Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Boondocks/LBT 01/09/2018

Mr. Bob Ferguson
Attorney General Of Washington

Mr. Ferguson,
You do not know me. I am one of your constituents born here in this Washington on April Fools Day 1968. I was born in this land of freedom. After all this bullshit and injustice I have received from your justified system the first time I placed myself in your hands, nothing but a character assassination for a crime committed against me. The theft of my good name and the character assassination he did on this mother all because I was a kind naive trusting person. It seems I still have that naive character defect today just in turning to you and handing you the keys to the kingdom.

I Got The Boy/JK
I made an agreement with my higher power back in July 2015. I made an agreement to walk out of my life and put that back pack on. I made an agreement of Faith to walk back through your hell care system to find answers to the Truth about this Tree Of Life I carry upon my back. Let's just say their ain't no Truth and Justice in this United States of America. Their hasn't been for sometime. Turns out their ain't nothing free in this life. No matter how much Truth you tell after you take the label and blame for that scarlet letter A that was so unjustly placed upon me and never allowed my first amendment right to speak or defend myself against the labels and crimes placed against me.

Love Without End/GS
IC right here just with your blanket labels you placed in a divorce you have wiped out half of another being that it took two to create the life and death of that marriage and all it entails? I never gave a flying flock about no money. I care about Truth and Justice for humanity against the oppression, and high price tag you place on Truth today. Their ain't no money on Truth. Only slavery and more boxes to report to. Their ain't no God either because if their was your justice system would be based on Truth. It would be a fair balanced Justice system and Truth be told that just ain't the case today.

Red Dirt Road/B&D
What a hot mess you created from the top? All I see is a paradise highway to hell out here for these people, that you sold out to your Corporations. IC you created more garbage going in my land fills to feed the garbage. A practice that never needed to be. You all chose to feed your machine and not listen to all those brothers whom have come before you to fight for freedom in this country. It breaks my heart what you have done to humanity selling off the wrong stock that you all on top swore to feed. You swore to protect. You haven't protected anyone but your entitled and elite, all to feed yourselves not humanity.

Independence Day/Martina McBride
You served the wrong stock, all based on a house of cards. You wiped out hope. Why did we have a civil war? All to feed your civil courts today? All your institutions and your labels? The high price you put on sin to get through heavens gates? You valued yourselves and that machine more than you did mankind. You have been told over and over to step back from these wars from higher beings. Perhaps you need to look at some of your documentaries.

What Was I Thinking/DB
Your blind eye of justice? How that came to be today? You took everything good and put a high price on it. You sold the human race out to an insurance. It seems we now have a justified system all based on a potential liability and all IC is a dis-service to the human race. You might want to read along on all the injustice this mother has had to walk through to find the answers day by day. It seems I know longer fit in any box, however you in this system have created quite the industry on humanities suffering. This is not okay, not for this mother any God Damn day. My children shall not inherit this Tree Of Life and all the injustice that has been placed upon me long ago.

She's My Kind Of Rain/TM
To this day after all the pain and bullshit I have walked through I still only ask for a clean slate. That you not give this father, my children's father, not one dime, for a crime he placed against this mother. This father is not an honorable father. I have spoken the Truth to him all along once again, but why would he ever want the Truth to come out? It seems I made an agreement long ago and I married the wrong brother from that Garden Of Eden. The one I knew nothing about. I have since learned why I went through this? My rock, my light. Destiny and Faith I carry inside me forever and always.

She's In Love With The Boy/TY
I have the answers to that ring of stars that sits above Freedom's head. I was supposed to get back to speak to this man. I let him go and didn't make it back. I walked away. I at the time didn't know that he had anything to do with the agreement I made with my higher power. I heard the word family. Would I be willing to look crazy to save my family? Then brothers and doors. Then brothers and codes. Off I go through your hell care system once more.

Think Of You/CY
It seems to have a conversation today is to high of a price, just like your justified system. I'm going to ask of you not to send out the alarm before him and I have a chance to speak about what this is really all about? I have the answers to his numbers? I have the answers to his twin towers? His two and seven? His two mothers? His two bouts of cancer and why he took those additional three on along with his seven?

