Sunday, October 22, 2017


Greg I'm here to tell you something about my tree of life. Some things you did not know about my family. It is only you whom focuses on the bad. The very few things you knew about but chose to hold me and mine in purgatory over? Then we're gonna put an end to all your bullshit lies.

You see Greg what you don't know about my mother? Is that she is a stronger woman than you any day any minute. I mean what you don't understand about love, well because you can't feel it, is that it never ends. The reason why my sister and I allowed our mother to wave back in and out was because we had compassion and love for our mother. Not hate, not blame bitch boy. My family doesn't do blame. My family doesn't do purgatory, we do forgiveness and we move on. It is you whom is incapable of that, you pious piece of shit. My mother grew up with a father whose daddy wanted her to wear skirts and have a curfew. Well that didn't work out very well for them. Including my grandmother, that Lily in my family tree of life, that Bishop that ascended from seven. Wore jeans, played basketball and rode horses. She not only brought home the bacon back then, but she ran the farm and killed the livestock so her children could eat. Yeah so I had a high handed grand daddy whom cracked the whip, I can honestly say out of every thing I went through with my own mother, my grand daddy was right there. Remember what his last name means? It means Easter.

Band On The Run/PM/Wings
Now Greg since you like to highlight the bad and hold over my head. I want you to know this my mother may of worked in a warehouse working crazy hours, but she did the best she could with what she had. Let's see what my mother provided with no education. That little fire plug of a woman you look at. She gave me my family bitch boy. No matter what you tell me, I love my family.

I was born in a family of five on this ground and in the heavens. My home on this ground and in heaven? The gateway surrounded by kings. This blue light special baby you wrote off as the fool?

All I really Want to do/BD
Now Greg I had a brother who came before me. Eight years before is a matter of fact. Then I had a sister. Five years in grade's yet four years seven months in time. Now here's the rub Greg, I had two more sister's standing on this ground. They might of been my cousins but they were like big sister to me. One is 15 years older and the other thirteen years. Now their is something you don't know about the women in my family. These are not the women that you want to try to get through the front door with. My sister and I laughed about that one day. It is the women who stand at the door in my family. Not the men. It is the women who provided and brought home the bacon right along with any man.

What you do not know Greg is that I was barely home. Why is that you ask? If I wasn't home I was at my families house. We had family gatherings all the time. Friday night dinners at certain restaurants and from here I usually didn't go home. I was usually at my cousins two houses, (which is where I learned about sex from. Yeah they forget that even though their children were younger I was a bit older and boy was I a sponge) and when these two families went on any road trip I went along too.

The Outsider/ A perfect Circle
I spent nights, weekends, weeks at a time with my family on vacation. When I wasn't in school, I was with family. If my Aunt Doris and Uncle Marvin went on a road trip or camping I went too. If my grandparents took a trip, I went too. I was always at my Aunt Ingrid and Uncle Ted's house. If anyone went to Lewis and Clarkson to visit my Aunt Pat and Uncle Sam, I went too, because of my other twin. You know the other joker and fool born in this family tree right up the highway? Truth is during the spring and summer we as a group and family went camping, motor cycle riding, and the men in my family took me fishing. They went hunting.

She Hates Me/Puddle Of Mudd
They hung out with me and let me help them work on cars. We had family reunions every fourth of July and I had two other cousins that married into the family. Their names were Dell and James. Because of their ages they made sure everything was fun for us kids. We had softball, volleyball, swimming, water balloon fights. Then we all gathered at my aunts house for the fire works show. After that huge fourth of July picnic my cousins and Uncle Marvin would put on quite the fire works show for us kids. My family was together every holiday.

Every mother fucking pagan holiday bitch. Nope we didn't pray. We celebrated, food and family. At Christmas time we all slept together under one roof or my grandparents made the rounds to each house Christmas morning. Each parent stuffed stockings. Once you became a parent in my family it wasn't just one person who provided for the children it was everyone. We all did what we could. If that isn't what you call family, then you need to get your ego checked bitch boy. It is you who went to my gatherings and would leave or not participate. So fuck you. You little bitch boy. Make my family look bad. You need to look at you and yours. You need to look at what you guys created for my children? This isn't and it wasn't any kind of love I ever heard of.

I had my own room at my grandparents house and when my mother worked, she'd pull the I'll see you in two weeks and usually came home married in two months. Like many other mothers in many other families during this time. Yet I had more family to feed my life. Jim her third husband the Herbert, what you don't know was I gained 3 other brothers and sisters to grow up with. I was usually at there house or one of them was with me. Keith taught me to shoot pellet rifles. Selaina and Rhonda did not abuse me they loved me. They too protected me from my mothers wrath. I got to listen all different kinds of music. Keith let me tag along and work on any creative project he was building.

Then Jerry I gotta another step sister. Even if I didn't like my step fathers fish kisses, he was a great guy. He's the one who taught me about mediation. Yes, we were both aware of my mother. We didn't try to take her out or disrespect her, but we kind of leaned on each other. It was usually my step dad who handed over his wallet when she pulled shit and left me out in the cold. I didn't always reciprocate because I didn't want him to get into trouble. Does that make me a bad person?

