Saturday, January 27, 2018


Unlike God, IC her Son has many names for Love.
Almighty       Revelation 1:8     Jesus is all powerful.
Author And Finisher     Hebrews 12:2     Jesus is our start and finish.
Beloved     Ephesians 1:6 Jesus is at the center of Gods love.
Branch     Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, Zachariah 3:8, 6:12  Jesus is the shoot from Davids line.
Bread Of Life   John 6:32-35 Jesus is our sustenance.
Bridegroom    Matthew 9:15, John 3:29, Rev. 21:9 Jesus leads and cares for us.
Bright Morning Star    Revelation 22:16 Jesus lights our way.
Carpenter Mark 6:3 Jesus is one of us.
Chosen One Luke 23:35 Jesus is God's chosen one.
Chief Cornerstone    Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 118:22, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:16 Jesus is our rock of safety.
Door John 10:9 Jesus is our gateway.
Emmanuel/Immanuel    Isaiah 7:14 - 8:8, Matthew 1:23 Jesus is God with us.
Eternal Father Isaiah 9:6, 1 John 1:1-3 Jesus is forever.
Faithful And True Witness Revelation 1:5. 3:14 Jesus is faithful.
Firstborn Hebrews 12:23, Revelation 5 Jesus is our elder brother.
God John 1:1, 14-18, Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13 Heb 1:8 Jesus is God.
Head Of The Church Ephesians 5:23 Jesus leads the church.
High Priest, Apostle Hebrews 3:1-2 Jesus is our prophet and priest.
Holy One Mark 1:24, Acts 2:27, 3:14. Psalm 16:10 Jesus is perfect.
Hope 1 Timothy 1:1 Jesus is our confidence.
Image Of The Invisible God 2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15  Jesus is the perfect picture of God.
Jesus Matthew 1:21 Jesus Saves.
Judge/Ruler John 5:22-23, Micah 4:3, Acts 10:42 Jesus is our judge as well as our advocate and lawyer.
King Of Kings Revelation 17:14 Jesus is overall.
Lamb Of God John 1:29, 36, 1 Peter 1:19, Rev 5:6-12, 7:17 Jesus is our sacrifice.
Last Adam 1 Corinthians 15:45 Jesus is the father of a new human nature.
Light Of The World John 8:12, Jesus is the light.
Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah Genesis 49-9, 10, Rev 5.5 Jesus is David's son.
Living Water John4:10, 7:38 Jesus is our spiritual drink.
Lord Of Lords Rev 19:16, 1 Timothy 6:15 Jesus is Lord.
Man Of Sorrows Isaiah 53:3 Jesus bore our sorrows.
Master Matthew 8:19 Jesus is our teacher.
Messenger Of The Covenant Malachi 3:1 Jesus is God's final messenger.
Messiah Daniel 9:25, John 1:41, 4:25 Jesus is Messiah.
Prince Of Peace Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is our peace.
Prophet John 6:14, 7:40, Deut. 18:15-22, Luke 7:16, Matthew 21:11 Jesus is the prophet foretold.
Redeemer Job 19:25 Jesus is our redemption.
Resurrection And The Life John 11:25 Jesus is life.
Savior Luke 1:47 - 2:11, John 4:42. 1 John 4:14 Jesus is our salvation.
Shepherd 1 Peter 2:25 Jesus is the good shepherd.
Shiloh Genesis 49:10 Jesus is our promised peace.
Son Of God Luke 1:35, Hebrews 4:14 Jesus is the son of God by nature.
True Vine John 15:1 Jesus is our evergreen source.
The Way, The Truth And The Life John 14:6, Acts 9:2 Jesus is our path to God.
Wisdom Of God 1 Corinthians 1:24, 30 Jesus is our wisdom from God.
Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is our defense attorney.
Word John 1:1, 14 Jesus is God's word.
Yahweh (Jehovah) Isaiah 40:3-5, Matthew 3:3, 28:19 Philippians 2:6 - 11, Exodus 3:14 Jesus has God's name.

Do you know what all this adds up to? Truth and love made simple in one name Jesus Christ. Your creator has many names too. No you the human race do not get to choose one way or one thing because our creation is One With All.  She is our one, our two and our three. She is from the cosmos right down to this rock that gives all life, to feed all life. If that ain't love I don't know what is. To feed your children food for life, and love for life eternally. Isn't that what we all want for our children? Eternal life and love in all walks of life. Love from the inside out. Freely given and freely taken without the high cost of sin. You can't put a price on love. If you do it ain't love, it's possession.

Psalm 23 NASB

A Psalm of David
1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
2. He makes me lie down in green pastures;
     He leads me beside quiet waters.
3. He restores my soul;
     He guides me in the path of righteousness
     For his name's sake.
4. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
     I fear no evil, for You are with me;
     Your rod and your staff they comfort me.
5. You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies;
     You have anointed my head with oil;
     My cup overflows.
6. Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life,
     And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Now I ask have any of you spent five day in this valley shadow of  death in order to be prepared for what mankind has coming up? I have my lightening rod and staff do you have yours? I know who I am am in that kingdom of heaven, do you know who you are? Your nine lives are up. Pick a door. Hell Mary or Hale Mary, because today I don't give a flying flock. My rock, my life, my Destiny, my Faith, and well quite frankly my man. Their is no other. Love conquers all.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Knockin' On Heaven's Door/Guns & Roses
Spiraling through my emotional cycles of discovery on this wild ride, it finally dawned on me, the answer I've been looking for? Just where is that Trojan Horse that planted itself in this United States God? I should of known, standing right out in the open, doing a sit in at that red rock. What an asshole.

The Joker/SMB
You know God, my brother, my father, my son, I don't think your such a funny guy no more. What is the one mother flocking thing that I've been screaming all along? You just had to do it didn't you? You had to hand me the real mother flocking deal didn't you? The serpent is getting ready to break through right there in Snoqualmie Valley? This Mt. Si? The real deal? Royal flush this piece of shit once and for all please. My TOL can't take much more.

If Today Was Your Last Day/5back/Dark Horse
A real live mother flocking serpent? The Viper God? Just this morning I got a name? Balthazar is this one? It's his toxin isn't it God? He's going to release a venom? He's extremely poisonous to this planet, this rock if he breaks through to mankind. The reason I screamed Armageddon is right here? I didn't even know what Armageddon was? Well not hardly.

What were my clues you asshole? It finally sank in all those arrows walking around out there pointing to the sewer and the water. Then in some locations, I'd heave at that fecal smell that would hit me all of a sudden? Just like in that restaurant? The smell of death behind my mirror?

What It's Like/Everlast S&S
Then it started to sink in where I stand when I start moving my hands and doing some kind of dance? Those sewers and wells. Then it was the Black Viper that came up a toilet in West Seattle of all places? King County? Emerald City God?OMMFLGOD!

Proud Mary/CCWR
Am I getting closer to your plan for me? Nope I'm not happy about this one? I screamed over and over one mother flocking snake and I'm gone. What do you hand me? He's playing brown Eyed Girl, Asshole nice try. I don't give a flying flock if my shit brown eyes represent this soil. 

Then it was the controversy at that Truck Town, the new rich people that came after don't want anymore trucks pulling off the highway? Quite frankly it's in the perfect location to service humanity. That is the priority. What I noticed after that was the clearing behind Warrior Number Two? No they are not happy about the clearing of more trees in this valley. Then the signage off the beaten path, as usual the county has their own agenda to just come in and take over. These people out in this community are on wells. Thou Shall Not Covet God? Whose doing the coveting God of my families resources?

Never Gonna Be Alone/5back/Dark Horse
They aren't hooked up to the city. When that opens up, they can build more and charge more tax dollars along that highway. More sin taxes to feed the trolls at these troll booths. Billy Goat Gruff, gotta pay your fee, gotta pay your taxes to cross this bridge? All to build more marked up boxes that are already over priced and they will likely never be paid off, but hey it's another revolving door industry to buy and sale and feed the world economy? The wrong stock and profit they fed God? Free money? Who suffers God?

After Jack In The Box and the e-coli outbreak they used that as an excuse to lock up these private wells. If they can't lock them because some are grandfathered in they up the taxes, for mother natures resources. Water people. What about the poison in all my rivers and oceans God? It's not the human race and tribes. Organic water into synthetics? You added an allergen to my organic, milk of life, you dumb shits. Since when is it ever a good idea to fuck with mother nature? The one that feeds you everlasting life?

It's these wars and technology that has surpassed it's use because now IC my family has no choice, because everything is literally poison on this rock to feed all of humanity. By that this mother means my animal kingdom that was here before all you entitled elite moved in and bought and sold off all my gardens and lands in this United States of America. The wars all around just before and those gardens God?

Only God Knows Why/Kid Rock/Devil Without A Cause
Look at all these gardens we could of had in this United States, to feed all of humanity. 

Fly/Sugar Ray
Our green earth, our gold fields, the soil is eroded and poisoned now. Imagine that God, right when I start doing this, this Washington's Golden opportunity is those apples, and they went GMO? Are you nuts? My honey bee's that I need to pollinate my flowers and my gardens, where are they God? They were told not to sale off our gardens to Satan. He sits at a table and serves us? He's sitting at the wrong table God.

Then he uses the insurance to get it's claws in you. He don't care how he does it. The addiction is just a cover, the excuse they needed for that revolving door of insanity. How much is it a spin on this insurance God? About $8,000 bucks. I'd have to go to Snoqualmie Valley and charge the ER $1200 a pop, on this insurance, just to get into that storage closet of pills they had. I could only get 9 Imitrex, or six Relpax. I  couldn't always just pay the office fee to get those because my doctor would be out. Get hurt get sick, buy a house or a car? You lose it all people. Two years to even get the claim started and how much of your life do you lose till then? Short term solutions for long term suffering. This insurance turns a blind eye, boxes you in and labels you, Insane or Addicted, sorry its in your head. We do not serve. They don't serve anyone, because this, no pain meds for these people whom have diseases is the making humanity have to self medicate. To feed those revolving Institution's they created in their jurisdiction in that court house and never let us speak. Nor did they take care of the trigger. This system is a creation of it's own making. Purgatory and hell.

Accidentally In Love/Counting Crows/Shrek 2
The blanket system on that scarlet letter A in a divorce? All he had to do was point the finger and I had to prove myself. I tried. I had all four neurologist that didn't have a name but the diagnosis was correct, and I get put in a hell care system that for years told me its in my mind. Now God my whole sacrum is coiling so bad that it's not just my left arm that is shutting down. It's my left leg. Some days it's both. I still can't get an MRI to see where I stand, and what I can do more on my own?

