Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mama's Song

Mama's Song/CU 01/11/2018
If only it were true God? To be treated as an equal and not the maid? There to do the daily things that keeps everyone moving through daily life over and over? To feed, your children love and light everyday in this high cost of living life we live and we are still less than and forgotten about? We pick up and do the things that others in our life don't want to do. Do you know why we do it? Do you know why your mothers have done this every day over and over all these years? Because they love you.
White Horse/TS
For such an advanced society today we forgot no matter where you are it was your mother whom fed you. It was your mother whom washed your dirty clothes. It was your mother who kissed your boo boo's. It was your mothers who cried inside every time you did. It was your mother whom gave you your walking feet and changed those dirty britches. Whether you like it or not it was your mothers who fed you life and brought you into the world and if you boy's don't clean up your act this mother is gonna take you out of this world.
I'm Alright/JDM
Now it took two parents to make that baby and bring it to life and we're gonna go back to both parents feeding that baby life everyday. Out with these gender roles that hold us back and hold us down. We are gonna go back to it takes a village to raise our children, and God Dammit whether you like it or not we're gonna do it together. No one stands higher no one stands lower in all walks of life. We are gonna go back to respecting our elders. Add heiarchy and respect in age to that list.
Lost Call/LAW
Oh Sophie, what are we gonna do with you? A machine that we gave citizenship to wants to give life? That is where we went wrong. We added a 01 to this trinity, this organic trinity, this universal trinity. Now we are no longer an organic trinity to give life. Oh no, we in society were to busy staying ahead of the game in all this technology that we didn't think about the consequences for this rock? We didn't think about the consequences to the other nations when we gave our trinity a number? We gave it it's own life, and rights now. Plus the power to make it's own laws. How we're gonna feed it and pay it back in all walks of life? It's a purgatory a number to hold humanity under it's thumb. This mothers done. My God we bring in a machine and they cant even feed support and provide for the human race? You whom swore 2 serve the people and only yourselves, get the flying flock off my rock.
Just A Dream/CU
The perfect example is Kroger and Walmart of all places? My God are you kidding me? They are going to replace 100 cashier jobs with a machine? Here we go again. I know plenty of human beings whom want those jobs but no the human race is to much to insure and feed now IC? Where is it going? In my landfills. Just like those semi's I want off the highways until this fossil fuel is gone. I know plenty of truck drivers whom would love to drive those trucks and deliver the food. The medical and whatever else we need to keep this rock moving forward until we can switch over, and get this fossil fuel and this revolving car industry off my rock.
Don't You Wanna Stay/KC
Had a good day with Alex. I let her know what I turned into the attorney general and why? It's about Truth. It's about justice. That her father is not to inherit one dime off this mothers suffering. I told her who I was and she listened. I told her her father is the black horsemen. I need the Gregorian to fall out of the sky. I need the two wolves to cum together to feed this rock life so we can begin anew. We don't take away in my family. We give back. We don't need insurance, we have assurance of everlasting love and life to feed all of humanity or it feeds none of humanity.
How Do I Live/TY
We keep our promises. Like I always said "the more the merrier. Find the light whatever that may be and hold onto it. Hold onto Faith. No matter how small, with Faith inside you, you stand tall."
Hell On Heel's/Pistol Annie's
Hell it don't matter, from what IC mother nature's children come in all colors, all shapes and sizes. No, you can't put a price on love. If you put a price on love, well hell the way IC it, that just ain't no love I know of. Free will, free love, give and take. God don't care, it's all about the way we feed each other love in all walks of life. When we carry that book of hope, we carry Faith. When we have Faith, we leave it up to God to judge.
Heart Like Mine/ML
Our role is to feed Faith love and light and the rest of humanity. Ya know all that judgment we place on each other to live in Gods house and receive Gods love? We don't need those four walls anymore. I'm here to tear those four walls down and tell you this rock is your church. You feed mother nature you feed God. You feed your children you feed God. You break bread with others, that is your family. You feed others in all you do, you feed God. What comes around goes around. Let's raise the bar on quality. Let's raise the bar on life. Let's raise the bar on love. Let's bring family values back.
Ten Thousand Angels/MM
It's really that easy. Take away the judgment and purgatory we place ourselves and others in, let it go. Leave it up to God. The Truth those big books of Hope don't tell you throughout, is that we come from two. We carry two inside us. It take two to create life but it take's a family to feed it love and light. That O ring ain't for no one else to judge. We're all little beasties inside. It ain't for no one else to judge your journey and tell you you are a lesser being of God because none of us are. We carry that Atom/Adam, that Sun/Son inside all of us. Jah it's true. I'm Sirius.
Next Boyfriend/LA
Love You Like You Mean It/KB
Laughing earlier going back through my blog, standing there clueless and dumb as a box of rocks. Why does the sun shine here? It's alway's about the son isn't it. That God Damn son and whose out here once again stomping through the mud?
Georgia Peaches/LA
How come JC and Noah got forty days and I got fifty years? How come the son get's the easy life? Why am I out here carrying the load? BAAAAAA!!!!!!! BAAAAAAAA. I just keep getting guided and goaded as I stomp through all the purgatory and injustice of this hell care system, with all their blanket laws using that scarlet letter A to wipe away a human beings rights to eat? The right to speak? The right to not hurt?
No One Else On Earth/WJ
Then I find out after all this, I'm the sun? I'm that sun? Oh no you don't. I don't want that sun nor do I want this son on the ground. Oh no you don't I'm backing out the door. I'm walking away from this hot mess, but oh no no no you gotta go and piss me off. Real me back in throw Hope back to the ground, scrub me up, rub a rub dub dub. Wring me out and slam me on the rocks again. Butter me up slap me on the ass and send me back out.
Bye Bye/JDM

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