Thursday, August 12, 2021

Softly And Tenderly Cu My Savior

 I'm going to try and go back if I even have the photos still. My 6903 number phone was stolen. Passwords and usernames. pictures walking thru my day every day that I was being shown. It was my 17 year old kitty river dance. I walked under the bridge and to my left was a cement  rock wall. In a black pen it said trust in him with a cross. When I woke up this morning I saw white streaks in the tree's. I was picking up sperm. It looked like my lynx cat came thru jumping thru the trees all around us. Now it was egg's. It made me wonder right then if whatever is down where I stuck that staff, Like it was a snake having babies. I drop my back pack purse. My two coats Gary gave me, One looked like a Navy black pea coat that said zero king. The other a Australian raincoat. I  remember the next photo walking along the river the first boulder looked like a Ram's head. I took a photo. The last one red stairs. 

I Like The Way I Burn

I'm swinging my ass 2 the East bending over, singing that man is mine. I swinging dropping and getting down rhythm and rhyming. On the way back I'm waving my phone in the air. My hair is up in a 50's pony O on my head. It was a yellow wrist band wrapped 12 times around. At the end I looked to my left and said bring it daddy. I looked 2 my right and said bring it mommy. Went back to the boulder my bag and my Sumatriptan and sinus pain medicine is also gone. My poetry, my visions. My first journal gone. All I have to say is it better be brother red who took it. I was up early the next morning looking every where. knocking on local doors. I was pissed. My 0 King coat is gone also. Sitting by the river an opened bottle of Tylenol still sealed next to a unused honey chap stick. My Australian coat left drag marks going in the direction back out, I picked it up half way up the path. Leaving the Tylenol; and chap stick. I was so pissed. 

 My Immortal/Everessence

I always intend to go back through my journals. All those discovery's and conversations. I get so far ahead I don't even know where to look. I had the movie Lincoln on. It was verse he quoted on equality. He also said he was an uneducated man but this stuck in his mind. Didn't quite understand name Euclid or is? 

All things that are equal 2 the same thing are equal to each other. It's balance it's mathematical reasoning. 

Common notion begin with equality origin balance fairness and Justice.

I don't believe or know if I've written about the Jezebel being inside me and what this medium did. She said she is very powerful and leaned back in her chair. As I walked out she gave me a wide berth.  I knew that God knew she was there. I felt nothing, no energy surge. Nothing.

The name Elijah. The name I gave Kiley's Irish twin. Elijah Todd. I told Zion I want my brother to have a peaceful name. I discovered Elijah in kings, Israelite King named Omri. A neighbor boy. Baby blue's too. An Ahab married a woman named Jezebel. 

Loser/3 doors down

On June 22nd of this year I was looking up the astronomy charts. I remembered long ago that it said I'm house 1. It said he's house 12. this site went even further in to detail. My house say's the beginning. His house say's the end, healing and closure. On this chart the number 69 wasn't Pisces. Another clue. U know the book's called Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus? I'd like to add something to this one that King Planet in the Universe, in my experience Men Are Stupider From Jupiter. It doesn't matter the truth. Thin skinned yellow bellied pussy boy's if U ask me.

RX Medicate

No. No. That's okay I got this. As usual, I got this. As usual U men stand around with all your hierarchy, I got this one. Don't any of U fret none. If it wasn't for a wrist band I got from Michael's that is Psalms 36.6 She will not fail.

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