Tuesday, June 29, 2021


I really had to go back to my journal's for this discovery. Who was really with me in that Valley Shadow Of Death? Nope not in the prayer and why you don't want The Good Shepard 2 guide? Makes me wonder were U inside me in me dream's, or standing on the outside looking in? That Goat came up a couple of time's again. In David 8, it talk's about a ram and a Goat. Yes, I've been thoroughly scrooged this far, but I have been asking about the goat I saw in my dream, my last morning being in Fall City. It also mention's the name Elam, turn's out to be another marriage and another name in my family tree line. What's even more interesting is the name of the Hotel they got married at? The same name as the pepto bismol pink apartment's my grandparent's managed and I lived in. Monticello apartment's and The Monticello Motel. Elam was a province. Then Danielle Ch8. Vs. 21 The Goat is King of Greece. I accidentally type o'd Kong. Large Horn between Goat's Eye's. My 3rd eye of Truth. It is 1st King, and only because your inside me when U choose too. Humanity is gonna take that personal. It's up to you all. Figuring out that the reason I met these angel's, past God's, prophet's, seer's, King's and Queen's throughout past lives? Where their is a life their is a soul. They are all coming back. With Truth and Love in their heart. Fighting for this rock. Fighting for love and evol. Freedom and Justice. The end of slavery. It say's in AA spirituality a God of my making. Hippa on top gets to control and illegalize emotions and prayers. Number 9 I may only pray in a religion. Wow, what an abuse of power. Pharmaceutical. The depressors. Then I heard this morning don't remember where, regardless of religion, race, national Origin. Well all I can say is I stand and was born in the land of Freedom. U sitting up there might want to ask why I stand in the land of King's? Getting ready to close the journal and I forgot what Danielle Ch8. Vs 17 said? It's Michael's birthday. It mean's human being, Ben Adam. Then I remembered, Jack my father Adam's County, Then how many times in how many way's have so many went over the atom? The apple and the atom? The Adam from the Adam's family, or just to be naughty and scary, "The Atom from The Atom's family. A creation of your own making. Just like my X always the opposite of what I'd request. I should of taken that Brother machine and beat it with a baseball bat in the baseball field. Right in the center of that diamond. It was the dial up. Oh that mother board with all your porn and 6 of my lotions sitting right there. How many day's and hours have U locked yourself back here? The full bag of porn hidden in plain sight, and I'm being told to cancel the rat's he caused and that I'm not bringing in an income to get a haircut. A hair designer who cut everyone's hair. Flock me get me off this retread. I'm tired of U pulling my chain. The higher and deeper I go.
Being reminded Halloween 2016, shrooms. Got taken 2 3 dreams. I got the 3 flashes. Started screaming pulling and punching him in the arm. Crying no no I don't want 2 go back. I don't want 2 know. 
He rolled his eyes, " Colleen don't be ridiculous,. I'm God. I always forget. He sent his son in his making. I accepted this is the God Son. God is energy always there inside U. God provided all around this rock. It also explains why he doesn't have blond hair. 
I've tried 2 figure out how many times he's stood outside me? How many conversations since that first summer, when 👁️ said Jesus Christ are U nuts? I know the size of the dick, hip bone 2 hip bone. Now what about the bull balls? 
