Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Loving Arms

Loving Arms/DC
Where do I begin today? Some food for thought with St. Thomas or God's whit and humor? I said to God yesterday "and to think my favorite ride at any amusement park was the roller coaster. You once again have blown that out of the water. Your idea of a roller coaster ride isn't any fun. I want off this roller coaster ride of emotions."

I Hope You Dance/LAW
I recon it will be God's idea of whit and humor with His wife. Satanding in the pit, looking at all the dirty dishes thinking about how I may not be feeding Michail sexually to fill his needs, but I sure do feed Him. Money is low and I need less fuel. I haven't much of an appetite anyways. I'm down my back, sinuses and I'm burned out on pain. I'm burned out on trying to figure out my septic system and my own issues to get anywhere. I'm tired of speaking the Truth and being judged. I'm tired of being judged for everything I put in my mouth to keep me moving to get through my day. I can't wait for judgement day. How I speak to God through weed, smoke and music everyday. How it keeps me moving. Whether you want to admit it, God is my fuel. He is my dance partner, he is my medicine, he feeds me, he heals me. Not you in this system. When it comes to Judgement Day I know what side of Love I stand on.

You Found Me/The Fray
Hook line and sinker did I ever. Don't worry God is my Dilly Bobber. He is my Savior not you on this rock. I recon I'll start with God's humor to lighten things up. I heard "have you ever known of God to do anything small?" OH OH OH!!! I started to laugh a deep belly laugh then I stopped. It was like a bolt of lightening going straight through my heart. I know longer knew what to do? I said to God, "Oh my God, I don't know whether to laugh, or whether to cry? Oh the things you do to me inside."

I'm Movin On/RF
I love Him, I hate Him some moments of some days. I feel like a wrecking ball of emotions swinging like a pendulum inside me. Then I thought of the people whose emotions go from laughter to tears? What brought this up? Another documentary on the Cyclops and the giants. All these giants throughout time and those one eye's? Me starting from ground zero literally on everything. Dancing around that pit with my flashlight, hearing for the first time "fallen angel. Sorry we didn't know he was so deep." I look up and yell with my arms in the air, "thanks. Thank's allot for that." As I was walking away I was starting to feel like I was standing in the land of giants.

Come On Get Higher/MN
I just didn't know what giants they meant. The New York Giants perhaps? How many time have I gone back to New York? Those twin towers? Before that all those rats when they were on strike. All that garbage filling the streets. A couple evenings ago I fell asleep to the show Sense 8. I swear to God I didn't even notice the 8 when I turned it on. As I was dozing off I heard this

Chasing Cars/SP
"St. Thomas Aquarius, She calls pride a sin and of all the venal and mortal sins, St Thomas saw pride as the queen of the 7 deadlies. He saw it as the ultimate gateway sin that would turn us quickly into a sinaholic, but hating isn't on that list. Neither is shame." Then sitting on the John dribbling away in my own special way the song came on "Not Ready To Make Nice/DC" boy did I go off on this song. My answer. Casting my spell in my own little way in my song, my chant on just the misunderstanding. I went off like a bolt of lightening in my mind. Then my rage turned into tears.

She's Everything/BP
My rant, "how dare you? How dare you do this to me? Every time he has tried to kill me. Turn me into evil and poison. Every time he has tried to write me off. How dare you write me out of every book of life? Turn every mothers love into evil or whoredom. How dare you poison my power with your lies. Yeah I have no more dignity left inside me. No more vanity. I now sit on the John talking to God. Everything in this set up alone is mortifying to me. Everything he has made me say to that man? Mortified is just how I feel. Which doesn't help me to feel any better.

"Oh the set up and that garden alone? God set me up in that garden 6000 years ago, and if that doesn't chap my ass? Six thousand years Adam and Eve have sat in purgatory for you while you run freely through heavens gates? Then the song came on Wherever You Go/The Calling and I cried. Do you know what it's like to see a man carry a cross with a crown of thorns? Do you know what it's like to see a woman sitting at the foot of that cross? Do you know what it's like to find out that spear of Destiny is my daughter Alexandra and the hole in my heart as she turns a blind eye to me? Her own mother? Before I made this agreement to save my family we spoke on the phone, we saw each other,  we were hanging out. On the phone shopping, laughter and tears. It wasn't until I gave her father the rough draft of this book so far, that she stopped speaking to me.