Snow Red Hot Chili Peppers
It took me six hours yesterday just to get my lower back, base of my ribs, and sacrum to loosen and then by that evening my left disc at the base of my flower slipped to the left on me. Caused a migraine and shut down my left arm. Now I know why my Lower back wont stop trying to spasm? It's gotten worse, that twist that coil in just three years. I had no intention of ever taking a pain med again. Then I got here and I couldn't move or function I hurt so bad. This insurance, plus my own doctor wants me to do Gavipatin, and Cortisone shots. Are you mother flocking nuts? You have a fifty fifty chance, they work, or kill your muscle. Those are not good odds for me. I'd have to get shots all the way down my Tree Of Life. I'd be left with nothing. Right along with this animal kingdom, this rock that feeds you life.

Away From The Sun/3 Doors Down
I'm your salvation, your saving grace you say? You give me half a body to work with? The song Care, by Kidd Rock. Kiss my lily white ass. So whats your big plan Big Daddy, for this rock, this tree of life I wear upon my back? Remember in the beginning all I kept feeling like a David and Goliath kind of fight. Do I throw a stone at it and it just happens to hit the target right on the nail? I have no flaming sword God. Then I started to feel like I was wielding a sword, then I watch Shannara. I just happen to have a little birds nest with three blue rocks sitting on my head board?

Wanted Dead Or Alive/Bon Jovi
Is this where I get to turn into Medusa and turn it to stone, so I can crush it into dust? I was feeling in the beginning like something was having babies in this pipeline. Couldn't miss all those eggs if I wanted to. My 17 year old Kitty Kat dance, the rock wall to the left, looked a hell of lot like eggs. There written was a cross, that said "Trust Him." Just what the flying flock did you walk me into this time God? Yeah, I'm Atom Aunt from the Adams family this time around? It's not your little a in the physical body down here, no it's mine. It's my O ring to play with, not yours. Do I own anything about my body anymore?

Let Me Be Myself/3 Doors Down
Are you trying to tell me I have the creation standing inside me? Yes I saw it God.
1. Jesus Christ was here for Truth
2. Leonardo Davinci, and that Vitruvian Man God? That was the pose I was doing in my dance, and I started doing it again the other day. I never could understand how Greg took organic chemistry, with this guy on the front? The creation of the human bodies first drawings, right down to a science, including that filtration system that I hate to talk about?

Secrets/One Republic
3. This time around the number three is Christ and King cum together to begin anew. Which just happens to be on my choker I wear around my neck, C heart K. Then the blue cross and I look down, and there on the ground are two little keys. I own the keys to the code to get through heavens gates.

Last Night Again/UK 72 & Sunny
Speaking of UK? Don't even get me started on this one right here? When does the Age Of Aquarius Begin Anew God? My body, my knotty muscles and tissue can't take much more in this hell care system. I'm shutting down physically. I'm doing all I can to lift my left hand off this computer to type.

For The First Time/The Script
The other reason for that nick name, Knot Head? Took me long enough to figure it out. Two times Two and a half I was protected from the serpent? Revelations how revealing. My families Revolution. Two times two months and how many times in between God? When I went back for two days, I had a black snake watch me on that sewer grate. It did not move, it's head from the lift motion, not one time. It was like a statue watching me. I wanted to kick it, I had my boots on. Then I thought let it watch me. Let it know, I'm sitting right here anytime your ready to rear your ugly head.

How To Save A Life/The Fray
Lucky my last name means do over. Well it dawned on me yesterday, as a child I wanted to help the ants? I was surrounded by huge ant hills and never got bit, until I got those bruises on my outer thighs. After that I went back and I didn't get bit by any ants.

Lucky I believe in "The more the merrier." Are you ready? I mean first God pulls his family from all walks off life. Crash boom bang, we begin. Those left behind, grab your wings, grab your inner beast, grab your light you carry inside you. Grab Faith and hold on. This last fight is a fight for this planet. This rock. It will be under the cover of darkness for two days and two nights, until the wolf eats the sun that is? HEEEE HAAAWWWW!!!!! Are you ready to stand in front of your maker? You judges, holy rollers, with all your convictions? You four brotherhoods are you ready to throw down? This Washington goes down and we all fall, domino effect people.

Under The Bridge/Red Hot Chili Peppers
Lucky for me I got my Dark Brown, color of this earth, just my size 6, 22 dolla' Jorda's. Jordan, Giza, Ararat. What were my Yorkie's? They were ratters, they tunneled through and ferreted out the rats and killed them.

The Reason/Hoopstank
My first beastie from my brother a white rat? My mother would let it go in that gold field, the next morning Tambo would bark at it sitting on the back deck. My mother would get so pissed off. Shit, she'd swing her right fist and stomp her right foot.

If You Could Only See/Tonic/ Lemon Paradise
Now Balthazar, I figured out something else, I'm the Hawk and He's the Eagle, what do birds of prey do to snakes my brother? We grab them with our talons and we fly off with them. Isn't that what I said I wish would happen to my X, no harm, that something naturally would just come along and do that? I did say something about him was about balance? Then I discover his 666, and he has the 6 nines to boot? Then I discover his birth date? 10/12 it was about balance between the two of us. From the garden of Eden, brother and sister. 

Jumper/3rd Eye Blind
Then in the last few days I discover Creepy Crowley had his hand in lots of clubs and kitties? Don't worry Big Daddy, since I'm the original mother from beyond, and well my little beasties were here first, right along with my land and waters to fertilize this rock for everlasting life, I am the original beast. I have learned Mother Nature can be a real Phallic Beast and so can her son. 

You Found Me/The Fray
Really God? I'm starting to question this being thankful, being found when I didn't even know I was lost? Look what you hand me? Get this over with already. Bring me my One, my two, my three, my Pisces, my 69, my Tao, my other half so we can even things out. Lets lock up this white four square. The root of my issue now? Yes I found my Taurus my five, the father of those 7 sisters of Paladies. Oh the things I have learned Satan my brother?

One Headlight/The Wallflowers.
Jah, my five and ten I found them. My organic twin towers of this rock, My redheads with teeth like lions. The repercussion of those seven deadly sins my brother if you touch any of my, one two or three in my family tree. Look what I have hear my brother, I got 8 Rae's of light in one family tree, With on great big Bitch of a Hell Mary, my mother. Now Balthazar it is my mummy dearest that my sister and I were wondering how can such an uneducated woman leave so many bodies in her wake? She got away with it in all walks of life. Hell Balthazar, the way IC it, she's had lots of practice. My Mummy ain't happy till she hears you scream in writhing pain. Just because I was raised by a demon and I married one it doesn't mean I became a black heart. That would be impossible because I have angel wings on both shoulders. Of this rock and that animal kingdom.

Back 2 Good/Matchbox 20
I ask you as a nation and as a planet, are you ready for this Reptilian race? The most violent of races. I did figure out Lazarus is a descendant of this tribe, the Christians are trying to hide that JC's family tree is a descendant of this race. Yeah I found lots of documents being laid up Satan, Balthazar, The Beast. Now I'm from all these 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. I am the mother of all you prides. This mother is the Eve, little Naive me whom ate off the Wisdom Tree of Life brother, not death. I am the Pagan Goddess, Alistair. I'm the mother flocking queen of this rock weather any of you like it or not. You should not of assumed nothing from what this mother can see.

Let Her Go/Passenger
I got the power of this trinity and those three sixes and 9's mother flocker. Yeah that's right, I'm Queen Mary. I'm the nigger loving Jew Whore whom sat at his feet and cried. I'm the mother of his children. Sara tuned into Kai, then they became two, the son Judah. Found that documentary that he lived and he came from 7 my brother. Count those numbers. We're going back to that beastie garden of Eden to feed all of my children everlasting love and life. Not just a few.

Gives You Hell/All American Rejects
Now brother the way IC it, I got allot more ants at the truck stop, than you do Viper's. Look brother the ants belong to the bees. Another alien race, the praying Mantis bitch. Then I have my dragons, whom are descendants to my birds brother. Take your 01, your machine, your droid, Sophie and get off my rock. I got a few Sophie's in my family tree of life. My little Sophie is all grown up now brother. I have an in with her mother too. Castlerock Bitch.

For What It's Worth/Buffalo Springfield
You the human race, are you ready for your friends and family to disappear. Are you ready to leave your children, your family standing alone defenseless?

Savin' Me/5back
I admit God, I'm going to need that Big Daddy for this one. I now slowly but surely see the issue. There is no way I can get the human race to believe me either. Just like my X-ray. it doesn't matter how much proof of life of your pain and that my septic system can't take these pills anymore. Hell I can barely breath, flocking dust mites. Three hundred more dollars I don't have. Poor mother Nature hurts and she's eroding away. Her animal Kingdom is on its last leg, literally and humanity turns a blind eye. They want the Truth when you speak the Truth, that it is about everything, all those things we thought were myths was just a diversion to hide the Truth, that we are all beast, angels, and Gods inside us from past lives.

It's Been Awhile/Staind
Addicted/Saving Abel
The curse of the Gin? He don't need no excuse to depress you and pull you down. Mentally, heart break, run you ragged to earn your pay check. Make it harder and harder. The curse is they make it about the addiction to not treat anyone's chronic pain. Our diseased and disabled. Hell it don't care if it's an auto accident or arthritis to cause you pain. These doctors run you ragged and back to start and its a Monopoly on the suffering. These doctors are collecting the check all to support a machine, the insurance the HMO's the banks, the high cost of our education system in this United States, yet we as citizens have to pay for a full ride anywhere we go. We all the way around are serving a justified system that has supported corporate America to feed the economy, not the human race. Can't insure us, water us, or feed us properly anymore can you. Get your machines off my rock, along with that fossil fuel and your rotating car industry going into my landfills. Who do we have to pay every step of the way for every purchase we make, the insurance companies and the tax man.

Waiting On The World To Change/John Mayor
We have the power people. We are the ants in this ant colony. We are the worker bee's to feed this machine. For now on, I ain't sitting in no bank explaining to you my dollars. As long as everyone can only make so much and everyone pays into one kitty to evenly distribute the money back to all the people, we can begin anew. We are the world, we are the rock ,we are the angels, we are the Gods and Goddesses of this rock. They just cut out and keep killing off half your heart from the start. You have two and you carry that trinity. I just figured out what number four will be in this circle of life God? I didn't want it to be the machine. It's going to be my beasties, my furies with wings and paws, my sea, and river life, no more bloody waters. You parents giveth and they taketh.

21 Guns/Green Day
Now my circle of four is complete. The Holy Trinity, weather the 01 in science or energy. When it comes to God she is the 01 she is the Atom. Then we have her son/JC and the Holy Spirit this rock. Number four will be the 01 of mother nature will be the animal kingdom that we all in our own way forgot about and tried to write off as extinct. That she can no longer put out and feed her children, which is Gods flock people. I'm the Atom, the Sun, the mother of this river and rock. I'm tired of these bloody waters.

