Monday, December 19, 2016

The Game

I have discovered that I have had a pattern in my dreams. I have gone to different fair's in my dreams only to discover the truth behind all these fair's and games. Each dream was something to figure out, discover or find. Usually it was the truth behind the games and how they really work. This is one of the dreams when I was slammed back into with a few others to make a point. To help me to connect the dots.

In this one it was a big video arcade. It had rides, games, balloons, and food. The entrance was set up like a entrance at the reptile area at the zoo. It was cement, on the right going in you got tickets and checked your coats. To the left is where families walk out. On one ride you stood in a big line, it was similar to going down a big water slide, that took you into the next phase at the bottom.

The fun house entrance. In the first part you walked through. It was easy and fun. On the second part you got on a ride. This part of the fun house things got darker and scarier. After you got off the ride you had to walk the rest of the way. This is the part that got even darker. This part was where you had to fight for your life to get to the exit. Once out of the exit, people were laughing still and having a good time.

Their were other rides as well going on that you could see moving through the video arcade floors. Once out of the fun house you have a choice of different rides to enter or games to play. This is the part where I walked into a room, I don't remember all of this part. I know I was observing something going on out the window to the main floor of the arcade. I was also conversing with someone. I was observing one man standing in the middle of the floor. He was not good.

When I came out of the game I stood at the exit and entrance. I noticed many things that the human race didn't notice. That is the people are the energy that is making this game work. This arcade. Like we were the balls bouncing around in the games. Being bounced around and making the bells and whistles going off. When we went down the slides we were providing the energy to make the game work.

When we exited the fun house people were disappearing from groups. The ones that did walk out seemed to have forgotten about the other friends and family they walked in with. Poof ! Gone from their hearts, gone from their minds. Standing at the exit people were so busy having a good time they didn't even notice that hardly anyone walked out compared to others walking in.

Burn out this planet, poison it, you poison God's flock. This system has so much energy to use on this planet in so many ways. Think of it as a whole unit. In this bubble we have all sorts of different kinds of energy to make it work as a whole unit. One of those energy units/vessel's is you as a human being. What happens when you take something that is a whole organic being and you poison it with synthetics? You suppress, shut down, damage or kill off one or different parts of your system inside.  Poison in the drug's legal and illegal. Poison in not telling in the whole story in each religion. We can't reach for the stars or truth inside us until we know the whole truth.

Just different parts creating distention, rules and guidelines to be closer to God creates distention. Guilt, shame and judgement that was created by man not God. Poison of the heart from the start, burns energy just within, with the guilt and shame we carrying our heart and mind hurts the body inside. When we hurt or don't feel it has a negative impact on 100 percent of our energy. It turns us as 100 percent organic being to a 10 percent heart, 8 percent mind, the other 47 percent healthy body mass. Now what happens to the other 35 percent? This is the start of the poison at the first heart break and rejection, triggered through the mother and/or father. This 35 percent is the poison that slowly grows and erodes our bodies with disease.  It's synthetic pain we carry inside us. We need to be more of a 33.33 heart, 33.33 body, 33.33 mind. Balance to heal.

Our energy and this planets energy suffers because of this entity/corporation/system. It is set up to make mankind fail. This planets system suffers and is off balance then so do the inhabitants. The ones closest to this rock born of this rock. It creates a negative dark energy inside us and it grows all around us in different ways. We pass it through judgement, shame and negative actions to others. Sin grows or the illusion of it grows, right along with the negative dark energy. Mankind suffers as a whole in different ways. Through our hearts and minds, the labels and guilt that is placed by this Entity/Corporation/Monopoly for getting sicker and sicker physically and mentally. All for the poison and labels they created through our food, water, medical healthcare, the prescription drugs, religion and rules. The guilt and shame in the fines for no longer being able to feed yourself or afford a decent roof over your head.

What I want to know is where is the civility in all these civil cases? No one can manage, especially not the victim or the police. All these corporations and the civil cases they create making and changing the rules to humanity as they go along. This legal system that serves itself but fines us for being human and reacting to the injustice. All these civil court cases, weighing my holy blue jeans down low with all the bullshit they feed me. All the way to the top in the blue suits they float to the top of this Monopoly going on behind the scenes. No what else floats? Shit floats. All those civil court cases that they create the guidelines and rules? If,  how and when you get reimbursed from a corporation, does not make a very fair game to play does it? All these hospital cover ups and all the red tape this whole system encompasses to get anywhere. It is set up to burn you out and make you look crazy for being a spiritual being with emotions, just like God made us, in his image with her heart.

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