Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday The 13th

I am pissed again. It seem's In 2 to 3 day's I lost a week plus. ON tueasday I knew the date. It dawned on me Friday the 13th. I was so mad on Friday the `13th Mother's Day when I stuck the flag in the ground, I wanted itto end not be a sign. My feet were killing me I could barely walk. Especially hard wood floors or cement. In 2 day's time from tuesday to Thursday, I thot Thursday was Friday and I thot it was next wek for Friday the 13th. I'm telling myself yes. I can do this. I can get this done. Friday the thirteenth is one week from today. It was Thursday and Friday the 13th was the next day. I was thinking at the time to post this on Michael's birthday the 17th of August on a Tuesaday. Still thinking over a week away. All because I get on this post. connect to the clouds I lose track.

Papa Loves Mama.GB

Everything sunk in last night after I got on the calendar. The messages I sent Michael the day b4, about his birthday asking question's about payday and paying to eat out for his birthday. No wonder Michael was confused. I don't know if it's the movies and my family reunions about the fourth of July and the apocoplyse? Even though I'm a smart ass singing and dancing in Joy and Faith, I lack Faith when I have no idea when U want me to do this? Will I even be able to move B4 this, let alone lift anything of my body without painmeds? Pain meds and sumthing like a real muscle relaxer might help to get me thru. I know what will rellay get me thru is U. Only U well and my many many guides have the power to move me. TO speak thru me. When? When? When? It has been such a long haul in so many way's. It's not overly stressing me. Yet it is so in the back of my mind everyday, the one U want 2B, is he still alive? 

All I ever wanted CW

I really really hate U right now.

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