Monday, April 30, 2018

Truth big brother. How about some Truth and we knock of the blame game. We knock off this Monoply game IC you got going on down here. You know how this country is really making a living off the little people down here? How you used your labels, you fine's your fee's that high cost of sin on that scarlet letter A. How you big brother allowed a machine to profit on the little people down here? How you allowed this Insurance to create an Industry using humanities body parts right here in my land of freedom?  You know your other big I you created with that scarlet letter A? Those institutions that were created? That true revolving door of Insanity you got going on those treatment centers? We both know those treatment centers aren't a cure for all the pollution you allowed to be created when you allowed Insurance to come in and make it's own laws, and set its own standards on the one's you label the little people. The ones you label unworthy to eat after you allowed Corporate America to come in and buy up all of this United States of America's farm lands. You allowed the banks to bully these people to get them off that land. Over and over big brother through out history IC you are still allowing the indigent ones to be stolen and bullied. Now IC just with your lables and this system treats a rape victim to fill your instittuions. That HIPPA form and you rigged ICD codes.

You were told not to sale out our gardens to the entity? From what this mother can see you did that just in my life time. What's another word for entity?  Corporate America. Wasn't it your job to prevent Corporate America the elite and entitled from getting a hold of humanity? Wasn't it your job to protect these people? Wasn't it your job to feed these people, to ensure they had jobs. Yet you allowed Corporate America to come in and turn twenty dollar an hour jobs down to eight dollar an hour jobs. You allowed Walmart to re-set the standard didn't you? You allowed during generation X's lifetime three of our major industries to go to other countries all while another major corporation moves in from another country and re-set the standard of service here in this united states. You cut full time hours to part time. You allowed a major corporation, another one and the same if you ask me, to come in and build all over this United States and you shut down small business right there.

How about that 90 day timeline that you allowed corporations or small business to hire and fire for any reason. U allowed the excuse to be the benefits of insurance. Whose gonna pay for these people to get insuranced now? Truth is Corpoarte America was to provide insurance to any business you owned with more than 10 full time employees. It was right here that you allowed Walmart to use the state to pick up the slack for those part time hours? You the state picked up the tab for medical and food stamps to pay the difference to this major corporation to it's people.

All the while you are getting the United States of America to jump on board and fuel the wrong stock and in return you fed the wrong flock. You didn't turn around and invest in your people that you on top swore to serve. Instead you created more institutions, more HMO's, more middle men industry to help these down trodden right big brother? Who are theses downtrodden and homeless? Could they be your veterans? Your physically challenged? The one's you are making quite the living off of with that Schizophrenic diagnosis? I want to know since when is it against the law to make an agreement with your higher to put your back pack on your back, and live cum what may every day? To walk back through your hell care system again to begin anew in your system and to try and get a diagnosis for this tree of life that I wear upon my back.

You know for 30 years I have complained about pain between the shoulder blades, then 20 years later the pain takes an all time high right along with chronic migraines, I still couldn't get a diagnosis for something that started out so simple and not one of your Western medicine doctors figured it out. About 3 years ago I pushed and went around the system to get an X ray done? You know what the Chiropractor said that I got to order it? He's never seen such a mess. He doesn't even know what to call it. It took me 3 nights of scrolling through X rays but I found the diagnosis, scoliosis that turned into Kyphosis and it only got worse from there in just 3 years. I took this X ray to begin anew and try and get help.

 I found I couldn't even get a diagnosis because well since Obama care came along we don't bother to diagnose pain in that tree of life, no we treat it all the same. Yet you doctors, these HMO's and this insurance doesn't see it that way? You have designed a system to not recognize muscular skeletal pain. You can't see that right? What if you could and these doctors could all these years but you allowed, these , HMOS's, these doctors, and this insurance to make blanket choices and decisions about another humans beings rights about how we suffer? Whether we are are lying or minimizing when we speak, always drug searching right? You made these doctors responsible just like a bartender, and you used what happened to Michael Jackson as an example. You Big Brother and the this insurance, and this pharma hell to make choices and decisions on another human beings right to live a quality life with that blanket label and high price of sin you placed on that scarlet letter A.

Sinners Like Me/EC
What a monopoly system I found what you have done to the human race in this United States of America? How you have allowed all these affiliates to come in and get in on the game and the billing of those ICD 9 codes? You have the gull to take mother natures gardens, sell them off to the wrong carpenters building all these track houses along my highways cutting down my families tree line to build your marked up boxes another industry we have abused in more than one way. For example ?????? America's housing from California is just the minimum State standard building warranties. What an industry that creates to keep coming back and repairing these cheaply built track houses? On top of that should I talk about all the mark up on rent. The abuse I have had to live through right along with the rest of the human race putting up with these investors buying and selling up these buildings and lots? All these turn overs and changing of the guidelines and standards? When the human race complained about the abuse and labels on these background checks, all you did was put a cap on that. You put a cap on the price, but the complaint was the abuse behind it. You couldn't be bothered.

Make You Feel My Love/Adelle
Yet you couldn't bother to put a cap on these hospitals and all this mark up on hell care just to get service today? That would mean putting a cap on that stock market wouldn't it. Those investors that you got to invest into the wrong flock. How you have abused that HIPPA. I can't believe you in this United States would ever allow it to write it's own prices, labels and rules to get help today. All to label up and fill your institutions. How about how you treat a victim in your hospitals? Especially a rape victim? My insurance lessoned with that label. You gave me less of a right to speak when after I was raped, you institutionalized me would not let me stand in front of a judge to speak for myself. This mother you labeled up for walking peacefully on Native and some Corporate land, with my back pack note book, you have set up a system to allow anyone to call the police and I have to defend myself. I have done nothing but sit on a gold mound, a red rock, a corner and an intersection in the dead of night.

You allowed a woman whom about 19 years ago come into my life and in 90 days time steal and remove my name off of 3 alternative healthcare businesses and four bank accounts to come and take a photo of me praying peacefully with my right hand in the air call the police and in one she told the police I was lying in the road. When the police man spoke to me, I said that is my point you didn't ask? You allowed a woman whom walked in2 my life about 19 years ago come in an steal my good name, my pride, set me up and label me to come back around and steal from me, my dignity, my time and my pride again. All because your blanket laws back then and you blanket laws Big Brother in all walks of life to cover a potential liabilty insurance industry. The biggest hoover vaccuum machine today if I've ever seen. You allowed them to use this rock to profit off the little peoples losses. Their hearts bodies minds and souls you sold out to the wrong power.
Better Day's/UK
After Jack In The Box, the E-coli you went around to land and the wells and took control of that industry too. The one's that were grandfathered in you put a high price on that water and well didn't you? You poisoned mother natures seed fer fertilizer to feed in all walks of life right here in this United States. You took her organic gardens and added synthetics to feed an organic human race. You put flouride and other synthetics in my water to feed a hell care system. I ask you this since when is it ever a good idea to flock with mother nature and her flock.

Can't Help Falling In Love/AB&KM
That's right it never dawned on any of you from up above that part of that trinity whether of science or your creator that big bang theory is this planaet this rock that God created to feed all of her children ever lasting love and life? That weather u beleieve in the creator the atom or the creation of her son Jesus Christ, it's all the same from the same Adam's family ass long ass u carry love in your heart. Love of your higher power, that sun in the sky that feeds this rock all of life, Some call her Aten, others the sun.

There's A New Kid In Town/
This is your creations garden, it don't matter where you think you evolved from, that ocean, those beasties weather the land or sky, it's all the same. As long as u have Love of your higher power, and your pride your family that feeds you love and light every day. It doesn't matter what u think it is that ignites your heart to keep u moving the 01, or the Big A in the sky. No I'm Sirius, Jah it's True we are all mother natures children's and we carry her essence inside us. Theirs a reason why this essence has been poisoned from the inside and out in all walks of life and it is not because of your creator, God, Freya, that little worm in life that feeds the soil, the birds and the fish.

Sister Golden Hair/America

I am a mother. I believe that as a mother in order to save our children's lives sometimes we got to kick them down low to kick them up higher some day. Who doesn't want your children and grandchildren to have a better life than we had? Isn't that why we are here in this United States? Isn't this why we fought all these good wars,? All these Holy wars? For freedom, food, jobs, and the right to choose a God of our own making? Whatever that higher power that lights up your heart and feeds you love and light that is your right?

All these wars are good business right? At least that's what the man says. Right big brother? Gotta feed your machine? At what cost and whose really paying to feed that machine?

Burn Down The Mission
God has many names? IC she has provided. She has given you many names, higher powers, spirituality and religions to look up to. So don't you Big Brother go blaming all this hot mess I'm looking at on God. I mean it didn't dawn on any of you just why God would want you to destroy this very rock she gave you to feed you and her children everlasting light to fight all your Holy Wars. Why would God your creation, that little atom, that big bang theory that energy that created this rock ever want you to be ashamed of the color of your skin? You know it was your creator, that maker that gave you your colors, not man so I want this being ashamed of the color of your skin to stop. It didn't dawn on any of you that as part of the trinity God that son that this rock that you were born of and on is part of your trinity. That you are all mother natures children. As mother natures children we come in all different colors shapes and sizes. Well this mother thinks kit is those imperfections that make you unique. It is those imperfections that give you character. I think as mother natures children and her little beasties you should be proud of who you really are. It always makes me cry this part right here. The shame we have created just with the color of ones skin. I want all of you to know in all walks of life that God didn't give you that shame, it is man.
Small Town/JM
Well Big brother this little mother is here to tell you some things IC that is happeneing to humanity, how you sold out the wrong flock to the wrong stock long ago. I recon you never bothered to step back or this little mother, this little atom, this little creation of your own making is why I'm standing here to speak today in this way. Perhaps if you'd let me speak oh about twenty years ago when I kgot my divorce in this United States Of America, we wouldn't be standing here in this hot mess today. IC we already had blanket laws created by insurance and big brother to fill your institutions to cock block this little mother from speaking. It makes me wonder in 20 years of not being able to speak without that label that was placed on my head and never able to defend myself how many other brothers and sisters this has happened to with that scarlet letter A. The right to speak again without being told, I'm minimizing, blaming or lying about anything I had been through in the last 12 years being married to the Beast himself? The Gin and the high price of sin they seem to go hand in hand today don't they.