I'm In A Hurry/Alabama
Why I saw a great big cross go right down his T-zone right down the center of his heart? I just recently learned what the Knight Of The Templar's are. When God wrote in the bible about Beast, he was referring to us his flock. It never dawned on any of you that we are all mother natures and God's flock. IC a few bad apples in every sect, serving up their own justice out of fear. Fear of the Truth on how we came to be here today?

Watching Airplanes/KU
That God is our creation. She is the creation of this rock. She is the blood of the lamb, because she is the creation of all you little beasties. Her animal kingdom and where we descend from is that animal kingdom that surrounds this rock. I'm Sirius. It turns out we have eroded away mother natures gardens and we poisoned them. In return we poisoned humanity from the inside over a long period of time all to create a hell care industry. We eroded her organic animal kingdom that was meant to feed all of humanity not just a few.

Take A Little Ride/JA
Then we created a one lane highway to hell with the labels on humanities pain and suffering and we put a high price on sin. The reason for the Gin? The depression from the twenties to feed that pharma company and the reason for all the depression today. You flocked with humanities emotions in more ways than one. You took a blanket justice system on spirituality and God. When it is clearly stated throughout history that we are all receivers. You created the H.P.P.A. a blanket label on spirituality and God IC? One emotion for a few moments does not make you bi-polar. The natives see spirit animals. Is that a crime? We are all star children and indigo children and you created and stuck the blanket label and diagnosis in our schools back in 2000. All to shut down our children, label them and drug them up? I do not think so. You labeled and enslaved humanity and got us to serve up a system and it's guidelines to match your new system of numbers? I do not think so.

This is just the rough draft. My concern is what I saw in the beginning that Trump is a set up. I'm not sure what the hold up is. It's either that bomb or Trump's failure is the excuse they need. I am asking that no one enter my apartment, nor interfere with me and mine. It's the least you can do after all the bullshit injustice you have served up to me and mine. I don't know, have I done my civic duty to my country? My land of freedom that I was born in that has done nothing for me but box me in, label me, decide if I have a right to eat? How I eat? How I suffer? You turned my Truth into lies. Being judged all the way up and down the line just in the character assassination you allowed one man and one woman named Mary Stone to come in and literally steal everything. Including my wedding ring that I designed and paid for that was to go to my first daughter. The representation of this blue planet and those blue skies and that man's blue eyes.

Gettin' You Home/CY
My children will receive my journals from this journey. You are not to approach or encroach upon them either. You will not receive one drop of blood from either one of us to feed humanity answers either. This rough draft and this mothers Truth is all you shall receive until my family and that man Kyle Berg Uhrich and I have a private conversation. My daughter Kiley and Him carry the same name and I found the name Kai in a documentary.  Mary Magdalene and JC. The dragon revelations that is here for her children is this meth and heroine.

It was in about August of 2106 that I finally looked him up from the information that he told me about himself. The similarities in names and address's of our families alone? That Yule Christmas Tree Farm? I had a Christmas Tree farm where I lived with my children at the entrance and I spent some time myself on a Christmas tree farm. His middle name means mountain and music. Mine Rae and light. The crest and meaning behind his last name is a wolf. This is the wolf moon. Have I earned the right to some privacy to speak alone with the wolf that sat in my closet with all those children in red dresses climbing all over him in my childhood?

The Dance/GB
Klackamass County. It was like a mantra to my mother growing up in Rainier Oregon. I just discovered that recently in his families addresses. I will not allow anyone to stick me in a box nor stick a needle in my arm, nor my children's. I am finished providing my time in your boxes to feed a machine that by the looks of this EMG hasn't been able to diagnose me correctly all these years. Couldn't be bothered in all those years to do an X-ray. Nor can I still get an MRI to see what my options are before it declines even more. After two and a half more years and a copy of this flocked up Tree Of Life, no one wants to help me.

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
To much of a liability IC? You passed laws to support this and allow our hell care system to be judges now IC? Now we don't need lawyers to defend us because we have a corporation and a hell care system written in stone in what services I may receive due to an insurance, I was placed in long ago and the benefits, have declined. Brain injury for being raped and in the 1600's Lincoln was kicked in the front and he was fine? Being raped and using my big girl words to get back out and the hell and injustice that King County pulled afterwords is an unforgivable crime in and of itself. What about the reason I got in that truck and how Travel Centers Of America treated a rape victim afterwards? How about how I was treated after one year of being 86'd off the lot? 