Say/John Mayer
So where's that blue eyed eagle you planted on my head at the beginning of this? Back at that Yule Tree Farm God? When I saw the original mother with the Eagle on her head, and I learned that was a Thunderbird at the top of that Totem Pole? I was not happy. I still don't know what to say. I still sound like "The Fonz. AAAAYYYYYYY. AAAAYYYYYYYY." Author Fonzerelli. Another man with a good heart God.

The Middle/Jimmy Eat World/ Bleed America
I have a black ten back on Greg's side. I have a Red ten back on Kyles side. That seven and three makes another ten for me? My seven 2 twin towers and a trinity on that end. Standing in the middle is my trinity of light. I'm the Sun the original 01. Alexandra is Destiny my Rock 01, and Kiley is Faith, the light my 01. Whom Greg just happen to drop the ball and didn't name her after all. It was my father, my brother. No God I was not happy to find out you married me to this sperm bag. Yuck.

Roll On/Kidd Rock
Get this Crone and that black cloud off me. The only saving Grace is when I read Cain, Enoch, God took and then Elijah. All of Gods prophets that he took home without dying. Just like my husband, that myth you tried to write off. The only man our mother sent here as a human being to speak. It never dawned on the Jewish back then when they said we will take responsibility for the blood on our children's heads that we are all his children? I'm the Jewish Mother from that garden, your original mother, I should know.

Sweet Home Alabama/The Rock Heroes
So here I stand, my four horsemen ready at the helm. Are you? Don't you ever let me hear you say, that man, that father, that son, your only saving grace that took that Spear Of Destiny to bleed for all your bloody sins did not exist again. Don't ever let me see you serve a machine, before man, beast or garden again. Certainly don't ever let me hear you tell another human being to go find their food, you food hoarders you. Serving a machine and this is blasphemy. Serving a machine before Gods flock is blasphemy. Cuss and swear all you want to take them down. Tell them Faith said so. You do not own the context of my conversations with God anymore. You want to Jew down on this little mother from the garden? You want to look down your nose when you look at me? You want to disrespect your elders, your parents and the ones whom come before you? Lets dance.

That's more like it. This is how I know I've done a good job in whatever it is I have done? A song speaks volumes just at the right moment. Then my hand goes to my heart and I ball my eyes out. Then on to the next step of Truth that not even I ever wanted to know. Illusia so Illuminating on that 666 and Trump Towers. I don't know God do I Trump the President in order to save this rock?

All Star/Smash Mouth
I am all the stars in the constellations and houses in this solar system. I am your rock, your mother, your creation. Please God I'm ready to be fed.

Livin On A Prayer/Bon Jovi
More like one wing and a prayer.

Lips Of An Angel/Hinder
The mother of venomous Truth to lock you back in your own box.

Sweet Child Of Mine/Guns And Roses
Their we go Big Daddy. We begin Anew.
Now "Pour Some Sugar On Me"/Def Leppard

Monday, January 22, 2018

Independence Day

Independence Day/MM
Oh you piece of shit Satan, the anger that roles through me for what you have done to this rock and mankind? Ya know Satan the more I think about it, you are the entity sitting in the ground at that truck stop. My country pride? You've been tunneling your way through my rock for how many thousands of years now? All the way from Mt.Sinai, and back to Mt.Si, back to the start to finish this once and for all.

Single White Female/CW
Funny how this started in all this big books of Hope, Mt. Sinai, and we end this war here in this United States at Mt. Si? Now Satan I'm not sure what my family has in store for me to do to you, but I'm certain of one thing they didn't bring your Original Mother of this rock to lose this fight. Like daddy said, from the beginning to the end, and here I stand.

Suds In The Bucket/SE
You want to mail Destiny and Faith's heads to me in a box? Really now brother we'll just have to see how that goes for you? Doing some more nosing around in this family tree of life I wear upon my back everyday. You know brother the turning of the blind eye of our animal kingdom eroding away IC? Funny the human race was to arrogant to count themselves amongst this circle of life in my animal kingdom? The arrogance that money buys for you elite and entitled?

Church Bells/CU
Now brother imagine my surprise when I found another group of men? Just how these names keeps rolling around in this mothers tree of life? It's called "Golden Dawn." Now Satan imagine my surprise when in the beginning I said, It's time for a new day, its time for a new dawn?" Here it is I stand just waiting to destroy you when you rear your ugly head. Once again I got a Creepy Crawly coming back around. That Crawly has his hands in everything from back then. Planting his seeds of poison in every sect. Alistair I got a Aleister for you to meet.

The other names Satan, H.G. Wells. Bram Stoker whom wrote the Vlad series in all this folklore, right brother? You Vlad's are the suckers of the good energy. Last but not least brother, Jules Vern, whom wrote, Earth To The Moon." Around and around I go brother. I figured out when I said, that Trojan Horse is here in this United States of America it sits right there in my valley. Snoqualmie Valley. Now brother finding out that I'm the chosen one. No not from here you silly but the cosmos. Wouldn't that make the tribe the closest, the chosen tribe also?

There You'll Be/Faith Hill
The New Jerusalem. Oh my brother I can't wait to dance all night and destroy you once and for all. For the rest of mankind, pick a door? Hell Mary nine layers down I throw away the key, or Hale Mary and I open the door to heavens gates to let all my children through. You do know what my job is this last time around brother? To release all of humanity from these chains that bind in all walks of life. I had better never here another tribe tell this mother to go back to my tribe. Whether you like it or not all you country prides belong to me and no one else. Not a machine with no heart that's for sure.

I Got The Boy/JK
Your not going to believe what else I found my brother from hell? The Vikings Season 5, Episode eleven. You know Satan with that wolf moon, it started to dawn on me this is Norsk mythology I'm seeing here, coming back around. It seems to me we have underestimated the Vikings after all. They believed the power belonged to the people, just as I. It seems to me they to were looking for the sun.

How Could I Want More/JLS
I found Oden, now brother I'm not thinking this God is a myth. Nor is Freyr or well my brother, their he is once again, Thor. You remember Thor don't you my brother, my dirty little rotten seed son? Killing off mother nature, locking up her resources all to starve the human race and well hell if that doesn't work well you can always poison her seed and kill the human race off softly from the inside out? You could just buy up the gardens to build all your High Towers instead of feeding mankind? Oh that's right your way ahead of me? Are you my brother, my son?

Something In The Water/CU
EEK Drizel, The Tree of Life. Cosmos of the nine different worlds and there are those nines again my brother, my son. Ozgard of the Heavens gave up one eye to drink of the water of the Truth. Now you piece of shit, doesn't this sound like Destiny's life all over? You know that left eye thing, she is blind in her left eye. Where my does my families migraines hit? You piece of shit, the left eye. The turning of the blind eye to this tree of life that was meant to feed all of humanity, not just a few.

Heart Like Mine/ML
Slavery, this is all about slavery all over my rock? The solution to all your pollution is more pollution IC. The blind eye of justice you serve up, with all your blanket labels and laws to feed your institutions. The creation of this hell care system IC? Your just a bunch of middle men who came in and created yourselves? Damnation all over again, the last line to stealing all the gardens. Well brother this mother is here to take them heal them and give them back to feed all of my little beasties, not just a few. Your just lucky this mothers last name means do over.

Love Triangle/RL
I figured out something else my son? I am the Queen of this God Damned Rock. It's time for a royal flush. Do you know what my clue was Satan? My grandmother held a purple book in her left hand. Justice holds a book in her left hand. That torch she carries in her right hand stands for Justice and Freedom. Oh brother it gets better you know that woman that stands on that White house, you know the one with the blanket on her left shoulder, it is her right hand that is in the air too right Satan? Ben Franklin another receiver and the Indian Treaties.  Look what I have here? This little mother is the right hand of God and Justice. That torch she carries, and it turns out brother this mother is the heart of this rock.

Long Stretch Of Love/LA

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Gifted

Crash And Burn/BC
The Gifted, oh what a gift you bestowed upon me? I'd like to pass this white elephant gift on some moments of some days. Serendipity? When you look your worst or at your worst, that's when you'll meet your soulmate. Things can only go up from that point on. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You don't care what anyone else thinks you only have eyes for one. The apple of Gods eye.

Callin' Baton Rouge
When the Greeks' die, they only ask one thing did he have passion? Faten is the Greek word for Destiny. Mag or is it Mage God? It was in those pink apartments that my grandparents managed. Her name was Mag. When you walked through the front door on the left was the same picture of Jesus Christ with the bruno beard. That man in the mountain to the East has a bruno. I connected the Bruno's finally. Whats up with the Bruno's? The trigger of the Bruno.

My Maria/B&D
I was walking out the front door the other night. I got a flash out of the corner of my eye. This boob tube speaks volumes. Finding the Truth buried behind all this mythology and folklore that keeps repeating itself? I asked Michail "last night that movie that was on the TV? Where Eric Bana threw the sword up in the air and when it came down it went down his spine, and his father became the rock? (Like that wasn't a cry fest) Michail said King Arthur you mean?" Their were two story lines here first she hands him the sword out of the water but what I couldn't figure out was how the sword got in the stone in the first place? We gotta put the sword back in the stone IC.

There Ain't Nothing Wrong With The Radio/AT
Rainbow Cherry Blossom and Sunshine State, isn't that just the point God? All these developers coming in and buying everything up, destroying it all to build your high towers? Who profits and who loses? They really did create free money God. Free money for themselves the very few who hold all the stock, using my meek to feed on? My resources too IC? The keys to the code and that red rock are me and hell God, I'm standing right here. The entity, the connection between heaven and earth. Not my fault no one wants to know there is an actual entity sitting in the ground in North Bend. Like a vortex of dark energy pulling all of mankind down. The new Jerusalem, Mt.Si. This Washington. I said in the beginning no one in this Washington and no one out. IC you have spread my little apples, my Rae's all over this rock.

Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo/TB
The kings are still holding the food and water over humanities heads IC. "Don't feed the bears kind of thing." Don't worry God IC what they did, killing off the herd. You went in and removed the industry, you starved them and put a high price on water. A high price on taxes, to the little people. Hell God they don't give a flying flock whose stock they are killing off anymore. Can't afford to feed and insure the human race anymore IC? Could it be you cut the hours down to part time, and raised the Cost Of Living at the same time? Oh God please don't get me started on this dog and pony show again. Oh somebody stop me.

