Sunday, October 29, 2017

Calling All Angels

Calling All Angels/Train
"If you knew the magnificence of the 3,6,and 9, you would have the key to the universe. Nikola Tesla" What did I do that night under the full moon? I stood with feathers in my hair, I wore my family jewels, my boy beater with a blue bra. A red t-shirt and my holy jeans. I stood behind the Gull sign after everything was shut down and I sang and danced a jig. My whole body shook like a flapper from the twenty's. My right hand in the air vibrated like a rattle snake and I used my three's to take out my sixes and I turned those sixes back into nines bitch. I got down and funky when I said "The Lords Prayer." I put my left hand on the ground with my right hand in the air and I said "The Lords Prayer." Yup this Angel is back and boy does this angel smoke.

Only Wanna Be With You/Hootie and my Blowfish
When was this Satan? July 2015 and back to those fives I go with my ten back. Now Satan my brother I have figured out how you turned Gods flock into fallen angels. You see Satan I figured out as Gods children, you know that Big C that no one really knows? Our Creator.

It never occured to anyone that He is a parent. As a parent we are all his angels. It is so clearly stated in about every sect in life that we are not the highest being on this rock. We just seem to think so because we are humans born in these shells. We think somehow that we are the highest being. That is the most assinine lie anyone could tell themselves.

Broken Halo/CS
Is that we are the highest beings in and of ourselves? That we drive out own buses? Yet we pray to a God to lead? Then we keep taking it back when things get to scary. With all the brainwashing in this system now we have lost sight of this. This is the reason why the ones controlling all the money. Running the wrong stock to kill off Gods flock that they have done everything they could in this United States to prevent Evolution.

You have created an industry of feeders by poisoning our gardens and selling off the land. You rewrote the industry and the standards of the industries service trying to get this United States to adapt to your system of numbers. To get the human race to report to a machine for all that ails? You got the the justice system to allow the insurance companies to control the United States evolution.

Round Here Buzz/EC
You did this with your pat perscritions for pain. You use the neurolgical pain relievers to shut the human being down and fatigue the body. You use medication for people who have nerve disease from fibromyalgia and Diabetes and tell the ones on this insurance it's for all your pain. You use the high doses of anti-inflamitories now which burn up your septic system if used over long periods of time. Which didn't work for me in the first place. Do you want to know why Satan?  I have a muscular skelatal disease. This system no longer recognizes pain anywhere. Your goal is to speak about overall health?

Yet when someone mentions God in spitituality going further about what you do not know in your small boxes does not mean I have a mental illness. A human being taking a photo of me praying on native land does not make me bi-poloar. I have the right to pray and meditate with my family anywhere I go. I spoke to that first doctor my first words I spoke Truth, "it is like going to church and the Holy spirit is inside you lighting you up." Since when is God illegal on this rock. I can't pray outside and not bother anyone without someone calling the police?

I'd Be Jealous Too/DL
I didn't bother anyone out there but boy did I sure get bothered. I wasn't doing anything illegal. It was you small minded people with all your fear that harrassed me. Then these places tell me with the Seattle Tribal artwork everwhere that I can't speak for myself in front of a judge? I have no rights is that it? I have no power right Satan, yet from what I see your ship is about ready to sink bitch.

Road Less Traveled/LA
I see just how you put your hands in the kitty long ago. With that Eauropean banking system and the ones behind it the ones with all the money and they think all the power's plan is to take out Babylon? This United States that was here first? What are you going to do wait for Kym from Korea to let the A bomb off to create a scene and come in do your take over and use Trump as the excuse for all this failure? We humans can't run ourselves? We need a machine to help rum Gods organic flock? Gods organic race?

Diamond Rings And Old Barstools/TM&CD
Oh yeah that's right you rich assholes came in and bought off all of mother natures gardens and lands to build your track houses and condo's. Then what gardens we do have left you poisoned and now we re-wrote mother natures organic gardens. You upped the price on the organics while you poison the rest of the human races food. The other reason for all these allergies and congestion all this sinus pain is from all your poison. in our food and air and your pills.

Losing Sleep/CY
That's okay you re-wrote and re-created the health care industry. Now any chart I look at at any hospital or doctors office can direct you to any box for help. Yet none of it mentions where to go for pain. The pharmaceutical counters are now going far and beyond to document every Sudafed box sold and we no longer talk about NSAIDS and the dangerous use of NSAIDS mixed with other drugs or being used for long periods of time. You re-wrote in this united states what pain was and is by turning a blind eye and denying it or writing a pat prescription that tells you to keep going.

