Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen/Metallica
Promises, promises Big Daddy all I hear are promises. I know I heard them coming up behind in 7 of 2015. When I turned around their were no horses there. I knew, I knew inside what those hoof sounds running up behind me were? Oh I tried to deny them. I tried to walk away God. It just kept getting deeper and deeper didn't it? Common denominator? All the injustice and bullshit I was stomping through. I mean someone whom knows the law, degree or not? This is BULLSHIT! It just kept getting deeper and deeper into more labels and injustice on the little people. I couldn't stop the roller coaster ride into hell if I wanted too. To much of a Curious George that I am. When the I.D. channel came on and Tammy mentioned the legal system to a rational question I asked? Just watching how others shut down back petaled and scattered? I knew then I was onto something. Some more bullshit injustice. The lies and power in Corporate America and the entertainment industry? God I love that when I was 7 and eight years old I started crocheting collars. I wanted to be just like Judge Judy with my own white collar. 
I'm The WoMan On The Silver Mountain WoMan you mean God? It's by Rainbow. How foretelling your musicians really are. Well I being you this time I recon. I am the WoMan through you. Your energy, your life force. I'm the blood of the water, the lamb and the ram. I'm The Rock. My emerald is Kryptonite from that Emerald City in the heavens. I do not bleed for you, I bleed for Him. My Rock, My Salvation. I'm the big dick you do not see. I'm The Lourdes. I'm the Madonna Of The Rocks, I'm the Lion. I'm the mother with heart. I'm the mother with courage. I point my finger up.
Lay It Down/Ratt tat tat.
I am the woman you say God? I'm "The Madonna Of The Rocks" you say? Then let's rock this house. When this is done you shall learn their is only one mother on this rock. Only with this mother comes a duo and it won't be any other way with my family. The whole family. Now throw down that gauntlet. Drop Thor's hammer with your Mighty Big Fist. Your Mighty Big Power in this little atom. Your sun with the crooked halo. Gotta be a lil' naughty b4 I can be nice.
In My Darkest Hour/Megadeth
Now God I have discovered another monster another beastie who wants to eat me? Another star and beastie who wants to eat me, another duo? Sounds like a praying mantis kind of thing if you ask me. Her name "The Starflower." Her role is to get you to write all this beautiful poetry for her, then when she is done she eats you. Great God, this creature is the Calliope. Another Big C IC? Then last night when I awoke to Anew Wolverine movie Michael had on 10.
Electric Eye/Judas Priest
I hear the word, "The Sentinel." I turn over I look at Michael, are you kidding me? I can't get away from this stuff. It doesn't matter the genre, I seem to be moving right along." Thank God "my ball and chain" doesn't read this or know his history as well as he thinks he does.
Am I Evil/Metallica
That depends on your perspective of evil my brother? Whom is the one blocking evolution and hiding the Truth? The Truth behind all this depression and the reason you fucked with Mother Mary's children's emotions? Satan you have left a bad taste in my mouth. Now God can we please just get on to "whose gonna get the last laugh?" I'm beat. Even with you hanging around, I'm lonely. I'm ready for my match. I'm ready for my mate. Please for once in my life can something just go smoothly? NOOOOO!!!!!! Turn's out I'm married to His Highness, His Lord, His Son and well he don't do nothing small does He. Except maybe His Wife. Yeah, I like that part. That's the best part about my beasty.
Stand Up And Shout/Dio
"Great Balls Afire lets ring Ma's Bell in that beasty garden. Let's light my fire. Make this mother roar. Down on my knees, I know just like His number's. Just like His house this Big Daddy comes up behind me. Come on Big Daddy let's light my ring of fire. Really love your peaches, want to shake your tree. "Oh please Big Daddy let this be the only monster that gets to eat me." If I get to pick this time, looking at my other options? I pick the egg head. I pick that great big monkey man to come inside of me, Make me wet, make it rain. Light my fire. Let's light up this virgin ass. Do you hear the thunder? Do you hear the lightening? Let's make this ground shake. Make this mother quake. Get on the horn, you know my call handle? "Rainbow Cherry Blossom." Make those trumpets blare, make those horns roar. Lets hear those engines scream. Come on Big Daddy make this mother spew her milk and honey. I got just the hidey hole for woody.