Energy God is energy, anything that is out there is in here? Universally so.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Real Thing

Real Thing/Zac Brown Band
Running On Empty/JB
I was wondering what was up about adversity and being willing to represent to stand up for what you believe in? Walk the talk? Talk your walk? It was that crack and why I said yes to actually going to dinner with you in the first place? Even though you had shown me pictures of your two houses I didn't look. I remember a shot of blue water that is all? I had wondered what it was in that crack that I saw? I knew it had something to do with being gay? I heard a loud crack I got flashes of adversity would be the best word? Heart break in the adversity and walking through it? Then I remember thinking Oh my God! He's the one with all those kids? Like that wasn't a wall right there?

Ashes To Ashes/DB
Even after I walked away I wasn't sure why  I said yes? Especially at that time in my life? It was what I saw right there that made me willing to get to know someone better that went through that? You as a parent had to live it and walk it and watch it with her. All that heart break and adversity to walk through at such a young age? On your own at that? In society at that? Today at that? Being Babylon, the creation, the atom and the Truth in why you don't get to choose love and what one carries in their heart? No humanity is not going to like me.

It's Over/Electric Light Orchestra
I knew you had one in that batch. This is why I didn't ever want to meet your children right here? You have no idea the heart break and Justice they just rolled me through inside my body? What you don't know, that I do know is that in their own sweet time in their own sweet way they are going to make me walk through and feel each heart break with each one. Being who they are, no one wants to ever feel that. So no some day's I am not happy with you right there.

Human Wheels/John Mellencamp
The dread of just that one right there. Having to feel Freya's daughters, their creators chosen ones hearts to carry, that load right there? This is not a stage of the journey I am looking forward to. It's bad enough just knowing some of the locations where these girls are? No inside I don't want to know, because in the beginning of this journey they showed me certain locations just in this United States? Yeah I'm not ready for that answer just this morning was bad enough. Love and hate relationship with that family upstairs everyday. I believe their point is you don't get to choose the context of your relationship with your higher power? Only they know what and who I am going through this. Only they know the true context of my words and what I carry. Considering I started out from ground zero on all of it. Sci Fi vs. Truth, politics, ethics and all this religion? Moral characters and the perception of the ones who carry the integrity and heart inside them?

Werewolves Of London/WZ
The one's running our country who are still alive in our lifetime still can't get it right? The damage the ones did in just the choices they made selling out our own people in just our lifetime? They literally sold out the human race to an insurance industry making choices here in this united states on a human beings body parts on the inside and out? How we suffer? The price of suffering? The price of sin and big brothers perception of what sin is and how they valued the human race? The ones they were supposed to be feeding? Instead they created a land of consumers in all walks of life? The energy inside our bodies and how we feed that depleted energy? Literally is going in that justice system and those land fills? They put a higher value on that garbage and where it goes than they did a human beings life.

Crazy On U/Heart
Tonight I get to tell Michail what it is my brother went through in those 17 little years in order for him to still be standing here today? Being born and taking the blame? Being abandoned and alone as a little boy standing on a street corner with a box as my mother drove away? Then he had to serve the lawn mower man living on a back porch to earn his keep as a young boy. Then having to fuck the little girls in my uncles garden, and wire hanging beatings from my aunt for that? I have to tell him that by the time I was born my brother already had a child of his own that just happened to be in my wedding? With the Beast, Mr. 666, Mr Creepy Crowley who I married is my X. The wrong brother from that garden of Eden. The one who left Eve to take the Blame for eating off that Wisdom tree of life. Put the weapon in her hand and leave her to take the blame? The curse of the Gin in this Justice system that started twenty years ago, just to fill the institutions? The profits big brother has made off that revolving door of the blame game just in that institution? They handed pharma America and HMO's the keys to the kingdom right there, insurance? In my family you have assurance your going home. You don't need insurance.

Time For Me To Fly/REO Speedwagon
They are taking me back into Justice mode today, being the mother, the creation, the atom, this mothers perspective on what Big Brother did to humanity and how my Big Brother feels about that. Well I don't know politics, names, wars, locations and sides on this speech but I know I got one cumming up? Those were some of the questions I wanted to ask you? Today I got the Atom, Big Brother and that copper Lincoln little penny and how to break these chains that bind so elegantly scary when I speak to the human race. Just the way I like it when I make a point. Short, sweet scary and to the point. Boy it's gonna hurt.
Traffic/Medicated Goo
Wheel In The Sky/Journey
Take Back Home Girl/CL

Saturday, April 28, 2018

My Familiar

You're a familiar that's the best way to describe you. Do u know what a familiar is?

Bless The Broken Road/Selah
Did u say Navy? UR of the water, the sea? UR of the sky, your a pilot. U got your wings. UR also a truck driver of all things? The transportation industry of all things? U rely on that oil and fuel? This started out about that entity and that black snake? That oil in the restaurant some times I'd dry heave at the smell. Then I find the article about the Lakota's of all people of that oil pipeline and the old behaviors of the wrong white collars with the bad behaviors still? After all this time, of all industries? They will just bully come in and take it from behind the scenes any way they can? Then they make it once again about those crazy natives? The Indigent ones. Lets take some more from them and put them on the reservation. It just dawned on me one of the books I was carrying in my first back pack that got stolen it had a national geographic with a Native man 1944 his arms open wide and the other one said Mars. This was just the begin Kyle. I told U this part b4.

Follow U Follow Me/Genesis/Then there were three
Then the movie Deep water Horizon? Eleven men killed? It was all so unnecessary Kyle. This revolving door industry? All these middle men that just came in and took it over the centuries creating all the drama and wars that were unnecessary just to feed a machine? Here I am of all people going after the wrong white collars in that oil industry? Yeah it's not just the religion that's gonna hate me, pharma care, the banking system, the stock market, the dow? Trumps wall? I mean come on? Oh and U sent me a 11:11 make a wish? Guess what that number 11 represents? Babylon. I wouldn't want to be those kidnappers or JCT when this happens? Justice being your lap dog? Hilarious!

Sister Golden Hair/America
Hebrews 11:1-3 on Faith happens to hang on my West wall.Now faith is assurance of things hoped for. Proof of things not seen. By faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God. So what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible.

Do What You Like/Blind Faith 1969
Now with that being said we are both servers in our own way. Yet here we are replacing at McDonald's and Red Robin machines to order and pay for your food? Another industry gone that they don't have to insure? Yet on the other hand they are already getting ready to put on the road to deliver of all things humanities food, because it's better for the people? Electronic trucks, that drive themselves? Yet they are still putting that oil pipe line through every country especially this United States any way they can today? Like I said before just because we are technologically advanced. (well not so smart it's a revolving industry going into my land fills) doesn't mean we are humanely advanced. What else you don't know is that every time it comes up time for big brother to pay these little people down here, they change the way their gonna pay it back in their time every time. Pretty much every contract is like that for any service today. The HIPPA to get medical services in this United States? They own you and I got 2C first hand how they have abused that monopoly game?
Who created the guidelines and rules to addiction Kyle? What industry own that and look at the machine it fills? Then they are only treating all pain with nerve medication? It is unethical the way they keep humanity suffering just with that scarlet letter A? In the justice and the industry. Our kids ADHD and today age 12 they're checking for depression in our schools? Do UC what IC how the industry has gotten this united states of America to adapt? Adapt to the labels the suffering and the pain? They create all these diseases in our bodies by poisoning mother natures seed and this GMO the poison in the poultry and meat. My GOD the inhumane bullshit in that? Now I don't know when these nine mother flocking moons are up but they better be up soon. I'm about ready to blow. The other nine those ICD 9 codes and how this insurance industry rigged those? What can I say so I'm a watcher?