I read somewhere that the wrath or rapture is where U R automatically sending people 2 hell. I've been writing that your taking them home 2 heaven, but it seems they're going 2 the other home from down under. Holy hell. Just do it already. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mirror Mirror on The Wall

I thought that Cassiopeia held a wand but  its a mirror. I was messing with Star Walk 2. This time she moved and that's when I saw the wand, the straight line in her hand turn into a mirror. Of course it took me back to a conversation my siste and I had. Why dies she nit pick me. Saying thing's like stand up straight, tuck your stomach in. I mean I should of been anorexic or bulimic with this woman. I had to ignore her. It made no sense. She needed to take a look in the mirror at herself. My sister told her one night when the 3 of us were at a restaurant, Zion was starting in. My sister said why do U do that to her. Nit pick the fuck out of her. U haven't weighed her weight since high school. It's right here that I discovered how she used us for attention. She'd show up at my sisters work, with people she worked with. She was loud. The more drinks, the louder and more embarrassing she got. The reason why she'd sit me down and ask me to hand over my stuff, including my favorite coat was because she got attention. Weather I'm there or not. She got to use me and my sister to use us and our time for her attention. I mean just think of the conversations she has at work now? Making plans for me to cut her friends hair on my time, but she get's attention. What my sister doesn't realize is that after she moved back, I was sat down by Zion and Kimmie wanting me to trade my Mickey Mouse plate set for hers. They were identical but the vinyl picture on my sisters had 1 plate that the vinyl was folded over then glazed over. Zion is telling me how it's a collectors because it has a flaw. I'm thinking then why doesn't she keep tU hem? I didn't care anymore. How many times have I done this and been lied to but hey, Zion get's to step in and make it happen. Of course U remember the story when I ran away in the 9th grade when she showed up drunk in my room telling me how my father never wanted me. How he sent my sister a watch when she was 10. I was 5 big difference. Going on about how he does not love me. I'm sitting there thinking and U R love? Give me a break. She said if I want to leave to go. This is after her standing over Tim Ellis pointing her finger down at him laughing. Jerry and I were horrified. She had already caused a scene thinking she's funny going to far. The next day she was taking me shopping for a new wardrobe. This is par for the course when she fucks up. She's bragging that the same police officer showed up with me that showed up with my sister and brother when they ran away. First of all impossible. She's making it sound like her children are the problem and that the policeman couldn't believe that another one of her kids would run away. I looked at her in the mirror and I said from the backseat, "U C that mirror that your looking at me thru? U might want to take a look at that mirror and look at the common denominator between U and your 3 children and just why we ran away. This woman has always threatened me. As an adult with my car threatening to take it. Threataening to call the police if I go to Bellingham to C Greg. She didn't have an issue B4 this when I went to visit friends. She just demanded more and more laughing making a joke. Smoking in my car lighting a cigarette in my apartment with my room mates saying I'm her mother and she will smoke where she God Damn well pleases. I never understood this with her thinking she's my mother and she has rights. To threaten me, because she was co signer on my car? My oldest Alex, I don't know some Bdaite's just the sign's, and I also asked if she told Zion Mary where I'm at, that only U and Kiley have been here. My daughter once again tell's me I have to let it go. My answer U have no idea how much I have let go. I told her she know's nothing about me. She doesn't understand that I have the right to cross the bridge and love from the otherside when some1 has this negative of an impact in my life. Only when I was fine or down. TO find out who I really am? RU NUTS! They have been showing me how much a sociopath doesn't acknowledge anything. Taking me back to these two. To humiliate me in front of my daughter and her friends. All to show she's in control. It's sick. It's just sick. For 5 years she was pretty good. She wasn't threatening me or causing trouble, until my divorce. I tried for over a year to get this woman to stop calling me over and over threatening me that she's gonna call Greg and say I'm doing drugs. I don't need this headache in my life. I don't need these two making unrealistic demands bullying me. It is U big brother who removed any control I had in my life. All because U set up boxes and U industrialized me for something I did because my lawyer told me to cover my but. Knowing of the set up. Coming in after 10 years taking my work and finally telling me to take a break. That I was to go out every other weekend with my friends. That he will also go out in-between weekends. For years and years. I had to stop anything I was doing for me and my girls. Every time he