Hollowed Be Thy Name/Iron Maiden
Now brother, the one I wish I could say came from a different mother. It seems I just can't lie UC. Let's get down to some more names and numbers in my family tree of life. The ones you got this system to write off. No proof of life, right brother? From what I can see Satan these were the Gods once upon a time before this United States even knew what to call our creator. That energy, that magic, that white light? My Big Bang is going to be this mother's "Happy Ending" once and for all. Then down you fall my brother.
Let's put these names and numbers out there in writing. Greg I want these names and numbers to ring a bell. The Ogdoad are my 8. Set's family line, you remember? Try to keep up brother. I wouldn't want you to fall behind or have a misstep on my family tree of life. The one you tried to label as extinct? No. AH AH AH, brother remember as Gods family we don't die. We just keep coming back. It's called reincarnation. He is My Big Daddy. He is the creation. 
Round And Round/Ratt
The Ogdoad eight were the original 8. We can call these "The Hateful Eight." Hey your the one that pissed them off, tried to write them off. No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The Ogdoad were the original eight beings before their were any beings. They come in husband and wife pairs. More brothers and sisters from the heavens IC.
Huh/Hauhat, the rulers of infinity.
Kuk/Kauket, the rulers of darkness
Nun/Naunet, the rulers of primordial waters
Amun/Amaunet, the ruler of hidden things.
Paradise By The Dashboard Lights/Meatloaf
Now Greg I want you take a look at your name sake. The 666 himself his own mother called him. I want you to read it all. The institutions, the cults, the dates. His parents names. His Children's names. The rituals and well Greg look at that? He believed he was once the spirit of Pope Alexandra the Fifth which is why he was chosen before he was born. He had Faith to find the light. Well bitch you did and you my brother failed. Demon boy and all those demon names you carry inside one body, I will destroy you. This Mother this Babylon already wrote The Book Of Life, The Book Of Love, A Mothers Heart, The Book Of Truth, for free bitch. I already put it all out there on the line. So no I got rid of your money tree. You ain't making a dime off me. Not after your set-up, your lies and your nothing but an insurance scammer and thief. A slave driver, keep going, gotta do your part? I'll pick you apart. Oh yeah I already did.
Rainbow In The Dark/Dio
I will not pay your bills to feed my babies. My children don't work for food. You lazy piece of shit. You will sit in hell. You will go into that inferno. You know "Hell's Kitchen?" I got just the chef for you brother? He's quite the cook? He'll season your ass right up for all those grown up little boys you fucked in hell. In all your institutions and boxes. That Cock Sandwich you remember?  His name Chef Ramsey. Nine layers down bitch and don't worry I got your number. This little bitch, this little mother that is so sick and tired of all you big dogs sticking your nose up my lily white ass where it doesn't belong? I didn't just give you a easy one this time around, no not a 1000 years of hell and purgatory for all that you have done? Nope I'm the little dog in this house. This little dogs magic number is 7. Those Se7en deadly sins. Now times that 1000 by seven and don't you come back until you have gone through A.A. with my family. We'll even give you your own little Michael and call it "The Good Place."
Neon Knights/Black Sabbath
Take a little poison for the anecdote right bitch? A touch of poison for your ridiculous inoculations you keep bringing back around to wipe out humanity? I got just the cure for you. My other poison in my family? Poison Ivy you remember her don't you? That little dog whom tried to spill his seed when he raped me? He only re-aligned this mothers axis. Got just the dose he needed. He not only poisoned himself from my little bite on his back but he turned the gun on himself. Boom! He shot himself in the head. Let's do this bitch, let's throw the gauntlet down. I gotta a bone to pick with you. I got just the point, just the spear to drain the life force right out of you. That Achelious heal you had locked in her room being your new wife's Cinderella and my Spear of Destiny? My rock, I named her remember? I will not carry your lies, your debt, or your bills anymore. No more boxes for this mother. You see Greg it turns out with this crooked tree of life, it's like I always said, for a chiropractor your the spineless one not me. Now just imagine what it's really gonna be like for you walking around out there without a spine? No T.O.L.for you brother. This is gonna be fun brother. Let's dance.