Tennessee Whiskey/CS
I really wish I could go back and take a picture of that last snap shot of u, b4 u turned off the camera? This Atom gets to blow that Adam or is it the other way around? Alex wants to go to Croatia. Michail just told me where that is? Hell I didn't know Rome was in the boot? It looks so small on a map. Michail's demon told me he wanted to mail my children's heads to me in a box and I didn't know that they served John The Baptist head up on a platter being ordered done by a queen for the wrong power? All I have to say ain't no body better be serving this mothers heads of any of her children in a box or on a platter. It's your right shoulder vs. my left? What assholes and bitches that family is. RU flocking kidding me? 
Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
Thought of a way to turn those wings you fly around? You're safer in the air than you are on the ground. I had to accept those wings long ago. For years it was a moot point. Don't bother I'm not going to even look at it. Then well the Kennedy curse? One of them we represent, Moses and JC coming back. We represent Jesus Christ and Mary coming back. The Truth buried behind the lies between these two? We have to get Adam and Eve out of purgatory. We represent Horus and that incestuous sister Ra. Aten, ISIS and Osiris. The Yin and Yang. Fire and Water. Balance in Truth and love in all life once and for all.
We Are The Champions/Queen
I look at it this way, even if you are flying at night, their is a hell of a lot less traffic in the air for you to ponder if U even read most or half of what I write? Well the air would be the safest place for you to do that. I mean if you can text and take dick pic's you can ponder this shit? Back to that O ring I go. I was happy you had been in orgies. I mean my God I've been writing about just that. IC the point they are trying to make with you and just that, being the chosen father? I mean awesome right? Just look at the damage they did to humanity making JC a virgin? Live up to that expectation today?
Island In The Sun/Weezer
Then they cut out Mary Magdalene completely and that they had two children? One's name is Judah and the other Kai. I told U about that. Look at the damage they did to humanity cutting out half the human heart. They cut out out half of JC's heart and the Truth of his wife, his mother of his children. JC was a family man. I mean really why wouldn't God like I said before not bring his son back in his own making and not have him experience love and loss in all walks of life? Plus the incentive of that seed in her belly to keep going? Like I don't know how that feels?

There Is A Fountain/Selah
Since the very beginning they have made it clear or I felt inside my heart not knowing whom it is I am I don't care whom my children love as long as they are happy. No we aren't a very advanced society or even close to the Truth if you think God or this mother is going to let another human being make that decision over love inside someone else's heart to get inside heavens gates? Here I am writing about the orgy? The pheromones, the energy in the room? Love freely given and taken, no strings attached and that includes judgment. I mean why the flock not? Look I'm preaching to the choir. I even wrote hell like "ye all holy spirits mother wasn't lying on her back when you were created." Obviously I have no issue talking about sexuality. One of the side businesses I was gonna do eventually in that office? Meetings with women and sexuality today?
Justice/The Distractions
I've been writing about the energy of the animal magnetism? How sometimes part of the attraction to one another is that they are a familiar. Like in the beginning I recon u were a familiar?  The animal attraction to your own beastie? I did not like it. Now I do. Very much so. I knew as soon as I mentioned that flower this morning it had something to do with my flower in another way like they showed me in the beginning? Not just spray when I'm in kitty mode, or dog mode would be I get my own little pink mushroom head to grow. I mean how fun is that? I know they have put me in heat enough that I have wanted to just lie down on the bus and spread my legs. Let the men line up and take turns eating me out. Just each one milk me until they drain that boner away. It's what they do when they put me in heat. No it is not a fantasy just how they made me feel one day.

Sultans Of Swing/Dire Straight
They had me sitting on stairs masturbating alone at Earthworks park looking up at the full moon. I thought it would never end? That is just some of the things they did to me? I guess I never thought about me actually being in or participating in an orgy? I mean the attraction the energy, the scent, the sound the pheromones, sexual freedom? Practice what I preach right? Truth is I'm not the jealous type at all. I realized someday being who we are we were gonna have to cross that bridge when we cum to it. I hope this is just another one of those willing test? I just have to get to acceptance and willingness and let it go.

Can't Fight This Feeling/REO
What they have put my body through this last heat wave? I knew when my flexed pulled forward on my own lying down to sleep and they wouldn't pull back I was gonna be off and rolling. When he does this its like my hips pull so far forward like a bitch in heat and my hips won't stop flexing forward or release. I pull so far forward my shoulders naturally lift. They rolled me over and over clitorally and my G spot over and over. A little while later my hips pull forward again. It was like what more do you want? From where? Just milk me, take it. Take what you want drain me and release me for a little while. Back to the wand I go rolling down deep from my G spot a few more times. The second round when I came too I realized my body was facing to my left with my magic wand straight out facing West and hanging over my curtain just happens to be my navy blue wrap that has 12 blue white and purple suns on it.

U Make It Easy/JA
I haven't even gotten to the tantric part? I covered the ardeur. That's the best part. The ardeur when the Fiery one cums together with water? We get to release the orgasm unto the universe that in that garden we as Adam and Eve had to go up to be watched. To keep control of that orgasm. I hope they give us some practice time? Practice play time with no one knowing just spreading our own little love garden wherever we go, be ahead of the game before that sky falls. Remember it's my daughter going to Croatia of all places?

You Are The One Beneath My Wings/BM

I'm Not Leaving/UK
Hey Big Brother here's some food for thought from this little mothers perspective. Here's some food for thought when it comes down to my families' J.D? You kbow Judgement day? How did you feed and serve God's flock? From this mothers perspective you fed the wrong stock and you sold out Gods flock to the machine long ago.
Whipping Post/ TABB
From what this mother sees here in this Untited States of America whom made an agreement with my higher power to put my back pack on my back and walk through this sytem. This paradise of hell that you created. Not the flock that you sre to feed and serve, by making sure they had job security, but what you allowed generation X's industry to be shipped out to 3 other countries and we the human race blames those countries. Well from what IC big brother is that as Big Brother you should be able to handle the Truth of your people. This mothers done with the blame game. This mother is done with the labels you have created to feed these institutions. You big brother put a high price on sin to feed that other big I your insitutions. That revolving door of insanity you label treatment centers, come on big brother we all know the only industry and cure these treatment centers are feeding is the Jobs it created on that scarlet letter A.


Come Thou Fount/JL
Closer To Home/GFR

Friday, April 6, 2018

Let It Whip

The Rose/BM
You know what breaks my heart about humanity? Is God gave you that color of skin. You hate it. I don't blame you, the way you have been treated, you yellow, you red, you black and brown. Weather you like it or not that color of skin was a gift to wear with pride from your maker. You wear it with pride or take it off. You whites with your white collars from up above you created this mess. You will clean it up. You create the guilt and shame on the color of another mans skin. Why?
She Talks To Angels/The Black Crows
From this mothers perspective you big brothers with the wrong white collars. You elite and entitled fed yourselves and not humanity. Not this rock that you stand on. You shit on it, You spit on it. You elite and entitled. All you do is take and take. Every last vessel. You commit the crime, you create the guilt and shame. You put humanity in purgatory fighting your holy wars. All you holy rollers with your big books, you ain't got nothing to me but a book. I got a rock. To feed my children everlasting life what you got but your lies you carry in that book. Your pious soap box you stand on? Pointing the fingers committing the sin. You hide in the dark, you hide in the closet behind that mask you wear. That ?????? to kill off humanity in all walks of life.
Mother Mary comes to me? Let It Be/The Beatles. No you wish that. I'm done letting it be. All the destruction on humanity on this rock. I carry inside me that torch of Justice, Athena. Who the flock cares, the mason or the illuminati you all made your beds with me. Pick a corner. Pick a label I do not care. I'm rubber your glue what ever you say to me I bounce back to you. I'd be careful and tread lightly when you choose your words. From this day forward you pick your path. My children will not carry the burdens and lies of your purgatory and hell. 
Let It Whip/DZ


Time H&TB
Actually I think I made myself quite clear. I am done. I am done with all of it. Michail got his Truth. Truth be told I didn't care for once in my life how he received it. As for my daughter she got her Truth too. Clean up that mouth when you speak to your mother. Until you walk a day in my shoes don't ever tell me how to speak or I am being rude again. Don't you ever judge your mother for something you know nothing about or are willing to sit down and listen. Done. Her mouth kept going until I blocked the little shit. This disrespect bullshit is done speaking to your elders. These millennials can jump ship. This mother giveth, this mother taketh you abuse it.

Get Closer/S&C
Fuck the love songs. Fuck this mother flocking book that I have wanted done and over and off my back in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. As far as your concerned this is your truth and its the last truth or investment of my time into telling you the truth. This is bigger than both of us. Turns out I wrote this Truthful great book that turns out to be the greatest love story ever written from up above. I have put myself on the line all the way through this. I was not the wolf knocking at your door, but if you want to believe that so be it? Don't say I didn't tell you so? I said to Greg in the begin when I told him up to what I do know, "what if your wrong and I'm right?" Truth is I am right. I have never been wrong. My whole God Dammned life people walk up after and say just that.

From A Distance/BM
Here's my perspective on you. Your just like every other man. Who says they want to go out and that's enough? I'm supposed to what get all woozy and fall to my knees? To old, to done.  Now I have not disagreed with anything you have said. I too am tired. You said it yourself. Judas behavior. Interesting that name and how it too keeps coming around? Weather u like it or not you jobe on the top, I'm jobe on the bottom. I'm tired of the insanity the good excuse for bad behavior. I'm tired of every piece of shit man blocking the door every time I try to walk out. That's after I get cleaned out. Castrated because how dare I?  To make sure I'm hungry, hurt and suffer. Every time no matter how peaceful.

Don't Know Much/LR
Just like Carey 3 years. Starts talking to a woman online and for four months I put up with the bad behavior, the pointing the finger at shit they don't even do. Yet he tells me as his excuse, that he wants to marry me? I look at him and this is how you tell me? You cheat on me. You call this loving behavior? You call this love? Once again, I don't give a flying flock about your boat, your trucks, your houses, planes and any other toys for boys you got floating around out there. From my perspective your to busy and all you really want is another side kick to shadow you. To tuck into your little life. I didn't ask for you. I was asked to do this and be truthful so you don't get fucked in the ass every which way. Your stock market, those trucks? Most of all those children.