Made me think about my grandmother burning her children's birth certificates? She didn't want them treated like dogs. All I could think is I never abused my little dogs. I loved all my little dogs. They went everywhere we went as a family, and my house was a revolving door of my friends and families door. All dogs were welcome in my home. My favorite part is being shown I do own the dog farm upstairs. I just didn't know that five star I was seeing in my head was called Sirius, that its the dog star. I just kept hearing Sirius. Blind as a bat and dumb as a box of rocks some moments. I get goaded and guided each day. Blind Faith? BAAAAAA. I'm hooked in, I don't want off the chain. Well that depends what perspective and whose perspective I get walked through.

What Do You Think About That/MG
There for a couple days it was touch and go for my emotions. My lower back keeps trying to spasm on the left, and I can't let it hold me back. Early yesterday morning I hit the drag to the AZ and on my way back it starts threatening to kick back again. Tizanadine and Tylenol just isn't cutting it. Stretching it, pressing it and rolling it out is keeping it at bay. I took a Tramadol yesterday and it was rage that rolled through me. Valid rage at that. Like a lion that wouldn't turn off inside me.

My Front Porch Looking In/Lonestar
That evening I fell asleep and when I woke back up that rage would not back down. When Michail walked in at midnight, lets just say all bets were off. Knowing the Truth why his daughter walked away from that car wreck in that black Mustang? Why that boy died after he picked a fight with Phil? Mister Jester of all people? Told him you are not allowed to defend yourself. Phil was such a great kid. Michail was a horrible father to him. Just on him. To much discipline and blame, not enough of the soft hand to counter balance Phil was taking the hits from all sides. A five year old little sister blaming you for things she's doing. A Bi-Polar mother with all kinds of grandiose idea's about how others are going to live their lives. She was so hooked up to that computer.

Drinkin' Problem/Midland
Then the worst one for me was the woman whom lived there with her son? She shot herself in the head. Right across the street a family of five boys, two more suicides. My cousin Travis his best friend same thing. Castlerock? The memories and dreams there along that dyke? In my dreams I kept going back to my aunts roses. When I awoke the same rage was rolling through me. Roid rage, perhaps?

Hard To Love/LB
I looked up the spelling 2C Faten or Fatem? IC Destiny - A God of Good luck possibly Pleiades and off in my tailspin I go. I start out each day, energy vs. pain? Fuel to keep me moving? I get up every morning and turn my music on, brew my black swill of my choice, light my cancer stick, if my hips are rocking I know it's going to be a dancing morning, bouncing from the John, P/T, my weed and I tune in to start my day, grab my pad and pen. I start playing charades with God, I keep moving until I crash and land on my heating pad and balls.  I go around and around the same ritual everyday. If I hurt and have no energy it's funny my hips won't move. They have no desire to move. Then I know it's the boob tube, last night watching one of The Gifted, going back to my dreams sitting in cells with my family? All being questioned, watched and hunted in the woods. Boy is this gonna bring down the house when someone tunes into this blog.

Must Be Doing Something Right/BC
I told Alex all I have to say is two Alex's are better than one. I just want to fly over and pick up this little family and bring them home to me. It makes me cry. Then Michail tells me last night that his father and grandfather were Masonry members. My reply back to him was that Taco Hell commercial? George Washington wasn't part of the Illuminati he was part of the Masonry. The lie in this commercial Michail? These two brotherhoods don't go hand in hand. The masonry was freedom from the elite and slavery. The illuminati is slavery of it's own trade. Mankind. The name on that purple cloth underneath is Alexandria, your daughters name. I tell him more gently about Phil and Daniel? The names and the suicide after a normal scuffle between boys? Michail starts to go off in Philippians. I put my right hand up toward him, and I said, "please M. don't send me off into another book." I can't do another book and the symbolism's in the Truth.

In Color/JJ
Pacing back and forth last night looking up at the stars, I got taken back to my daughters two uncles in Hawaii. One was a hermit. He went to work and when he came home he did not leave it. He was a shy one. The other one, owned the cock farm out back. It was the nicest part of the gardens on this whole lot. He inherited it from his father. Uncle Walter who was a retired policeman. This cock farm was well known amongst the traveling cock fights. All I could think inside my heart was what can I do, call out the dogs on my children's own uncle? Sitting at the corner of the dinner table, I said, "all I have to say about your cock farm, is we will agree to disagree and leave it at that." I adored this family. I loved that uncle Walter a full blooded Polynesian man would sit in his shack out back and make polynesian tokens of hope and faith.

Three Wooden Crosses/RT
I'd watch him and think how authentic and real this is. A full blooded polynesian man, not a factory, not a corporation creating the good luck charms. Good luck and good magic is how I looked at it. Hell I buried angels and said prayers at some of these houses that wouldn't sale. I'd walk the lot and find just the right tree to bury the angel under. Then I'd say a prayer. God this family makes me cry.
Thinking last night how can I turn this cock farm around and all the purgatory it entail to my little beasties God? Then it hit me. When push comes to shove I'll just bet this uncle is ready for a cock fight. Then inside I laughed and cried. Leatrice, every morning at sunrise Klean, I pick pick pick for three hours, I make ninety dolla'. Incentive to keep you moving and something to do when you don't have grand kids. Do what you love, and love what you do each day. No better way to go out in life than that.

She's Everything/BP
Come on God switch it up. All I'm hearing are the men this morning I want to hear some ladies.

Gun Powder & Lead/ML
Now that's more like it.
Why Don't We Just Dance/JJ
Talk about mass destruction you'd say Holy Fuck too.
God Gave Me You/BS
Great Balls Afire.
Shake It For Me
Remlinger Farms and back down I go. Back to the tears. These guys are real assholes some days. These tear fest are enough to kill anyone on the inside. I'd drive a native man around named Dan when his legs wouldn't work. He was a wood carver with a chainsaw. It was awesome to watch. I'd take my girls to Remlinger farms often. Something fun for the kids to do no matter the season.

After we'd get set up it would be closed to the public for a couple hours. This is where I learned how social and fun these little lambs are. They love attention. I'd sit down in the center they loved to be petted, they were playful, and sociable. Then I'd go over and play with the bunny rabbits.

Red Rag Top/TM
Then God drops me further down. It was T&T the first private conversation we ever had? Sitting in a tiny travel trailer while her little girl was in kindergarten, she'd sew wedding dresses to make ends meet. Where was this God? Twin Falls. There she sat waiting for her Big John to come back to her, When he came back they bought some land up on that mountaintop, Snoqualmie Pass. They built her dream house for her little family. Then it was his turn to pick her up and carry her off to bed when life got to heavy inside. She too was bit by the Gin.

Watching Airplanes/GA
(I love this song. To think I hate heights. Irony in life sometimes you gotta laugh.) He'd pick her up each night from where ever she fell and he'd tuck her back into bed. Every morning without fail, she got up made his coffee, got his lunch, real old fashioned values feeding her man. The saddest part of this story right here, she's no longer bit by the Gin.

Letters From Home
After dinner they each go their separate ways. Big John off to do his thing and his fiery red head would lock herself in her cave in the garage with the propane tank to keep warm. Their they are him lying alone in his bed waiting for his fiery red head to come back to him. What brought me back to this Big John? I'd do my grocery shopping at 5 a.m. before my family started their day, and without fail, there would be standing Big John. His big bald head and arms crossed grabbing some coffee on the go.

Tennessee Whiskey
It Must Be Love
My Little Girl/TM
I send the document Topical Bible Destiny ( to print, and my morning war with this machine? I want to pick it up and throw it. It gets stuck in Q and I have to keep resetting something that is set up to go already and the switch is off.

It Must Be Love
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 8:20
Revelations 20:12
2 Thessalonians 1:8
Galatians 3:27

Undo It/CU
Then we get to all those Greek numbers, and names of this Destiny by design. Whose design again? My Gods design. Your creators. You know that God you thought abandoned you? That Big Bang Theory? Is she really just a theory? The Atom from the Adams family. I am Wisdom and Wisdom is power. Are you ready to pay the piper? I know who I am. I am Babylon. I am the Lion, I am Life, I am Liberty, I am Justice, I am Love, I am Freedom, I am Freya, I am ISIS, I am the Joker, I am the fool. I am Ares, I am the Ram. I am light. I am Ra. I am Aten. I am the Patriot, I am the Patron. I am the Patrician. I am the Sun. I am the moon. I am this Rock. I am the Holy Mother. I am 3 Mary's. I am the Lily. I am the Rose. I am the blood of the lamb. I am the Tree Of Life, I am Astair, I am blasphemous, I am the Assassin, I am your original mother from beyond. I am the heart beat of this rock. I am Faith. I am Peace, I am Joy, I am the Angel. I am the apple of Gods eye. This is my organic enterprise. I know one thing this mother ain't going back on no cross. Now I ask who the flying flock are with your little dingaling?

Strawberry Wine/DC
Fishing In The Dark
Standing off the drag in the center of Safeway parking lot. I asked my brother does this justified system really think they are the highest power on this rock? That nobody stands above them? My right thumb touched my jaw and pushed it to the left. Justice is back.

Wagon Wheel/DR
There I stood with my hands clasped in front. I had both feet planted firmly on the ground facing West with my twinkle toes and my monkey hat. Faith stood chewing ass for all the injustice you have created on my rock. All the destruction. All your institutions, silencing my little lambs. No Faith can be very black, you don't move Faith. Try calling this mother a Martyr. Those men were not Martyrs. You took Faith and turned her into Martyrdom. That word is a creation of your own making out of fear. If they didn't repent to your king or new religion to hold over humanities heads, you labeled them, not God.

Good Directions/BC
LMFLAO God. Who came Before Christ again? Could it be Osiris and ISIS? Walking down the drag the pictures I took? I looked up and here comes this homeless kid stranded in his car. On the front of his shirt written on the front in white TGOD. He just happened to have a tat on the back of his right calf of a tree.

Burning House/Cam
Sitting at the A line across from the AZ I look up just as a white van drives by and there written on the side As You Wish.

White Liar/ML Been there done that already. The Truth why I had no desire to do this again. I'd rather be alone than chained to another Cinderella man with ego.


Monday, January 15, 2018

I Feel A Sin Comin' On

U cant see it unless u blow up that chem trail. Its the same face on Mars. The song by Pistol Annies. Posted on Facebook, 1/13/2018.

I Loved Her First

I Loved Her First/ Heartland 01/15/2018
OH OH OH the anger that rolls through me right now is impalpable. I hate P.O.L's. Just sitting in my box and the stuff I have discovered and put together in the last couple days? Anger and rage roll through me. Going back to the beginning and proof reading my blog, I had to ask "why God, why this man? What do UC in him that I don't aside from beastie play time in the garden?" They took me back to his heart in about ten seconds time, and the answer flashed in my head?

