Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Gifted

Crash And Burn/BC
The Gifted, oh what a gift you bestowed upon me? I'd like to pass this white elephant gift on some moments of some days. Serendipity? When you look your worst or at your worst, that's when you'll meet your soulmate. Things can only go up from that point on. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You don't care what anyone else thinks you only have eyes for one. The apple of Gods eye.

Callin' Baton Rouge
When the Greeks' die, they only ask one thing did he have passion? Faten is the Greek word for Destiny. Mag or is it Mage God? It was in those pink apartments that my grandparents managed. Her name was Mag. When you walked through the front door on the left was the same picture of Jesus Christ with the bruno beard. That man in the mountain to the East has a bruno. I connected the Bruno's finally. Whats up with the Bruno's? The trigger of the Bruno.

My Maria/B&D
I was walking out the front door the other night. I got a flash out of the corner of my eye. This boob tube speaks volumes. Finding the Truth buried behind all this mythology and folklore that keeps repeating itself? I asked Michail "last night that movie that was on the TV? Where Eric Bana threw the sword up in the air and when it came down it went down his spine, and his father became the rock? (Like that wasn't a cry fest) Michail said King Arthur you mean?" Their were two story lines here first she hands him the sword out of the water but what I couldn't figure out was how the sword got in the stone in the first place? We gotta put the sword back in the stone IC.

There Ain't Nothing Wrong With The Radio/AT
Rainbow Cherry Blossom and Sunshine State, isn't that just the point God? All these developers coming in and buying everything up, destroying it all to build your high towers? Who profits and who loses? They really did create free money God. Free money for themselves the very few who hold all the stock, using my meek to feed on? My resources too IC? The keys to the code and that red rock are me and hell God, I'm standing right here. The entity, the connection between heaven and earth. Not my fault no one wants to know there is an actual entity sitting in the ground in North Bend. Like a vortex of dark energy pulling all of mankind down. The new Jerusalem, Mt.Si. This Washington. I said in the beginning no one in this Washington and no one out. IC you have spread my little apples, my Rae's all over this rock.

Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo/TB
The kings are still holding the food and water over humanities heads IC. "Don't feed the bears kind of thing." Don't worry God IC what they did, killing off the herd. You went in and removed the industry, you starved them and put a high price on water. A high price on taxes, to the little people. Hell God they don't give a flying flock whose stock they are killing off anymore. Can't afford to feed and insure the human race anymore IC? Could it be you cut the hours down to part time, and raised the Cost Of Living at the same time? Oh God please don't get me started on this dog and pony show again. Oh somebody stop me.

Made me think about my grandmother burning her children's birth certificates? She didn't want them treated like dogs. All I could think is I never abused my little dogs. I loved all my little dogs. They went everywhere we went as a family, and my house was a revolving door of my friends and families door. All dogs were welcome in my home. My favorite part is being shown I do own the dog farm upstairs. I just didn't know that five star I was seeing in my head was called Sirius, that its the dog star. I just kept hearing Sirius. Blind as a bat and dumb as a box of rocks some moments. I get goaded and guided each day. Blind Faith? BAAAAAA. I'm hooked in, I don't want off the chain. Well that depends what perspective and whose perspective I get walked through.

What Do You Think About That/MG
There for a couple days it was touch and go for my emotions. My lower back keeps trying to spasm on the left, and I can't let it hold me back. Early yesterday morning I hit the drag to the AZ and on my way back it starts threatening to kick back again. Tizanadine and Tylenol just isn't cutting it. Stretching it, pressing it and rolling it out is keeping it at bay. I took a Tramadol yesterday and it was rage that rolled through me. Valid rage at that. Like a lion that wouldn't turn off inside me.

My Front Porch Looking In/Lonestar
That evening I fell asleep and when I woke back up that rage would not back down. When Michail walked in at midnight, lets just say all bets were off. Knowing the Truth why his daughter walked away from that car wreck in that black Mustang? Why that boy died after he picked a fight with Phil? Mister Jester of all people? Told him you are not allowed to defend yourself. Phil was such a great kid. Michail was a horrible father to him. Just on him. To much discipline and blame, not enough of the soft hand to counter balance Phil was taking the hits from all sides. A five year old little sister blaming you for things she's doing. A Bi-Polar mother with all kinds of grandiose idea's about how others are going to live their lives. She was so hooked up to that computer.