either didn't show up so I can do what I needed to do, for personal growth. He made things harder like not paying for recycling so now I have to keep loading up the back of the truck and go to the dump myself. All because I had to do my part. I finally have sumthing of my own. Sunthing that I can still be a parent and have flexibility for fund raisers and volunteering in the class or school trips. If they R sick or need to go to the doctor. Immunizations too. He handed it all over to him and Mary. Did not acknowledge but blame me for becoming an alcoholic. Of course I'm drinking more. Im not the designated driver. I have permission. What is Greg doing during this time, telling me I have to give up sumthing. Sum comfort or necessity. This is after lectures on food and groceries. Lectures on a heat bill that he has no clue what it is. He's now getting up in the middle of the night when he thot I was asleep and turn it off. Just like he constantly unhooked the speedometer on my car. Constantly fighting for the basics. U big brother now I have to prove myself to U and U made it court mandated. Yet I had no defense. I no longer had control of anything. I'm so done. I'm done. I wouldn't fuel my flames my anger. Rage. U made me go off topic once again. back to that mother flocking mirror and people using me once again. Once again I had the right to walk away, but no I had to pay. His porn turning it on in the bedroom when I'm trying to sit down and read? That's why I wouldn't go 2 bed. I remember telling him, U do absolutely nothing for me. Nothing that I ask. I have kid's and animals on me all day, I have no more energy to give to someone who does nothing for me. Besides. He made me nauseous, I didn't want to be touched anymore. Zion Mary I find out after Jim moved in with me about an antique mirror. Zion once again just had to have something some else had. Just didn't get off it. She bet him that he wouldn't even get a kiss from me. That no one get's in my pant's. We finally went to a movie and dinner. Steak and lobster. Not planned. WHen I told Zion the next day, she pushes me down and say's I want that. Later this woman is keeping my children's dog 2 make them pay once again. Hell she drops it off unexpectedly how many years ago. I saw her in town grabbed my dog out of the window. I'm standing there and not saying a word. She pokes her nail in my 3rd eye and call's me a whore. Then she goes to my car walks to my window and pokes me in the forehead. I said to my girls get out of the car and hug your grandmother, I'm done. Zion slams the door and say's no she's not going to hhug them. We went to a park my girls and I in tears. This is the behavior I tried to protect them from. I never expected my children to never believe a word I said. They're all excuses. Nothing I can do about it now. Yet their is. I can blow this mother flocking planet up and send these slave driver's to hell. I should write a section on every time I physically or spiritually met with Jesus Christ. It's all thru here from about end of September 2016. That navy blue t-shirt and the man from my dreams? The one who only had his back to me. Hell I didn't even realize until a couple years later that I wore this exact t-shirt on this journey. I've discovered something in the book of David. Not sure what television show sent me here. Oh yea, Astrodmus? To understand the main point's of what he's talking about. Next chapter.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

2 things mediums told me

The first was setting boundaries, the first time I tried to set boundaries, the chaos it caused in my families life, and who paid? The second one was after our divorce, I had just asked Greg to use his mailing ID to do a mailer for Doggy Duty. It was after this I was told that I give him power. I've been going all the way back to how that was another key, another answer I should of had before. I realized in our marriage, it didn't matterwhat I asked him for the answer was no. If I sumhow attained it on my own by doing sumthing with my own 2 hands just to have sumthing nice, yes I paid still. This man did nothing but turn a blind eye to anything that involved me, me and my girls. It was a conversation my sister and I had. How did we marry the same personality as our mother. Even these two fathers from completly walks of life. They did nothing but punish us, download on us, turn a blind eye abandon and blame. What we didn't understand that by punishing the daughter and the mother to these children, U R punishing the children and truly they didn't care. The curse of the black heart. The blind spot U don't C. When they used the word sabatoge with Greg. U have no idea. My keys kept disappearing. I had to have the fire department break me in 3 times. Since our first apartment in Sunnyvale I walked in the door and hung my keys right away on that hook. I get another set made. Hang them both up, next morning both gone. I get 2 more sets made. Hang up all 4, next morning they're gone. Greg walks in and drops a huge bag on the floor. I have no idea why he carriesit back and forth. I spied with my little eye that bag. I walk over, lift the one t-shirt in it, and there underneath are all 4 sets, along with unma iled bills. I didn't discover until late why Greg checks the mail and mails the mail. It was