Friday, December 9, 2016

Adam and Eve in Purgatory

OMFG! Yes, Satan I hate you. I hate you. You Mother Fucker! Yes! I remember what I saw down in that hole out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was real? Let me see brother she had Eve's hair. Hands tied and bound to another piece of wood at a angle. What's the matter brother you gotta tie a woman down to get her to flock you and your minion's? Yeah that's pretty vial.

That' explains how I was My X's rag doll kitty cat. Talk about feeling nothing. No satisfaction you lil prick. After I'd turn over and all I could see was a vial, not such a cute lil piggy's making bacon kind of picture. You are rot, you are evol. No you are dark, vial, like a rutting pig with tusk getting off. I would turn over into a ball and cry inside. Feeling violated. Horrified! Nauseous! Drained like you had taken something from me. You were draining my energy. Draining my essence. Weakening my core. Killing off my tree of life.

That visual in that pit, their were two of us down there right brother? We were both bound and tied. Adam and Eve stuck in purgatory with the Beast. Black Magic brother? Yeah, brother their is no purgatory in heaven. I'd have to say that after all this, purgatory is here inside us and we carry it back many dimensions inside us. Through our life times and our dreams. Our demons we carry inside us. That is why "the demons in the white rocks that lie. The demon's and lie's in the pills. In our healthcare. Our religions and in our bodies. What no one knows brother is that because we are born from this planet of this planet, we are all hurting and being poisoned as a result of this E.T. just like this planet. We are all connected through the heavens and mother earth. We are all a part of this rock and that family.

Yeah you piece of shit. I admit this one is a hard hit to take. That you have literally been inside this mother and my mother before me. " Hey you all, I don't know what to tell you, I guess it's true what they say brother, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." You kept trying to turn me back then. Every time I'd try to shut down before bed. You'd come in change the channel. Always group sex. Funny it was those nights that I'd turn over and actually fall asleep. No you tried. You did not turn me. For a long time I'd get a flash of this in my head and I never wanted to be touched again. Greg was addicted to porn or you told him this shit is for real? That this is love? To a Sociopath that can't feel empathy. No empathy, no compassion, no love. It's all a act. To be married to a man who for anything I went through, physical or emotional pain around my family dying, I was not allowed to show any emotion, because he couldn't. He mislabeled assertive with aggressive. He used the word respect for him when you spoke to him, but in truth you couldn't call him out for his disrespect or behavior toward you. Deflector's, what are they hiding? Neglect is the most invisible abuse of all.

The mirror that I kept asking Greg to replace back in the wall? I was pregnant with Alex, I kept telling him, it was making me sick and giving me migraines. He did not care. It was the smell of death under that backward shaped L crooked lil house that you stuck me in and pretty much walked away. In a barely functioning house, each day.

So what did you do to Adam? You know that special entitled pussy boy of a brother I married in this life and from what I can see others too. Thing's have been way off kilter for a long time right brother? I saw what my father carried in his heart, his demons of his flock his children getting slaughtered. The burden's he carried, so what did you do to the other father? The one who's ring of fire, I hold in the palm of my hand, along with that diamond. You do remember who this diamond really belongs to right brother? I knew I was being shown this again to see the Truth, but to get me to the pissed off stage once again.

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