My Little Girl/TM
I can't seem to get a consultation, because it seems it no longer matters to these HMO's and hospitals that you sold me out to long ago, and let make decision's for me all these years while you send me to box to box and never let me speak? You keep billing for this fine of child support and I ain't paying it. You all can eat all these fines for all I care.You were all to busy supporting your HMO's and making your doctors take the blame for what you created when you sold out humanity to these HMO's and pharmaceutical companies that created all their own guidelines and laws to support a potential liability on that scarlet letter A. Instead of listening to me they spent their time telling me what I can not have and experimenting on a potential that I do not have? I'm not your guinea pig anymore. Your hell care system and doctors have made a living off my suffering long enough. The excuse this Gin needed to lock humanity in and fine them.

My Maria/B&D
Whose gonna pay for this Tree Of Life Now? Not that man that's for sure. Nor are my children for something that you created with your blind eye of justice. You have wiped away this mothers constitution from the inside out long ago. You can take this child support check and mail it back to Greg my X. You can do what you should of done in the first place and that was arrest Mary Stone and Greg for what they have done to me and my sister. All those labels and fines in criminal court, you all can eat them. Your marked up hospital bills that couldn't be bothered all these years to diagnose something as simple as scoliosis that got so bad it turned into Kyphosis.

 God Made Girls/RL
 Right along with that car accident at the crux of my neck that my X caused and collected on, yet my sister nor I got any treatment. What about that right hip that the scoliosis pushed and tilted forward now? Took two and a half years for a physical therapist to lay his thumbs along my spine to find the answer to my right hip. Take note it was not your osteopaths, nor doctor's. My middle three toes on my right foot don't always work. What about that arthritis I have in my lower back that was also ignored by Snoqualmie Valley Hospital? The time that my liver enzymes were high and I spent 5 days in that shadow of death, and Dr. Todd couldn't even be bothered to give me an IV? As far as this mother is concerned you hospitals and lawyers are done judging these people that you put here.

May Day/Cam
You left them hurting and suffering until they had no choice to turn to other drugs to get away from the pain for a little while. To get the energy after being in pain for years and ignored, because pain decreases the human bodies energy. You have written your pat prescriptions for years to the human race and you have done nothing for me but to tell me it is in my mind. If you don't mind I am taking my Tree Of Life back. I do not speak your new language of Political Correctness because it is your political correctness that has created more confusion and distention in humanity.

A Broken Wing/M. McBride
You removed Generation X's industry three times and sent them to other countries. You recreated a revolving industry going into my landfills. You keep changing this industry and the schooling also. Which is nothing more than middlemen whom came in and created the industry, and the guidelines over and over. You took full time jobs and created part time jobs, Now humanity works as slaves in these revolving jobs in corporate Americas warehouses. The food industry, is owned by corporate America now and you rewrote the standards on this failing poisonous industry also. No you did not feed humanity. You fed a machine and you were told not to sale these gardens to the entity. An entity is a corporation. Which happens to be a very old brotherhood working behind the scenes. If you need a visible example on how they did this watch "The Intruders."

Maybe It Was Memphis/PT
It's not very PC to this mother and this mother gives this heartless system that you sold humanity out to an F.

Wanna Be That Song/BE
He stole my lively hood out from underneath me and told me a weak later I needed to get back to work to earn my keep and do my part. After two surgeries back to back? After I was supposed to stay home by day for the summer with my children and my computer to work from home? Yeah abuse and neglect is an invisible crime. I know just how mother nature feels. She gave you this rock right along with God to feed this whole rock everlasting life, you can't figure out that entity is a machine designed to keep making it's own laws to keep feeding itself is not my issue anymore it is yours.

Aw Now/CY
Yeah I know how my family feels upstairs? It doesn't matter how much proof of life you show this justice system. You will do whatever you can do to hide the Truth and make another human being sit in a box just to prove yourself right? If that doesn't work well hell you just call out the dogs behind the scenes and kill them off. Label them a terrorist or off the wagon. Need to go back in the box until you repent right? Not this time. I should of never had to go through this. This rock is my church regardless of what corporation owns that land. Their ain't nothing wrong with sitting on a rock, a gold mound, peacefully. You can't meditate or pray anywhere without a label today or the cops harassing you.

