The next time Benjamin Franklin showed up with his kite, key and the lightening rod was the movie
Dark Skies - then I got a flash of you big brother and Alaska. Wasn't their a movie/documentary made about a psychologist whose daughter was kidnapped by aliens and others in Alaska was experiencing the same thing along with a white owl? Funny this is the only place my mother vacationed in years. She went with her best friend of 30 years, Deanna Miller.

Sleeping With The Enemy - Julia Robert's. When I watched this movie years ago I remember looking down the hall behind me to the master bedroom where Greg was at. I got the same feeling like the character she played. Fear, like my ex was trying to kill me off. It wasn't paranoia just an awareness that this is how I feel at times. Like he didn't care if I lived or died and that he had a hand in it.

The Walking Dead - This is the nick name I gave my father about 30 years ago. He looked like a slave chained in a cave. Now the TV show Walking Dead. I was tuned in to this meth another name is called clear. The other was black tar heroine. I was picking up on the tao sign. Light in the dark, and dark in the light. It turned out it wasn't just the number 69, Kyle's birth year but he's also a Pisces. I was picking up on these dragon's sitting on these people's heads. The zombies on this show are the representation of the people being zombies today hooked on these drugs. Turns out it wasn't just Russia and Nicaragua bringing these drugs in but our own CIA. You just helped create the industry to industrialize your own people. They no longer own their bodies. They get herded like cattle through a failing system. Everything about you is owned but hey that's okay you just created a whole new industry to feed your machine. It's these people whom are funding this one world order. It's these people on this poisonous apple of an insurance being ran ragged and kept suffering and in pain to feed that one world order. Humanity that you served up and poisoned their organs anyway you can.

Why do you big brother get to be the drug dealer? Why do you get to profit off these peoples losses. Why do you get to pass laws to keep them suffering and in pain? Oh yeah hey we don't C pre-existing conditions anymore. Hell you don't even C pain anymore. Nope your pain has to fit in their box. Do you know how many times I got sent back to physical therapy? 7 times. Not once would you doctors let her speak. You'd cut her off and say all you need is physical therapy. You gave these doctors permission to pass the buck pass the luck. They turn a blind eye. Like those little monkey's hear no evil, C no evil, turn a blind eye it doesn't exist. No you keep the one's in pain, running and gunning. Writing your pat prescriptions.

The Gifted - Interesting this show. The timing is amazing. These are people whom have gifts with their own emotions and energy. It's our own government and private groups that don't want them to see the light. They want to label them and institutionalize them. What is the place called where they keep these people? The mental institution for the enlightened. Your receivers to the light. They label schizophrenic's. A mental illness all to guilt you label you drug you up and shut you down. The movie I saw at this time when the grays started to show up in my room. Around my brothers death was called "The Sentinel." A woman that moved into an apartment and all of her eccentric neighbor's were dead. She had black beings coming out of the wall's. That's how I rationalized these being's growing up. My families reunion time? The Bicentennial, so yes this is the Sentinel back for that Bicentennial. Our Independence from the United Kingdom.

The Sentinel - When I was in 5th grade this is when I got my first bible from my mother. It was red and my name printed in gold.

This was a time when Sue Noon had just become Christian and she was dragging Gwen and I to all these different churches. My brother had just died. I had these black spindly beings walking around and hiding in my room behind things. They were just watching me watch them. I felt like they wanted to stake me in the chest. I'd lie on my stomach and when my neck hurt from lying this way for so long I'd lie on my back with my arms crossing my chest. If I fell asleep they'd shake my bed. This is when Sue said if you think a demon is there they are there. I started reciting at this time "In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you." I only just found out this last year, 2019 that they are the grays. My other clue's was the conversation I had with Benevolent Belinda about her dark gray house on Lilac street. My aunt Pat and Uncle Sam's favorite place to vacation is called Grays harbor. The collage in Japan is of a gray with the left hand down facing the planet and the right hand in the air. This is one of the poses I do clearing land saying prayers and when I received information that my father is JC.

A Winter's Tale - Colin Farrel. It was the shot of the horse bowing. It was the pose I do when I stretch out my hip sockets. It's also what a saw a horse do in front of JC when a white horse bowed down to him. I didn't know what it meant but I knew my nick name was colt. I didn't know if I had just figured out something or if it was part of the next journey. I also didn't know at the time if it was another horse I was picking up on. I didn't know about Horus standing at the gateway yet with a bald eagle head.

The other part that caught my interest was the word chaos. Chaos comes in many forms. The first time I heard this was my friend Tammy whom is a medium. They use her right arm too. She had a being flit through here living room. Tammy asked her her name. She answered, " Helen Of Troy." She also said that other beings don't like coming here because it's to much Chaos. Plus I learned our names are universally given.

Carnivale -The seer's, the tarot card readers. How these are the freaks then and now we find out most had some kind of physical ailment or disease. I think it was the names also and Zoroastrian tarot card readers.

Close Encounters Of The 3rd Kind/. Oh Steven Spielberg why you didn't get acknowledged at the academies is because it was to close to the Truth. Still the Studios, the news and marketing controlling what we see. Your just a conspiracy theorist because you noticed something about any certain wrong someone see's their a conspiracy theorist. A negative label for the Truth. He's mentally ill, and they do a character assassination on you to shut you up and shut you down. Well Spielberg I know the mountain. Whose going to show up for this one? The Grays, the Ant beings, or the star children? Hey how about all 3 for a minimum of this family tree line.

It/Stephen King
You hit the nail on the head. Pennywise and the clown in the sewer in more way's than one. I told the policeman I don't know what to call it but It is over there. Keeping us entertained while they play a Monopoly game on our lives. Well who say's God doesn't have a sense of humor? Didn't I read somewhere build me a throne and I will come live amongst all my people. The Christmas Poop is back. Then again it never left.

AA Banned from the Bible. Funny I didn't get to a TV until about 2017. When I saw this one, I realized these are the families, names and situations I've been writing about. Especially episode four and the names. I had been feeling the name Judia or Jude or Judah like their were 2 children. A boy and a girl. Not just one then I saw that. Then name's Mary and Kai. The other coffin Jesus Christ and Judah. I was floored. 

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