Thursday, October 12, 2017

Temporary Home

Temporary Home by CU
I'm so fed up and angry today. I can't wait for my rude awakening on just who it is I am. Mary Magdalene is back in town and I can't wait to shut this shit down. How dare you Catholic Church allow Pope Greg The First, a human being to kill me off. You knew the truth all along didn't you? Why would you hide me? Why all the secrets around me? You allowed a entitled piece of shit human being choose humanities destiny? You took control of me hid me and just knowing the Truth you made choices about me and mine that you should of never done. Don't think I don't know about the profit Lucia whom lived as a nun and told you three things from Mary and you chose to hide it. Then one of your popes took credit. I like my Lucy better than yours. Lucifer is whom you serve now. With the lies kept behind. You made your own justice, your own cult and club. You allowed science and law to rule over Gods spiritual house. You assholes cut out half the heart from the start. This is what happens when humans rule the heart and not my family.

Here Comes Goodbye/RF
All you Christians just jumped on board, you entitled men. You have no honor in my house. I want that Gregorian to fall out of the sky. I want the storm. Then you take it upon yourself to use The Virgin Mary's name as penance? Flock that shit. You heartless bastards that created this mess. Oh yeah, in case you want to know, Jesus Christ has six brothers and sisters from Mary and Joseph, so flock that lie and shove it up your ass. You entitled piece of shit's making choices for humanity. You speak for God? You created the Hierarchy and from what I can see you suck at your jobs. The ones hiding the truth, knowing full well these are demons sitting on humanities heads. Fuck you. I'm back bitch, not just little pieces of me but all of me. No truth no honor. Get the flock off my rock.

Remember When/AJ
You hide me, you lie about me, and you try and control me. Then why did you steal me from the Aborigines from down under? Fuck you, I'm taking it all back. You don't ever speak for me or mine again. You don't know what you did, you don't speak for God. You don't make rules for Gods house ever. You certainly don't get to pick JC's love for his wife. You don't get to pick anything between these two. God gave you a son in his image on this rock, and the Jewish then couldn't even honor that. He sends you a son, he sends you hope, he sends you life of a man in His image and what you did to Him? Don't ever ask me to forget let alone forgive today God. Why is it only religion the women are whores? The fruits of your life. You wanna Jew down on this mother? Go ahead. Make my day.

Humble And Kind/TM
Then you pious pieces of shit's with kickstands place it in your politics. That your mothers and daughters are less than, from what I can see these women are stronger than most men. You men in religion and politics oppress women from the start, you assign them their roles, and you have done nothing but make it hard. How is this even morally right. The trickle down effect from the top. You don't practice what your preach from the top yet you expect the mothers down here to carry the load? You created by your own political examples and the principal in religion that your mothers whom you can't create life without are whores, less than and can't make a choice about their own body and life? We got science now to re-create life now? You don't need my family anymore? Let's see how that works out.

Everyday Is A Winding Road/SC
I know one thing I will never see another man chase my mother, around the table with a belt because his dinner isn't on the table for him when he gets home from work. What comes around goes around in my house and don't you ever forget it.

How you in Congress can't see the oppression you created when you sold out the United States Of America to Corporations I will never know, but I know one thing their ain't no excuse. The Monopoly on this insurance sounds allot like Sodom and Gomorrah. Make the ones that need the most help receive the least help. You run them ragged from box to box making it harder and harder. You label their pain all neurological and in the mind. You suppress the mind to turn them off. You know God didn't I read something in Revelations about their being no Justice. I thought Justice was about Truth? Yet how can something be about Truth when you keep creating more laws that don't let the ones that need the most help speak? Truth is now about monetary gain. This isn't Truth and well God it ain't any kind of Justice that I can see.

What Hurts The Most/RF
You got humanity to serve a system in the land of freedom and not God. Am I the Joker? Am I The Fool? You bet your sweet ass I am, you disrespect Gods family you disrespect God. Well this mother ain't going to have any of that. You think your not going to have to go through Gods family to get to God? Hey bitch, I'm standing right here.