Fast Car/TC
I have handed you all I know. I rewrote it so you can be very clear, our nine lives are up. I know one thing as mother natures daughter my emotions bring on the storm, and right now I'm about over the edge. When I get done here I got bigger fish to fry. I still have to finish rewriting those messages. I don't get paid for this shit. Three years and I'm almost to the end and I'm not letting this shit go. It's all shutting down. It will disappear, black out. You can keep your arrogant little self where ever, because its obvious just like the rest of humanity they just think they can keep God off? They think they can squeeze in this wrath on their timeline? They just think they are going to pick the time and place? They don't. They don't get to pick nothing. Not the mother, nor the father, the brother or the sister. They don't get to pick what goes in my garden. They don't don't get to pick the whats and hows to get through heavens gates. All this middleman bullshit is going away.

Closing Time/Semisonic
I don't know what more you want from me? Whatever it is your not going to get it. You don't always get what you want when you want it the way you want it. If you got a problem with that to bad. Quite frankly I have told you more about yourself in just what little I knew from just a few conversations. If thats not enough I don't know what to tell you? You have gotten from me more than any man ever up front. Pretty much got the whole flocking cow before the milk. Including video sex. Yuck! I actually feel cheap and regret doing it. Hey I got to do whatever I have to do to knock on your head. This is the Truth the whole God Damned truth and if thats not enough for you go fuck yourself with the lot of you? I'm done. I have no more energy for this. I have nothing left to give, except this book. The holy grail you dumb shit. I handed you the keys to the kingdom and its still not enough. If my hearts not enough go fuck yourself? f this rock not enough go fuck yourself?

Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin,/Journey.
Just like I tell God everyday. I want none of it except the heart, the whole heart and nothing less. Keep the flocking gold crown I never wanted. The only reason I accepted the power is because of you. Something I have fought off every step of the way. Even in name only.

Let Me Be Your Man/H&TB
Fuck that. I am back to square one and done proving my self worth and value to another person let alone a man.
Record Year/Eric Church

