Thursday, January 25, 2018


Knockin' On Heaven's Door/Guns & Roses
Spiraling through my emotional cycles of discovery on this wild ride, it finally dawned on me, the answer I've been looking for? Just where is that Trojan Horse that planted itself in this United States God? I should of known, standing right out in the open, doing a sit in at that red rock. What an asshole.

The Joker/SMB
You know God, my brother, my father, my son, I don't think your such a funny guy no more. What is the one mother flocking thing that I've been screaming all along? You just had to do it didn't you? You had to hand me the real mother flocking deal didn't you? The serpent is getting ready to break through right there in Snoqualmie Valley? This Mt. Si? The real deal? Royal flush this piece of shit once and for all please. My TOL can't take much more.

If Today Was Your Last Day/5back/Dark Horse
A real live mother flocking serpent? The Viper God? Just this morning I got a name? Balthazar is this one? It's his toxin isn't it God? He's going to release a venom? He's extremely poisonous to this planet, this rock if he breaks through to mankind. The reason I screamed Armageddon is right here? I didn't even know what Armageddon was? Well not hardly.

What were my clues you asshole? It finally sank in all those arrows walking around out there pointing to the sewer and the water. Then in some locations, I'd heave at that fecal smell that would hit me all of a sudden? Just like in that restaurant? The smell of death behind my mirror?

What It's Like/Everlast S&S
Then it started to sink in where I stand when I start moving my hands and doing some kind of dance? Those sewers and wells. Then it was the Black Viper that came up a toilet in West Seattle of all places? King County? Emerald City God?OMMFLGOD!

Proud Mary/CCWR
Am I getting closer to your plan for me? Nope I'm not happy about this one? I screamed over and over one mother flocking snake and I'm gone. What do you hand me? He's playing brown Eyed Girl, Asshole nice try. I don't give a flying flock if my shit brown eyes represent this soil. 

Then it was the controversy at that Truck Town, the new rich people that came after don't want anymore trucks pulling off the highway? Quite frankly it's in the perfect location to service humanity. That is the priority. What I noticed after that was the clearing behind Warrior Number Two? No they are not happy about the clearing of more trees in this valley. Then the signage off the beaten path, as usual the county has their own agenda to just come in and take over. These people out in this community are on wells. Thou Shall Not Covet God? Whose doing the coveting God of my families resources?

Never Gonna Be Alone/5back/Dark Horse
They aren't hooked up to the city. When that opens up, they can build more and charge more tax dollars along that highway. More sin taxes to feed the trolls at these troll booths. Billy Goat Gruff, gotta pay your fee, gotta pay your taxes to cross this bridge? All to build more marked up boxes that are already over priced and they will likely never be paid off, but hey it's another revolving door industry to buy and sale and feed the world economy? The wrong stock and profit they fed God? Free money? Who suffers God?

After Jack In The Box and the e-coli outbreak they used that as an excuse to lock up these private wells. If they can't lock them because some are grandfathered in they up the taxes, for mother natures resources. Water people. What about the poison in all my rivers and oceans God? It's not the human race and tribes. Organic water into synthetics? You added an allergen to my organic, milk of life, you dumb shits. Since when is it ever a good idea to fuck with mother nature? The one that feeds you everlasting life?

It's these wars and technology that has surpassed it's use because now IC my family has no choice, because everything is literally poison on this rock to feed all of humanity. By that this mother means my animal kingdom that was here before all you entitled elite moved in and bought and sold off all my gardens and lands in this United States of America. The wars all around just before and those gardens God?

Only God Knows Why/Kid Rock/Devil Without A Cause
Look at all these gardens we could of had in this United States, to feed all of humanity. 

Fly/Sugar Ray
Our green earth, our gold fields, the soil is eroded and poisoned now. Imagine that God, right when I start doing this, this Washington's Golden opportunity is those apples, and they went GMO? Are you nuts? My honey bee's that I need to pollinate my flowers and my gardens, where are they God? They were told not to sale off our gardens to Satan. He sits at a table and serves us? He's sitting at the wrong table God.