You know that blind eye you have turned against this Tree Of Life? I too will turn a blind eye unto you. Is it spite me, I smite you Big Daddy? You know speak against me, test me and ashes to ashes dust to dust. I watched all the episode of Nostradamus, I kept hearing his name, and I wasn't sure who he was? All those names in my family tree coming back around.

Undo It/CU
Brother Tesla, there it was the word SI. I notice another pattern going on with my family? The Inventors, they were stolen from. They were living poorly, unless affiliated to a political  fraction. General Electric and Tesla, that control of continuous flow of energy? Some how my inventors were labeled and oppressed, even told by the catholic church your not Gods flock, yet you rich thieves have certainly made a living off of their inventions and you created all the mark up didn't you? In another dream, was it China God that I was on some huge property standing in a room with some rich asshole? Didn't he have something to do with general electric? No I converse and observe, live through whatever I'm supposed to learn.

Strip It Down/LB
To think I only get to travel and see the world in my dreams, yet what I have seen isn't anything good. It makes me cry now because the Truth is, I will not get to see it in all it's glory. I get to see the destruction and somehow fix it. Set it back to right.

Peaceful Easy Feeling/Eagles
There will never be another mother like me. Don't think God, I haven't put together how old that promise is my father made to me? What are you about forty years to late for this mothers heart? What did my own father say to me? "I will take you away and build you a house just the two of us." Another broken promise? You bastard.

Mind Reader/DL
Time is relative right God? Whose relative? I am so tired of two steps forward and three steps back. They cut M's hours not only by twenty hours a month, but 20 hours a month overtime too. You allowed Corporate America to set its own standards didn't you in this United States? You all look good doing all you can in Congress right? You mother flocking Republicans and Democrats couldn't screw in a mother flocking light bulb. You got your heads shoved so far up your assess, you disgust me. I don't envy your jobs, but truth is you knew better all along. Now you don't know what to do now do you? Things are so far out of control now, just look around you, their ain't no more band aids, no quick fixes anymore except my families Justice.

What If God Was One Of Us just a slob like one of us? I told Michael my new name is Princess Leia. This Princess Leia, looks at this mess of a depressing little box, and I go Leia on the couch. I am so sick of dishes and laundry. I can only do it when I have the energy, money and Michael to carry the load. Flock this shit. No money for laundry detergent or laundry this week. Washed my panties in the shower. Just enough for a loaf of bread and TP. Just get a few things and most of the time I have to return it. What's the point God? Blow it the flock up.

Get Out Of My Mind/Hootie, No God, I speak for you remember? Blasphemous lil' ole me, that's who. His daughter. His mother. His wife, blow it the flock up God. 
Another doctors opinion whom doesn't let me speak? yet I have two more saying yup, your sacrum is twisted and the first disc coming up and out twist down to the right, then the next one angles up to the left. Then comes up under your left rib cage. The medical doctors look at me like I'm cured. The Truth is, I will never have a cure. I have a muscular Skeletal Disease which will never stop twisting and turning. All I can do is strengthen it. The alternative doctors see this and know it, yet the medical doctors are in denial. Your fine keep going. The one who discovered and actually touched each disc with his fingers was this last P.T. You doctors with prescription pad stand at your keyboards you look for balance only and an excuse to send me back to start?

Good To Be Me/UK
It took me five to six hours Tuesday morning of stretching and three sessions of icing to get my spine stretched back out to move. It wasn't until the next morning that I got it to adjust. You see because I can't get an adjustment I have to roll on baseballs and tennis balls all up and down my spine and hips. It hurts like hell every step of the way. Just because my legs work, just because I have flexion it does not mean, I don't need my disc popped back in. I said to the last doctor, then why do I feel better after I get an adjustment? I don't have a hunch back anymore because I fight it every day of my life, that muscle memory.

Island In The Sun/W
I never know when a disc is going to shift or flare up, but I know one thing, it is my choice to get a massage and an adjustment to alleviate pain to re-strengthen my spine in between. I thanked this Osteopath for her opinion because she doesn't like to adjust my spine, and for determining the quality of my life. Just go ahead and put that in my chart. She even tried to discuss my bladder, I told her once again I have a doctor for this, my issue is I can't take all these pills they flare me up, so when I do need a pill it had better work.  Then she tried blaming my smoking for my bladder, I can't get two Chantix down me a day. Between my stomach lining, my intestines and my bladder which are on the mend, finally. Blame everything else but where my pain really ascends from. Collect the check, right cunt?