Thursday, April 5, 2018

What It's Like by Everlast

Never Be The Same/CC / 
Okay sweet pea? Reading/ through these messages trying 2 get you 2 the next step as quickly as possible? It started 2 dawn on me I have some more ground 2 cover? Boy do I? Some you will like again and well Truth can have different perspectives with different emotions to walk you through until you get 2 acceptance. To empower sweet pea and make you stronger. I have no idea how my music in the last few days have taken a turn like this? Spiritual and Truthful throughout time but it's definitely pulling more religion than usual. Try and go with the flow.
Remora/The Broken Toys
Hilarious the 1st few words "this is our story." I chose this title, I'll Never B yr Beast Of Burden because I'm standing at the A-line across from Snow White Laundry. Fuck that BOB shit. Pissed off and fed up with this book? I mean fucking move it along and get to the point already? This book is a heavy load. The truth, the emotion, the passion, the erotica, the desire? I mean cum on lets dance already. Lets play already. This song came on and I'm yelling fuck you! Fuck you all 4 this. What a lie that song turned out 2B? I'm sorry sweet pea (I may change the title by the time I finish but you get my point?)
How Much I Feel/Ambrosia (Ambrosia is another family name from history right along with the color of that stone. I just lost a Ambrosia ring I found on a cement wall. I wore it for awhile.)
It dawned on me that I'm gonna have to prepare you for beasty mode? You might think you have an idea what that is but truly until you do it and see it? It's a whole new ball game. On one hand you'll do just fine, just from the texting, and well that Big Daddy upstairs didn't bless you with those bull balls 4 nothing. I forgot 2 explain the Greece location? Why I said to Alex if your gonna keep runnin and gunnin that is the place to go. The Owlism spiritual belief in history that I just happen 2 of cum across. My life started out with owls and this journey I keep going back to the golden dawn and rainbows in spiritual beliefs in all walks of life? Especially where you's least expect it? I can't get this kid to casually get her little ass back here without freaking her out? I mean the UK, that's a long journey 2 process the truth on your own at a young age?
Follow Me/UK
Humanity thinks JC's second cumming is going 2B all rainbows and sunshine? It will B. First it's gonna get dark and ugly. The best way I can move you along, is 2 explain my hand signals when I move? When I go after something dark I should prepare you 4 what your gonna C me do and why? I need to explain that circle of life in this house? How these numbers cum back around? You being in the 12th house? Well cumming up behind me is 12 to my 1. I'm from that 1st house you number 12. Sweet! Yeah u bet I'm gonna climb that mountain. Bring it.
Wonderful, Merciful, Savior/Selah
God I can't believe the music as I try to break the news 2U along the way? I need 2 prepare U4 this part 2? Even though they have shown me how dark this is going 2 get beasty style? I need 2 prepare U4 the emotional rollercoaster ride our children and your grandchildren, especially that 7 year old they are going 2 go through? It's a cleansing and a healing as they move you along this family tree line we ascend from. They really take you back to the beginning.
Hotel California/Eagles
Picture God as a great big magnet. It's like your the other magnet and they pull you backwards and 4words through this taking you a little higher with the Truth and a little lower with the Truth until you see the light. To have Faith guiding you back to the light on this emotional rollercoaster ride they have pulled me through. Some days kicking and screaming. Walking away like an umpire with my hands. No! No! No! Fuck that shit. Try 2 remember this started with my brother, the first words out of my mouth for awhile was Jesus Christ! RU NUTS? Now it's Jesus Mother Flocking Christ RU NUTS? What little sister doesn't scream at her brother. Hit him and nail his ass?
Right Down The Line/
Then on the other hand being pulled into daughter mode a time or two up that family line? I look at it this way, what parent hasn't heard from their child, I hate you? I admit sometimes I am 3. I don't have allot of patience anymore waiting on others. I like 2 open my own doors and push my own buttons. I wasn't 2 happy 2 read Worthy Is The Lamb? To read, he goes looking for his lion only to find a bloody lamb? I'm yelling what people think this is fiction? Mythological? Then I find out I'm the lamb? I'm the aunt? I'm the atom ant of this rock, and well those golden showers over that big ant head? Or serpent? Hard to tell our family line ascends from both. Then it sunk in about that serpent and it dawned on me where I was working? What that entity really is? Well I wasn't 2 happy 2 find out about that cougar pride? Where there is one there's another? I should of clued in that of course cougars R gonna B in my location? I was walking through, working at the cougar and bear sanctuary. DUH!
All 4U/Sister Hazel
When I work, I need my hands and legs to work. I just discovered the next surgery I have no choice 2 get is the vascular surgery on my left side. It's so bad the chronic face and neck migraine. My left arm then my right weaken and my hands don't work. Then I go out right down that spine as I curl around. Now my legs shut down. It's just gotten that bad because it has gone undiagnosed for about 30 years. Can't treat something properly if u don't know what it is. Knowledge is key to making choices. In this hell care system u have no choices.
Great RU Lord/Casting Crowns
Good song. For this part to keep moving through the pain each step of the way 2 getting this done. I'm going 2 drop u in beasty mode. I realized after I do this work, naively so. It is exhilarating. I mean for 2 months I didn't hurt until I got back 2 that gateway. My TOL just came crashing down. I learned through watching Michael for three days. No I wasn't with him but I went back for 3 days. Got stuck because of more shit he pulled. That acceptance mode and keeping my patience is not working for me anymore. I need you 2 watch my hand movements. They are important in communication when this goes down. Try to remember I have learned on this journey why God had Moses use the blood of the lamb 2 wipe over doors that God wasn't going 2 touch? I mean God is energy. God is the Angel. God is the Beast. God is the Creation Kyle. Of course He knows the scent of his little lamb.
1985/Bowling 4 Soup
Well I should probably mention the dream I had when I let some guy that was hanging in a cage on those fish hooks out of His back. Turns out that is Biblically written 2. Something about God sent His angel to let Azazel off the chain? It was an industrial area. All I knew is it was my job 2 get this man off the hook. I stepped into the cage. I squatted a little bit. I released a small orgasm. This mans eyes opened. This was one of the 3 dreams I did not want to go back 2. I got 3 flashes. I'm kicking, begging and screaming. I don't want 2 go back. I don't want 2 know. I never win.
Baby I'm A Want U/Bread
Bread again imagine that? In this one when I got taken back to the end, the part I didn't remember? I only remembered my dreams I had over and over up 2 a certain point. I never knew their was another ending until I got taken back. It turns out the man that opened his eyes and came 2 life, was a big white bald man. By the end of my dream I somehow was replaced on those hooks. Why I'd ever do that I have no idea? I'm weeping, asking God why would I do that 2 myself? Just hop on the chain gang? I felt like it was my turn for something?
Holy Is The Lord/CT
Try to remember honey I had these dreams years ago. On the last day heading back 2 pick up Michail from V's, I had no idea he was in town. I was not happy. It was a storm the whole time. I get 2 V's I needed Michail to do a rack & crack on my upper back. He told me that he heard just B4, take the pain inside you. After he lifted me up, he drops me and yells. He bends in half and he's holding his chest. I knew one thing. Good I hope it hurt. That is the least he deserves.
Another Love Song/UK
Then I walk 2 the back of the property before we walked out the door so I can get back 2 Kent B4 I miss that last bus out of town. I stepped 2 where I buried that talon. M. was sticking closer. Not nearby but watching every move I made. I try to shove him off me as much as I can and just let it go. Listen 2 his words, pay attention 2 his behavior. I stepped aside 2P behind a bush and Michail could see me. After he said, that when you did that I don't know what is wrong with me but I wanted 2 just walk up behind you and grab U by the ass and ram you. I knew this was unusual, but trying to figure out what that big weight between my legs while walking around out there was? Things were connecting. Something about my body and scent was dawning on me? I didn't know yet if it was good or bad when this day cums? Now I know our scent in that ardeur is gonna shut this shit down. Remember that other nickname and the thing I had to look up? My Kitty Kat mode, the spray the cleansing. This is so embarrassing but I have 2 prepare u the best I can.
Ask Me How I Know/UK
Talk about a boner, I never knew I had? It explained the constant need to rub one out. For me it was several. Then he said that when he saw me walk to a certain area he caught himself snort and growl. Guess where that location was? The talon. No Michail did not see me do this. No one was around. Then I think it was a couple days later, I needed a document from Michail. I did not want anything 2 do with him. I found out that the same day he took my pain in? He ended up in the hospital with kidney stones that night. As usual expecting pity. Fuck that shit.
The Gift Of Love/BM
I said good, once again you deserve it. What can I say Karma can be a real bitch. Isn't that just the point? Sometimes when I walk away from someone else's crazy bad behavior. I leave it up to Karma. I just didn't realize until this journey how much Karma has come through in my lifetime doling out her own justice after I walk away? Sometimes it makes me laugh. Sometimes it makes me cry. Then back 2 Justice I go. It is this part you need 2 know when I throw down? First I go after it with everything I have. I flap like a flapper from the 20's. My right hand shakes like a rattle snake. I get down. I get funky with my words. I get dark and nasty. You will see me drop and bounce back up. U will C Faith get very black. I get this head roll and shake.
I Will Sing Of My Redeemer/FO
Pay attention to my hand signals and body language. This is key. It took awhile to figure out what these signs mean when I communicate, move and dance? I do the peace sign. The Viper sign is peace down. I do a hang ten. A rock and roll. The love sign. I do the forward cross and the backward cross. I will do the 1.2, 3 and 4 hand signal. A straight line is obvious. It is a definite no go. Also pay attention to just a slight nod of my head. I mean it is slight and it is a no definitely do not cross. It is not welcome here whatever that may be at the time. Of course the stand with my arms crossed. The tapping of my 3rd eye and nose. Hey how about when I clop my right or left foot? Pay attention to those toe taps?
Don't Stop Believing/Journey
The ardeur the energy? That number 13 again?
UR The Woman/Firefall I heard in the begin. from the posting where it was a mans voice. Like a list of orders of what is 2B done when this goes down. It was specific in the locations? The timeline? The whose and what is 2 go down? It was a storm like you would not believe that I felt all around. Later I felt a fire all around me.
Get Down 2Nite/KC & The Sunshine Band
Back to the son I go. When you go into beasty mode all your primal instincts will be heightened. You have no idea. You will turn literally in2 a beast of Gods choice at that moment. Dog's hesitate on attack, a cat won't they pounce. You will snort. You will snarl. You will growl. Your sense of smell is going 2 go beastie mode. Your hearing you will notice every crack and feel every shift. Of course you don't have hair to stand on end? You get the idea. It will B red alert.
Your Song/EJ
When I get in this mode I smell death and I go after it. Sometimes I dry heave and hurl at the fecal scent. You will be able to smell taint of death. That sour heavy smell that you will recognize anywhere when it hits you. You will be able to smell that coppery scent of blood and track it down. Just like a hungry beast or a shark. Your body language will change. Your body language will go primal with whatever beast mode they slam you into. I heard in Gods Blog Log that no one is 2 touch us. I felt that order down deep inside me primarily so. I felt it was a matter of life and death that no one get near us or touch us.
UR My Hiding Place/Selah
Think of our family line as a five prong white star with that ring of fire from all walks of life. Remember when this is done the goal is to place that rainbow around that sun, not just the moonlight. We are going to clean this rocks slate once and for all. For all of humanity. No more debt and fee's like fleas. No more high price on sin. No more purgatory and cells for speaking the Truth. Only the Truth will set you free. With that being said it depends what it is we are judging and what we leave behind for our children to take care of the day we leave Gods green earth to this family line.
Under The Bridge/RHCP Smoke and pee break. Yule Brenner and Anna on the King and I?
The depression of the fig? The burning of the fags during 3 centuries of the witches hammer. Cause and effect over the centuries is the judging of Love? Why does man feel they get to choose or make the rules on love to get through heavens gates? Mankind never considered that this rock, this holy mother, the creation of life the 01 and the atom has another side? Mother nature bitch.