Then he uses the insurance to get it's claws in you. He don't care how he does it. The addiction is just a cover, the excuse they needed for that revolving door of insanity. How much is it a spin on this insurance God? About $8,000 bucks. I'd have to go to Snoqualmie Valley and charge the ER $1200 a pop, on this insurance, just to get into that storage closet of pills they had. I could only get 9 Imitrex, or six Relpax. I  couldn't always just pay the office fee to get those because my doctor would be out. Get hurt get sick, buy a house or a car? You lose it all people. Two years to even get the claim started and how much of your life do you lose till then? Short term solutions for long term suffering. This insurance turns a blind eye, boxes you in and labels you, Insane or Addicted, sorry its in your head. We do not serve. They don't serve anyone, because this, no pain meds for these people whom have diseases is the making humanity have to self medicate. To feed those revolving Institution's they created in their jurisdiction in that court house and never let us speak. Nor did they take care of the trigger. This system is a creation of it's own making. Purgatory and hell.

Accidentally In Love/Counting Crows/Shrek 2
The blanket system on that scarlet letter A in a divorce? All he had to do was point the finger and I had to prove myself. I tried. I had all four neurologist that didn't have a name but the diagnosis was correct, and I get put in a hell care system that for years told me its in my mind. Now God my whole sacrum is coiling so bad that it's not just my left arm that is shutting down. It's my left leg. Some days it's both. I still can't get an MRI to see where I stand, and what I can do more on my own?

Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers
It took me six hours yesterday just to get my lower back, base of my ribs, and sacrum to loosen and then by that evening my left disc at the base of my flower slipped to the left on me. Caused a migraine and shut down my left arm. Now I know why my Lower back wont stop trying to spasm? It's gotten worse, that twist that coil in just three years. I had no intention of ever taking a pain med again. Then I got here and I couldn't move or function I hurt so bad. This insurance, plus my own doctor wants me to do Gavipatin, and Cortisone shots. Are you mother flocking nuts? You have a fifty fifty chance, they work, or kill your muscle. Those are not good odds for me. I'd have to get shots all the way down my Tree Of Life. I'd be left with nothing. Right along with this animal kingdom, this rock that feeds you life.

Away From The Sun/3 Doors Down
I'm your salvation, your saving grace you say? You give me half a body to work with? The song Care, by Kidd Rock. Kiss my lily white ass. So whats your big plan Big Daddy, for this rock, this tree of life I wear upon my back? Remember in the beginning all I kept feeling like a David and Goliath kind of fight. Do I throw a stone at it and it just happens to hit the target right on the nail? I have no flaming sword God. Then I started to feel like I was wielding a sword, then I watch Shannara. I just happen to have a little birds nest with three blue rocks sitting on my head board?

Wanted Dead Or Alive/Bon Jovi
Is this where I get to turn into Medusa and turn it to stone, so I can crush it into dust? I was feeling in the beginning like something was having babies in this pipeline. Couldn't miss all those eggs if I wanted to. My 17 year old Kitty Kat dance, the rock wall to the left, looked a hell of lot like eggs. There written was a cross, that said "Trust Him." Just what the flying flock did you walk me into this time God? Yeah, I'm Atom Aunt from the Adams family this time around? It's not your little a in the physical body down here, no it's mine. It's my O ring to play with, not yours. Do I own anything about my body anymore?

Let Me Be Myself/3 Doors Down
Are you trying to tell me I have the creation standing inside me? Yes I saw it God.
1. Jesus Christ was here for Truth
2. Leonardo Davinci, and that Vitruvian Man God? That was the pose I was doing in my dance, and I started doing it again the other day. I never could understand how Greg took organic chemistry, with this guy on the front? The creation of the human bodies first drawings, right down to a science, including that filtration system that I hate to talk about?