his way of doing his part. It was his way of hiding all those porn videos. I'm being sat down and told that what makes me think I should be paying for a haircut when I'm not bringing in an income. THis is after him and Mary stol my life. Everything I worked for. Everythig I did to keep this roof over our head. Poof gone. I'm a useless piece of garbaget. I was garbage B4 but I had use. How can U have balance when literally everything was a lie. He knew how to do nothing. Nothing. I went to marriage counceling to be aware of issues that come up. Communication, not blame. I statements. I'm the whole time communicating about money, with someone who has no logic. Including balancing a checkbook. Investments that was his job. He said if I did not agree with him he'd come in and just take it. He did just that. How can U have balance when anything he has agrred to do, he just stops doing it. His passive agressive way of assigning it to me. My sleep doctor said U do the work of 3 women a day. My number at that time was nine hats. He said, your husband is a doctor. Hell I couldn't walk in with a bag of lettuce, bcuz he did anotherwalk thru the kitchen when he comes home, giving his report on what I'm doing wrong. I'm wasting money. Sorry your hineous I didn't have an hour and a half out of my day to drive back down the highway to go to Costco to get those 6 heads of romaine that barely fit in my pint size refrigerator. He couldn't problem solve or communicate without me. He not only leaving me to sit in the shit on my own, like with his fatale attraction, her husbamd and his boss. This is not the first time he has done this. Sitting with his elbows on knee's. Head down. No eye contact anywhere. It didn't matter the scene, if I'm being verbally assaulted. Speaking rationally. Sorry I'm on atangent. I mean they have shown me sequentially so how I'm a seer. How they made me a seer my whole life. So when I did this journey, I'd have Faith and be comfortable. The sequence game I played the first time in Mt. Si. with blue eyed Dave and Jack, and ant Mary. My chair broke. I'm the smallest. Tmhey have shown me sequentially so just how Zion Mary, and Greg. His parents used me. Used me for their attention. I came across something and the mirror in that solar system. My next story Mirror Mirror on The Wall. Jay Z & Linkin Park I have it on Y2K music trying to get more musicians in my writing but I write with emotions so far this station and the one I had it on B4 soft Rock, just isn't hard enuf 4 me today. More things they've been going over from my past, is what a medium said to me during my marriage with my girls. It was about setting boundaries with my children. I watched them and I realized they don't get into anything and they listen really good. Justin Timberlake/Sexyback Since I have discovered just who it is that I really am, it was a message not for the present, but the past and future. I have been taken back to the first physical fight after my sister got back. I was being accused of my mothers bad behavior because I tried to set a boundary. I didn't want to hate my job B4 I even got started. I'm only home during this time of my life, Saturday night and Sunday's. Zion Mary every 2 weeks like a broken record, over and over I'd hear "oh, my hair, it's like a horses tail. It's so thick and it mushrooms out on the sides right here. She'd grab both sides of her hair and laugh. On top of that she is bringing her friends home voluteering me to cut their hair, on my one day off. I know Zion Mary was paying 50 bucks a month for my schooling. She paid 200 dollars thus far out of 500. This woman has never met the terms of any agreement she has made helping someone. She liked to get people to spend any money they have, like my sister came home with $5000. Zion Mary hounded her to go to electrolysis school, it happened to be $5000. With her best friend of over 30 yrs got an inheritence of 10,000 bucks. She was poor, living frugally. Zion Mary was right there to get her to buy up more mice to go to her collection. All collectors of course. Then the eating out. Yup, Zion becomes your best friend. Then these two took a cruise to Alaska. Later Zion Mary made her suffer. Zion was being paid from the state to care for her. She wasn't. Deanna asked for help, tried to have a conversation, instead Zion Mary punches her in the face, for even saying anything to her. Did I tell U Deanna was in a wheelchair with one leg. She removed all the cable cords to the television and all the window dowl's out of the window. Never spoke to her again. With my sister she kicked her out in the middle of the night with Courtney a 3 yr old. Left them homeless because she could. She liked for people to come back and beg for her forgiveness. I never did. I knew her game. I was just trying to get thru school and get tot work so I can get out of all this chaos. Instead I asked her to come in, I'm burning out already. I knew I'd be taking over the payments and I was fine with that. THe pro's do not out way the con's. I'm on the floor in front of the TV, kevin is behind me and my sister on a chair to my right. She loses it. SHe's leaning forward in the rocking chair down toward me. She said mom is in a bad mood and it's all your fault. I start to say balogny and she jumps me. She's sitting on my chest. my