Just Got Started Loving You/JO
Love. Their answer to me was love. I had to walk away. I got angry. You call this love? I went on a walk to the AZ and on my return lying on the ground to my left was a Jack In The Box cup with a plant in it. It looked familiar so I picked them up and brought them home and replanted them. Later that night Michail looked at them and he said, "those are chicks and hens. Their were five. I laughed inside. Buttering me up isn't going to work this time guys. No it is not. Not one God Damn bit.

These R My People/RA
Alex is planting tree's. Guess where? I've been going back to that Trident and why I picked her name? My little rock, that no matter how stubborn she got, I wouldn't let her go. I saw something in her. My brother in law Steve and Christine met my lil' Wrigley dog. A Maltese. I searched high and low for her. Wrigley was my shadow. She had a human personality. She was an exhibitionist, she loved to hump her bear in front of our guest, and she would only shit in the Ivy. She liked her privacy.

Would You Go With Me/JT
When Trident flew through the door it was like the Tasmanian Devil with the Trident for a pitch fork spiraled through our door. I looked at James and I asked the name of this beasties pitch fork? After that when we left we'd rig the papason chair so Trident couldn't get up, only Wrigley. Her other location was the Dining room table. Then I stabbed Freya a green worm with a Trident, after I was raped. I stuck her in her worm tail. I was so mad, I trusted her and she pulls that shit to get me in that semi? Trust to go through any open door? I didn't care who got me out when I spoke Truth. Then I discover Poseidon is real? Oh and Zeus? I can't take back that I called him a man whore? That big white dude with the white beard and hair. I have learned that throughout time God has provided, it is us as the human race whom allowed for us, to decide what was Truth and myth.

Barefoot Blue Jean Night/JO
It was the documentary "The Impressionist" that I leaned a thing or two. Well that and the names go round and round in my family tree of life I stomp through everyday. That our own visionaries, had the same patterns as I and many others, when we are in receiver mode. That these artist and visionaries walked away to form their own club. Away from the unrealistic demands and labels on them and their work. It became political and their value was determined too. As it turns out the same group of people in politics out of where? The UK.

Good Directions/BC
Ben Franklin and Aerostatle the same thing? Receivers and visionaries. Ben Franklin barely went to school in the beginning of his life. What happens is once you figure out energy in any form you can start to see it grow and change. You can see the difference in how they came to be and the results were the same. When I look at other cultures from Asia, and Mazatlan, and Hindu type Gods, I realized one thing these cultures and beliefs are closer to the Truth.

Letters From Home/JMM
They're not sure what the light is. Yet they except that whatever it is out there in the universe that created us, this rock. The Mountains and the waters. The plant life and well my beasties.  It would be Faith. I now know why I love animals so much more than people sometimes. At least you know where you stand in there animal Kingdom. Then we have had many forms of a human race throughout time. When I look at other cultures, including different tribes from all walks of life, they except that their God has different sides. They except that we are connected to this universe, those planets and stars. Then I have this side, I recon the Christian Faiths. They have one God and this God doesn't have different sides or characters that connect him or her to this rock aside from that garden. Distention and heartbreak from the start between sister and brother, man and wife.

I laughed when I saw the picture of Adam and Eve each standing on the side of a tree. Out of the top is a female spirit and at the center of that tree stump is a phallic branch that I can't remember if it's Adam or Eve holding onto it. Then I notice they are all white. Hilarious. IC a male figure hushing a female figure. When Kai told me she saw the Mona Lisa? I about died inside, because this mother knows why she's smiling? This mother saw on a documentary how it became famous? It wasn't really known until a thief stole it. Then it became famous.

Die A Happy Man/TR
Kind of like Jack In The Box? It opened the doors to our cattle and what is really going on with our food? How long ago did that man file a case against Oprah? He should of had to reimburse her for her time and money for that bogus suit. I got a flash of another documentary and the food industry? I said to Michail, that is just the reason this started in 2015 with me. It is clearly stated not to hand our gardens over to the entity. Who owns the food industry in these grocery stores? Who owns the food industry behind Corporate America food chain franchises? Corporate America. How about the inhumane way we are treating our food? I'm talking to Corporate America, you poachers and hunters whom are killing my beasties for the kill.

It says in revelations their is no justice for the people. Their isn't. Since my divorce all I have heard is $10.000. You mother flocking lawyers were to lazy to do your God Damn jobs and you sold the human race out to an insurance company that came along and planted itself in the middle. You allowed it's own entity to determine another human beings value. Our laws in Corporate America, criminal, civil courts and our policemen are all controlled by blanket laws based on a potential liability. Now we have doctors and pharmacist who are judges now too? All based on that potential liability and that scarlet letter A.

Live Like You Were Dying/TM (You think I hurt.)
You crossed these lines a long time ago. If you'd taken care of what you were supposed to in this justice system instead of handing the human race over to a machine, a monopoly at that, feeding itself, the suffering of this Untied States Of America, is an unforgivable crime against humanity. Fuck you and get it the flock off my rock. These ones are called The UNFORGIVEN. I give you my Furious 7 to contend with. My seven deadly sins for what you have done and accused mankind of doing meet my Fate Of The Furious Eight's. Hell God I don't care no more. Pick a door. Heaven or Hell? Tell them Mary sent you.

19 Somethin'/Mark Wills
When I read the symptoms for Bi-Polar I laughed. I said well hell God, how is that not a vision quest? How is that any different than excepting Jesus Christ into your heart like the Christians do when they are saved? How is it any different from, shaman and other spiritual cultures? Well hell God, thank God for the pharma companies and the Clinton's to create the H.P.P.A. laws in the hospitals. Then I read an article about the Clinton's and the pharma companies and an agreement made around the same time. Note it wasn't the most honest site, but I looked at the timing again? I'm done with the blame game. It's time for Truth.

Dirt Road Anthem/JA
It doesn't matter how we got here what is important is that we are here and it is the end of the line. Where the flying flock are my honey bee's? You know the ones I need to pollinate the fruits and flowers to create life on this rock? I'm the Queen Bee of this rock and you choose? Queen Bee or Queen Bitch? Every time I walk across this slavery that was created long ago, the injustice of all this bullshit that never needed to be? Pick a door.

Drinkin' Problem/Midland
Thank you, you Mother Flockin Gin. Good times spent with you. Locked inside a bottle. Now you assholes everyone of you get me the flying flock out of Pandora's box. I'm ready to send these ass wipes back to hell. It didn't help when I went to look up something about Ben Franklin and it was a constellation site that came open to the Ram and where he sits in the universe? He has a backwards head facing toward Pleiades, the seven sisters. With that Taurus that I felt in the beginning. Where is the bull? Why do I feel a bull? Who is the bull? It turns out that Pisces daddy of those seven sisters with two sets of twins is a bull too. HEEE HAAAWWWW!!!!!!

Then I looked at the names of the constellations and stars around the Ram and sitting at his head is the Pisces, which abuts to the Aquarius. I went to print and mother flock, I hate technology and it surely hates me because it won't print again. I know it's to late for hind site but I wish I would of taken that Brother machine that Greg purchased against my wishes. I've only worked with them in offices a time or two. I just wish I would of taken my other two employee's to that base ball diamond and beat the shit out of this brother with a bat.

It's A Little To Late/MC
I didn't do it because I didn't want someone to see an alternative healthcare owner lose her shit on a machine. I personally felt it was a healthy outlet. It was a machine, not a living being that I was taking out my anger on. I just realized what song was playing? I've felt pretty good the last few days sleeping real good for long periods of time. Getting in my workout.

Don't Take The Girl/TM
I loved this song. I recon I'm back to country. Hell I started out life listening to Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, Buck Owen's, and Pearl. My blue eyed grand daddy and uncles all wore, blue jeans, cowboy hats with big belt buckles. Just looking back through my blog, talking to Alex and I read Number Thirteen? That string of 13 pearls on that dollar bill? The painting "The Girl with the pearl earring, and the pair of purple pair earrings that showed up in 2016? Then I saw what the Pisces sign was shaped like? It was a V pointing from the Rams head. How many times have I written anything with a V pointing up to the heavens is better than that black square any day?

My Church/MM
Really God? So you tell me. Let me at them then? Let me chew these assholes out for what they have done over time to my rock and my beasties? What the human race doesn't realize God, is that over time across each nation we used religion and wars to come in, create slavery across the nations because you stole it from the Indigent one's whom were better off without all this middlemen bullshit, that just came along and took it.

Big Green Tractor/JA
For example the Civil War? Each side was given the right to come in and take from the other side. So the red's went to the blue side and stole every thing, raped and destroyed the land pretty much. We did it just before to the natives in this United States. It was that National Geographic from 1944 with the native man. Whom really owned the land before these wars. We killed them off, raped them or enslaved them. I kept going back to Sacajawea because of my location and where I grew up, and Pocahontas? What they went through? I believed Pocahontas was sold to John and she was raped. They kept the peace later. Those names are people that I grew up with.

Remind Me/BP
I'm doing the best I can being stuck with Michail. I'm ready to finish proof reading this and sending it to a publisher. I said to Michail I can't do this for much longer. I know I have met whatever terms of my agreement I made with this man. How he really expects me to stay with him after all this I again will never know? I have made it clear to him that he is not happy. He hurts. He won't help himself. It makes me angry that we have had to work on each other all these years just to move. I can't stay with a unmotivated human being. Two to three days ago supposed to transfer money from one bank to another. Which I requested months ago to fix this two bank account bullshit.

Country Girl/LB
I get up today and my phone doesn't work. He got off early on Saturday, all day yesterday he was off and it was a nice day. Today it's 10:11 and he's still in bed because he literally sat the whole time off in front of the T.V. until four o' clock this morning. I've been up since 4:30 and as usual I have to get him to go to bed, then I have to wake him up. He cooked a meal but I got a dish pit full of dishes. I shopped for it all. I said to Michail. I will take the proceeds from this book and pay you off, and he said what are you talking about, I don't want to split up? How do I tell him he does not meet my need's in more ways than one? I can't stay with a man this irresponsible that thinks he's gonna sweep this under the rug and all forgiven? ARE YOU NUTS? I can't every 2 to 3 days put a fire under this man. Of all days he's wearing that tie die heart shirt. Every family function he wore this shirt. I asked V. what is up with this shirt? She said he's here for love. Where's the Love God? This isn't love. It's survival.

Yesterday I stood in the doorway with my back to him. I said, "I don't know Michail." What I wanted to say is "you dumbshit, you worshiped the wrong Kyle with the wrong heart." I can't open that door to him yet, even though I know if it was spring or summer I'd be camping in the woods again just to take a break. He works six hours today and he's off again tomorrow. I just want to scream get out of my box. Your like a ball and chain around my mother flocking ankle. Because of you I'm ready to jump ship myself.