I'll Fly Away/Jars Of Clay
I have never heard these songs on my all play in my life I swear to God. This is what they do when I know I'm moving in the right direction. As far as directions and that honing beacon when you get lost? That compass on the Masonry? Take notice sweet pea to the 2 V's cumming 2gether. Well as far as sense of direction? I don't have one. I can walk out the same door 12 times and circle 3 times 2 get my bearings again. That is just inside. The odd way my mother taught me to find my way back home? When I'm outside if I'm lost anywhere I am at I look to the West to get my bearings every time. What is to the West of me any where I go? That water baby. It never dawned on me something that is ingrained in2 most of humanity is that the sun rises in the East and Sets in the West? Duh!
One Of These Nights/Eagles
Jesus Mother Fucking Christ can you believe the songs? The eagles and UK all over the place? At the beginning of this journey every time I got lost traveling and hiking the woods in North Bend, I'd look to the West, yet it started to dawn on me, the things I am doing? The spiritual things I do when I face the East? Duh! I know this Truth is a heavy load? If I could do it any other way I would. I can't undo something that was started centuries ago with a game plan from beginning 2 end. The death card in a tarot deck does not mean death literal death. It means a closing of a door and a new door opening.
Come Rain Or Come Shine/BM
I promise you I have never heard these BM songs. Never in my life. It starts out I'm gonna love you like no one has loved you cum rain or shine. Like a rainbow room lounge singer once upon a time. Back to the rainbow? When I lived in Rainier Oregon the name of the cafe? The rainbow. In Kelso, Cowlitz county that paper mill, that coal, all that poison in what was once a quaint nice small town is lost now. The restaurant we'd go 2 sometimes the Rainbow Room. Walking thru a few years back it is still there.
You Make It Easy/JA
After my brothers death this is when those black things started shaking my bed and watching me at night. I thought it was rationally so from the scary movie I watched from the foot of the couch one night called the Sentinel? The woman who moved in alone to an empty apartment building all alone. Actually she thought it was full of people but turns out they were stuck in limbo and all dead. No these are the watchers. At night I would lie with my arms crossed across my chest. I felt like they wanted to stake me in the chest.
Summer Breeze/S&C Jasmine one of my favorite scents.
B4 The Throne Of God/Selah
Broken Halo's/CS
Take It 2 The Limit/Eagles
One other thing when we're out there it turns out we are the demons with that sharp razor tongue of Truth 2 kick them back. Weaken them anyway we can. Tear them down either back in line or off this rock. Just go after it with every word that comes 2 mind even if you don't know what it means at the time. Names are just going 2 pop in2 your mind and instinctively U will know which direction 2 take it. Have Faith in your family from up above that they will walk you through it each step of the way. Just let them use your body. I have reminded them several times myself that this body down here is alive unlike themselves. I get it. Just the dancing I have done trying to get rid of this dark energy is exhausting. Stomping your feet all night long on a grate at certain rhythm and pace is exhausting.
More Than A Feeling/Boston
When they first started using my body. I'd crash hard for two hours. Out of habit walking through my life, one of my survival tips was 2 begin anew each time I awoke. I was aware but I'd let the bad feelings go. I mean really what else was there for me 2 do in order to survive the bullshit at a young age on up?
Bad Moon Rising?CCWR
I promise you b4 this is done both of our lily white moons are going 2B up in the air. That is the point. We don't care when it cums down 2 taking this rock back. Give it all u got. Keep moving. Keep the Faith we keep the Family once and 4 all. Then you can have what ever your little heart desires from that day forward.
I'd B There/UK
Does Love conquer all? That is the plan after all.
Hold My Hand/H&TB The Sentinel and the wolf comes back around. Literally watch the Gifted and that is what is happening in these higher institutions. Oppression labels and drugs to hold you down from ascension and Truth to the light.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand/H&TB
Livin' The Dream/UK
Okay Kyle, this one is going to be more Truth. I hate Truth some days too. I have been able to survive this journey and not freak out, because I always had a future date. Either with my girls or something major with these doctors. You have no idea how bad it is with this hell care system for humanity. After all the shutting of doors just walking through this monopoly? The set up to make humanity fail by using big brother and any excuse they can to get you hooked into this system? It is designed to make humanity fail. In our day growing up with our parents it was all about those benefits. The mark up and design on this hell care system is atrocious. They once again took something good, mark it up and hold it back to make humanity hurt and suffer any way they can. To many blanket laws in this justice system serving humanity. They used the institutions and that scarlet letter A long time ago to get the wrong Big Brother in your door. This is what I have heard from people for years. Especially in all places Pierce County.
Be Still My Soul/Selah
They have no jobs there. The biggest hook up for meth and addiction is right there. Yet they have to come back during work hours just to pay a fine? They can't move away without once a month showing up to pay a bill? In this county Kyle these cops had the right to walk through anyone's door once they hooked you in. They did the same thing with this medication. All of it. especially the pain meds and relaxers. A pharmacist any of them can deny you for any reason. One man had a colostomy bag. His X wife had the addiction issue and he lost everything. All the timelines in this monopoly starting over and you hurt so bad going through all this red tape, being ran ragged to meet all these unrealistic demands its absurd. Then to get to a counter that these people who hurt for whatever reason, the insurance and these pharmacist re-question and interview you. For Imitrex which is cents on the dollar. Back to start you go. They all go back to these doctors and they all ready did their service.  This insurance scam started long ago with Molina and that Obama hell care plan. How they our United States missed this I will never know? Except to feed that banking machine in the UK making all the decision on humanities education system and high price on that.
Come Alive/The First Time
This morning they are taking me back to those fives and just what caught my eye about Walmart? They shut five stores in different states, and they did not file a permit in any state either. Just what was the excuse they used? The septic systems. In five different states these five stores happen to have this issue? Come on. They got away with it. I knew long ago from working in insurance that they came in and got every one to jump on board about Corporate America not being able to provide insurance anymore, nor can we afford to feed them. Coincidentally all at a time they have removed three major industries out of the country. Now when I owned my business' it was a standard more than ten employee's you paid insurance to your employees. Yet they came in about twenty years ago and started pushing my mother and all these higher paid people working in these warehouses out the door anyway they could. AG of all things a cherry picker? Thank God she didn't get to pick. They used the insurance to do it. All those years of paying into the Union, by the time she left if she used a sick day, she had to come in on the weekend and make up for it. People coming in the door 8 bucks vs. 20 bucks. This happened everywhere about the same time.
Could You Love Me Anyway/DR
Here I am working in HR at Lockheed of all times when that invisible plane was created? Just found that out a couple months ago. Wonder Woman and the movie, the depression? What did she fly? An invisible glider plane. The depression from the 20 to 40's is the new depression era. Using the pills to shut anyone down emotionally. That pretty rainbow of pills to keep you suppressed from ascension to the light. That's all this is. That schizophrenia label is so mass produced and blanketed under with that label. I mean it is the same thing the shamans and Hindu's do in all walks of life. Only in this hell care system is it a bad thing. All these documents going through PT went from pain to depression. Nothing in between. All these referral that have to be written for any little thing is always one area or just one thing at a time. I have had to go back to start on every tiny thing a new doctor a start over. Same blanket drugs their are 3 of them that they are giving to everyone no matter the disease or pain. The middle men check in and paper work is absurd.
Can't Help Falling In Love/AB&KM
You said yourself I'm blowing up your phone. I know I am. To try and give you some peace of mind going through this. I know that every thing that was done to me was just to show me something? It's all about timing. The first thing out of my mouth was ISIS. Then I heard we are sorry there wasn't enough time. You think I didn't hear every word? We'll just have to see about that. Meet Virginia/Train. You want to know what turned me around? I admit I did an about face when it came to you. You really were supposed to go home. You said it was temporary being there and I didn't want you there. My brother had my teddy bear under his arm standing at heavens gates. My 3 lb Yorkie, that was a runner when it came down to the woods. He thought he was a black lab. He cried when my kids walked out that door. I'd just look at this dog, astounded. Yorkie's don't like kids. My children treated all my little dogs as brothers an sisters growing up. Every time I opened that car door at rock creek ridge he was runnin' and gunnin'. It was Alex and Kiley go get your little brother. My dogs kept those kids busy and entertained, but it taught them responsibility. It taught them no matter what they count too and they are our family. Another nick name? The dog lady. I heard in the beginning I've got 12 dogs.
Sweet Home Alabama/LS
It was weird how after I did the initial training of all my little dogs it was done. They didn't need a leash. Wrigley and Trident my black and white little dog at the beginning of our marriage. Polar opposites. I didn't think anything how they shadowed me in Cali, or wherever we went, but others wanted the same thing with less results. I had to teach Greg, you do not take on the responsibility of dogs and leave them home when we're camping, boating and hiking. Once I got that across to Greg he got it. He loved it. Which is why I thought he'd be great with kids. He is but only play time the rest of the time and investment in that responsibility literally did not compute when it came down to me or these girls. That's what I couldn't see your a doctor, yet I bring myself to leave my girls taking ski lessons to go to a tea party? 
Take It To The Limit/Eagles
I couldn't figure out myself why I won't leave them? They have security. They have CPR. They have the little day care when they need a break. I made arrangements for Greg when he got off to don't stop head up the pass. I saw him driving up the off ramp as I'm driving down the on ramp at Alpental. In that 5 minutes time Alex is standing in the parking lot holding the hand of some security guy, face bloody and swollen, a tooth hanging out of her mouth. A kid got off in front of her getting off the chairlift that she wasn't supposed to be alone on in the first place and instead of crashing into the kid that fell, she face plants a boulder. When I get home Alex is laying on my bed bloody, no ice nothing. He literally did nothing. No doctor, no ER nothing. Greg does not see pain and he has no compassion not even for his kids unless someone else is watching. The curse is the Boston Tea Party and Alex.
If You Leave Me Now/Chicago
This depression that is going on in humanity and that curse carry's through Alex and her father. Teacher conference. Her teacher made a joke, Alex makes the little boys cry. It was a joke. He was talking about her being petite, happy and outgoing. Her best friends growing up were boys. They were like her brothers. Just like my guy friends with me. She didn't like playing house and dolls. She likes rough housing and football like her mother. That was not a bad trait to me. However Alex has size DD breast, olive skin and a 24 inch waste line to go with that. Greg's new wife Anne took it upon herself right along with Alex's new step sister to label her a whore. She wore a bra, sports bra and a tank top to keep covered. She was aware, but Greg is doing nothing. Handing her over to this bad fucking behavior. In 9th grade she wouldn't let a boy near her. Ginger bread Jake wooed her for a year. Just like me she dated an older guy the last three years in high school. Mine was another school and three years older. He owned an industrial paint shop called Phinal Phase Phinishing and it was a purple triangle. My brother died in a love bug. My mother isn't even aware she is driving a white one now.
Wheel In The Sky Keeps on Turning/Journey