shoulders pinned down, hitting me back and forth across the face. Kevin pulled me out from underneath, told me to get my clothes, I'm coming with him. My sister follows us into my room apologizing to me. I told her then, I was just trying to set a boumdary so I don't hate my job. My sister's face as it was sinking in. Zion Mary comes in I told her what was going on and Zion said good I probably deserved it. Kevin said come on your staying with me. A couple nights B4 X-mas Eve. My favorite holiday. Family, food and laughter. I stayed at Kevin's for Christmas. I didn't want to intrude on his family traditions. I didn't get all the clothes I needed for school. I had to dress a certain way. I didn't take my car either. To punish me, she sold my car that my dad and Kevin built. She kept my clothes, then I found out later from my sister, that she owed $3 in medical for 2 bills in my name. I had had my tonsils out the previous summer. She kept opening and hiding hese bills. My sister tried finding them to pay them knowing what she's doing. It wasn't until I wasin Sunnyvale that I discovered what she did. Luckily it didn't show up when I bought my car. Can U imagine going to buy my car with Zion Mary sitting there and I find out what she did to make me pay? Four months later she calls me at school guilting me for not showing up or calling for Christmas. She's the adult and she caused all this. SHe had my number and knew where I was at. I knew since the age of 10 that my mother is a blamer. She takes no responsibilty for anything let alone acknowledge. Just like Greg and his family. it was all about blame. Who doesn't want to take niceness for granted. U have a blanket system of labels, U have a label for everything. Here I am truly just a nice person. Doing nice things for people with no strings attached. U got a label for that? Every person has made me pay. People throughout my life had no boundaries. COming up and saying whatever they want, knowing it's insulting, and it get's turned back around on me for speaking, everytime. When that medium said that to me, she wasn't talking about my own two children, she's was talking from the perspective of who I really am. The True mother of this Holy land.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blackmail Is Legal Now

So many things I've discovered, still after all this time and bullshit I do not have answer's to pertinent questions and concerns. 
Being the blood of the lamb? I did discover U sacrificed the lamb. Which I have learned that V. Served me a baby sheep and I liked it for the first time 7/10/2015. I was on my way to the red rock to sit. Yelling at them my shoes my time. This is when Solomon approached me. 
After it was sacrificed U had the blood of the lamb spread over people's door's so when your energy storm's thru. U don't touch it. Now I'm going 2 have a psychopath or fear and sin, think that my blood is going 2 protect them from U. My own blood hasn't cured me or mine.
You've been taking me thru that black heart, how I couldn't put together what I'm seeing and hearing with his words and behavior and not seeing.
Then the behavior with Zion Mary? They both burned me 9f energy and fuel. Demanding more and more. Both 2 punish, and entertainment. As far as Greg being a sadist. He took enjoyment out of my punishment's he filed out passively aggressively. He took enjoyment of my suffering. I thot he hated me yet it didn't make sense him yelling at me when I was up with Alex at 4 months. She kept going back 2 sleep. I said fuck tiredly. He yelled Colleen how dare you that is your child." Then I figured it out with her body language. Yet what I couldn't figure out was what I was trying 2 C what's wrong with this picture?
What was wrong is he never came in 2 ask if she's alright? What's wrong? Nothing from him except 5 years later him telling me and Wes what I did wron in his opinion as a mother? It was this that I said Fuck. Then the second thing was that I just needed  that Ford Exploder. I told him to leave my car alone when he sold his car. He takes it to work for 7 months and never thot of me or Alex. Then he left us to drive that death trap Datsun for 15 months. I'm pregnant I'm not driving this another winter. He ignored me for 3 weeks. I set him up to show up at a car lot one night. Then the next day he comes up to me wanting me to switch cars every other day, then week, then month. Each time I said no. Casually a simple no. U may drive it during family time. This is the second time he called me a selfish bitch. The other being over my car. He wanted it to go three blocks to school I can stand in the hot sun at a bus stop.  My answer, I work. I told U don't even look at my car if U sell yours. Get to stepping. He stood behind me and for the first time I'm a selfish bitch. I hate this man. U have no idea. 
When she was teething, I didn't want her 2 build a tolerance, so she could still get rest when she needed to on Tylenol.  I gave her an herb by day, called cat nip. It calmed them by about 50 percent. He has no idea what I do. He has no clue. He stand's in the door way telling me I shouldn't give her that.. oh so much more. Alex's ski accident. I cum home from tea party. He's watching TV she's in my bed crying, bleeding, split lip, half a tooth hanging out. No 8ce or cold washcloth. 