Secrets/One Republic
3. This time around the number three is Christ and King cum together to begin anew. Which just happens to be on my choker I wear around my neck, C heart K. Then the blue cross and I look down, and there on the ground are two little keys. I own the keys to the code to get through heavens gates.

Last Night Again/UK 72 & Sunny
Speaking of UK? Don't even get me started on this one right here? When does the Age Of Aquarius Begin Anew God? My body, my knotty muscles and tissue can't take much more in this hell care system. I'm shutting down physically. I'm doing all I can to lift my left hand off this computer to type.

For The First Time/The Script
The other reason for that nick name, Knot Head? Took me long enough to figure it out. Two times Two and a half I was protected from the serpent? Revelations how revealing. My families Revolution. Two times two months and how many times in between God? When I went back for two days, I had a black snake watch me on that sewer grate. It did not move, it's head from the lift motion, not one time. It was like a statue watching me. I wanted to kick it, I had my boots on. Then I thought let it watch me. Let it know, I'm sitting right here anytime your ready to rear your ugly head.

How To Save A Life/The Fray
Lucky my last name means do over. Well it dawned on me yesterday, as a child I wanted to help the ants? I was surrounded by huge ant hills and never got bit, until I got those bruises on my outer thighs. After that I went back and I didn't get bit by any ants.

Lucky I believe in "The more the merrier." Are you ready? I mean first God pulls his family from all walks off life. Crash boom bang, we begin. Those left behind, grab your wings, grab your inner beast, grab your light you carry inside you. Grab Faith and hold on. This last fight is a fight for this planet. This rock. It will be under the cover of darkness for two days and two nights, until the wolf eats the sun that is? HEEEE HAAAWWWW!!!!! Are you ready to stand in front of your maker? You judges, holy rollers, with all your convictions? You four brotherhoods are you ready to throw down? This Washington goes down and we all fall, domino effect people.

Under The Bridge/Red Hot Chili Peppers
Lucky for me I got my Dark Brown, color of this earth, just my size 6, 22 dolla' Jorda's. Jordan, Giza, Ararat. What were my Yorkie's? They were ratters, they tunneled through and ferreted out the rats and killed them.

The Reason/Hoopstank
My first beastie from my brother a white rat? My mother would let it go in that gold field, the next morning Tambo would bark at it sitting on the back deck. My mother would get so pissed off. Shit, she'd swing her right fist and stomp her right foot.

If You Could Only See/Tonic/ Lemon Paradise
Now Balthazar, I figured out something else, I'm the Hawk and He's the Eagle, what do birds of prey do to snakes my brother? We grab them with our talons and we fly off with them. Isn't that what I said I wish would happen to my X, no harm, that something naturally would just come along and do that? I did say something about him was about balance? Then I discover his 666, and he has the 6 nines to boot? Then I discover his birth date? 10/12 it was about balance between the two of us. From the garden of Eden, brother and sister. 

Jumper/3rd Eye Blind
Then in the last few days I discover Creepy Crowley had his hand in lots of clubs and kitties? Don't worry Big Daddy, since I'm the original mother from beyond, and well my little beasties were here first, right along with my land and waters to fertilize this rock for everlasting life, I am the original beast. I have learned Mother Nature can be a real Phallic Beast and so can her son. 

You Found Me/The Fray
Really God? I'm starting to question this being thankful, being found when I didn't even know I was lost? Look what you hand me? Get this over with already. Bring me my One, my two, my three, my Pisces, my 69, my Tao, my other half so we can even things out. Lets lock up this white four square. The root of my issue now? Yes I found my Taurus my five, the father of those 7 sisters of Paladies. Oh the things I have learned Satan my brother?

