Friday, January 12, 2018

The Time Travelers Wife

Tornado/LBT 01/12/2018
Well Satan your Mummies back in town. You know Satan walking through your cement paradise to hell, I've figured out a thing or two between Jesus Christ my husband, my son, my father, that he was here for Truth. You wanna know the difference this time between Jesus Christ and my brother Todd LaGene, the God Son? He's here for Justice this time around. Well Satan my brother, my son, your done.
Dirty Laundry/CU
You dirty little seed that planted itself in my garden long ago that would be you.I'm the baby sister this time around. You ready to dance with me brother? I know one thing IC in all these incantations, of all these holy rolling big books of Faith Satan, is that they are not the Truth. You cut out half the heart right from the start. 
More Like Her/ML
Your mothers heart is this rock and how humanity hasn't figured out this rock is the greatest asset we will ever have? What you have done to it Satan, it just tears my heart in half. You eroded me away. You poisoned me. You turned your mothers truth into lies. You stole everything she ever had and built with mine own 2 hands of love and life.
Long Stretch Of Love/LA
I know one thing looking around, none of these religious wars is God's hand. No Satan my brother it is all you. None of what I have seen from any of these religious wars going way back is this,  it ain't God. Why would God destroy His own creation? Why would God enslave His mothers to religion? You have turned God into a horrible being with all your lies and deceit. No my brother ain't none of this is God's hand. It is all you and your evil little tribe blocking evolution.
Wild One/Faith Hill
Now my brother what does God do in the end? She comes in and she shuts all this slavery that you all, the human race have procured over time. You laugh in the face at rape? Hey I got one for all you rapist of my land, my beasties, children and mothers, how does it feel to know every time you rape, you rape mother earth? You know the mother that feeds humanity everlasting life not just a few? Her name Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature, Freya, that circle of life you have destroyed. Jah it's true. God has provided throughout time. She has lots of names. No Mary Mary ain't quite contrary.
The Illuminati sign is back on the Taco Hell commercial. Right out in the open. Go ahead people support this piece of shit corporation. Oh yeah I shut you the fuck down. Right along with the rest of all you corporations poisoning humanity right along with my little beasties. You inhumane pieces of shit. You have lost the right to own any garden or farm in my family. You can't feed humanity without poisoning others and feeding yourselves? Get the flock off my rock.
Love Triangle/RL
You know what set me off today? This movie right here, "The Time Travelers Wife." I used to love that movie, once upon a time. I recon I believed in love long ago, I forgot, I once had a dream of love. When that movie came back around I knew just how she felt. Of course I fell asleep. This time I got in on the last half, and I had to turn it off. I couldn't watch another love lost in time. I couldn't live through it again.
The First Cut Is The Deepest/SC
Mama's Broken Heart/ML
Jesus Take The Wheel

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