Alex had mentioned over and over without knowing it, different guys having depression around her. Jake was one of them. Then the next kid, she stayed in town for this one. I wanted her home. I knew something was going on with her and her father. Whatever it was she needed to come home and work this out. Whatever it may be. The stress this man put this one under with his demands. I knew one thing in the beginning and why I got her that job and put her back under my name. Even though she had a college fund, every time her grandmother sent her money for groceries and to pay bills. He would do anything to get it. Including calling her and telling her he wants the check her grandmother just wrote her for books instead. That was exactly it right there every step of the way with him and me. The way he'd take it and decide if your worthy to get anything back, especially when it came to food. I knew one thing looking at her. My children do not work for their food at this age. This is never okay unless they are just a down and outer. Wheel in the sky keeps on turning is Osiris. He and ISIS had a religion, it wasn't wrong. Just removed for the wrong power and reason throughout time. He is those 3 stars I have looked at my whole life and never knew what they were called, until Dave told me. Now that's a powerful trinity wouldn't you say?
One Headlight/The Wallflowers
My issue is all this wasn't just you? It was the power. For awhile every time I heard a higher name from JC the son or God the sun, whomever one and the same. Everything is written for this time about the alpha the omega. The yin and yang and balance. When you finally picked up that phone. It was about timing. I mean are you kidding? Not when I have my daughter in all places the UK. Yes in one of my visions Kyle I got handed a big King Size salmon, well I threw you back in the river. For awhile every time I heard a higher name, I didn't even know or care the power behind it. You could see my right hand come out and shove you into a steel door so hard it left a imprint. 9:33 Hilarious. Even on the key board systematically typing some days my typos would have a 3 all day in the middle, a 5 all day, A 7 all day or a 9. I heard in the beginning don't change one thing not one God Damn word of this. In some of my writing I am aware. I just left it in because it was all day typo again. Especially in the beginning I kept hearing the word storm. First I met three storms and 3 mothers with 7 children. I know I'm spelling weather wrong.
Still/The Commodores
Their were 7's all over the place. This is b4 I even knew that is the magic number in all walks of life. Right along with that magic number three. They have shown me throughout this journey. It's about that five star family of light I have on this rock, and that white five star family we ascend from and represent. We have the creator, the father and the mother.
We Light The World/Chris Rice
This time around it's the brother and sister. Funny how this five all ended up with the name LaRae and LaNae right here. One just happened to of been adopted in. I won't trade her for anything. She is mine. Break bread together you are family. It's that easy, but no longer. People hurt and they are hungry. Before I moved back here, I was watching people on meth and not knowing it for the longest time. What they were doing to survive? One lady hurt and I have learned that meth is a pain killer. When you are in pain everyday. You will pick up anything just to get a break from the pain, even if it's only a day. M. came to get me and I broke down crying these people are hungry Michael. They are hungry for Love Michael. They are hungry for food Michael.
Feels Like Tonight/Daughtry
Back to that power sweet pea and what they were showing me within myself? When I bit that man on the back he kept saying it burns. It burns like hell. I saw my teeth marks and I said, nope. HHHHMMM!!!!! Nope I don't see anything. I knew one thing I was not going to get out of that truck if he knew I caused him everlasting pain. Pain causes anger after awhile. Then later like just recently it sunk in what hair like women and teeth like lions really means during this fight with the enemy. Including taking me back to what my first love pulled? All those years, and I had already left him, no issue at all doing that. It was the Trust that was broken and the secret kept? When we first started having sex he had his best friend Steve under the bed. They planned it. I hung with Steve as a friend after Kevin and I broke up. Wouldn't you know it? Red head. He was a cutey but I couldn't date my boyfriends best friend. I didn't want those battle lines drawn if something went down. Right when Steve told me. I screamed out loud. Not just embarrassment, but Trust all those years. Then he tells me they would high five during. Right there I said, you just poisoned my first love. It was always something or someone else. Steve and I are 3 years and 3 days apart. We had so much in common. It gets worse his daughter was born without a hand.
Jumper/Third Eye Blind
I got left at a Skate King being the new kid in town by another mother. Her excuse her son is with them. Shortly after her son is killed by a hit and run driver. The day we met at that red rock, was my childhood friends birthday. She pissed me off at work one night and well she was killed up on cemetery road. She flew through the windshield. Red head. In the beginning before brother red showed up at the end of the counter dressed in red and black, looking down with a half smile, I kept picking up on this Gleason family. The red heads and the Aries. The fire sign. The lions, or my tat happens to have a name. The Fiery One.
Heat Of The Moment/Asia
Then right before you called I was falling asleep when I heard the story of Solomon's ring? The seven and the bull again. Timing and your name. The story how Kiley got her name? Horrible inside my heart. What a let down this scene. Then they showed me in the park how I looked at Greg, and I said eight names. One of them was Kiley. They showed me the day in earthworks park when I said I don't trust that Japanese woman or that German man to bring my children home. They showed me they were both there the day she got her name. My brother and her father. I have been put through the ringer because of you. I finally yelled out one day after the third mother of seven walked through the door. Not another 7. I don't want to see another mother flocking 7. Just then a Seagram's truck drives by. I'm yelling fuck you all. I get it. It's about those 7's. I mean my pass code at Samsung 7777777? I couldn't miss this number no matter how hard I tried to forget and just move forward.
Letter To My Daughters/UK
Look the music? Basically when you called and told me what has happened in the interim that was it right there? Its just enough. Enough fucking around or denying that there is something very wrong with our nation and this Big Brother. I was done denying the power anymore. I knew something else that didn't help me inside which I have said is those grandchildren? I mean the timing on that? The age, location and well hell Kyle the namesake didn't help any? I knew if I didn't grow some balls and start telling you what I do know up to that point that if something happens that would be a huge resentment to get around. I can't lie. It's like I'm on that show with Jim Carey and he's the lawyer that cannot lie for 24 hours. I hate it. Well your two mothers? Those two reasons why you had two bouts of cancer? Universally pulling in to pull you down, challenge you and incentive to keep you moving I knew right from the start was those girls. I called it your two big C's for those mothers then you get it a 3rd with a potential of a forth? Just in the last few days listening to you, I see the same pattern. You come home Easter weekend to be with your kids, then you get the flu, but you have a schedule to keep? Then you go drop a load and get stuck with another? It made me think of your location of all places, Spokane down I-90? For someone from the UK, you just to of happened to corner up right here on the I-5 and I-90? All along my families routes. The last time as a teenager, that I spent anytime with my father he took me to the petrified forest in Vantage. Cursed much? That is how my back feels and my muscles most of the time, my whole God Damned life. Especially since the car accident and about every 3 to 4 months. I crone. Everything pulls up in and it turns to rock for three weeks.
The Prayer/Canadian Tenors
Then sometime in the beginning of this journey, I go through the crone for my usual 3 weeks. I roll out of it. I wake up pain free this time, only this time I have an egg size mass that has formed on my left shoulder. When I watch these schizophrenics conversing with someone no one can see? I notice they literally chat with the person standing to the left like it is their big brother. Like you can converse and say whatever you want to your own big brother. When they get worked up and mad, they are all looking up in the air. I noticed right off the bat not only with Gary, the elements and colors he surrounded himself with? The rocks and the way he set it up around himself, then me? Even in his mess I could see the sequence and design. He kept putting this big metal thing somewhere near me.
Nights Are Forever Without You/ED&JFC
The day my purse just flew off my back and I had M. Meth in a eye glass case that said to Michael from Herb. The day he handed it to me and what he said? He said Colleen it's like it's telling me you can't have me. Only he can. I grabbed it and I said that is just the point Michael. I buried it with a wooden sun box that I have had for over twenty years and I hated to let it go but for some reason I buried it with his meth pipe it had a wooden sun. Then my only one night stand dream and in real life, it's some guy, we knocked boots all night. When you walked in the front door, their hanging on the wall to the right was a big wooden sun. He wanted me to stay, I wouldn't. It had something to do with alcohol. Your pancreas? Isn't insulin blood sugar? What is alcohol? Yea, your cursed and they are going to heal you, but as usual this family doesn't do anything gently.
No Surprise/Daughtry
What you do not know is we didn't lose our lives due to meth like people think? M got his dream job. That went from one thing to two. Then to three major things. These other two have nothing to do with what M is training for. This is what I keep seeing is their is no limit anymore to how bosses and corporations just pile it the fuck on. M. had to keep going back every two to three weeks to get a check. Not consistent. Some time's just a couple hundred bucks. My job over forty hours some weeks on three different shifts. I did everything on that floor. I was the on call girl that could pull it together and walk in and take over anything they needed me to do. Yet mine and Cyndi's paychecks are coming back like 99 bucks. We both had to keep coming back over and over to get paid. We had to have it figured out to the cent. It didn't matter what Larry added on, Patty took it off. We had three procedure's to clock in and even when we did them, no one bothered to look. I mean we never got it back all at once. It was being doled back out here and there. Cyndi kept having to pawn her computer just to pay rent. No matter what we were always wrong.
I Go Crazy/Pd
Then out of the blue weird things kept going wrong with Michael's car. That we have no choice but to pay for right then and there. Then I find out four to five months after an elk hit Michail's car where it happened? Michael drives like a mother flocking grandma. I don't care what he says. He will not move unless I have that seat belt on. He is so cautious. It was that black pipe that I spent about four hours at one evening. With a water bottle and a black feather. It goes straight out from that black pit. I kept asking Michail what happened? Tell me the Truth Michail? I don't care what it is? I had been getting on Michail's case about the white lie, telling me he is on his way to pick me up. Like he's just down the road, and when I finally do get a hold of him he's in Bellevue or some other far off obscure location. It's right under the light. He apologized later because it didn't matter how much I said, Michail it's not about your drugs? It's right under a street light by a clearing no tree's for Christ sake's. He said it finally. I mean I know how car accidents work and how the elk try to get across these roads. We all do in North Bend this time of year, but this happens around four to five a.m. This accident was at 1 a.m. literally at that black pipe. I didn't even know Michail's father was pretty high in the masonry or what the name of the tribe was he and V spent a year with until recently? The Lakota's and the Dakota's. One of his daughters that he put up for adoption whoring around in the service name is Alexandria. The purple scarf under the mason bowl the name is Alexandria. One of my nieces name's, Jordan. Kevin named his first daughter Jordan. My river of denial that was a mile wide.
December Collective/Soul
Back to these nines. The seven and the two are nine. Go to your left sweet pea, you have a trinity ring of fire on that end. Go to your right and what do we have here? Three rays of light with another Rae for a mother, my sister. Boy has she taken a beating in this life. They just did as I wrote this sentence my move for Justice. You will see my thumb go to my chin and I will push it to the side. When I am in Justice mode receiving info? You will see me plant my feet firmly on the ground and cross my arms. The same move this guy does when I'm not gonna get around him. It is also the same move Michail did when I saw that 10 year old boy with dark circles under his eye's standing inside him. This kid is anchoring Michail. I can't decide yet if it's good or bad? Keeping him shut down, and not budging him?  He won't turn off the technology just like most of the human race. Did I tell you in my crib sitting at my left shoulder was a toad? Who does that to a kid?
