Monday, January 22, 2018

Independence Day

Independence Day/MM
Oh you piece of shit Satan, the anger that roles through me for what you have done to this rock and mankind? Ya know Satan the more I think about it, you are the entity sitting in the ground at that truck stop. My country pride? You've been tunneling your way through my rock for how many thousands of years now? All the way from Mt.Sinai, and back to Mt.Si, back to the start to finish this once and for all.

Single White Female/CW
Funny how this started in all this big books of Hope, Mt. Sinai, and we end this war here in this United States at Mt. Si? Now Satan I'm not sure what my family has in store for me to do to you, but I'm certain of one thing they didn't bring your Original Mother of this rock to lose this fight. Like daddy said, from the beginning to the end, and here I stand.

Suds In The Bucket/SE
You want to mail Destiny and Faith's heads to me in a box? Really now brother we'll just have to see how that goes for you? Doing some more nosing around in this family tree of life I wear upon my back everyday. You know brother the turning of the blind eye of our animal kingdom eroding away IC? Funny the human race was to arrogant to count themselves amongst this circle of life in my animal kingdom? The arrogance that money buys for you elite and entitled?

Church Bells/CU
Now brother imagine my surprise when I found another group of men? Just how these names keeps rolling around in this mothers tree of life? It's called "Golden Dawn." Now Satan imagine my surprise when in the beginning I said, It's time for a new day, its time for a new dawn?" Here it is I stand just waiting to destroy you when you rear your ugly head. Once again I got a Creepy Crawly coming back around. That Crawly has his hands in everything from back then. Planting his seeds of poison in every sect. Alistair I got a Aleister for you to meet.

The other names Satan, H.G. Wells. Bram Stoker whom wrote the Vlad series in all this folklore, right brother? You Vlad's are the suckers of the good energy. Last but not least brother, Jules Vern, whom wrote, Earth To The Moon." Around and around I go brother. I figured out when I said, that Trojan Horse is here in this United States of America it sits right there in my valley. Snoqualmie Valley. Now brother finding out that I'm the chosen one. No not from here you silly but the cosmos. Wouldn't that make the tribe the closest, the chosen tribe also?

There You'll Be/Faith Hill
The New Jerusalem. Oh my brother I can't wait to dance all night and destroy you once and for all. For the rest of mankind, pick a door? Hell Mary nine layers down I throw away the key, or Hale Mary and I open the door to heavens gates to let all my children through. You do know what my job is this last time around brother? To release all of humanity from these chains that bind in all walks of life. I had better never here another tribe tell this mother to go back to my tribe. Whether you like it or not all you country prides belong to me and no one else. Not a machine with no heart that's for sure.

I Got The Boy/JK
Your not going to believe what else I found my brother from hell? The Vikings Season 5, Episode eleven. You know Satan with that wolf moon, it started to dawn on me this is Norsk mythology I'm seeing here, coming back around. It seems to me we have underestimated the Vikings after all. They believed the power belonged to the people, just as I. It seems to me they to were looking for the sun.

How Could I Want More/JLS
I found Oden, now brother I'm not thinking this God is a myth. Nor is Freyr or well my brother, their he is once again, Thor. You remember Thor don't you my brother, my dirty little rotten seed son? Killing off mother nature, locking up her resources all to starve the human race and well hell if that doesn't work well you can always poison her seed and kill the human race off softly from the inside out? You could just buy up the gardens to build all your High Towers instead of feeding mankind? Oh that's right your way ahead of me? Are you my brother, my son?

Something In The Water/CU
EEK Drizel, The Tree of Life. Cosmos of the nine different worlds and there are those nines again my brother, my son. Ozgard of the Heavens gave up one eye to drink of the water of the Truth. Now you piece of shit, doesn't this sound like Destiny's life all over? You know that left eye thing, she is blind in her left eye. Where my does my families migraines hit? You piece of shit, the left eye. The turning of the blind eye to this tree of life that was meant to feed all of humanity, not just a few.

Heart Like Mine/ML
Slavery, this is all about slavery all over my rock? The solution to all your pollution is more pollution IC. The blind eye of justice you serve up, with all your blanket labels and laws to feed your institutions. The creation of this hell care system IC? Your just a bunch of middle men who came in and created yourselves? Damnation all over again, the last line to stealing all the gardens. Well brother this mother is here to take them heal them and give them back to feed all of my little beasties, not just a few. Your just lucky this mothers last name means do over.

Love Triangle/RL
I figured out something else my son? I am the Queen of this God Damned Rock. It's time for a royal flush. Do you know what my clue was Satan? My grandmother held a purple book in her left hand. Justice holds a book in her left hand. That torch she carries in her right hand stands for Justice and Freedom. Oh brother it gets better you know that woman that stands on that White house, you know the one with the blanket on her left shoulder, it is her right hand that is in the air too right Satan? Ben Franklin another receiver and the Indian Treaties.  Look what I have here? This little mother is the right hand of God and Justice. That torch she carries, and it turns out brother this mother is the heart of this rock.

Long Stretch Of Love/LA

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