Singles You Up/JD
University of Washington you suck. You got all these boxes along these highways and  roads. They have different names with an affiliate name. They have certain coverage areas and if you cross a county the computers don't connect. The hell you put people through when you walk in or call the office is absurd. The time you waste on me during my consultation, listening to you get all your warnings in about the the things that could be a potential problem instead of actually getting to the problem. Your doctors are on the computers pretty much the whole time.

You Broke Up With Me/WH
I can't deal with Michael anymore. I don't give a flock if he's my Angel. I don't give a flock if he is my rock or my protector. I never want to hear anyone say, "you should be thankful for." I am thankful. it is not this systems place to keep me stuck or for someone else on this rock to determine my value or quality of life.  I was born in this United States and I always had the right to speak, you in this system serving up all your BJ's to shut me down will no longer happen. Do you know what it was like to watch history be repeated to my children?

Greatest Love Story/LANco
To have to call Kiley's school in Junior High because she had no food or lunch money? Hey I'm the bad guy? I'm the one causing all the trouble right? To hear that Mary Stone sat down my daughter and did the same thing to a twelve year old just like she did me? Greg sat there telling her not to be rude while Mary told her she runs this office and that Alex and Kiley are no longer clerks but the cleaning people. Been there done that. You in this system had your chance. I heard in the beginning I don't have to be inside to clean any house. When Jesus Christ said, it's not His Kingdom yet? Guess Satan my brother from my garden well it turns out is is Gods Kingdom. Not yours.

80's Mercedes/MM
Then to see Alex get grounded over the disappearance of five apples with five girls when they were unsupervised and Alex got the blame and grounded? Having to go back to clean Anne's house when she had three daughters of her own. A long time later after Anne showed up with her white glove she made my children come back and do it again. When I tried to get my girls in counseling with me it is because I was getting screaming phone calls. They were alone all the time. Anne took them to counseling with her. She created a unfair chore list with numbers in the hundreds of thousands for each item with the potential to earn extra credit.

Alex wasn't allowed to earn extra credit nor could she go to work either. The consequence of not earning enough points? Alex paid for all her own stuff and the only room that got searched daily? Her personal items she paid for and uses to get ready were removed along with her bedroom door. Alex's room is off the front door, living room and kitchen. I had supervision with my children and I invited Greg over one year for Christmas and instead he stood over my girls looking at price tags and he wanted the receipts for the gifts.

Speakers, Bleachers, and Preachers/BL
I had supervision and my supervisor Linda and myself would have to drop them off at Anne's house with full blown parties and no supervision. Alcohol, weed and now I have figured out other drugs as well. Linda said, you can't see your girls unsupervised or take a pill for your migraines to see your girls but you have to leave them here? At full blown parties? This wasn't the first time. I wasn't allowed to speak.

Ring On Every Finger/LoCash
I've been thinking about the Dill Pickle Lady? Why I hired her and how in the end Greg turned something good into bad? I hired her because she was the renaissance lady at fairs. She'd put a big ole dill pickle in between her breast and push a cart full of homemade dill pickles. As soon as she told me that she was hired. I didn't care that she was overweight.

Cowboy Take Me Away/DC
She had a little chunky monkey build. I thought it was awesome to have an imperfectly shaped human being teach belly dancing to women and children. Truth is she was the average woman. As the average woman with what some of you would label as fat? I labeled as Truth and human. She had flair, she had courage and she knew her stuff. It was to inspire others whom had body issues to move.

That Don't Impress Me Much/ST
To show them hey you can still dance, move and be sexy. When she said "Colleen you have no meat on your bones to give you the shake and oomph the other ladies have." I thought it was awesome and instead Greg uses her as an excuse to get me86'd that my children got out of control and ran around in class? He chewed me out in the office, then turned around and opened the door to the reception area, and I did not yell. I said 7 words at a normal tone, "don't you turn your back on me." I got 86'd out of my own office and papers were drawn up. I had to pay for my own lawyer to tell them what they are doing is illegal and to stop and they did it anyways. I couldn't even go to my children's school which I volunteered for because of these two and I was not allowed to defend myself against these false accusations?