I will go back to my old Osteopath far away who does see the Truth. It was the new Osteopaths assistant whom saw the shifted disc in my spine and he told me to go back to her. She walks in and tells me I have five minutes. I said I'm not sure why I'm here, but okay here is my history. I stood up to a photo of a spine, and she kept cutting me off sending me to back to the start of where I've already been. I told her I've been doing it all year and starting again on my neck. The funny thing is when I finally got back into my old Osteopath she admitted she knows how to adjust necks but doesn't like doing it. This is what it's like part time help on someone else's terms and opinions, yet she does awesome between my blades.

I'm starting again on my neck. The crux of the issue. It goes up, down, left then right. It causes all kinds of holy hell. Then she asked about an MRI I answered her and instead I get a speech about insurance and why's and what's. I said, I don't give a flock about an MRI? That was then this is now. I bounced shit back because they were only looking at part of my tree of life once again and not the whole picture. That was the furthest away and months later of me floating around out there with no help. I just spent a week in a flood and a storm. Then she tried telling me I hardly have a curve going to the left. I told her three years ago, I didn't even have that curve. It was a straight line with no curve. I have curvature again even if it is going in the wrong direction.

I'm tired of the monopoly of this insurance sending people back to the beginning. Doctors don't look at the human being they look at this insurance and it is unethical that you in Congress allowed all these HMO's to control a human beings suffering, all because of their own liability insurance and the threat of their jobs. To take these people in these homes on this insurance you did a little blanket justice on your own once again. You put them on Gavipatin and Lyrica and if they can't function, when they speak the truth? I can't function and I still hurt they are told it is all in their mind go see a psychiatrist. You don't listen to your elderly either you drug them up and shut them down, and they speak the truth, I still hurt and I can't function.Your excuse that someone else can get their hands on these drugs in no excuse a a doctor to keep another human being suffering. None.

Rocket Man
Do you know who controls doctors? The pharmaceutical and the liability insurance they hold over their heads and now the HMO's. So you went after the old doctors that didn't conform to your point of views and you in Congress allowed it didn't you? I can see very clearly how you greedy lawyers in Corporate America set the standard for Corporate America. You in Congress creating all these blanket laws in this United States for Gods flock? From all walks of life? No your one size fits all does not fit this mother. My arthritis that I have in two disc isn't from massage or Chiropractic like you allowed the rich bastards to spread all the propaganda.

The Wind Beneath My Wings
My arthritis is where I had auto accidents, not massage and chiropractic, not any other alternative healthcare either from twenty years ago. You allowed the rich assholes who all own Corporate America set the standard on humanities suffering and you sold out the United States of America. The land of choice, the land of freedom. I'm so angry about my gardens and all the poison all to build your buildings that will never be paid off. You made the human race in this United States sitting ducks with their smart phones, you made us the most gullible institution and we the human race in this Untied States trusted you. All you can do to protect yourselves is a character assassination on me or an actual assassination on me or mine to shut me down.

You'll Be In My Heart/PC
Justice/The Distractions
I'm from this first family. I'm from Gods Legion, not yours. I'm from that first family in this first Washington. Oh yeah, you didn't know that did you? I don't like who you have ruling behind the scenes of your pentagon, I like my families star from that great big blue sky, to the ones in that great big blue sea.

Lonesome Loser/LRB
Up Around The Bend/CCR
You know God, I think my dragon is coming out. Mercy me, oh my. Just when in the flying flock is my blood moon going to end? I am so sick of not owning my body, but that moon certainly does doesn't it? You get me pregnant this late in life and I will do exactly what my grand daddy told me to do. I will cut your tail off behind your ears. I am done having babies.

Just get this over with. Bring on the storm already. I hate this box. I want my life back. I am sick of this fate shit.

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