Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I Got 2 do My Part

The first time Greg said to me "I got to do my part" was at the river of snakes in California. It was James and Xavier who were with us. I went to the restroom and they all sat down. I came out and sat down and a minute later they all get up and start heading for the car. Greg walks by me stops and tells me I need to get up and help unload the car that I have to do my part.

This was our second year in California. If Greg didn't have a test we were out of town. When we got back from our wedding I went to work as a temp. Already making more money. Plus I was moonlighting as a cocktail server at Charlie Browns. I started to make more money with more overtime as the months went on. I didn't have to moonlight for long because of this and a lot of overtime. I couldn't have Greg come 2 me the morning of his first State test, he tells me he needs 250 for his test right now. No warning. He thot any money over school loans donated 2 everything. No conversation. Bills, No conversation. He had no logic, I didn't realize this yet. Truth be told looking back he acted like a spoiled brat.

That was my new car we were driving. The camping gear came from my grandma Mulligan and dad. I was working overtime which paid for the gas, groceries and at times having to pay for  a spot. It also paid for the extra wear and tear. I had to keep an eye on my speedometer because Greg kept disconnecting it.

I had almost miscarried Alex at 4 months out of the blue. That following Saturday Greg calls me to tell me he volunteered me to put on a garage sale for some patients of his that are moving. I said no way. I don't even have furniture and I almost miscarried Alex. I didn't need the stress. He told me I was being rude and that I had to do my part.

I had been my fathers care giver (guardian for 3 years, the 3rd location was a nursing home in Puyallup) My father is dying. The night he died the nursing home called each one of us saying he was uncomfortable but nothing about he's not likely to make it thru the night. The night of his funeral I was in the office working. Greg had called me earlier in the week and told me I had 2 physically help build the office. That I had 2 do my part. So the night of my funeral, I did my part working in the office. 

Greg is the one who had the fatal attraction for 4 months. Showing up with friends and family yelling for him and at him from the lobby. Out of all the times that Greg leaves it up to me to solve something else that he dropped the ball on. We are finally comfortable. Greg is pulling in consistatly about 5 grand a month. Mortgage, cable, electric, water, phone, school loans, 5 different insurances. Plus groceries, family, children and all the expenses that comes with that.

This man shows up to tell me my husband has been having an affair with his wife for 4 months. He was saying that his wife was saying he's a doctor he's a rich man. I said look around you, plastic hanging between the wall, but sloped popcorn ceilings. A orange kitchen with nails and fake brick falling off the wall. A small refrigerator that I have to thaw every month with a hair dryer. I listened to the tape of her confession but it was more leading than her actually admitting theirs an affair.

I sent my children to 2 different houses, neatly piled his clothes in the front yard with a picture of her. Affair or no affair, I have been thru to much for this to blow up in our faces. It now became my responsibilty to get both these people to Greg's work, sitting with Greg's boss, Greg to my right as usual elbows on knees head down while I do the talking. She wants him to be his knight and shining armor, she picked the wrong guy. I knew one thing, white knight in shining armor he was not.

The new receptionist started dating the new doctor and she transferred Greg's client's to him. Illegally so. Greg's income went from 5 grand down to 1500. The cost of our mortgage alone. In 2 days I came up with a plan, any where Greg went he'd have to start over ground zero in an area that he knew no one. Plus as a Chiropractor you pretty much pay overhead for running your own business out of someone else's shop. I had money again saved for the IRS. I came up with a plan.

With 2 lil girls I'm toteing around town looking for a location. We found one. Location is key. After that dealing with the city on signage. Always at the hardware store picking out counters, carpet, paint. Ordering all the office supplies, logistics. Ordering the technology printers etc. Ordering tables. Marketing, working the fairs. Set up tear down set up teardown.

Wes found a out of work builder who did the office for cheap at this time when Greg got off work he'd go help this guy.

*Greg calls me on the phone and tells me that I have to come in and help build the office on the inside. I have to do my part. I asked and what do you expect me to do? Anything. On the night of my fathers funeral until about 2 30 to 3 a.m. I was in the office refinishing all the trim, in order to do my part.

After Alex was born I tried to do something for myself in order to keep myself spiritually growing. I took voice lessons over by Greg's work. Figuring once a week for an hour Greg could bond with Alex. It was like a mile from his work. 6 times I tried to take the class. Greg showed up twice. He was scheduling lunches with potentail referall sources. It always seemed to happen on my day.

He told me I had to sacrifice for his career. Sacrifice I did. Our whole marriage was about Greg. While in California I wanted 2 go back 2 school. I knew I needed tutoring in math and science B4 I made a decision on what I wanted 2 do 4 a career. He told me no. He said I could go back 2 school when we get back 2 Washington. Greg's idea of school was a 3 week program. Something in sales. I didn't want 2 sale anything. I wanted a career. Something of my own.  That's why I built that second office with my father's money. In 90 day's along with Mary Cochran Stone they signed it all out of my name and set my up with an unwarranted 86ing from my own office. He just got done accusing me, yelling at me. Telling me in a children's class the kids got up, giggling, ran around the room. It's happens once or twice a class. They're 3 to 5 year olds. When I went 2 speak. I say speaking calmly not yelling Dont U turn your back on me. He opened the door 2 the reception area. Do U know the damage he did 2 my reputation with that? My friends? My volunteer work? My children's school and my contractor's in my office?
He told me in California if I disagreed with him I'm going 2 cum in and take it. Everything. She sat quietly, in chains. Getting an allowance. She literally has 2 report 2 Mary. All she heard is how she deserves. U never let her speak one time. 

She's always the liar. U herded us like cattle. That Scarlett Letter A and all the character defects. U judge. U can't speak in your courts. Your not Jesus Christ. U can't speak, or defend anywhere. U R guilty B4 innocent. U R the one who never lets anyone off the chain. 

Peter Peter Pumpkin eat her. Put her in a pumpkin shell and keep her there very well. He tried. Just trying to escape and figure things out or walking away I paid. Labeled, blamed and fined for the rest of my life. 

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