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
All the children started running around the room at once in a children's class. What a crime? It was a set up because no conversation took place between Greg and my belly dancer after that class. Him and Mary Stone removed my name off of everything by then or just did. I continued to keep a smile on my face for my children and keep moving forward until I could get the cash to get out, but they already cleaned me out.

God Made Girls/RL
They wrote in my divorce papers that I didn't take Kiley to soccer one evening. My point in that decision which as a mother I am free to make, was because Greg knew I was on limited time to get from Kirkland, pick up the girls from Riverbend and take them to soccer. Greg not one time had her stuff gathered and ready, the reason why I'd be late. The coach was reporting to Greg if I was late or not there. I got tired of the rush. I let Kiley know that she is 8 years old. Getting this stuff together and to the sitter is not her responsibility but her fathers. Yet Mary Stone could pull my children out of soccer to teach them a principals and virtues class. One of the online pedigree's she earned before her and Greg removed everything out of my name later to use against me in court.

I never got to speak. My attorney told me, not the judge I am responsible for her bill. Greg won't pay it. I even said "the judge said we will go back to court to decide this and she said, no we're not." What to do when your lawyer fucks up? I had no money to start over like Greg did. Do you know what it is like after you hear your whole marriage you got to do your part? You go beyond the call of duty. Hell I even sewed toward the end of my pregnancy with Alex, flax seed packs after work.

My Favorite Mistake/SC
What God is showing me that I always worked. Right through an almost miscarrying Alex at four months and I was at work when my new boss told me (at two months pregnant with Kiley right before my almost second miscarriage) "Colleen you are stressed out. Their is no reason for your breast milk to keep drying up early on you. Especially after you told me all that you do naturally to keep it up." I'm like really? Just like Doctor Pasqually said to me. "you are doing the work of three women a day with no help. You are stressed out and if you don't get some sleep you will die." Really? I had no idea because other than the physical pain and my X, I was not an unhappy woman. Other than that energy drain and the timing of when I'd get this?

Leave The Pieces/The Wreckers
I kept hearing things from the ones whom were supposed to be the lawyer, the judge and the mediators throughout my life, I'm no angel and I never said one bad word of blame toward my X. My own D.U.I lawyer called me a black haired angel. Then some other guy I hardly knew writes me this beautiful poem and reads it to me. He titled it "The Black Haired Angel." Michael tried serenading me to the song "Brown Eyed Girl." I love the song but I made him stop. I hate this romantic shit. I don' t know what to do with it.

Jesus Take The Wheel/CU
This song is so foretelling. When I saw the picture on the Lincoln documentary on the history channel, with the long haired native woman with a blanket on her left shoulder. I froze. Truth is this Washington was here first. That man whom drives that white Semi with JCT on the side is the driver at the wheel in this Washington. In this first family from the heavens.

Ask Me How I Know/GB
I love Davinci's paintings with the index finger pointing up. That purple blanket I curl up under was handed to me. Remember I do not pick. I did puke on it last night. I am so tired of having to take time to take these pills to breath and move. I have to take it with food or milk. I can't use my steroid inhaler unless I brush my teeth. I took them last night on an empty stomach. At times after I eat I still crash for three to five hours. Yesterday evening five. When I got up I took my med's on an empty stomach. I still don't have my new miracle pill for my bladder either. I am so ready to walk away and move back to the woods. I fully understand why people just walk away. Nothing you do is ever right.

All About You/JT
The last time I took a time out to re-coop? After walking away from another scam and wait for my lottery to come up for an apartment. I couldn't be treated locally for pain or pretty much anything else because now in this healthcare system even though it is all documented I have to go back to my own doctor. Snoqualmie Valley Hospital and University of Washington you don't make the rules. You are only turning a blind eye because you no longer want to be liable for someone else's suffering that you, all you doctors over the years have had a hand in. Destroying my life and my T.O.L.

Tin Man/ML
You are not my judge nor are you my jury. Any of you. You have lost that right to run anymore test on me. I am no longer your guinea pig to experiment on while I lose my job's, my home and hey what about my Truth sitting in all these treatment rooms?  The abuse in these centers is unacceptable. To be screamed at by another employee. To be harassed about things that never happened and not protect me when some crazy bitch goes to throw a punch for me doing my side work is not acceptable anymore. All any of us heard at Thunderbird and some of these other places is "oh she's going through a hard time now." We have to put up with another human being screaming at me and told I have to take it as part of you curriculum is wrong.