One Headlight/The Wallflowers.
Jah, my five and ten I found them. My organic twin towers of this rock, My redheads with teeth like lions. The repercussion of those seven deadly sins my brother if you touch any of my, one two or three in my family tree. Look what I have hear my brother, I got 8 Rae's of light in one family tree, With on great big Bitch of a Hell Mary, my mother. Now Balthazar it is my mummy dearest that my sister and I were wondering how can such an uneducated woman leave so many bodies in her wake? She got away with it in all walks of life. Hell Balthazar, the way IC it, she's had lots of practice. My Mummy ain't happy till she hears you scream in writhing pain. Just because I was raised by a demon and I married one it doesn't mean I became a black heart. That would be impossible because I have angel wings on both shoulders. Of this rock and that animal kingdom.

Back 2 Good/Matchbox 20
I ask you as a nation and as a planet, are you ready for this Reptilian race? The most violent of races. I did figure out Lazarus is a descendant of this tribe, the Christians are trying to hide that JC's family tree is a descendant of this race. Yeah I found lots of documents being laid up Satan, Balthazar, The Beast. Now I'm from all these 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. I am the mother of all you prides. This mother is the Eve, little Naive me whom ate off the Wisdom Tree of Life brother, not death. I am the Pagan Goddess, Alistair. I'm the mother flocking queen of this rock weather any of you like it or not. You should not of assumed nothing from what this mother can see.

Let Her Go/Passenger
I got the power of this trinity and those three sixes and 9's mother flocker. Yeah that's right, I'm Queen Mary. I'm the nigger loving Jew Whore whom sat at his feet and cried. I'm the mother of his children. Sara tuned into Kai, then they became two, the son Judah. Found that documentary that he lived and he came from 7 my brother. Count those numbers. We're going back to that beastie garden of Eden to feed all of my children everlasting love and life. Not just a few.

Gives You Hell/All American Rejects
Now brother the way IC it, I got allot more ants at the truck stop, than you do Viper's. Look brother the ants belong to the bees. Another alien race, the praying Mantis bitch. Then I have my dragons, whom are descendants to my birds brother. Take your 01, your machine, your droid, Sophie and get off my rock. I got a few Sophie's in my family tree of life. My little Sophie is all grown up now brother. I have an in with her mother too. Castlerock Bitch.

For What It's Worth/Buffalo Springfield
You the human race, are you ready for your friends and family to disappear. Are you ready to leave your children, your family standing alone defenseless?

Savin' Me/5back
I admit God, I'm going to need that Big Daddy for this one. I now slowly but surely see the issue. There is no way I can get the human race to believe me either. Just like my X-ray. it doesn't matter how much proof of life of your pain and that my septic system can't take these pills anymore. Hell I can barely breath, flocking dust mites. Three hundred more dollars I don't have. Poor mother Nature hurts and she's eroding away. Her animal Kingdom is on its last leg, literally and humanity turns a blind eye. They want the Truth when you speak the Truth, that it is about everything, all those things we thought were myths was just a diversion to hide the Truth, that we are all beast, angels, and Gods inside us from past lives.

It's Been Awhile/Staind
Addicted/Saving Abel
The curse of the Gin? He don't need no excuse to depress you and pull you down. Mentally, heart break, run you ragged to earn your pay check. Make it harder and harder. The curse is they make it about the addiction to not treat anyone's chronic pain. Our diseased and disabled. Hell it don't care if it's an auto accident or arthritis to cause you pain. These doctors run you ragged and back to start and its a Monopoly on the suffering. These doctors are collecting the check all to support a machine, the insurance the HMO's the banks, the high cost of our education system in this United States, yet we as citizens have to pay for a full ride anywhere we go. We all the way around are serving a justified system that has supported corporate America to feed the economy, not the human race. Can't insure us, water us, or feed us properly anymore can you. Get your machines off my rock, along with that fossil fuel and your rotating car industry going into my landfills. Who do we have to pay every step of the way for every purchase we make, the insurance companies and the tax man.

