Saturday, December 3, 2016

Eve Reincarnated

So many emotions flow through me from all different directions. Having God as your personal councilor, giving me the answer to questions I never knew I had. Has been truly a emotional roller coaster ride. Letting it all go and letting God. I was walking along a few days ago and I hitched my breath, it finally dawned on me, "OMG I'm Eve. I'm the reincarnation of Eve? The most hated woman in the world." I never understood how people believe that JC reincarnated and came back but otherwise they refuse to believe it about themselves. What do you think, poof we just die and disappear forever? Not even close.

I wrote something in the last couple of day's called Eve's Reign. Yeah, Eve's pain is deep. Her anger her rage. I can't blame her. Not one God Damned bit. Over 6000 years I've been taking the hits because Adam threw God's gift of life, a untainted wife to begin anew away. Adam was eating out of another woman's garden the whole time. He felt entitled to dip his stick in another well. Yeah, you bet your sweet ass I hurt. You bet your sweet ass I'm angry. You all assumed it was Eve who ate the poison apple first. You assume it was Eve who poisoned Adam. One thing I said in the beginning to my X. "Nothing grows without love and light. Nothing grows without love and light Greg." Really people, these two were not the only two in this garden, First came Cain, then Adam, then Eve. Did Eve even know about Cain? I certainly didn't, so I will just have to bet my sweet peachy ass that she didn't either. Their is another trinity, another fight between three brothers. Cane, Abel and Seth. Fucking Uncle Sam. Thank God for my Uncle Sam's Talons.

Adam was the apple of Eve's eye, he was the beating of her heart and the air in which she breathed. She worshipped the ground her husband walked on. She trusted Adam and would of followed him anywhere. He was her best friend. Her heart. Her soul. Her light inside her heart. So she thought. He wanted what Cain offered in the other garden Adam thought it was freedom to do what he wanted. All the riches a man could want, because your God's son. Your special. You are the only entitled and worthy one. Come on Eve, she's second class. She's a virgin. She's beneath you."  Poison Eve's love of Adam and you poison Eve's heart. Adam neglected Eve, he rejected her and he treated her like trash and let others do the same, all to hide his dirty secret. To think God gave Adam Eve's apple and he poisoned it. Poisoned her garden's, poisoned her love, poisoned her garden and turned it into evol with his lie's.

Greg blamed Adam in this lifetime and now I know why? Even with Cain sitting on my X's head it seems he's still a tattletale. Even in the lies their is truth. I didn't understand why I was being taken back through my marriage? I do now, so many things I didn't put together. Some I did but it was the system that protected Greg. This set up alone as I get taken back through the years, to discover I married a sociopath who had a agenda the whole time. I wanted a family, a father to love me and our children. I wanted a simple life, I wanted a family with old fashioned values. I wanted the love and Trust of a good man. Instead I got the shaft, the blame, to carry the load. Truth is no one ever asked or even bothered to see how I was doing. I was abandoned and alone. Now I have come back to clean up Adam's and Cain;s mess. You bet I'm pissed off.

To discover I got flocked over by both brothers in one garden. Now I really don't know what God want's me to do with this? How do I forgive Adam and move forward? Today I can't.  I'm angry that you thought my mother Mary wasn't even acknowledged in some sects. You just cut her out. You made my father JC a virgin and I assure you, ain't no brother/father of mine a virgin. Certainly not in this family tree of life. We pro-create, we create life and love for our children. You have family and traditions you have God. It really is that easy. Anything done out of pure love of the heart is a good thing. To have a agenda is not love. To take something or to want something from someone and you will go to any lengths to get it, like lie, cheat and steal, is not love. What is Love, is to give your children, a rock to stand on, with food and medicine for everlasting life. To feed the heart body and soul everlasting love and light. Without the bondage of this system and only part of the truth in religion. I want to break those chains that bind me.

Truth is love. Is it love to kill off God's Son/Sun that he sent you to die for your sin's? My fathers own people had him killed, beaten and jailed to keep the power and control of his mother's resources. Couldn't let it go could you? The control of man kind through religion and taxes on mother natures resources, that doesn't belong to anyone but me and my family. Thank God he doesn't let any of you decide who get's through heavens gates. Thank God he really is there and see the bigger picture. It's that easy, to thank God sometimes. To have the grace to give a simple thank you and respect life and family, you've got that family inside you. That family comes from the heart. That family is Faiths heart. In this family Faith hurts sometimes, but Faith's Love for her family, her God, Faith's Love for my one true Father, Faith does not sway.

Now God I want to know is that man you are trying to set me up with, is he Adam? Is this why I'm so angry at him? You have shown me so many faces alone in just one face. The bone structure I see inside and you want forgiveness from me? Mercy me, oh my. Not today I don't think so. Still not feeling the love dad only pain and deception. I'm tired of hurting inside, feeling my families pain inside me. When I told Gaya a couple of weeks ago to download, let's just get this shit done, I thought it would be a universal process again and instead I get taken back to family.

I always said my picker was broken, and now you want me to trust you with my heart? You show me my asshole brothers all hiding secret's of their own. All to much of a pussy to stand up and speak the truth. Forgiveness from me after all this time? Trust from me after all this time? I said to Kiley before this journey started. Well before I truly knew what it was all about. I said "Kiley, sometimes our poisons are our solutions. Take the creation of a inoculation. Got mix a lil poison into that anecdote before we can get a cure." Looking back I still see a "lay with dog's get bit by fleas" kind of thing.

Poison Ivy, poisoning Ivy's body. Poisoning Gaya and mother nature aka. Mary, is poisoning our children. In our heart's mind's and bodies as well as our own. This was at the very beginning and now I have this shit bomb dropped on me. You bet I wanna get off this rock. You know the old saying, "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." Well their have been a few times I have felt this way. Isn't that right daddy? Just this last week alone the discoveries just keep piling up, about who I really am? So I would have to say the discoveries have about doubled in load capacity alone. just in the last few day's. I wondered why, I was getting away with so much shit? Well the answer's just keep right on coming, don't they daddy? Yeah, it seems daddy's coming on a lil strong. The next phase of getting the poison out of Eve's garden. Get ready for a wild ride.

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