Drinkin' Problem/Midland
Then the worst one for me was the woman whom lived there with her son? She shot herself in the head. Right across the street a family of five boys, two more suicides. My cousin Travis his best friend same thing. Castlerock? The memories and dreams there along that dyke? In my dreams I kept going back to my aunts roses. When I awoke the same rage was rolling through me. Roid rage, perhaps?

Hard To Love/LB
I looked up the spelling 2C Faten or Fatem? IC Destiny - A God of Good luck possibly Pleiades and off in my tailspin I go. I start out each day, energy vs. pain? Fuel to keep me moving? I get up every morning and turn my music on, brew my black swill of my choice, light my cancer stick, if my hips are rocking I know it's going to be a dancing morning, bouncing from the John, P/T, my weed and I tune in to start my day, grab my pad and pen. I start playing charades with God, I keep moving until I crash and land on my heating pad and balls.  I go around and around the same ritual everyday. If I hurt and have no energy it's funny my hips won't move. They have no desire to move. Then I know it's the boob tube, last night watching one of The Gifted, going back to my dreams sitting in cells with my family? All being questioned, watched and hunted in the woods. Boy is this gonna bring down the house when someone tunes into this blog.

Must Be Doing Something Right/BC
I told Alex all I have to say is two Alex's are better than one. I just want to fly over and pick up this little family and bring them home to me. It makes me cry. Then Michail tells me last night that his father and grandfather were Masonry members. My reply back to him was that Taco Hell commercial? George Washington wasn't part of the Illuminati he was part of the Masonry. The lie in this commercial Michail? These two brotherhoods don't go hand in hand. The masonry was freedom from the elite and slavery. The illuminati is slavery of it's own trade. Mankind. The name on that purple cloth underneath is Alexandria, your daughters name. I tell him more gently about Phil and Daniel? The names and the suicide after a normal scuffle between boys? Michail starts to go off in Philippians. I put my right hand up toward him, and I said, "please M. don't send me off into another book." I can't do another book and the symbolism's in the Truth.

In Color/JJ
Pacing back and forth last night looking up at the stars, I got taken back to my daughters two uncles in Hawaii. One was a hermit. He went to work and when he came home he did not leave it. He was a shy one. The other one, owned the cock farm out back. It was the nicest part of the gardens on this whole lot. He inherited it from his father. Uncle Walter who was a retired policeman. This cock farm was well known amongst the traveling cock fights. All I could think inside my heart was what can I do, call out the dogs on my children's own uncle? Sitting at the corner of the dinner table, I said, "all I have to say about your cock farm, is we will agree to disagree and leave it at that." I adored this family. I loved that uncle Walter a full blooded Polynesian man would sit in his shack out back and make polynesian tokens of hope and faith.

Three Wooden Crosses/RT
I'd watch him and think how authentic and real this is. A full blooded polynesian man, not a factory, not a corporation creating the good luck charms. Good luck and good magic is how I looked at it. Hell I buried angels and said prayers at some of these houses that wouldn't sale. I'd walk the lot and find just the right tree to bury the angel under. Then I'd say a prayer. God this family makes me cry.
Thinking last night how can I turn this cock farm around and all the purgatory it entail to my little beasties God? Then it hit me. When push comes to shove I'll just bet this uncle is ready for a cock fight. Then inside I laughed and cried. Leatrice, every morning at sunrise Klean, I pick pick pick for three hours, I make ninety dolla'. Incentive to keep you moving and something to do when you don't have grand kids. Do what you love, and love what you do each day. No better way to go out in life than that.

She's Everything/BP
Come on God switch it up. All I'm hearing are the men this morning I want to hear some ladies.

Gun Powder & Lead/ML
Now that's more like it.
Why Don't We Just Dance/JJ
Talk about mass destruction you'd say Holy Fuck too.
God Gave Me You/BS
Great Balls Afire.
Shake It For Me
Remlinger Farms and back down I go. Back to the tears. These guys are real assholes some days. These tear fest are enough to kill anyone on the inside. I'd drive a native man around named Dan when his legs wouldn't work. He was a wood carver with a chainsaw. It was awesome to watch. I'd take my girls to Remlinger farms often. Something fun for the kids to do no matter the season.