Waiting On The World To Change/John Mayor
We have the power people. We are the ants in this ant colony. We are the worker bee's to feed this machine. For now on, I ain't sitting in no bank explaining to you my dollars. As long as everyone can only make so much and everyone pays into one kitty to evenly distribute the money back to all the people, we can begin anew. We are the world, we are the rock ,we are the angels, we are the Gods and Goddesses of this rock. They just cut out and keep killing off half your heart from the start. You have two and you carry that trinity. I just figured out what number four will be in this circle of life God? I didn't want it to be the machine. It's going to be my beasties, my furies with wings and paws, my sea, and river life, no more bloody waters. You parents giveth and they taketh.

21 Guns/Green Day
Now my circle of four is complete. The Holy Trinity, weather the 01 in science or energy. When it comes to God she is the 01 she is the Atom. Then we have her son/JC and the Holy Spirit this rock. Number four will be the 01 of mother nature will be the animal kingdom that we all in our own way forgot about and tried to write off as extinct. That she can no longer put out and feed her children, which is Gods flock people. I'm the Atom, the Sun, the mother of this river and rock. I'm tired of these bloody waters.

Say/John Mayer
So where's that blue eyed eagle you planted on my head at the beginning of this? Back at that Yule Tree Farm God? When I saw the original mother with the Eagle on her head, and I learned that was a Thunderbird at the top of that Totem Pole? I was not happy. I still don't know what to say. I still sound like "The Fonz. AAAAYYYYYYY. AAAAYYYYYYYY." Author Fonzerelli. Another man with a good heart God.

The Middle/Jimmy Eat World/ Bleed America
I have a black ten back on Greg's side. I have a Red ten back on Kyles side. That seven and three makes another ten for me? My seven 2 twin towers and a trinity on that end. Standing in the middle is my trinity of light. I'm the Sun the original 01. Alexandra is Destiny my Rock 01, and Kiley is Faith, the light my 01. Whom Greg just happen to drop the ball and didn't name her after all. It was my father, my brother. No God I was not happy to find out you married me to this sperm bag. Yuck.

Roll On/Kidd Rock
Get this Crone and that black cloud off me. The only saving Grace is when I read Cain, Enoch, God took and then Elijah. All of Gods prophets that he took home without dying. Just like my husband, that myth you tried to write off. The only man our mother sent here as a human being to speak. It never dawned on the Jewish back then when they said we will take responsibility for the blood on our children's heads that we are all his children? I'm the Jewish Mother from that garden, your original mother, I should know.

Sweet Home Alabama/The Rock Heroes
So here I stand, my four horsemen ready at the helm. Are you? Don't you ever let me hear you say, that man, that father, that son, your only saving grace that took that Spear Of Destiny to bleed for all your bloody sins did not exist again. Don't ever let me see you serve a machine, before man, beast or garden again. Certainly don't ever let me hear you tell another human being to go find their food, you food hoarders you. Serving a machine and this is blasphemy. Serving a machine before Gods flock is blasphemy. Cuss and swear all you want to take them down. Tell them Faith said so. You do not own the context of my conversations with God anymore. You want to Jew down on this little mother from the garden? You want to look down your nose when you look at me? You want to disrespect your elders, your parents and the ones whom come before you? Lets dance.

That's more like it. This is how I know I've done a good job in whatever it is I have done? A song speaks volumes just at the right moment. Then my hand goes to my heart and I ball my eyes out. Then on to the next step of Truth that not even I ever wanted to know. Illusia so Illuminating on that 666 and Trump Towers. I don't know God do I Trump the President in order to save this rock?

All Star/Smash Mouth
I am all the stars in the constellations and houses in this solar system. I am your rock, your mother, your creation. Please God I'm ready to be fed.

Livin On A Prayer/Bon Jovi
More like one wing and a prayer.

Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
The mother of venomous Truth to lock you back in your own box.

Sweet Child Of Mine/Guns And Roses
Their we go Big Daddy. We begin Anew.
Now "Pour Some Sugar On Me"/Def Leppard

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