Figured You Out/Nickelback
When I was sick I went back to my grandma Lily's house to take care of me. Every family members has had their own anti itch medicine when I walked in the door. Big Kimm had Calamine lotion. My Aunt Ingrid Camphophenique, Belinda and my grandparents, tiger balm. I got bit from every God Damn bug in this universe as a child. Do you know what they all did? They fed me. They did not nit pick me. None of them did. They are the one's who gave me all these crazy nicknames. So what if my mother hung me from a door knob by the back of my t-shirt to vacuum. Did she hurt me?

I had a big sister who terrorized me, not unlike other big sisters. What I was watching for in my two children was happening all over and you wouldn't even have a conversation with me to discuss this behavior. Not with my family asshole but yours. You and yours. It was all about blame with you Greg not solutions to your pollution and crimes. In my family it was called awareness and compassion even if we didn't understand. My sister might of sat on her bed and cried allot during my childhood, but she protected me. She was more than happy to let me climb in bed with her at night. As well as the rest of my family anywhere I went. Would of been nice to know what this crazy shit was standing around and watching me every night while I watched them. I thought the black things in my room were from the movie I snuck and watched hiding at the end of the couch. The Sentinel. As a child that was my rationalization watching these things. Yet it turns out they are the watchers. They are here about that Centennial. Now I have to be The Sentinel for this Centennial you piece of shit. This mother has to be the heavy again.

Even if my mother didn't Greg, I always had someone to protect me. Even when I didn't know what was going on around me. Being hardly touched and molested as a child is no excuse for your behavior. Millions of people are through the generations. We rise above it, we analyze heal and move forward. It is you who kept holding this one thing over my head. I learned awareness not paranoia Greg. Not one counselor would ever tell you I didn't have healthy emotions about my childhood. It didn't fuck me up. It made me stronger. You know that whole what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I never had any bad behavior, about my childhood or during my childhood, it is only you who says so.

Now in my room bitch, my mother dressed me very well. My  mother fed me and if she couldn't she made sure I was fed. I had skin care and top of the line cosmetics and only with you did I have to beg for the basics. I had a T.V. and stereo and maybe I was locked in my room, but what teenager isn't? My mother was not the thorn in my side like you claim her to be. Neither is anyone in my family. It is you and only you.

Shall we get to my Father. I may not of seen my father very often. I might of been waiting for him to get me out of purgatory, but I didn't hold my breath over it. I worked it out in my writing and counselors. I understood my family. Growing up when I went to Othello I was once again surrounded by more brothers and sister. I had Gary, Richard and Pam. Their mothers name was Pat and they were awesome to me.

Soundgarden/Black Hole Sun
 I played Hide and Seek in the dark, red light and green light in the intersections at night. I played in the gardens. Even though my grandmother wasn't perfect, she was a wonderful lady, whom clothed me and fed me. Boy did that lady sugar you up. I hung out with my family growing up. When our parents worked it was the grandparents who had the children. If something else was going on we hung out at the family business in back with the rest of the family. I went to the fireworks show with my dad. I went to work with my dad when I was in town. My grandfather was a blast. Don't think in this system I haven't put together that water tower in Othello and the fluoride you put in the water. Was that one of you first experiments? You know all those Mexicans? A blanket solution, fluoride in the water. You couldn't drink it it was horrible.

I went to school with my Aunt Judy as a child. That is how I learned about the special-Ed. Judy road a huge trike. I'd stand in the basket in back and tell Judy faster and faster. What you don't know you piece of shit is the agreement my grandmother made with my father? I mean I freely admit, it was every alcoholics dream, to be asked, to continue to live with them (after his divorce) I will buy you all the smokes and alcohol you need. Just stay here and take care of the house and after I die, take care of Judy. That yard and house was beautiful all except my grandmother not showering, or cleaning anything. Including soap on the dishes.

Break Stuff/LB
Yet my other two cousins on my dads side and my Aunt Penny and Uncle Pig (pronounced pij)all did the same thing my sister and I did? When we visited we cleaned. Isn't that what family does Greg? Guess what my own father showed me Greg? Even though my own father let me down, I did not let him down. I found him a home. I didn't drop the ball. I didn't drop the ball on my children. You dropped the ball on this mother.

Queens Of The Stone Age/Go With The Flow
I wasn't doing drugs and drunk passed out on the couch like you spread around. I hurt from migraines and that car accident you got me in. Collected on and it shut down me and my sisters lives. You took no responsibility nor did you look back. You collected the checks and didn't look back.

Finger Eleven/Paralyzer
Now Greg I know the Truth on who my family was and still is today? My dad made an agreement to sit at that house which was a portal. He was Jesus Mother Fucking Christ you asshole, and he had work to do during his comatose time. I had to repeat history. All because I married you. The 666, little piece of shit Gin himself is alive and well, yeah I see your little Pope inside you. You know that fourth dimension? The sleep dimension. Now it is phase five, the awakening. Remember what I said? I don't judge because I don't know the burdens someone else carries inside them. JC's family? A descendant of the Druids boy. That white buffalo is me.