I was pissed. He just had away 9f not acknowledging anything and making me feel guilty for something he should be more than capable to handle. Truly I didn't feel guilty. I had no reason too. It was Greg's way of not doing anything and just dropping the ball completely. Just handing it to U without letting U know anything your walking into. Like the screw's on the floor by the outlet with the screwdriver. Alex had just started crawling, I called him and laughing and explaining that Alex is crawling. we have to watch that. His answer was it's my job. Everything was my job, literally. He couldn't even acknowledge the danger he put her in. He could not even acknowledge that maybe he should let me know ahead of time just what my job is. 
He did the same thing pawning me off when I'd ask for an adjustment. He just looked at them told them they are going 2 do it and they did. Or I'd wait for day's till or if he got around 2 me. I paid sum1 else in our town while pregnant with Kiley and well after once a week 25 bucks. U want to hold half a school loan over my head. U allowed them to blackmail me with your blanket laws. How is this Justice? 
hey have done is show me just how I paid over and over. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Future Tripping

I've been thinking about that number 69. The day it came to light. Then the tao sign hearing I'm a lil Tao and it's about balance. How everything in me was about balance love and energy. U can't have balance with a sociopath. No logic or reality. 
That date 7/11. I didn't cum back. I thot I had time 2 speak 2 him in front 9f him again. Then it's not just 7 11 the business but Kai's birthday. Genesis ch 7 vs. 11 Noah and the flood. 
I've been good about not future tripping. I have no idea what they want me to do with Kyle/Solomon and his ring of fire. He's not gifted. He's not a seer. I've asked him. I've discovered Warrior number 1 is inside me. Not him. 
I still need 2 talk about what Zion Mary said when he was in a coma. That he looks like a vampire with all those tubes. His cheeks sunk in. I remember thinking yeah bcuz U never fed him love. U sucked the life, the energy right out of him. 5jis just after I hear her, standing right behind her telling my brother 2 fuck off. I wish I would die. A few days later he did. Then I hear her on the phone that she's glad he's dead. He was a bad seed. The bad seed is her. Later both my sister and I at different times lying  to others. Saying it shocked her so much she got a white streak in her hair. Later my sister and my conversation was once again in agreement. No no no 5hat never happened. 
I recon these R my numbers today. 

Druid, Celt or the Mother?

I'm trying 9nce again 2 post pictures I took December 26th 2020. I lost the blogger app off of my share screen. I can't share the photos I took that day. I went to C Gary and drop off a gift I had for him. His sight didn't look lived in. I left it in a tent that was barely standing.
I did my usual walk thru. I 2alked thru the area behind warrior number 2. Once upon a time I saw it as a sign. I had 2 search for Warrior number 1. This is the area that I walked thru after I left V. And my lil backpack purse flew straight off my back. It took 3 day's 2 show back up exactly where it disappered from. Everything spread out.
I found a dragon fly rainbow 🌈 rattle and I shook it around this area for 3 day's. I buried Michaels monkey with my red cherry wood sun box under a tree. 
I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Another sign another clue. Only I have no idea who set this up. I walked all the way thru the woods not believing what I'm looking at and where. So many things going thru my head. Memories of this area.
Wondering who set this up? Realizing I had never seen Gary walk thru this part.  I turned back around on the other side of the woods seeing if I'm actually still looking at this. Nope. Still there. The tree's again. There R branches going up most tree's. 4 of them. It reminds me of the pyramids in Egypt only on tree's now. Sum have branches on the bottom of these pyramid's in a square shape. I took photos once again on Mother Nature's trail's. The way the branches R lined up in pathways on the ground. Sum end. Some goes under a curve of a branch. A pathway like I followed on this journey and the day I ran in2 brother 🍒. 
I don't know if it's a celt or a druid thing. Which mother did this? I saw a big cross going down Kyles chest. A black feather on right forearm. He said his wife who died with her twin sister in a car wreck about 15 years earlier. I hadn't put together the words I had heard earlier on this journey.
I am being watched. Which turned out 2 B true. My whole God damned life. I rationalized it. Then I find out I had watchers from all walks of life thru out history R real.
The second, druid, celt, seer. Had no clue what they were.
