Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cain Reincarnated

OOOOHHHH Cain, this ones for you. You know at times this internet shit comes in pretty handy. Yeah Cain, I've been processing again. It seems I'm like a human computer after all. Download, download, download, process, process, process. I admit this journey to finding the answer's is getting pretty old. You see Cain, I have learned even more about that garden.

I have learned that Eve likely had more than nine children. I have heard five, ten and fifty. No one is sure when Eve died. It seems their isn't any record. No record on Sara or how many daughters or the names. The story of the woman named Christ from way back when, who had children with two half brothers. One had compassion and the other didn't. Later her name changed to Mummy. Interesting how in the early times the children were kept in this family tree. I'm seeing a common link here, a familiarity.

So Cain not only did I spell your name wrong in the beginning, sorry about that. No, not really. It seems Cain that I have discovered just how you came back into this family tree? I have discovered how you stuck so close to this family tree? Remember brother where there is light there is dark. Mankind may not of been able to follow the women in this family. You know the ones from the garden that even today some of these lil pecker heads are so arrogant to think the women weren't important in the bible. They are so arrogant today to think they are above Eve, to think they are above their own mothers because they were born male. Now we both know brother where these lil pecker heads really came from? We both know they wouldn't be here without Eve. Nothing on this planet is created without mother nature aka. Mary and our one true father not knowing about it. You know The Big D in the sky? The one True Father. Always a representation of your true parents throughout time right brother?

Yeah I wondered just how this family kept track of you for so long too? Follow the light right brother? You keep coming back and you keep following the light in this family alright. You know keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Always poisoning my mothers love. Not only did I figure out that if God and that family upstairs have been following me this close and watching me my whole life then yes Cain they followed Eve too. As well as you. What is in a name anyway? This one is good brother. I admit some of it is horrifying but somehow I can relate to Eve. At first I just thought I was a vessel for that family upstairs. I thought all along they were just using my emotions. That just isn't the case after all. It really is about those triggers and that first broken heart from the mother or father, even a man and woman in a marriage is a representation of a broken heart from the mother and father. Some it affects deeper than others.

Well I got online to ask some questions about Eve and I'm not sure if I knew this before, the names of Eve's sons? Three of them is a matter of fact. I'm pretty certain Eve didn't know about you. Eve was a young trusting innocent soul. Anew seedling made of the dust and Adam's rib. What did we, your own mother and father name our first born son? Cain. That would be you right brother? We come from those angels right brother?

 In my nieces wedding standing inside Greg, father X. You are the fallen angel reincarnated in that garden through your mother Eve and your father Adam. That would make me give birth to you how many times over through out time? I mean come on Cain, their were more people in that garden, right brother? I mean their were other couples going up to do a ritualistic pure breed. I'm thinking their is a reason why our father let mankind blow these mothers off all these centuries? Part of the big plan right brother? The one I knew nothing about.

So that would make me stronger than you, right brother? So Eve's heart was broken, she had a hole in it because you poisoned Adam too. In poisoning Adam, You planted the ego in the son. You poisoned the love, the apple. What does mankind look for when they aren't sure if someone is male or female? That Adam's apple and all these gender issue's you have everyone focusing on. Truth is we have had people of different genders inside this whole time.

Probably I'd say back through Egyptian time when the male was down on his knees and the woman was taking him from behind. Metaphysically or real still not sure, however their is a erogenous spot behind that rim, right brother? You planted guilt and shame, you turned brother does not lie with brother, into sex. Our Father is a androgynous being of light and love. Some of us have a lil more female in us and some a lil more male. Estrogen for Eve and Testosterone from Adam.

You created the positions to keep things pure. You made it so women couldn't enjoy sex right from the start. The purity of a virgin. That red stain. For the life of me, I never understood why someone would want a virgin? To pluck that flower is about power, right brother? Power and ego.  To make sure the women don't get tempted, to find love anywhere else, you planted guilt and shame, so men cut it out or shamed them. The men are in the other gardens, trying to keep their own bedroom's and wives pure.  Double standard I'd say. If a woman wants sex she is a whore. If a woman like's sex she is a whore, and if the woman doesn't she is a ice queen, cold fish. Another persons object to use as a doormat. Beneath you, keep her under your thumb. Only you and you minion's treat a woman as a possession instead of a human being. Your kind will no longer posses anything.

How is it pure when the man poisoned and soiled that garden with his own needs and desires being met with a stranger, instead of his wife? Truly Cain in order to have a honeymoon phase last in a marriage, you need to learn about compatibility in the bedroom also. You need to learn about trust and whether this guy or significant other is a locker room talker at any age. Now we have people going straight to the bedroom pretending to be something they are not for love. Kind of like looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in all the wrong faces. Trying to fill that hole in their own heart. It's the love of God and that family that get's you through the hard times right brother? Well you just serve people and help, with a agenda. That agenda is not love. To serve anyone with a agenda isn't love it is evol. It is a disservice.

By poisoning Adam, you poisoned the Atom's. You let the Entities into our family. You flocked with mother nature and this planet, with that anti gravity device in Alaska. It came from WWII and we bought the rights and planted it there in about the early seventies.You flocked with our garden's air and weather. Wow Cain, you two have been very busy. You poisoned the wheat and gardens and recreated the organic gardens that were pretty much organic in the first place. Poison the wheat, poison the flour. Poison mankind take all the power. Part of mankind can't eat or afford the GMO and Celiac diet and the other wheat allergy is Gliadin. It's an opiate that binds into the opiate receptors of the brain. It stimulates appetites.  All these special diets and processing. Putting labels on just the essence of something good instead of feeding God's flock the whole fruit. The real medicine we need. We might not pay taxes on the ebt card but truth is the rest of mankind pays taxes over and over. Including taxes on all that mark up and poison.

