Thursday, August 5, 2021


Thunderstruck by AC/DC 

That's a good one and True. The least humanity will feel is Thunderstruck.

A 1000 Years

I finally got an answer on how do I begin this video? I mean it's a lot all those names to make a point about who it is I really am? Then they showed me. It was bad ass. Wicked funny. I told U they do have a sense of humor. Being who it is that I am, walking thru all this bullshit. Injustice. So no I don't think they are always so funny. The point is slavery. Slavery all the way around this planet. What U R really R enslaved 2? No 1, no 1 on this rock knows what U R really serving? The true entity. The Fallen Angel. Black cloud is right. Still getting a real serpenty feel here.  

I'd Cum 4 U

I just want to pace with my music, smoke my Marlboro red and blacks, or my enhanced J's. I connect let my emotions flow. I stretch. I dance. I loosen up. Then I write, somewhere. It has been a very long time since I have done that. I like to do this. I learn a lot during these session's. It feel's dangerous now, the cigarette's alone. The heart pain, everyday. The face numbness. The needles behind my eye. Pain spots going down left arm and leg. Of course C3. The twitching of my muscles, the darkening eye site. Then the not getting your mouth to work correctly. Complex migraine's. 

One Last Breath

The thing I don't know about these is does it cause weakness down left side? Does it cause whole body weakness? Does it cause whole body paralysis? The jaw pain and sharp ear pain? The Sumatriptan is a waste on this kind of migraine. The only thing that kick's this feeling back are the real pain med's. Your opiates. The only thing on my knot's that I fight daily, with these symptom's or muscular skeletal knot's. Was the real Lorazepam, (OMGod! Lorazepam and Lazarus? To think Jesus brought this one back to life. Mary Magdalene's brother. Another mother fucking brother? That Fuck head. I'm going to kill that man when I get upstairs. Asshole! Another curse? U doling out your own Justice? Holding out IC)  That shite works especially on the neck. I don't know if it's that same nerve from car accident about 20ish years ago? or a different nerve in my neck? Another doctor whose specialty are these very same symptom's?  Another 1 that cut me off. He knew the answer's already apparently and would literally not let me speak.

Wanted Dead Or Alive (so true)

Family? It's definitely a love and hate relationship some moment's of some day's. Thinking about my black shadow the clue's I now know from him? They stuck me in purgatory. They stuck me in hell and buried me 6 feet under all this pain? They made me a slave? Can't defend or speak anywhere in this system? Hell's kitchen is right. Wow! It's getting pretty hot up in this house. Now I have people from all walks of life who want to kill me and my family tree line? Upstairs and downstairs? Was thinking earlier another saying in my life. Expect the worst and hope for the best. The other "O cum on." It started the morning after DUI. I woke up, sat up, looked up and said O cum on this isn't funny. This isn't funny anymore. I had to of known subconsciously that I am on a mission in this life. On this journey when something goes wrong, or once again the hard way? The long way? A shocking discovery? Another proof of life written or recorded somewhere? I look up automatically, arms open wide, My hand's in fist. "OH CUM ON."

Paradise City

Another saying popped in my head, "when hell freezes over." It's odd really, I don't have fear. I have no fear of doing this. Taking it all back. Speaking the Truth. The song is now My Sacrifice. That flocking Crux. The Southern Cross written in the stars? When I saw that? I admit I laughed and that is where I wrote early on, This is my Country Pride. That's right I'm from the wrong side of the tracks. I'm from way down South. Way down under. I'm hearing Dahlia Lama. I have no idea why? Also seeing Crocodile Dundee from where? Down under. Australia. 

U R Right Where U Belong

As far as the Dahlia Lama goes, I've been wondering when his name was going to cum up? So it was Gandhi whom starved himself to protest against violence? I think. Okay Dahlia? OMMFLGOD? OMGOD! How many time's has The Black Dahlia came up in my life? The movie was a photographer with a sick perception of the art of death. She was found cut up in a ditch. Never solved. I'm not kidding, it's in the name's. Why? So that when I heard the Dahlia Lama, I thot it was Dahlie Lama, not Dahlia. I immediately recognized the spelling of the name. The woman. The murder. I recon, the purpose? To stand out today, How we still treat our women, Our mother's. Our daughters. Our grand daughters. Our Future. Still no RESPECT, No equality anywhere. 

Flock, I don't know Dahlia Lama's true message is? It's the first he came up. I mean IC Dahlia being murdered as a stand for feminism upstairs. I don't C Dahlia being about Feminism. Maybe equality and peace. Maybe about Freedom. Freedom to choose. Civil War, number 13 and slavery. Civil laws, civil courts. Our law makers really dropped the ball here. None of it even adds up. 

My first number 69. Then I'm a lil' Toa? I knew it was about balance. Then 2 fishes? Pisces. Number 69 is birth year. Somewhere in Bible I found a 68 and 69. and turns out 3rd in line to one of my white square's.  

Greg's birthdate 10/12? If only I knew then what I know now? I mean if I paused at the 666, imagine my pause being about the birthdate? Who they really belong to? The meaning the sign? Libra is called what? The Scale Of Justice. No balance in anything. No Truth. We R way off kilter. Way off the chart's. Way off scale. Way off balance.

OH, My God U married me to the fucking beast? Talk about knowing then what I know now? I would not of begged God for this man's life for nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. This I do mean now that I know what I know now? I am not lifting one God damned hand 4 U 4 nothing. I was deceived when I did that. I had no clue whom U really R. UH UH! No mother flocking way. U R on your own brother. Not one time did U lift a hand to help me. Married or not. U treated my children the same way and put them in the same situation as me. No one had any defense. At an even younger age, they were abandoned. and left to fend and defend for themselves. He just couldn't stop the party. No heat either. It was like history was repeating itself.  I couldn't get anyone to listen to the first time around with me at the start. I couldn't get my foot back in that door for nothing. Now they R showing my prayer to stop the neglect. The abuse. I understand I had to walk through it in order to put the prayer in my heart, and I called it outloud. Sick concept huh? Walk your talk. Can't talk it until I walked it.

Is my 6th prayer still even alive?  I don't know why I am so mad about this prayer too? It wasn't even my prayer. It wasn't for me. It wasn't about me. It was for him and there is nothing about nothing that I can do with what came B4. I recon what counts now is what cums after. 

As I say everyday. I hate this planet. Oh no more blasphemy.

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