Give It Away/GS
Oh God how I have tried to pass this bullshit on? I have no pain meds of any kind but Tylenol and if I go into a tailspin of pain again when this goes down I'm not gonna be happy. That means I'm literally fucked.

Independence Day/MM
The way I feel today God, with Alex and that Boston Tea Party and her hitting her face on a boulder up on Alpental, at age 5? I'm ready to tell you all up there to all go fuck yourselves for this. The dream I had where I was a little girl in the UK being kidnapped and hidden in an RV somewhere in the mountains. I had on a really old fashioned dress and boots. Yes, today I hate you for this God.  Escape To Witch Mountain again God? Which Mountain God? My family is all over this Globe.

Red Dirt Road/B&D
I took pictures the day I dropped off the papers to the AG. On my way back I got off the Link went to smoke, I think Interurban Avenue and my hand went to my heart, then the sobs came on strong. (Music playing in my ears Jesus Take The Wheel) My right hand went into the air. It was from my visionaries, that I am letting them free too. They wanted out of the box from under these negative labels. We are receivers and you don't get to choose nothing.

You'll Think Of Me/KU
You don't get to choose the sin. You don't get to choose the price of sin. You don't get to choose that gateway drug to Jacobs Ladder for some. You don't get to choose the value of another human being. It is not for you to decide nothing about my family. You are no longer the judge. My family owns this rock. My family all  the away around this animal kingdom whether the cosmos, celestial beings, spiritual, alien or science you don't get to choose nothing about the human race and where their souls go. They belong to me and mine.

It Just Comes Natural/GS
Now get your insurance, wars, labels and poison off my rock, Take your blanket justice system and red lining with you. Don't you come back here no more with eyes on my beasties. The way IC it it is you that needs to go. Not the human race. I like my children just fine the way they are thank you very much. Take your droids, your roids, your black tar and white rocks that lie. Get this Pharmaceutical control bullshit off my rock. Don't you ever think about experimenting on my beasties again. We know all we need to know about poison and science. We know what damage some of it does vs. how when mixed with another plant it becomes a medicine. We have all we needed all along.

Farmers Daughter/RA
I've been ranting and raving up above about that vanity list and those assets I lost at TA? Hell God I used to have a cleavage all the way through the B's and the D's, but nooooo, I went from a cleavage to a canal thank you very much. You give me an extra large beastie that went from 250 to 270 and you can take that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and shove it up your ass. Up and out God. My happy ending?

Wagon Wheel/DR
Yeah I'm just letting lose today. Back to turning into a child screaming at God how much  I hate him for this hot mess. I go back to stomping my feet, and slamming doors just like a kid. Around and around I go with this man. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I found the Bruno. I kept hearing Bruno in the beginning. Like Popeye, Olive Oil and Bruno. I haven't really thought to much about that man in the mountain to the East that I face at the end and do some song and dance, (it turns out he has a Bruno too) singing that man is mine. Remember in the beginning I had no idea JC had anything to do with this. I found him. He was the first man in the 1600's that spoke the Truth that we are not the only beings in the Universe.  His name Giordano Bruno. They burned him at the Stake for Heresy. It was also in the 1600's that I found the first documentation of the Nightmare? It was Dave Mayor whom told me what happens to him in his sleep? You are paralyzed when you awake, they are on you and have you pinned down then they take you away. Funny those 6's again.

She's Everything/BP
I found my number 22? My fathers birthday is on 9/22/1936 and Alex was 22. I can't find any info on my brothers life and death in the census records. All I know is his birthday was around my dad's.
She Won't Be Lonely Long/CW
God Gave Me You/BS, BS is right God.
Better Things, I love this little gal. I love CK Lewis and he's another prime example of where a man's head goes to feel wanted. He gets some power and he drops his drawers and grabs his dick hoping they want it, just as bad as he wants them to want it. The Truth is CK they worked for you because of who you are when you represent the regular Joe. That is the man they trusted and admired. You have been on the ball with what it's like to be a regular guy. I loved that about you that was your power that drew the people to you. If you put that aside, you'd get laid allot more. You know what's ugly about you? No, it's not your shell. It's that behavior right their. The wrong kind of power because of how you feel about yourself inside. 

With Me/Lonestar
I'm bringing this up for a reason, it was the episode on Better Things where she is in bed with a man pumping away. He rolls off and ask her if it was good for her too? I laughed. If you have to ask we got a problem in the bedroom. If you are with a woman or significant other. Whomever is top dog then you have to pay attention to her body and what she is doing. During 4play when you are servicing her pay attention to her hips. Pay attention to her body language and how it's reacting to your touch. Don't jump the gun and start getting to rough to fast.
Any Man Of Mine/Shania Twain
If you want to get to the stage where it hurts so good, then build it up. That intensity between two people. Then you can get more pressure in your touch. If you men would step back from women servicing you, and you servicing them a time or two, you'd get laid allot more. Then they feel cared for, like you took the time. They will come back for more. What I am saying is don't be in such a rush with your ABC's slow down you'll get there. After awhile well it's like Jeff Foxworthy said, he's got the combination to his wife's pleasure spot. Once you have that combination switch it up every now and then. Affection goes a long ways with the significant other. Not obsession. Passion people.
Who's Cheatin' Who/AJ
When she was yelling at him at the car scene. She goes I don't know why I slept with you? I'm nice. The Truth is she was hoping it was going to get better. He valued her as a sperm bag for his empty seed and bought her dinner. (I know they were dating for a week or two just an example of how we get stuck today) How we value our women today? Buy ya a drink? Hey you owe me. Flock that. You are all worth more than that. I want this bullshit in the schools stopped too. These mean girls clubs and these little boys who are using these young girls to drop to their knees, to bring your tally up? Please girls, stop.  Stop going into bars with fake ID's lookin' for love. Anything you find there at your age ain't love darlin'. Go back to your garden and grow.
Angel Eyes/Love and Theft
IC that The Bill Cosby show is still on TV. Are you flocking kidding me? Prime example of the Joker raping women for years but due to the timeline no one could hardly press charges? Once again you make a joke out of rape? I think about Reuben from Pee Wee Herman. He was masturbating in a porn theater. At the time I kept thinking well isn't that the place to do it? He wasn't raping women. He wasn't molesting or raping little children. Granted he has a children's show, but it's his time. It's his life. If humanity really took a look over time how much this one issue has come up, with our politicians, and our actors. Anyone in the public eye. You would be surprised how much of the people we admired whom were flocking around behind the scenes in one form or another. We are not meant to live as slaves. We wouldn't be here if we hadn't created the labels from lies created by the wrong people whom wanted all the power. They not all in our history were all over that O ring young old male and female.
Lookin" For That Girl/TM

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Time Travelers Wife

Tornado/LBT 01/12/2018
Well Satan your Mummies back in town. You know Satan walking through your cement paradise to hell, I've figured out a thing or two between Jesus Christ my husband, my son, my father, that he was here for Truth. You wanna know the difference this time between Jesus Christ and my brother Todd LaGene, the God Son? He's here for Justice this time around. Well Satan my brother, my son, your done.
Dirty Laundry/CU
You dirty little seed that planted itself in my garden long ago that would be you.I'm the baby sister this time around. You ready to dance with me brother? I know one thing IC in all these incantations, of all these holy rolling big books of Faith Satan, is that they are not the Truth. You cut out half the heart right from the start. 
More Like Her/ML
Your mothers heart is this rock and how humanity hasn't figured out this rock is the greatest asset we will ever have? What you have done to it Satan, it just tears my heart in half. You eroded me away. You poisoned me. You turned your mothers truth into lies. You stole everything she ever had and built with mine own 2 hands of love and life.
Long Stretch Of Love/LA
I know one thing looking around, none of these religious wars is God's hand. No Satan my brother it is all you. None of what I have seen from any of these religious wars going way back is this,  it ain't God. Why would God destroy His own creation? Why would God enslave His mothers to religion? You have turned God into a horrible being with all your lies and deceit. No my brother ain't none of this is God's hand. It is all you and your evil little tribe blocking evolution.
Wild One/Faith Hill
Now my brother what does God do in the end? She comes in and she shuts all this slavery that you all, the human race have procured over time. You laugh in the face at rape? Hey I got one for all you rapist of my land, my beasties, children and mothers, how does it feel to know every time you rape, you rape mother earth? You know the mother that feeds humanity everlasting life not just a few? Her name Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature, Freya, that circle of life you have destroyed. Jah it's true. God has provided throughout time. She has lots of names. No Mary Mary ain't quite contrary.
The Illuminati sign is back on the Taco Hell commercial. Right out in the open. Go ahead people support this piece of shit corporation. Oh yeah I shut you the fuck down. Right along with the rest of all you corporations poisoning humanity right along with my little beasties. You inhumane pieces of shit. You have lost the right to own any garden or farm in my family. You can't feed humanity without poisoning others and feeding yourselves? Get the flock off my rock.
Love Triangle/RL
You know what set me off today? This movie right here, "The Time Travelers Wife." I used to love that movie, once upon a time. I recon I believed in love long ago, I forgot, I once had a dream of love. When that movie came back around I knew just how she felt. Of course I fell asleep. This time I got in on the last half, and I had to turn it off. I couldn't watch another love lost in time. I couldn't live through it again.
The First Cut Is The Deepest/SC
Mama's Broken Heart/ML
Jesus Take The Wheel