Then scribe, profit, Messiah. Heard the names just not what they were, nor in conjunction with me. I tried explaining to Kyle what a Scribe is. I had to discover this on my own. I told him, I did not write this. I don't write poetry music and we'll any of this 8s not me. I hope I didn't fail and he's still alive. 8 just wished I had asked him then what a Celt is? He could of answered me where Thor and Odin descend from. That Nike is an actual being, a warrior from history. And that man it makes sense now who the vituvian man is? The picture that I thot was in Greg's organic chemistry book. No it's the anatomy book. Well that fits with the 3 words I herd on that oil can. IsIs, twin towers, and word 3 organ. Anatomy. Then I find out what he went 2 college for, all at a time Keith is collecting Leonardo's photos and plates. At that time many many moons ago, Engineering was mechanical engineering. 
I still hate this planet. I still think not sure once again where it's written down my journal or this blog, about all the different beings in this universe their R. They don't need an invitation or door. They don't beem in they're just standing there. 
I've been trying 2 figure out how 2 tell whose on our side during this house cleaning, so far if they're shooting at me or mine. Not good. 8f they R shooting at U not good. 
When I went back on Mother's day, I brought Gary food and a enhanced J. I showed him the photos I took earlier and in December. He did not do it or even see it. He wasn't here then. He was in town for 6 week's. Sleeping in an abandoned house. Being kicked out of Ace for using the restroom and walking around. They called the police the fourth time they saw him. He had minimum a hundred bucks on him to purchase what he was shopping for previously. The Profit who cums B4 is being band from a business 4 using the John and shopping. This is a law based on assumption. A potential liability law. The abuse of the right to refuse service. 
I left the type Os with the numbers. Angele's 101 numbers. My guide, my book on this journey. God's 1st family. The Legion is here. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Connect 4

American Pie/DM It seems I have connected the 4. The day V. Michaels X wife called from the looney bin. She wanted me to get into her locker on the floor. It was about colors at the time or so I thot. It was the little black dress with the white stain on the thigh. It was about my pause moments with them. Pharmaceutical and HIPPA. I walked to a shelf picked up V.'s mailbox key with the number 4 on it. I hiked behind her house on a trail that took me to a river and a big white tee pee across the way. It had something to do with my shoes. I was wearing my red fairy/native slippers with a soul. The first night at V.'s house, I was sitting out by the firepit V. put in 2 years ago. I put it out and as I was walking back in I heard horses running up behind me. I kept slowly walking I came to a stop I turned my head slowly behind me both ways and there was nothing there. Beast Of Burden/RS Then as I'm standing on the blue oil can, the first three words I heard was, ISIS which is back for ISIS. Twin towers, and orgen. A location yes and our organ's in our body. They industrialized U for your organs. Then what Jeb Bush said Their ain't no heart up in that house. I pulled his name out of a blue bowl. The little boy bringing the letters to me, his name is Mason. The next was Gem. I saw a little girl pionting her finger up and scolding an adult man. I was laughing and crying saying the lords prayer. I said not that petulant child. I saw a woman that looked like me about 25 to 30 years ago. Long curly hair down her back, with bangs pulled up on the sides. I wore my hair like that, my wedding and birth of Alex. She wore a white medieval gown, fitted bodice, longer train, fitted slevves that flared out around her hands. First I was looking out her eyes. I originally thot snow. I had been feeling a war. That's why later I asked if it was ah or snow. Then I find out the name of a Horseman. War. I called Michael one day at work. I kept feeling the name Death. In the beginning I felt around a policeman, the number 7 and that Death is here for the son. Originally it was about his son. Since I have learned they aren't just talking about the Son, they are talking about me. I represent that Sun. They want me, my children, my family and my flock. Michaels answer was the he's one of the 4 Horsemen. Have U ever seen the rain/CCR When we got into our first apartment I finally got to the history channel I heard the word Famine when I saw Mary Magdelane in Fatima speaking to the 3 children. Pirit In The Sky/NG I have since conncted more about the connect 4. My cousin Kimm got my step dad Jerry a children's game one year for Christmas. When you are the victim of something. Yiu had no hand in any of it. Zion Mary is going to take her anger out on the victim. That she did. She yelled at him and belittled him. She chewed him out for something that someone else did. It wasn't that big of