Timing and the locations of our children? Yours I still do not know? You just had to of had to call standing there while your first set of twins was being delivered then of course the grandson in the vicinity of Kiley? I promise you honey, I promise you just in the dark energy that is going to be flying and moving around when we go dark for two days and two nights they are heading right for our kids essence and energy. Everything is going to come up and down all at once. The other thing He made very clear the day I scribed on my Facebook? Assholes. It was the only day it was a mans voice. He was literally offering me up. Calling me out. Saying can she do this? Calling out all I carried in my pack? Then they get stolen by brother red? Asshole. I'm gonna kill that guy when I get my hands on him for this. I ran into him in the woods. It literally was like slamming into a wall. He scared the shit out of me.
The next time I caught on that I was being called back into those woods. I stomped my right foot said no. Turned around then I heard, it was about Michails life. At this time I had just met another Michael who literally used the words he feels like he's swimming in a sea of sharks. We knew we had seen each other at that truck stop and it turns out the family that was shot X-mas Eve was his in laws to be. His wife had the 3rd eye like me from a country with no government. She went on Paxil and couldn't hear that inner voice or see the light anymore. She committed suicide.
3 A.M./Matchbox 20
He even stole my tampons. Every time I'd gather something up in the beginning like my Imitrex and some cash. Smokes. My two national Geographic I picked up a native man arms extended 1944. The other was the planet mars on front. This was the day I did my 17 year old kitty river dance. One night when I came back for a visit, I walked out to that square pit and lying on the ground were my tampon's laid out like white little angels. When I got to Kent Hope I had two hearts made out of sticks with a cross made out of sticks wrapped in a vine, at the lookout I'd stand at. You could stand at this vantage point and see out to pretty much all of kent. That was my signal I was in the right place.
Drift Away/UK
I wasn't happy the day your wife told me just who it is that Kiley is to this planet? She can be a wicked bitch sometimes. Hella funny because Truth be told how do you break this news to any mother. Sitting on the bus I hear, Your Eve's mother and Eve's mother doesn't fuck around. I'm like that's how you tell me? You just blurt that right out there? Kiley had just told me in the car that she needs me. She's scared to date boys, she feels like she's sacrificing herself. I looked at her. I turned and got our of her truck. No way. I'm pissed Kyle because as a mother if they impregnate that child immaculacy. I'm going to kill every one of them upstairs. What that would do to her Kyle? Living as a nun sitting in life church of all places?
My Heart Will Go On/CD
My other one is ready to jump ship to one of three countries on her own. One of them was Greece. Well I got Zeus, those nine muses and that siren. The Greek philosophers and its Greek philosophy written in our doctors hippocritic oath That's all I could think to say. I can't get this one to come home. Kiley said, she didn't want her father to know she broke up with the guy. Alex got stranded in LA with some rich kid that was a friend during this time. She made it clear just friends. Nothing else, she said mom, nothing has ever happened between us. She tells him I have no money for this trip. She was working on top of everything this whole time. Some of this guys friends asked her who she was and she said, "oh I'm a friend of what ever this kids name was." The kid would not buy her any food for that remark. She didn't say anything wrong. This is the way people respond, to us. Extreme punishment for being truthful or naive.
Dance With Me/Orleans
In the beginning I wrote Alex is my five. She is half my heart and with Kai I have ten. Then I find one of Gods names is Jah, and it means the numbers five and 10. I also wrote my rock and I named her destiny. Then I find out the spear JC was stabbed with is called Destiny. When I look at it she is a goat for a animal sign. This one gets my goat. You have no idea. Yet her birth sign is this planet which is what? The land and sea. I try to hold onto that. Well even though Kai spoke to me b4 she was born, and the ability to shoot straight for the heart by the age of five. Making cupcakes, laughing and she looks at me and said, mommy your sad. Your so sad on the inside. I had to run away just so she wouldn't see me cry.
Truth be told these girls saw nothing go down between me and Greg. I didn't like scenes and he knew that when he'd get his digs in. I remember with Jim? He feared her. he would not go in her room. He would not cross her path if something was going down. This abuse with Jim really took off after he got the keys to my kingdom. His name on the lease, yes I had papers signed by the landlord, he knew I was there. yet he wouldn't fix the heat the same winter that the storms happened and gas stations shut down. I got stranded in Redmond, this is how I lost my girls. If I left work and didn't come back during this time we were told we'd be fired. I get stuck and the girls had to stay with Greg that winter. Jim was gone during this time. We were done.
My goal honey is not to scare you but to have Faith in your power and those girls. I hold onto what you said with these girls. They are strong. They can work a farm and they didn't take shit from boys. Freya your wife sweet pea, the reason why I stabbed a green worm? She is not just the beginning of life for humanity but in everything. Right down to that worm that feeds the soil life. Its nutrients for the soil and food for the worms. Worms for fishing. A circle of life. Like the butter flies and bee's mother natures nectar. Your Not Free/UK, no your not and neither is the rest of humanity. It will be soon enough.
We'll Never Have To Say Goodbye Again ED&JFC
It was made very clear in the beginning in that message, no one in this Washington, and no one out of it for those two days and nights. I want you to remember when it comes down to these 15 what happened when the Celts tried to steel the oracle? What happened when they tried to steal Arc Of The Covenant? They died instantly. I was saying ashes to ashes dust to dust. Then sweet pea I saw the documentary on the Atom Bomb when it goes off and what is Biblically written? I kept seeing in the beginning that blackbird guy with the crooked black beak. I didn't know that was the plague mask. Learn something new everyday. 
I want you to know I wouldn't wish these girls future on anyone. Ever. I know one thing they will no longer be locked in a box or tower. That rock that was shaped like a skull I slept under? I found a documentary on those 13 rock skull crystals. Well Sunshine these are them. I don't have your names on numbers on these 10 yet? You know that bald egg head I said was growing on me in the beginning?You are the representation of this nations bird. Well about that spear of destiny and the name of the guy who ordered JC killed? The roman dude? Pilate pronounced pilot. Those Walmart's and Sam's clubs that are closing are owned by the same lot, and when you look at these empty buildings they are jails with high security. They have every thing they need in those boxes. The FEMA camps well it's the cause for this famine. Where did Mary M. show up, her last appearance? Fatima. The catholic church kept this back for a long time her message. Don't worry those twelve Cherokee's and 7 Navajo produced 7 little bishops. I'm the queen B of that mother flocking church.
To Where You Are/JG
The only walls I had to take down was wall street and religion, and big brother. It seems I have covered all the bases on these three, and number four is that oil pipeline that pulled some shit recently with 30 Lakota's. Come in and take at this late date. This behavior is still prevalent. They attacked thirty Lakota's with dogs one night standing guard, unarmed. One was pregnant. I'm so sick of this back handed behavior from these guys you have no idea. I haven't been out to North Bend in awhile and what I hear I'm not going to be happy about that tree line coming down once again for more rotating marked up boxes along my mountain.
I Started A Fire/Ash
They just happen to of had a sign off the beaten path long ago what that land behind Warrior Number two was really going to be used for? My thumb went to my chin. A septic system to hook these people up here and that highway. Fuck that. All while I have a serpent sitting up there, great that timing Kyle? I not only gave allot of golden showers on that big ant head behind that Edgewick Inn. What a black cloud and curse on that place? Notice how the rooms are always so dark and dreary inside? The fecal smell coming off that place? Those ant's that it was two big hooks that came together that I did that dance. The next day hardly any ants and the fecal matter smell was gone.The second summer I came back laying in the criss cross path of the tractors where the tree's were starting to get torn down was a little blue egg. All of a sudden I got the urge to pee. I learned to squat and pee on the go.
Brown Eyed Girl/VM
Well back to that worm we go? My first nick name isn't just because I'm a fertility goddess but I was watching a documentary about Egypt. Their is a old weapon from mythological times and it was called a worm something. Apparently this laser was so strong it could cut through stone. When I said I saw you after a fight happy, like you just won something the image I got had nothing to do with you being kidnapped? Nope! You were muddy, a little bloody and wet. Yeah Kyle your set up to win this one, but that wisdom tree of life has another name, and it's called knowledge. The more Truth you know ahead, the stronger you are. Especially with these kids being out and about. My goal like the song says U Raise Me Up/AJ. Only its you I need to raise and catch up.
I knew in the beginning that when I speak the Truth and call someone out on their bad behavior, they shut down. What I didn't like was it shut down every one else too. They may have cheered but I don't like this kind of attention. I'm happy in the background. In my life I didn't feel it was my place to tell someone the Truth in their bad behavior or the choices they made toward me. I knew it was odd and extreme, but hey these people are adults, and they didn't ask. Not one about nothing. What I screamed about at night? None of it. My whole life no one asked.
As Dreams Go By/BM
Well I was born in the land of fives and look where I end up? Federal Way is the land of fives. That big hand on the side of the freeway. I didn't pick this place. It was rented site unseen. Guess the road? Military road with the an army base down the road. I'm right by a 7'11. Kings cleaners and a Safeway. I spun around four times in the middle of 405 because a Safeway truck cut me off in the rain. I was in a blind spot and I couldn't get over. I was literally 12 feet from that semi, traffic just slowed that quick. It just started to rain. I was in Kevin's car. Toyota Supra heavy in the back. I tapped and had no choice but to lock them up. I spun four times in traffic hour. When I lifted my head, I was facing West and I look over at four lanes of traffic all stopped way back there. You could see their mouth plopped open. I should of just got out and bowed. It was incredible.
Amazing Grace/TWC&CT
I sang this at my fathers funeral. I really don't pick this. I hope this is all of what I know up to this point. Notice we haven't actually had sex Kyle. We have not cum together. I'm not happy about that bullet being lodged where it's at knowing full well your gonna get knocked around in this one once again. Just let me do what I need to do.
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing/FO
This is the power I never wanted to have. I don't know how you feel about the power and responsibility being handed to you? For me I don't take it lightly, but they are the chosen ones. We have no choice but to be left to come back and lead by example. We will be the judge sweet pea? In nursing school, my first patient Mrs. Laws. I knew when she was strapped down to that bed screaming like a child it was because she was not being treated with dignity. Neither are these people down here, nor the rest of the human race with all these blanket laws, blanket justice, high taxes, sins and fee's like fleas all over this rock. I'm done. When this day comes Kyle, they gave us a chance to get to know each other for a reason. Do what ever you have to do to me to get them off Kyle. Don't even ask. Just don't pull back on my neck, I have two disc and two plates and screws that will take 18 months to heal. Your a bullet and me a steel plate and screws. It's not going to be good for either of us if the wrong being gets a hold of either one of us. Who doesn't want to fuck an angel?
May We All/FGL
Most People Are Good/LB
Those black boxes, those coffins I saw on a documentary a hidden camera at a FEMA camp. As far as I'm concerned those boxes are not going to be for who they think? They are not going to be used for people who don't repent or abide by this one world order. They are going after those food trucks. First thing they do throughout history is lock up all the food. Those black boxes are for the 1/3 down, not this family and that 2/3 up.
Watching Over Me/The Canadian Tenors
Take Back Home Girl/CL
Open Arms/Journey
I Can Only Imagine/Mercyme
Four Letter Word/UK
Far Away/Nickelback