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mama's Song

Mama's Song/CU 01/11/2018
If only it were true God? To be treated as an equal and not the maid? There to do the daily things that keeps everyone moving through daily life over and over? To feed, your children love and light everyday in this high cost of living life we live and we are still less than and forgotten about? We pick up and do the things that others in our life don't want to do. Do you know why we do it? Do you know why your mothers have done this every day over and over all these years? Because they love you.
White Horse/TS
For such an advanced society today we forgot no matter where you are it was your mother whom fed you. It was your mother whom washed your dirty clothes. It was your mother who kissed your boo boo's. It was your mothers who cried inside every time you did. It was your mother whom gave you your walking feet and changed those dirty britches. Whether you like it or not it was your mothers who fed you life and brought you into the world and if you boy's don't clean up your act this mother is gonna take you out of this world.
I'm Alright/JDM
Now it took two parents to make that baby and bring it to life and we're gonna go back to both parents feeding that baby life everyday. Out with these gender roles that hold us back and hold us down. We are gonna go back to it takes a village to raise our children, and God Dammit whether you like it or not we're gonna do it together. No one stands higher no one stands lower in all walks of life. We are gonna go back to respecting our elders. Add heiarchy and respect in age to that list.
Lost Call/LAW
Oh Sophie, what are we gonna do with you? A machine that we gave citizenship to wants to give life? That is where we went wrong. We added a 01 to this trinity, this organic trinity, this universal trinity. Now we are no longer an organic trinity to give life. Oh no, we in society were to busy staying ahead of the game in all this technology that we didn't think about the consequences for this rock? We didn't think about the consequences to the other nations when we gave our trinity a number? We gave it it's own life, and rights now. Plus the power to make it's own laws. How we're gonna feed it and pay it back in all walks of life? It's a purgatory a number to hold humanity under it's thumb. This mothers done. My God we bring in a machine and they cant even feed support and provide for the human race? You whom swore 2 serve the people and only yourselves, get the flying flock off my rock.
Just A Dream/CU
The perfect example is Kroger and Walmart of all places? My God are you kidding me? They are going to replace 100 cashier jobs with a machine? Here we go again. I know plenty of human beings whom want those jobs but no the human race is to much to insure and feed now IC? Where is it going? In my landfills. Just like those semi's I want off the highways until this fossil fuel is gone. I know plenty of truck drivers whom would love to drive those trucks and deliver the food. The medical and whatever else we need to keep this rock moving forward until we can switch over, and get this fossil fuel and this revolving car industry off my rock.
Don't You Wanna Stay/KC
Had a good day with Alex. I let her know what I turned into the attorney general and why? It's about Truth. It's about justice. That her father is not to inherit one dime off this mothers suffering. I told her who I was and she listened. I told her her father is the black horsemen. I need the Gregorian to fall out of the sky. I need the two wolves to cum together to feed this rock life so we can begin anew. We don't take away in my family. We give back. We don't need insurance, we have assurance of everlasting love and life to feed all of humanity or it feeds none of humanity.
How Do I Live/TY
We keep our promises. Like I always said "the more the merrier. Find the light whatever that may be and hold onto it. Hold onto Faith. No matter how small, with Faith inside you, you stand tall."
Hell On Heel's/Pistol Annie's
Hell it don't matter, from what IC mother nature's children come in all colors, all shapes and sizes. No, you can't put a price on love. If you put a price on love, well hell the way IC it, that just ain't no love I know of. Free will, free love, give and take. God don't care, it's all about the way we feed each other love in all walks of life. When we carry that book of hope, we carry Faith. When we have Faith, we leave it up to God to judge.
Heart Like Mine/ML
Our role is to feed Faith love and light and the rest of humanity. Ya know all that judgment we place on each other to live in Gods house and receive Gods love? We don't need those four walls anymore. I'm here to tear those four walls down and tell you this rock is your church. You feed mother nature you feed God. You feed your children you feed God. You break bread with others, that is your family. You feed others in all you do, you feed God. What comes around goes around. Let's raise the bar on quality. Let's raise the bar on life. Let's raise the bar on love. Let's bring family values back.
Ten Thousand Angels/MM
It's really that easy. Take away the judgment and purgatory we place ourselves and others in, let it go. Leave it up to God. The Truth those big books of Hope don't tell you throughout, is that we come from two. We carry two inside us. It take two to create life but it take's a family to feed it love and light. That O ring ain't for no one else to judge. We're all little beasties inside. It ain't for no one else to judge your journey and tell you you are a lesser being of God because none of us are. We carry that Atom/Adam, that Sun/Son inside all of us. Jah it's true. I'm Sirius.
Next Boyfriend/LA
Love You Like You Mean It/KB
Laughing earlier going back through my blog, standing there clueless and dumb as a box of rocks. Why does the sun shine here? It's alway's about the son isn't it. That God Damn son and whose out here once again stomping through the mud?
Georgia Peaches/LA
How come JC and Noah got forty days and I got fifty years? How come the son get's the easy life? Why am I out here carrying the load? BAAAAAA!!!!!!! BAAAAAAAA. I just keep getting guided and goaded as I stomp through all the purgatory and injustice of this hell care system, with all their blanket laws using that scarlet letter A to wipe away a human beings rights to eat? The right to speak? The right to not hurt?
No One Else On Earth/WJ
Then I find out after all this, I'm the sun? I'm that sun? Oh no you don't. I don't want that sun nor do I want this son on the ground. Oh no you don't I'm backing out the door. I'm walking away from this hot mess, but oh no no no you gotta go and piss me off. Real me back in throw Hope back to the ground, scrub me up, rub a rub dub dub. Wring me out and slam me on the rocks again. Butter me up slap me on the ass and send me back out.
Bye Bye/JDM

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Boondocks/LBT 01/09/2018

Mr. Bob Ferguson
Attorney General Of Washington

Mr. Ferguson,
You do not know me. I am one of your constituents born here in this Washington on April Fools Day 1968. I was born in this land of freedom. After all this bullshit and injustice I have received from your justified system the first time I placed myself in your hands, nothing but a character assassination for a crime committed against me. The theft of my good name and the character assassination he did on this mother all because I was a kind naive trusting person. It seems I still have that naive character defect today just in turning to you and handing you the keys to the kingdom.

I Got The Boy/JK
I made an agreement with my higher power back in July 2015. I made an agreement to walk out of my life and put that back pack on. I made an agreement of Faith to walk back through your hell care system to find answers to the Truth about this Tree Of Life I carry upon my back. Let's just say their ain't no Truth and Justice in this United States of America. Their hasn't been for sometime. Turns out their ain't nothing free in this life. No matter how much Truth you tell after you take the label and blame for that scarlet letter A that was so unjustly placed upon me and never allowed my first amendment right to speak or defend myself against the labels and crimes placed against me.

Love Without End/GS
IC right here just with your blanket labels you placed in a divorce you have wiped out half of another being that it took two to create the life and death of that marriage and all it entails? I never gave a flying flock about no money. I care about Truth and Justice for humanity against the oppression, and high price tag you place on Truth today. Their ain't no money on Truth. Only slavery and more boxes to report to. Their ain't no God either because if their was your justice system would be based on Truth. It would be a fair balanced Justice system and Truth be told that just ain't the case today.

Red Dirt Road/B&D
What a hot mess you created from the top? All I see is a paradise highway to hell out here for these people, that you sold out to your Corporations. IC you created more garbage going in my land fills to feed the garbage. A practice that never needed to be. You all chose to feed your machine and not listen to all those brothers whom have come before you to fight for freedom in this country. It breaks my heart what you have done to humanity selling off the wrong stock that you all on top swore to feed. You swore to protect. You haven't protected anyone but your entitled and elite, all to feed yourselves not humanity.

Independence Day/Martina McBride
You served the wrong stock, all based on a house of cards. You wiped out hope. Why did we have a civil war? All to feed your civil courts today? All your institutions and your labels? The high price you put on sin to get through heavens gates? You valued yourselves and that machine more than you did mankind. You have been told over and over to step back from these wars from higher beings. Perhaps you need to look at some of your documentaries.

What Was I Thinking/DB
Your blind eye of justice? How that came to be today? You took everything good and put a high price on it. You sold the human race out to an insurance. It seems we now have a justified system all based on a potential liability and all IC is a dis-service to the human race. You might want to read along on all the injustice this mother has had to walk through to find the answers day by day. It seems I know longer fit in any box, however you in this system have created quite the industry on humanities suffering. This is not okay, not for this mother any God Damn day. My children shall not inherit this Tree Of Life and all the injustice that has been placed upon me long ago.

She's My Kind Of Rain/TM
To this day after all the pain and bullshit I have walked through I still only ask for a clean slate. That you not give this father, my children's father, not one dime, for a crime he placed against this mother. This father is not an honorable father. I have spoken the Truth to him all along once again, but why would he ever want the Truth to come out? It seems I made an agreement long ago and I married the wrong brother from that Garden Of Eden. The one I knew nothing about. I have since learned why I went through this? My rock, my light. Destiny and Faith I carry inside me forever and always.

She's In Love With The Boy/TY
I have the answers to that ring of stars that sits above Freedom's head. I was supposed to get back to speak to this man. I let him go and didn't make it back. I walked away. I at the time didn't know that he had anything to do with the agreement I made with my higher power. I heard the word family. Would I be willing to look crazy to save my family? Then brothers and doors. Then brothers and codes. Off I go through your hell care system once more.

Think Of You/CY
It seems to have a conversation today is to high of a price, just like your justified system. I'm going to ask of you not to send out the alarm before him and I have a chance to speak about what this is really all about? I have the answers to his numbers? I have the answers to his twin towers? His two and seven? His two mothers? His two bouts of cancer and why he took those additional three on along with his seven?

I'm In A Hurry/Alabama
Why I saw a great big cross go right down his T-zone right down the center of his heart? I just recently learned what the Knight Of The Templar's are. When God wrote in the bible about Beast, he was referring to us his flock. It never dawned on any of you that we are all mother natures and God's flock. IC a few bad apples in every sect, serving up their own justice out of fear. Fear of the Truth on how we came to be here today?

Watching Airplanes/KU
That God is our creation. She is the creation of this rock. She is the blood of the lamb, because she is the creation of all you little beasties. Her animal kingdom and where we descend from is that animal kingdom that surrounds this rock. I'm Sirius. It turns out we have eroded away mother natures gardens and we poisoned them. In return we poisoned humanity from the inside over a long period of time all to create a hell care industry. We eroded her organic animal kingdom that was meant to feed all of humanity not just a few.

Take A Little Ride/JA
Then we created a one lane highway to hell with the labels on humanities pain and suffering and we put a high price on sin. The reason for the Gin? The depression from the twenties to feed that pharma company and the reason for all the depression today. You flocked with humanities emotions in more ways than one. You took a blanket justice system on spirituality and God. When it is clearly stated throughout history that we are all receivers. You created the H.P.P.A. a blanket label on spirituality and God IC? One emotion for a few moments does not make you bi-polar. The natives see spirit animals. Is that a crime? We are all star children and indigo children and you created and stuck the blanket label and diagnosis in our schools back in 2000. All to shut down our children, label them and drug them up? I do not think so. You labeled and enslaved humanity and got us to serve up a system and it's guidelines to match your new system of numbers? I do not think so.

This is just the rough draft. My concern is what I saw in the beginning that Trump is a set up. I'm not sure what the hold up is. It's either that bomb or Trump's failure is the excuse they need. I am asking that no one enter my apartment, nor interfere with me and mine. It's the least you can do after all the bullshit injustice you have served up to me and mine. I don't know, have I done my civic duty to my country? My land of freedom that I was born in that has done nothing for me but box me in, label me, decide if I have a right to eat? How I eat? How I suffer? You turned my Truth into lies. Being judged all the way up and down the line just in the character assassination you allowed one man and one woman named Mary Stone to come in and literally steal everything. Including my wedding ring that I designed and paid for that was to go to my first daughter. The representation of this blue planet and those blue skies and that man's blue eyes.