a deal. This was a game I played with as a child. THis is the game I played war with connect 4 with my children, to teach them strategy. It was also a game we played when we were at Zion Mary's. My children wouldn't go to bed until she did. If she got up, they got up. Yet the liar that she is wrote in my divorce paper's that I kept my children up until these hours. Truth is it was her and Greg who kept my children up until all hours. Zion Mary because of medical and sleep problems. With Greg, he pawned his kid's off on anyone he could, regardless of sleep or comfort, because he couldn't stop the party. He wouldn't answer the phone when he went out and left them alone. I had to drop them off with supervision, at full on high school parties, drugs and alcohol, no adult supervision. It should of never happened. I never got to speak of the set up. My friend said you can't take a pill for your migraines to see your children and you have to drop them off in this. Total Eclipse Of The Heart

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Mountain View

Guns And Roses/Patience Patience? Fuck you. I'm so pissed as I'm connecting shite more and more/ I had no idea it was going to take this long. I have no idea if Kyle, Mr. Solomon and his ring of fire is still alive. I have no idea what it is they want me to do. I know Peter said I'm going down there to pull out the righteous. No mother fucking way. Absolutely not. Then there is this goat in a clown suit with an entity sitting on another rock by him. What in the hell am I supposed to do with him? After I call myself out is this goat coming to me or am I going to it's pit? Is this the location of that fiery pit of hell you talk about? God dammit. I'm angry it's me. Fly By NIght/Rush All I've been saying for the last 2 day's is I hate this planet. I hate this planet. How could you put me here? Purgatory and hell on earth is right. Haven't seen it anywhere else. Yet I didn't want it the day Jesus Christ went to touch me on the shoulder. I duck away, oh no you don't. I don't want your power. No body in their right mind would wsnt your power. Now after all that I have learned, people, nations, this entity all want the controling power. Always seems to be the wrong one's. Narcicist psychopaths, and sociopaths, all black hearts. All slavery. I Want U 2 Want Me/Cheap Trick I figured out that the malakites are the amalakites. Not aliens even though it sounds pretty alien to me. Nope turns out these were the slave drivers to the Isrealites. It dawned on me. U know sitting up there that we still have slavery. I mean Martin Luther King Ir., killed. Abraham Lincoln killed. Anastatia Czar and her family, killed. My 2 uncles the Kennedy's, wanted to speak Truth, killed. Quite the common denominator. So I'm here to end slavery all the way around. Should I stay Or Should I Go/The Clash I hate this family today. I have figured out even more. Sunnyvale/The lifting of the veil. Then Santa Clara turned into St. Clair. Then Mtn. View. The night I was in Lakota mode and the shadow of an eagle flew over me at a light. The Red Book, I hated metaphores. Especially this one. I knew I was the mtn with the broken heart yet I've been sing songing I'm the rock, I'm the mountain, I'm the diamond in the rough .I'm the Aries I'm the Ram, I'm God's little lamb. The Atom's apple of God's eye. Your trying to tell me, even in my pint size I'm the mountain? Like bombs. alien's and demons coming down on me, I'll be in a bubble of energy? Like bam, bam bam, it all just bounces off? Here I GO Again/Whitesnake About that Conductor? That conductor and energy? Why am I feeling like all at once a huge explosion hitting this rock? Like all of heaven hit;s the earth? Boom! Or God's fist? I'm feeling like please don't light a match around me. As far as what to do with the entity and it's location? It's hell, it's the smell of sulphur, no flame throwers might not work. I watched a show as a child it was called the entity. First the woman thought it was orgasmic dreams, but later it was a being that followed her every where. It was raping her brutally. In front of her children too. They had to freeze it. I know I'm the most powerful person on earth sent here to rid this rock of this entity, all entitities, your machines. Wall Street, the big apple, like the walls of jericho your coming down. Pretty Woman/VH I'm worried that I'll become paralyzed again and not be able to move or lift my body. I don't even know what to do to prevent this. I know they're going to lightening bolt me, and now it seems it's going to be more intense this time. I just wished they'd do it but no they want me to make this video. I'm still rolling around in emotions, especially anger. Purging it before I get to judgement day, so I don't lose my shite at what it is I'm looking at and living through. Cold As Ice/Foreigner I miss my girls. I know you don't understand what a scribe is? Yeah they use my emotion's, they use my body, but they wrote this. I just let their words and emotions flow thru me, they do the rest.