Wednesday, August 11, 2021



Sitting here once again trying to process that I'm God? I still have to go back and cut and paste my last post. Supernatural and the little brother half dark half light? The angel that turned into God? I froze. I know why they keep taking me around and around, going lower or higher. Hell some days I don't know. JC told me he was God taking me back thru my dreams. That was Halloween 2016. Blue cap shrooms. He said it, Colleen I'm God. Then I heard him yet I still processed Him as outside me. God is out there, the energy I stood in front of God 4 times. Crystal clear every where.. Eye on is one of the first words. I kept seeing Isaac Newton his big eye on me. Then it sunk in energy. Standing in front of a energy panel, being asked to leave a restaurant at 3:16? I needed fuel to keep stomping my feet on that steel grate. Letting it know ICU. I'm cumming back for U.  I knew it had to do with Alex her time of birth. Hell her birthday and the number 13. The moment Alex was born I kept feeling an energy between us that is bouncing off each other. Conversations with my counselor talking about Alex and energy. The blue bowls, cherries and energy. Never enuf love. Then the hole in the bottom of the bowl.

Sweet Home Alabama/LS

Then the Atom, the Adam and the Atom bomb came first. Then, we are watching U and the big eye in the sky. Which one I ask today? So many, so many God's  and Goddess' that God has provided thru out history and time.  Talk about money being the root of all evil.? Sin, morality and taxes? Fines like flies? Fees like fleas?  U have a pretty high price on sin IC. So much we don't C. Then well at that energy panel, I put my hand on it, and I said brothers, codes , doors. Then it was the ION. Then Protron, Electron and Neutron. Jimmy Neutron is where my mind went right at that moment. Then I'm asking hey isn't this that P word? Am I doing that P. word.? Isn't this the Atom. I wondered for the longest time who was working with me on this one. Hearing scribe and now understanding why I wrote P.E.N. Power Of Pen. The Atom.

Don't Stop Believing/Journey

Going back to okay. Closer 2 acceptance.  I finally get it this man from my dreams that I only saw the back of is God in His making. The real one. Okay. Before I was still seeing Him as JC not God. To me God is inside U. The soul. The heart of the soul U do not C. Not literally standing inside me.? That seems 2 B the case. Then two spirits, the mother and father. Inside Michael was ISIS on the right and OSIRIS on the left. It took I have no idea how long to connect ISIS on the right inside Michael. I mean the first word was ISIS, then twin towers, and Oregon/organ. Then I'm an aunt and the petulant child. 


I saw the lightening bolt the mother. Still not processing that the man in the navy bright blue t shirt is The God and He's inside me? Shock, thunderbolt? Don't we all want to be a star today? A superstar.? I finally processed last night that why I was standing in front of a yellow house in Fall City with a star in front. Then Ancient Aliens and ISIS holding up the sun. I'm being a smart ass. Always A-Ten in this family tree line. I can do no wrong. I didn't clue in when Michael told me his birth star is the sun. I knew he was a twin flame by then. Still not comprehending. I didn't comprehend when I asked how are U going 2 bring Chiva and ISIS together? The answer came on the TV right then. ISIS holding up the sun. Yes I'm bent over head in closet, hearing just breath. Then the song came on. I was hyperventilating. Now I'm figuring out just looking at the power in the sun the creation of the sun is God. Well I don't know how to be God?

Free Falling/Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers

I really am the Queen of the Damned, The God Damned. U know if I had known it was going to be 6 years later on this agreement. I would of never made the agreement. U all kept stringing me along. First it's one crazy thing. NOOOOO! Then 4 years he dies in a plane crash. Then I heard 1 year in Issaquah 2016. I'm pissed at that. Still seeing the jack ass being led by a rope and a golden carrot dangling in front. On and on U go. Just cum in me and end it already. I hate being the only one knowing the Truth.

Cum Monday/JB


Jesus Take The Wheel/CU

It just dawned on me, the Seraphin. The Fiery 01 is the sun this time. 

A little while later still processing, walking back thru connecting more dot's to more answer's. Answer's on Leonardo Davinci. The painting's with the curly haired man pointing his finger up. The curly hair is making waves. My mother in law accusing me of being the one making waves and hearing Greg once again lie. Blame me for a decision we both made. We both agreed to. Wes and Molly Quigley telling me starting at 7 mont's with Alex, that I need to tell her no. I need to teach her now. Disciplin her now. Then again at age 3. All week Molly wouldn't let it go. 

Pointing the finger up part, I saw as them in the heaven's up above. That God in the heaven's up above. That creation in the heaven's up above. Out there, outside me energy. My emotion's energy and the storms. The atom energy. Alex energy. Lift a rock I am there, energy. Is a rock a weapon? David and Goloath. This planet energy. This universe energy. So much energy. Everything is energy. God is inside us. Blood is energy with the heart and soul. U don't just need the brain and heart to think and feel and function. It's all energy in that central nervous system too. I've even written he cums from within. U don't C Him. He's your soul. I've written the Dog Star. The God Daughter. The Dogter. Yet still didn't compute that I am literally The God.  That 01 is me, the God? Can't we go back to the JC?

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