Click Click/Boom Boom
Then my grandma Catherine Ann Mulligan, you know the one whose related to the Kennedy's? Seems their is "A Lost Anastasia" after all. The dream I had on who she really is, right along with that curse my aunt Judy Carried? Like the Kennedy's same curse, two different locations cause and effect. Sins of thy father and The Rose. It was the dream of all those primary colored women flying round my grandmothers room and my aunt Judy's room. My grandmother who sat in her chair with a cackle like Phyllis Diller and the robe and hair to boot, loaning money to those less fortunate. It was my grand mother who sent us money for all that camping gear in California.

It was Jerry my stepdad who gave us his credit card on that first road trip we took to California. You know the one where you brought fifty bucks? I cleaned out my cash and bank account to pay for your trip you planned. Then I get paid back half. Had to pay for half the trip I was invited on. Gotta do my part. Yet you got me stranded and left me alone in a car on a riverbank in the redwood forest in Oregon. Who pulls onto a riverbed in the dark? We had to sleep in the car. I was to independent for it to bother me right Greg? I could provide and you knew that. The whole time we had those two businesses all you hounded me about was money, food and heat and boy did I work for it. Running you to your mothers house, so her and I can run and chase kids while you relax? Pack and hall your ass everywhere so you can just show up after everything is done and you still complained?

So Far Away/Staind
All those camping trips I packed for. Cooked for. Unpacked for. That you couldn't be bothered to come home and lift the cooler in the back? For your trips? Shopped for because it was up to me to go get the trailer from Everett for every one of your God damn road trips. I bought one, kept it clean and loaded because he abandoned me with two babies.We used it throughout the spring and summer. The whole time he hounded me for making this one purchase. Yeah Greg I worked and who ruined it on that last winter up to Snoqualmie Pass? You and Michael. I hold you responsible because you were, not Michael. Then in my divorce I was not able to speak about what it was like to be belittled, nitpicked, and humiliated. Harassed about the food and heat, the rats that you caused in my house. Greg would not acknowledge. You in this Justice system allowed this man to speak ill of my family, where I truly had no ill feeling for. You in this system that I have turned to for help over and over every step of the way turned a blind eye.

Three Days Grace/Home
Yeah you little bitch boy, I like my family just fine. It is not eye who turned my cousin into a Chamber Pot Maid, it is you I am back for. You ain't nothing to me. Not even worth me wiping the shit off the bottom of my shoe bitch boy. I keep going back to the date you and Mary Stone pulled your shit, and for some reason Greg you are the reason for 9/11 little bitch. I am the reason the first words out of my mouth that day on that oil can, ISIS. You know OSIRIS and ISIS the brother and sister who came before Eve and Adam, Jesus Christ and Mary? My family bitch boy. In my family they made sure because of your ten back I always got two more. Don't you forget about all those twins in my family.

You remember bitch boy, I'm from the Bishop family of seven and before that twelve little Cherokees and well not sure about that Navajo grand daddy? I'd have to say from just right here, I got family. Turns out my family tree have some heavy hitters. Now I want you to think about that Greg. Raised and saved through every christian church around, my whole life, plus I'm Catholic. Lets not forget a druid, turns out I'm a lil' Tao, you know that yin and yang? Balance that light in the dark I was talking about. I'm a little Jew, Greek and well I'd have to say I got some Egyptian blood rolling through my veins. What do you think at this point demon boy? Have I gotta a family or what? Remember Greg it was my family in those delivery rooms. Not yours, they couldn't be bothered. Some other bug up your mothers butt. Not including your own. Remember what you said to me? If I blame you for the pain, you will leave. You will walk out on me and Alex. Sucked all the fun out of that didn't you? You had no name for Kiley in the delivery room, no less. It is my family once again whom gave her the true fathers name and spelling.

Well Greg this family tree of mine just keeps growing. It is you who has tried to kill off the last few branches left in my family tree. I will not allow that. Just like you did in this land of freedom fighting all your wars. Wipe out the natives and send them back to the reservation? I see that has been done throughout time. Wipe out the Indigent ones. Those who come before. Now guess what you piece of shit. I gotta a daddy for you. Yup, not even I knew abut this one. I admit I wasn't happy at first to see him myself.I got really big daddy issues in the sky and now on this ground because of you.

Learn To Fly/Foo Fighters
Now if you don't mind little bitch boy, step aside. I'm gonna keep this daddy. After this their will be no mistaken whom wears the pants in this families tree of life. The way I see it. You own nothing. Truth is none of you on this rock own anything. Not anymore you don't. Their will be no more labels and lies placed on my family tree anymore. You know my crazy natives that have to go back to the reservation? I am not cleaning up your families dirty laundry and lies no more. I will make this clear for the last time, their ain't no money tree and you may not eat nor play in my garden that you poisoned with all your lies. You cold dead hearted, black hearted, spineless piece of shit. 


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