After we'd get set up it would be closed to the public for a couple hours. This is where I learned how social and fun these little lambs are. They love attention. I'd sit down in the center they loved to be petted, they were playful, and sociable. Then I'd go over and play with the bunny rabbits.

Red Rag Top/TM
Then God drops me further down. It was T&T the first private conversation we ever had? Sitting in a tiny travel trailer while her little girl was in kindergarten, she'd sew wedding dresses to make ends meet. Where was this God? Twin Falls. There she sat waiting for her Big John to come back to her, When he came back they bought some land up on that mountaintop, Snoqualmie Pass. They built her dream house for her little family. Then it was his turn to pick her up and carry her off to bed when life got to heavy inside. She too was bit by the Gin.

Watching Airplanes/GA
(I love this song. To think I hate heights. Irony in life sometimes you gotta laugh.) He'd pick her up each night from where ever she fell and he'd tuck her back into bed. Every morning without fail, she got up made his coffee, got his lunch, real old fashioned values feeding her man. The saddest part of this story right here, she's no longer bit by the Gin.

Letters From Home
After dinner they each go their separate ways. Big John off to do his thing and his fiery red head would lock herself in her cave in the garage with the propane tank to keep warm. Their they are him lying alone in his bed waiting for his fiery red head to come back to him. What brought me back to this Big John? I'd do my grocery shopping at 5 a.m. before my family started their day, and without fail, there would be standing Big John. His big bald head and arms crossed grabbing some coffee on the go.

Tennessee Whiskey
It Must Be Love
My Little Girl/TM
I send the document Topical Bible Destiny ( to print, and my morning war with this machine? I want to pick it up and throw it. It gets stuck in Q and I have to keep resetting something that is set up to go already and the switch is off.

It Must Be Love
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 8:20
Revelations 20:12
2 Thessalonians 1:8
Galatians 3:27

Undo It/CU
Then we get to all those Greek numbers, and names of this Destiny by design. Whose design again? My Gods design. Your creators. You know that God you thought abandoned you? That Big Bang Theory? Is she really just a theory? The Atom from the Adams family. I am Wisdom and Wisdom is power. Are you ready to pay the piper? I know who I am. I am Babylon. I am the Lion, I am Life, I am Liberty, I am Justice, I am Love, I am Freedom, I am Freya, I am ISIS, I am the Joker, I am the fool. I am Ares, I am the Ram. I am light. I am Ra. I am Aten. I am the Patriot, I am the Patron. I am the Patrician. I am the Sun. I am the moon. I am this Rock. I am the Holy Mother. I am 3 Mary's. I am the Lily. I am the Rose. I am the blood of the lamb. I am the Tree Of Life, I am Astair, I am blasphemous, I am the Assassin, I am your original mother from beyond. I am the heart beat of this rock. I am Faith. I am Peace, I am Joy, I am the Angel. I am the apple of Gods eye. This is my organic enterprise. I know one thing this mother ain't going back on no cross. Now I ask who the flying flock are with your little dingaling?

Strawberry Wine/DC
Fishing In The Dark
Standing off the drag in the center of Safeway parking lot. I asked my brother does this justified system really think they are the highest power on this rock? That nobody stands above them? My right thumb touched my jaw and pushed it to the left. Justice is back.

Wagon Wheel/DR
There I stood with my hands clasped in front. I had both feet planted firmly on the ground facing West with my twinkle toes and my monkey hat. Faith stood chewing ass for all the injustice you have created on my rock. All the destruction. All your institutions, silencing my little lambs. No Faith can be very black, you don't move Faith. Try calling this mother a Martyr. Those men were not Martyrs. You took Faith and turned her into Martyrdom. That word is a creation of your own making out of fear. If they didn't repent to your king or new religion to hold over humanities heads, you labeled them, not God.

Good Directions/BC
LMFLAO God. Who came Before Christ again? Could it be Osiris and ISIS? Walking down the drag the pictures I took? I looked up and here comes this homeless kid stranded in his car. On the front of his shirt written on the front in white TGOD. He just happened to have a tat on the back of his right calf of a tree.

Burning House/Cam
Sitting at the A line across from the AZ I look up just as a white van drives by and there written on the side As You Wish.

White Liar/ML Been there done that already. The Truth why I had no desire to do this again. I'd rather be alone than chained to another Cinderella man with ego.


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