Monday, December 19, 2016

The United States Flag Reigns

I believe I was working in a small town for a YMCA or YWCA. It was a after school basketball program for kids. Yeah truth is I know nothing about basketball, except their is a hoop, a ball. One team has to stop the other team from making a basket. Yet again in every dream I had a job to do and more discoveries to make.

This was a very small community. It mainly survived off of a local warehouse. It had small lil' wooden houses. The nice strong ones, not the cheap crappy ones created today. I took a young girl home. Her mother was a single mother who worked a second job to feed her children. She worked in the warehouse for years and this mother was struggling. You see in this town everything was controlled. How much you made for example?

My goal was to get these kids basketball scholarships and something positive to focus on. When I got their this part makes me cry. This mother had five children, because their were two younger ones that the older kids had to take care of. Feed them, entertain them, and try to get them to bed all the while trying to care for themselves and get their own homework done. This was poverty.

I snuck into the warehouse to see what was going on inside. It was a shipping warehouse of cheap goods. Basically garbage. I found my way up to the office trying to get around the guard in the aisle by the trucking entrance. I watched the manager of this warehouse being controlled by the small town mafia going on behind the scenes.

I met up with one of the delivery truck drivers. No better way to get on the inside than to date a local delivery truck driver. I'd sit in his truck when it would park on the outside and watch the going ons from the outside going in. I had already snuck into the second warehouse. The one this mother worked in at night. She was scared, she had to be careful. Their was no one left to care or feed her children if something happened to her. They were keeping track of the people also where they went and who they conversed with through this church. They saw who attended and this little mafia found out the truth of what people were doing, through the pastor of this church. Only he wasn't really a pastor. He was a cult leader using religion and God to keep control of this community for the mafia behind the scene's.

After we left we were being followed. Somehow we ended up on backroad in the woods. I had been there when I explored the town and the backroads over the days before snooping around. We ended up at a dead end. He was killed. I got out and ran into the woods. I came to a landfill in the center of the woods. It had some machinery around it. Used to fill the hole with the garbage that came in. It was deep and garbage was going up the sides. Of course their were more of them than me.

I hid. I was discovered and when I came too. I was left for dead at the bottom of this landfill. Yeah it seems I got my ass kicked allot in my dreams.  This just might be the spiritual cause of my spine being so out of whack. The beatings my body took in these dreams. This definitely wasn't the first time.
I crawled out. I lived. I stand. As for what was in the second warehouse, it was a manufacturing company that sewed and mass produced flags. Actually that's right the people that worked in the second warehouse basically were slaves, who sacrificed their own lives to work in a warehouse by night to secretly sew united states flags and ship them out through the first warehouse. Hope Floats. Even in my dreams.

You know about six weeks or so I heard the word Tierney just after I discovered I'm the lost Anastasia. I wasn't sure what Tierney meant? I believe it means a take over? You see this system, the Government's or the different way each Government is ran, their is one entity behind each one for centuries. It created war. It provided weapons so we can kill each other off. It planted itself back before we learned about the Egyptians. The Egyptian's, the God's and the different Entities that invaded this planet. They bred with us, they altered our DNA, and well we have been sacrificed and enslaved to this system ever since.

Through pretty much each nation and each culture we have been enslaved fighting for our freedom to love God and to be fairly taxed on our resources that Mother Nature (aka. Mary) and God gave us as a planet. One unit to eat on, to get our medicine from, our tobacco, our oil. Everything across our nation's that is good through mother natures resources have been mass produced and poisoned. All under the guise and control of one entity for mass production, lying to mankind making us feel like we can't survive without them. Without that money tree that does not exist here and defiantly not our first home, heaven.

This system wants us and our children to adapt to all this synthetic reproduction of everything good. This system wants us to forget that God came before any religion. This system doesn't want us to know that each religion only tells part of the story. It doesn't want us to remember our natives going way back. The ones who based their lives on mother nature, this rock and God. Family and Traditions.
Systematically each religion has taken over other religions throughout time. Changed God's rules over time. They created their own rules in each sect to get a ticket to heavens gates. All you need is love in your heart. Family and traditions. The Grace to respect and give thanks to each parent every now and then. We love God and our family each day, no matter where we are at, no matter what class you sit in, by our own behavior toward each other. You disrespect one parent you disrespect the other. Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father you honor and represent heaven here on this planet. God gave us life. We carry that life, that soul inside our hearts.

It was about the fourth or fifth grade that I wrote my first song. I wrote this when Sue used to drag me and Gwen around from church to church. It was called "Keep On Trucking For The Lord." Let's break these chains that bind us through religion and this system as a whole unit, under one God, under one Mother, for the whole of mankind and this rock. For our children and their future. Let Freedom reign for everyone once and for all. Our ancestors fought for freedom from each Nation that came to the United States long ago.  Not only for our Nation but all of them. As God's children we no longer pilgrimage and rape each other or this planet. We stand as one and we stand strong. We represent that one family of Love, because together we are one family. We are God's flock.

We came from the heavens. We are born of this rock on this rock. His Flock, My Rock. We all carry that rock inside our hearts. That rock is God. He is our fortress and this planets protector. You don't need life insurance or representation when you carry that rock inside you. No entity is getting my rock, my ring of fire or that sun. I stand for one nation under one God for all of his flock.

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