Gettin' You Home/CY
My children will receive my journals from this journey. You are not to approach or encroach upon them either. You will not receive one drop of blood from either one of us to feed humanity answers either. This rough draft and this mothers Truth is all you shall receive until my family and that man Kyle Berg Uhrich and I have a private conversation. My daughter Kiley and Him carry the same name and I found the name Kai in a documentary.  Mary Magdalene and JC. The dragon revelations that is here for her children is this meth and heroine.

It was in about August of 2106 that I finally looked him up from the information that he told me about himself. The similarities in names and address's of our families alone? That Yule Christmas Tree Farm? I had a Christmas Tree farm where I lived with my children at the entrance and I spent some time myself on a Christmas tree farm. His middle name means mountain and music. Mine Rae and light. The crest and meaning behind his last name is a wolf. This is the wolf moon. Have I earned the right to some privacy to speak alone with the wolf that sat in my closet with all those children in red dresses climbing all over him in my childhood?

The Dance/GB
Klackamass County. It was like a mantra to my mother growing up in Rainier Oregon. I just discovered that recently in his families addresses. I will not allow anyone to stick me in a box nor stick a needle in my arm, nor my children's. I am finished providing my time in your boxes to feed a machine that by the looks of this EMG hasn't been able to diagnose me correctly all these years. Couldn't be bothered in all those years to do an X-ray. Nor can I still get an MRI to see what my options are before it declines even more. After two and a half more years and a copy of this flocked up Tree Of Life, no one wants to help me.

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
To much of a liability IC? You passed laws to support this and allow our hell care system to be judges now IC? Now we don't need lawyers to defend us because we have a corporation and a hell care system written in stone in what services I may receive due to an insurance, I was placed in long ago and the benefits, have declined. Brain injury for being raped and in the 1600's Lincoln was kicked in the front and he was fine? Being raped and using my big girl words to get back out and the hell and injustice that King County pulled afterwords is an unforgivable crime in and of itself. What about the reason I got in that truck and how Travel Centers Of America treated a rape victim afterwards? How about how I was treated after one year of being 86'd off the lot? 

My Little Girl/TM
I can't seem to get a consultation, because it seems it no longer matters to these HMO's and hospitals that you sold me out to long ago, and let make decision's for me all these years while you send me to box to box and never let me speak? You keep billing for this fine of child support and I ain't paying it. You all can eat all these fines for all I care.You were all to busy supporting your HMO's and making your doctors take the blame for what you created when you sold out humanity to these HMO's and pharmaceutical companies that created all their own guidelines and laws to support a potential liability on that scarlet letter A. Instead of listening to me they spent their time telling me what I can not have and experimenting on a potential that I do not have? I'm not your guinea pig anymore. Your hell care system and doctors have made a living off my suffering long enough. The excuse this Gin needed to lock humanity in and fine them.

My Maria/B&D
Whose gonna pay for this Tree Of Life Now? Not that man that's for sure. Nor are my children for something that you created with your blind eye of justice. You have wiped away this mothers constitution from the inside out long ago. You can take this child support check and mail it back to Greg my X. You can do what you should of done in the first place and that was arrest Mary Stone and Greg for what they have done to me and my sister. All those labels and fines in criminal court, you all can eat them. Your marked up hospital bills that couldn't be bothered all these years to diagnose something as simple as scoliosis that got so bad it turned into Kyphosis.

 God Made Girls/RL
 Right along with that car accident at the crux of my neck that my X caused and collected on, yet my sister nor I got any treatment. What about that right hip that the scoliosis pushed and tilted forward now? Took two and a half years for a physical therapist to lay his thumbs along my spine to find the answer to my right hip. Take note it was not your osteopaths, nor doctor's. My middle three toes on my right foot don't always work. What about that arthritis I have in my lower back that was also ignored by Snoqualmie Valley Hospital? The time that my liver enzymes were high and I spent 5 days in that shadow of death, and Dr. Todd couldn't even be bothered to give me an IV? As far as this mother is concerned you hospitals and lawyers are done judging these people that you put here.

May Day/Cam
You left them hurting and suffering until they had no choice to turn to other drugs to get away from the pain for a little while. To get the energy after being in pain for years and ignored, because pain decreases the human bodies energy. You have written your pat prescriptions for years to the human race and you have done nothing for me but to tell me it is in my mind. If you don't mind I am taking my Tree Of Life back. I do not speak your new language of Political Correctness because it is your political correctness that has created more confusion and distention in humanity.

A Broken Wing/M. McBride
You removed Generation X's industry three times and sent them to other countries. You recreated a revolving industry going into my landfills. You keep changing this industry and the schooling also. Which is nothing more than middlemen whom came in and created the industry, and the guidelines over and over. You took full time jobs and created part time jobs, Now humanity works as slaves in these revolving jobs in corporate Americas warehouses. The food industry, is owned by corporate America now and you rewrote the standards on this failing poisonous industry also. No you did not feed humanity. You fed a machine and you were told not to sale these gardens to the entity. An entity is a corporation. Which happens to be a very old brotherhood working behind the scenes. If you need a visible example on how they did this watch "The Intruders."

Maybe It Was Memphis/PT
It's not very PC to this mother and this mother gives this heartless system that you sold humanity out to an F.

Wanna Be That Song/BE
He stole my lively hood out from underneath me and told me a weak later I needed to get back to work to earn my keep and do my part. After two surgeries back to back? After I was supposed to stay home by day for the summer with my children and my computer to work from home? Yeah abuse and neglect is an invisible crime. I know just how mother nature feels. She gave you this rock right along with God to feed this whole rock everlasting life, you can't figure out that entity is a machine designed to keep making it's own laws to keep feeding itself is not my issue anymore it is yours.

Aw Now/CY
Yeah I know how my family feels upstairs? It doesn't matter how much proof of life you show this justice system. You will do whatever you can do to hide the Truth and make another human being sit in a box just to prove yourself right? If that doesn't work well hell you just call out the dogs behind the scenes and kill them off. Label them a terrorist or off the wagon. Need to go back in the box until you repent right? Not this time. I should of never had to go through this. This rock is my church regardless of what corporation owns that land. Their ain't nothing wrong with sitting on a rock, a gold mound, peacefully. You can't meditate or pray anywhere without a label today or the cops harassing you.

You created the labels on spirituality and created the guidelines and rules on God and how we receive Gods love and light, peacefully? That whole time, your corporations and your policemen with all your blanket laws and labels did nothing but harass a woman whom never asked for anything. No you created this hot mess and you will clean this up. You cannot say I never spoke the Truth about something that is so clearly stated from our visionaries and historians. That we are all receivers, but you all made quite a living off our visionaries, haven't you? Their are good beasties on this rock and when you look at Kyle that man has so many spiritual beasties inside him. He must of did something right in this life to be watched the way he has been.

Need You Now/LA
He has that eagle head, and his hobby? He is a pilot. Who ordered JC killed? Pilate. Those blue eagle eyes. This man is your lion. He is your heart. He is also the representation of the wolf. Guess what he carries on his back? A little monkey. This man is your king. He is your beast with heart, so they tell me. He raised his giant ring of fire on a farm in Woodburn Oregon, I believe. The location of I believe his mother in Graham Washington was the same location I placed my father after I got guardianship of him. I asked Kyle how many years ago did you start coming to that truck stop? He said fifteen years ago. It was at that time fifteen years that I was fired from there for something I did not do.

Where I Come From/AJ
No to this day I have no idea what to say. I'll just have to put my boot straps on and speak truthfully from the heart and tell him what I do know up to this point. These are the documents that I was accused of disassociating and it seems to me for a woman whom typed this up the next day I am pretty perceptive. I am a caring analytical responsible human being. You right along with him stole everything from me and now I know why my family has a reservation to take this rock back.

We Danced/BP
I'll never get my return on the quality of life I deserved. I will never get back all that was stolen from me. I will not take any responsibility for any of this. He even has allowed one man to live there for free for years but he couldn't allow his own wife a break. In twelve years I got one weekend trip. I have copies of journals begging him for money for food and you all turned a blind eye. No don't ask one more thing from me. I in my blog, that I have the legal right to speak the truth about my so called miserable life. All I have been through, going back from my past and present is not a crime.

What Do You Think About That/MG
Speaking the Truth about me and mine is not a crime. What you have done in your justice system is immoral and corrupt on humanity. It is unethical and from this mothers perspective inhumane. No you had a chance all these years to let me speak and you couldn't be bothered. Don't bother me or mine please. I know who I am and it turns out I like myself just fine. Not to happy about the rest of the human race hating my guts when this gets out but no one can say I didn't try one last time, like all your brothers whom have come before you, right here on this rock and from the stars.

Meet Me In The Middle/DR
The documents I have typed before on word has expired. As usual like everything else out here, got a pay a high price that I cannot afford to update the software. I have been stuck living with a kind man, yet not the love of my life by any means because of your hell care system and I still can't get out from under. That misdemeanor now? Wow! I can't work. You know that left shoulder and the crux of the issue? My hands don't always work. I tried again and couldn't go to my own doctor when I did have another job as a server. No I had to waste more time to follow your systems guidelines and procedures for a potential workman's comp claim, which I had no intention on filing knowing full well what was going on with my Tree Of Life.

Boot Scootin' Boogie/B&D
She only checked my range of motion and I couldn't hold a plate in my hands without letting them go? So how is this insurance working for humanity again to get them back to work feeding your machine? The recreation of your slaves that now are consumers because you sent our industry out of this nation and left your own country hanging for jobs? All while you change the industry over and over filling our landfills? We are now all servers in Corporate America that you have allowed to be cut back to part time jobs under the guise of full time jobs. With no insurance because of that getting to fire any one for any reason in the first ninety days all based on insurance? An industry that created it's own marked up value and services, including your hospitals? You have the gull to call this service?

I am out of options. Their is nothing more I can do. I will not be thankful for anything you in your justice system have doled out to me and mine. Don't bother saying your sorry or blow smoke up my ass anymore. You all stuck your big noses up this mothers little ass long ago. From what I can see I was better off without you. Now you have boxed me in along with the rest of the human race. I am done. I have done all I can do from this day forward, the rest is in your hands. I this mother had better not find out any money crossed to pay that unworthy man I married. I am not cleaning up this families dirty laundry any longer, curse or otherwise. You cannot fault a woman for speaking the Truth. I have no shame in speaking about whom my family is and what you have done to humanity. I speak for that family, I bleed for that family. Just as that brother whom came before, and that Father whom God gave me after. My Father my husband. My love, my light, my heart whom bled for this rock, whom we wrote off as a myth. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Dirt Road Anthem/JA