I also heard that your father Adam kicked your ass right out of his village once again. Still not sure if it's because I (eeewwwww!!!!!) had sex with my own son or not. Since we kept things in the family I'm sure Adam was also having sex with his daughters. Pretty disgusting right brother? No, you like that one don't you? Either way Cain I want you to remember one thing, who's heart your children really came from? I want you to remember who's father you really came from? Truth is you still think your more powerful than me don't you? The turning a mothers love for her son into evol and the fathers love for the daughter into evol. All this rape, molestation and hell. confusion of the spirit and heart right from the start. Rape of Mother Nature (aka. Mary), rape of her daughters and sons, right brother? You two like that don't you brother?

Now I learned of another seven brother? Something like God gave you grace? That if someone tried to take you out they would suffer seven times over. Now brother I sent you to nine layers of hell times three to infinity and beyond. In my family I always have two more, but if you really were born from me 6000 years ago, then you don't have two more over and over like me. You remember you made me who I am? When Eve ate the apple from the Tree of Wisdom, you poisoned my mothers fruit. That might be why your father rejected your fruit, and accepted which brother's sheep and fat? Seth, the S's in this family tree are my snakes in hiding. You killed Able and that would make you the cause of the disabled, right brother?

When you were sent out of the village once again you were a farmer and you were told that you can no longer farm. You can no longer turn the soil and plant a seed in a garden. You didn't like that did you? Over time people forgot this part. Depends who can afford to get something mass produced right brother? Only part of the story over here and over there, right brother? You figured out how to plant a garden alright. You and this system and all those red and blue seeds in the gardens. The ones our own Government secretly watches on these farms to make sure the farmers don't wash them off. All under the guise of mass producing food and all that poison you put in the garden's. To hold back all those weeds in those gardens right brother? To keep the weeds and pests under control.

Isn't it those weed plant's that around the early seventies had to be in every yard in all thirteen colonies? Those were used to fertilize the soil I believe and to keep the weeds under control. Then the Government figured out mankind had a natural medicine that helps mankind spiritually connect upstairs. so it became illegal and you made everyone rip them out. You created the Monopoly on the weed and the legalization rules and boundaries once again. I know that genetically weed is the closest similar plant to our own DNA. The Government did one study in Mississippi and that is all. Truly brother this Government and the way it functions has lost the right to control anything.

About those sixes and nines brother, I figured out I have a lot more than you? Your family is in hiding, as well as mine. I think my niece Shari over rides you too brother. Those born in Renton in the sixties especially the ones I went to school with. We were born in the 60's, Most of us had our children in the nineties and then well that would make these children all in their twenties, right brother? Always two more in this family. Kiley's numbers, 02/17/1997 = 10/36 or 46 then it is her numbers this year brother 02/17/2017 = 10+10 =20 and to think she turns twenty. That would be K for King 2.0. Irony, gotta love irony.

All those changes, and all those wars when our parents were born and our grandparents. All those pioneers who came over to Ellis Island for a new beginning of freedom. People we respected from our own history saw the light and warned us about you. Was one of them Thomas Jefferson?

I was nine I believe when my brother died and he was eight years older than me. He died at seventeen and the next nine was when I was eighteen. It was my first Christmas alone. My sister pinned me down and was punching me back and forth across the face. Kevin my boyfriend who was also raised as a twin. He pulled me out from underneath and told me to pack my stuff. Why was my sister doing that again brother? Our dear sweet mother causing distention and blame for her own horrible behavior, once again. She used my brothers death as a poor excuse. She had not shown much reaction to his dying all those years. Aside from blame. Saying he was nothing but a bad seed.

Kimmie my sister came into my room to apologize and I told her "I am no longer her lil sister that she can use as a punching bag anymore. To place all this families blame on anymore." Zina, our mother came in and said "good, you deserved it." I was at school six to seven days a week. At times until after ten to avoid these two. Once again I don't even have to be around to take the blame for their feud. That is when I went to spend my first Christmas alone. My favorite holiday. I had to live with four guys until I started work. Another four from Renton Indians High School. If I remember right class of eighty three. I was class of eighty six from the Hazen Highlanders. All those people and numbers, all those races who's families spread out. Yes Cain some brothers and sisters have taken the hits for you two. Much more than my family.

My father hung on that cross because of you the entity which planted itself on this planet, in my Washington, right Cane? Oh that's right we were here first. All the way around. The Druids before the Viking's even. Over time those old Druids turned into the Natives. The ones who honored the mother and the father, their family and community. Funny how they are being taken out by all this meth, crack, heroine and that black swill, to drowned them in? When I said the white rocks that lie, it wasn't just the illegal drugs but the legal ones too.

You and the iron curtain behind my Government all set up for failure. To kill off mankind and save themselves. I mean God, your own father is a moral being right brother?  God is full of Love, light and compassion, he see's the bigger picture, right brother? How is it moral to kill off mankind? To use God's name as a weapon to lie? To use God's name in a honorable position and poison God's flock with your lies and poison. To make us blame each other and kill each other off? To fight for mother nature's resource aka. Mary, the very resources that never belonged to you. You create religion and wars to keep us separated and to make us blame each other with all this panic and fear that those in the illuminati created. You do not get to choose who lives and dies this time around, God does and my family does, not yours Cain.

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