You created the labels on spirituality and created the guidelines and rules on God and how we receive Gods love and light, peacefully? That whole time, your corporations and your policemen with all your blanket laws and labels did nothing but harass a woman whom never asked for anything. No you created this hot mess and you will clean this up. You cannot say I never spoke the Truth about something that is so clearly stated from our visionaries and historians. That we are all receivers, but you all made quite a living off our visionaries, haven't you? Their are good beasties on this rock and when you look at Kyle that man has so many spiritual beasties inside him. He must of did something right in this life to be watched the way he has been.

Need You Now/LA
He has that eagle head, and his hobby? He is a pilot. Who ordered JC killed? Pilate. Those blue eagle eyes. This man is your lion. He is your heart. He is also the representation of the wolf. Guess what he carries on his back? A little monkey. This man is your king. He is your beast with heart, so they tell me. He raised his giant ring of fire on a farm in Woodburn Oregon, I believe. The location of I believe his mother in Graham Washington was the same location I placed my father after I got guardianship of him. I asked Kyle how many years ago did you start coming to that truck stop? He said fifteen years ago. It was at that time fifteen years that I was fired from there for something I did not do.

Where I Come From/AJ
No to this day I have no idea what to say. I'll just have to put my boot straps on and speak truthfully from the heart and tell him what I do know up to this point. These are the documents that I was accused of disassociating and it seems to me for a woman whom typed this up the next day I am pretty perceptive. I am a caring analytical responsible human being. You right along with him stole everything from me and now I know why my family has a reservation to take this rock back.

We Danced/BP
I'll never get my return on the quality of life I deserved. I will never get back all that was stolen from me. I will not take any responsibility for any of this. He even has allowed one man to live there for free for years but he couldn't allow his own wife a break. In twelve years I got one weekend trip. I have copies of journals begging him for money for food and you all turned a blind eye. No don't ask one more thing from me. I in my blog, that I have the legal right to speak the truth about my so called miserable life. All I have been through, going back from my past and present is not a crime.

What Do You Think About That/MG
Speaking the Truth about me and mine is not a crime. What you have done in your justice system is immoral and corrupt on humanity. It is unethical and from this mothers perspective inhumane. No you had a chance all these years to let me speak and you couldn't be bothered. Don't bother me or mine please. I know who I am and it turns out I like myself just fine. Not to happy about the rest of the human race hating my guts when this gets out but no one can say I didn't try one last time, like all your brothers whom have come before you, right here on this rock and from the stars.

Meet Me In The Middle/DR
The documents I have typed before on word has expired. As usual like everything else out here, got a pay a high price that I cannot afford to update the software. I have been stuck living with a kind man, yet not the love of my life by any means because of your hell care system and I still can't get out from under. That misdemeanor now? Wow! I can't work. You know that left shoulder and the crux of the issue? My hands don't always work. I tried again and couldn't go to my own doctor when I did have another job as a server. No I had to waste more time to follow your systems guidelines and procedures for a potential workman's comp claim, which I had no intention on filing knowing full well what was going on with my Tree Of Life.

Boot Scootin' Boogie/B&D
She only checked my range of motion and I couldn't hold a plate in my hands without letting them go? So how is this insurance working for humanity again to get them back to work feeding your machine? The recreation of your slaves that now are consumers because you sent our industry out of this nation and left your own country hanging for jobs? All while you change the industry over and over filling our landfills? We are now all servers in Corporate America that you have allowed to be cut back to part time jobs under the guise of full time jobs. With no insurance because of that getting to fire any one for any reason in the first ninety days all based on insurance? An industry that created it's own marked up value and services, including your hospitals? You have the gull to call this service?

I am out of options. Their is nothing more I can do. I will not be thankful for anything you in your justice system have doled out to me and mine. Don't bother saying your sorry or blow smoke up my ass anymore. You all stuck your big noses up this mothers little ass long ago. From what I can see I was better off without you. Now you have boxed me in along with the rest of the human race. I am done. I have done all I can do from this day forward, the rest is in your hands. I this mother had better not find out any money crossed to pay that unworthy man I married. I am not cleaning up this families dirty laundry any longer, curse or otherwise. You cannot fault a woman for speaking the Truth. I have no shame in speaking about whom my family is and what you have done to humanity. I speak for that family, I bleed for that family. Just as that brother whom came before, and that Father whom God gave me after. My Father my husband. My love, my light, my heart whom bled for this rock, whom we wrote off as a myth. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Dirt Road Anthem/JA

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