Monday, December 23, 2019

Rough Draft

Pledge of Allegiance
Will U offer your throat to the wolf with the red rose?
All U nations and countries, how did you feed God's flock?
U didn't, U followed the wrong profit and fed the wrong stock. U did not feed God's flock, U fed that mother fucking machine.
Oh what a tangled web U weaved
IC you've done a fine job recreating the leper colony.
No! This mother point's her finger up come judgment day. This mother gives you an F.
For the moment I'm Malich the messenger. In the next couple of hours, probably dead.
What's this about U ask?
My proof of life. Ain't nobody own the keys to the kingdom of heaven but this little mother right here. Apparently I don't exist. I'm a myth, a legend. A liar minimizer and blamer. Not allowed 2 speak or defend myself in life or your justified system based on character defects, and that scarlett letter A. U never let them off the chain gang. IC we have blanket law's based on potential liability. IC we report 2 a system now. IC U corrupt politicians have rewritten the english language. U corrupt politicians turning us in2 PC's. No I'm not a machine or a politician. I'm a human being a humane human being who believes in Truth. 2 AA is that a mask or a face? Dante 25 I will come back with the voice of a poet and a mask. Perhaps I'm Jobe here 2 set a new presidence on freedom. Cuz their ain't no freedom up in this house. Their ain't no equality in any way shape or form.
Let me get my crown. (put on hat, pick up book and Genesis wine bottle) This i
This is what it's all about, Justice. The truth behind Lady Liberty aka: Athena and her owl.
U want to tell me since when is it illegal for a native woman who comes from a long line of 7's and 12's all the way down to the 6's, the Freemasons I inherited. To become a vessel for her family tree line.
1.  To let them come inside me to save my family. I said yes. I missed the word we so welcome to the party. We'll just have to see if I have any character defects. Turns out I have a whole lot of character inside me. No I'm not the United States of Tara. I am aware. Turns out the agreement was more of an awareness of my life over time. They were always there doling out their own justice to make sure I get the point.
2.  To accept anything freely given. At times clothes. It's amazing what the clothes were then.
3.  To have Faith to go through any open door.
4.  I had to be willing to look crazy. Which isn't to hard to do is it Gregory Allan and Mary Cochran Stone? That was a nice set up however. In 90 days these 2 completely castrated her and stole everything out that she built with her own 2 hands. Now Kai I didn't disagree when you said we are all God's children. Not come judgment day, however whats in a name? Volumes.
(Hold up the dog poop and introduce Greg. Ass-wipe was his file name in my computer. All through my marriage he kept me packing and hauling his drunk ass around. Anything I enjoyed, he destroyed. The only honest thing he ever said to me was "if I don't agree with him he's just gonna come in and take it. I felt like Julia Roberts in ?????.  I couldn't quite put my finger on it, and neither could Greg's brother Steve. (That GAP that missing link in the chain.)
5 star family, No I'm Sirius. to B a star today get a reality show, industrialize and have it all going in my landfills.
To those 4 horsemen, U know Pestilence, Death, War and Famine.
From that trinity
God the Son and the Holy spirit or is it
Aten the sun, always a 10 in this family tree line
Luna the moon, aka: Sin, love that sin, to
Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature Aka: Mary, only I'm Mary Jane this time. Back for my flower back for my evergreen. Evergreen and my family tree line.
To those twin flames,
Hey, their was no Holy Grail sitting on the table of The Last Supper. It's not about objects. It's about family. It seems you missed Mary and JC joined at the hip. They'll be back. Like 2 ships that pass in the night.
Down to that 01. A creation of your own making.

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