Every Little Thing/CP
The ones that you leave it up to, these self run programs are a waste of time. Now I have to have some little cunt play games with my life and my time for her own personal issues? Every one complained about this one and they gave her a job that she wasn't even nominated for to inspire her to do better. They broke protocol and who suffered, me as well as the rest of the people she didn't like. I called them on all of it. You can't have it both ways.

God, You Mama and Me/FGL
This was in Castle Rock. What a joke this place was. Slavery at best. This is the primary example of what happens today. I was walking with two other people through the dining hall, because we can't be alone in that room in case a guy walks in. If that is such a issue with the way you put people in purgatory with your games you need to shut down. I made a joke I grabbed my big belly and I looked to the woman on my right and I said "yeah you wanna piece of this." Another staff member hears me from up above knowing nothing about me or anyone else.

American Honey/L/A
I get called in the office and told I can't be in the dining hall anymore unless I am with a staff member now. My counselor looks at me and rolls her eyes, because she knew it was a joke yet there was nothing she could do. As usual our orders coming from the top making choices about other people whom are ran by other people making the decision. It's all about that blanket liability. The potential of and the making and passing laws and rules now based on that with no proof. 
When It Rains It pours/LC
You will no longer take a photo of my tears when I pray, or connect with my family and put a label of bipolar and depression on it. A few moments of emotions does not a label make anymore to feed your machine. It's called love light and family. Just because you have a box and category on my husbands love for his wife is to tight of a fit for this mother. I don't belong in no boxes no more because you in this industry. All of them Corporate, Political, pharmaceutical, or your HMO's all to feed a machine no more. You put yourself in your own boxes not me. If you running this country whom allowed all this mark up on everything good to pay off our national debt anyways it can and we aren't catching up still, it's not rocket science or hard to do the numbers on that is it? We will never be caught up. You in this system can't pay off your own debt then you need to shut down. You are no longer welcome to wipe out the human race to feed a machine and not God. 

More Like Her/ML
From what I can see in every walk of life and sect God gave a mother and wife and it is you humans over time whom forgot about her nor bothered to care. Not my issue that you don't know from the day we are born we are born by two and God gave us two inside out hearts forevermore. You can take all your bipolar diagnosis and shove it up your ass, right along with your schizophrenic diagnosis on higher beings.

I started my blood moon early again. Not happy not owning my own body all the time that's for sure. I keep trying to take it back myself and that man upstairs won't let me. I woke up with no milk and no creamer. My back hurts and a migraine again and I have to again at five a.m. walk to the store and carry this shit. Back and forth I go with cash I do not have to spend on food. I can get a gallon of milk when I go to P.T. in Kent for a buck but I got to carry it back and the last time those twelve items about killed me. None of them heavy on their own but after awhile of rotating my bags around trying to get home I was shot once again. I have to be dehydrated before I leave my house or I will never make the ride, bus nor taxi.

A Thousand Years/CP
I take along a peanut butter sandwich for carbs for my fuel to keep me going and sometimes it's not enough. Last week I put down half a pound cake before I walked in the door for P.T. By the time I get home if I'm not to tired to fuel up I crash for hours. I don't want to hear how you think my cure all for my pain and fatigue is my sleep patterns anymore. Truth is this has been my sleep pattern all my life and I do just fine. Just once in awhile when I have to be on someone else's timeline to make them happy then I might need something to help me sleep but other than that I am up at about five a.m. every morning. If it wasn't for me waking up in the middle of the night I'd be more laid up by five. I use that time for Imitrex if needed. Yeti potting, inhalers, muscle relaxers, pain med's if I have them and stretching before I go back down for my second shift.

Happens Like That/GS
I am so burned out on all of it. My body and it's time clock does not belong to you. It belongs to this rock whether you like it or not. I might get pissed off about it at times and scream, yell and stomp my feet to give it back, as you will too. We are only human after all. It does not mean we lack faith walking through the emotions of a clearing. You in religion can stop labeling tears and anger as lack of faith. That would be a lie. Just like the lie that granted you ownership of my body. How about the lie that a daughter, a aunt, a sister, a mother or grandmother is less of a human and is there to serve the male because he is the ruler? He has a ding a ling? You say it in every religion that we have a higher power and that higher power is energy. God's energy. His Sons energy that God gave to you and said in His making, yet not the females? Please.

A Little Bit Stronger/SE


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