All I can do is keep giving them lights, my poetry and my words of wisdom, to be strong. Have Faith. I see you. You Are My Sunshine. Oh bloody St. Patrick Day and all the poison and murder in every house of God throughout time? I knew when I started bouncing church's that this had something to do with the name's of the church's. Me not knowing nothing about the different religions? The different clubs, the different cults? To find the Truth buried under all these lies? Is it Anarchy God? Don't we have a right to defend? With my family you have the right to defend and as God's flock we protect the weak whom cannot protect themselves. That's what my family of angels are for. The problem is we are all to defensive and defenseless. They like it this way. Then I looked up Thomas and Pride? It brought up a long list in the Bible on Pride. The names I never knew about. It is all so foretelling and odd I know the answers in God's Truth, His Son's and His Families in all those names.

Temporary Home/CU

Back to the 8 I go.
Oh Satan do you remember earlier I said Set in Stone? That red Stone? You in society IC have stepped in the way to stop everything good with all your jaded minds of fear. What you don't know is that in the Egypt, Mazatlan, Asia, as well as other nations before these books of Hope were written these were the Gods. Don't tell me if one of these God's showed up today, one of these vessels, that you whom came along well after, wouldn't see them as Gods too? Anyone knows with God you don't die. Only the shell that hides our God's inside us buried under all this pride, of the Ego not the family. You have poisoned every culture between every male and female. You have poisoned every sister and brother to begin life anew. It is you not God. It is you whom thought life began with that book of Hope. It's Gods Rock, Its Gods Flock. My heart belongs to Him, it does not belong to you.

Just Breath/AN
Until you can understand this is Gods kingdom and not your own to destroy you will not transcend. What right do you have to choose the ascension to heavens gates? Why do you get put a price and label on Sin and use it as an excuse for all your fines taxes and fee's along my highways? When I saw that Poppy field in Ozark it hit me like a bolt of lightening all over. Just how you have taken everything good about mother nature to transcend to the Truth and you poisoned it in every nation? You turned Mother Nature into science. You took her food and medicine and re-created to keep control on the price and label and sin. You created all the fear. You marketed, marked up and took control of everything.

Travelin' Soldier/DC
The Matrix and Jesus Christ? The septic system back to the septic system I go and how you turned mother natures organics with all your synthetics and your antibiotics. The Lysol commercials with the big trucks coming through? The same industry creating the poison, and the fear? Then all the marketing on that fear? You re-wrote mother natures good and turned it into bad all for a healthcare system. To make this united states slaves to your pharmaceutical companies and all your HMO's. You wiped out mother natures gardens from the ground up. Those HAARP clouds I know what your doing and I want them off. We sit in a dome of poison under the guise of protection.

Now let's see how stupid this little mother is? Another four? We have four chambers to the heart in case you didn't know. Then as I was reading up on The Matrix and the septic system? Now remember Kiley came to me at the age of four did her Keanu crouching Tiger, while waving her fingers forward. She open her palm and she has batteries in her little hand. I asked, "what's this? You know mommy they run on batteries." What you did in your science to fuck with our septic systems is fuck with the other four didn't you?

My Little Girl/TM
Everything on this rock needs Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen to live. You fucked with all of it everywhere outside our bodies to poison the inside of our bodies. To re-write the Eco-system inside our bodies? Alter our genetics? When I saw the movie San Andreas with my other twin Alter Ego, you know the other brown skinned brother? The Rock, in that helicopter I looked at Michael, Uhm there's really a fault line in California?

I'll Be/EM
You fucked with the wrong mother brother. That's why you are doing everything now to get this Untied States sick and weak? Keep us suffering so you can come in take out what you perceive as the strongest nation first. You did everything you could do to keep us naive and dumb with all your games. Defenseless with your take over on everything, our guns and weapons because we are so crazy? We can't handle ourselves? Is that right? You did everything you could do to get as many people as you can owing, to get your claws in our system, you created all this poison in the system. The guidelines and standards to pay you back for all your mark up and dis-service? You wonder why I'm standing right here in this Washington? The whole time I was right under your nose. The best part of all this is that you all thought I was the one being tested.

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