Shout At The Devil/Motley Crue
Now Greg let me make something very clear all those wives tales you told about me? All those myths and folklore's you told about my family, are gonna come back around to take you down bitch. They are going to cut you off at the knees, and this mother just doesn't give a flying flock anymore. You are not the True Father of my children. You did not feed them turns out your just a sperm donor after all. A dead head sperm donor with no heart. All those made up stories you got others to create false witness and they weren't even there were they? They didn't walk through my hell and purgatory did they?
The Zoo/Scorpions
Welcome to my families purgatory.
My families animal kingdom of hell
All those boxes, all my beasties
Sitting in your boxes
With all your convictions
Their for your food and fodder
Their for your pleasure
Your possession, your treasure
Their to please and serve you
NAMBLA what comes around goes around
My family will be sure to pass you around
Around and around this Atom's family goes
Ding dong he went to bed, bumped his head
The Witches Warlock is dead.
Sweet dreams my brother.
Oh yeah have a nice visit with my families Sandman.
Hey demon boy
Bang your dead to me and mine you hear.
You will never feed this mothers tree of life
She's got the looks that kill
What can I say brother so my Crue is still a little Motley
B.T.W. I did figure out the reason I needed your black ten back? My babies protectors. When this is over the reason for 1/3 down my brother is you.
The way IC it I'm a 100 percent white lighter, I'm the 2/3rds up inside them. When all is said and done you and your ten back? I gotta new bigger daddy now. I like his ten back colors better than yours any day.
Can you believe the Catholics stole a Jew story about me and mine Satan? Lucky 4 me I'm from the UK before that banking system. Turns out I'm Irish from my daddy's side. Now Greg if you remember my daddy had blue eyes. That makes me from the United Kingdom twice over. On this ground and from the heavens. Hey Satan I gotta family name for you? The other Big T you wrote off as Myth? You can call me Tink.
Happy Halloween brother I'm sending you back down under. This native, Catholic, Christian, Pagan, Egyptian, Hindu, little Tao, Jew mother. Now brother I gotta a lil black mother in me her name is Faith. I figured out I got some oppressors creating all this depression. Hell depression don't care the color or the claws to get you hooked into purgatory right? Any reason for that Gin to pull you down right? Gin meet my families J. The Jezebel to lock that Gin back in the bottle. 
Like A Rock Bob Seger And The Silver Bullet Band

Loving Arms

Loving Arms/DC
Where do I begin today? Some food for thought with St. Thomas or God's whit and humor? I said to God yesterday "and to think my favorite ride at any amusement park was the roller coaster. You once again have blown that out of the water. Your idea of a roller coaster ride isn't any fun. I want off this roller coaster ride of emotions."

I Hope You Dance/LAW
I recon it will be God's idea of whit and humor with His wife. Satanding in the pit, looking at all the dirty dishes thinking about how I may not be feeding Michail sexually to fill his needs, but I sure do feed Him. Money is low and I need less fuel. I haven't much of an appetite anyways. I'm down my back, sinuses and I'm burned out on pain. I'm burned out on trying to figure out my septic system and my own issues to get anywhere. I'm tired of speaking the Truth and being judged. I'm tired of being judged for everything I put in my mouth to keep me moving to get through my day. I can't wait for judgement day. How I speak to God through weed, smoke and music everyday. How it keeps me moving. Whether you want to admit it, God is my fuel. He is my dance partner, he is my medicine, he feeds me, he heals me. Not you in this system. When it comes to Judgement Day I know what side of Love I stand on.

You Found Me/The Fray
Hook line and sinker did I ever. Don't worry God is my Dilly Bobber. He is my Savior not you on this rock. I recon I'll start with God's humor to lighten things up. I heard "have you ever known of God to do anything small?" OH OH OH!!! I started to laugh a deep belly laugh then I stopped. It was like a bolt of lightening going straight through my heart. I know longer knew what to do? I said to God, "Oh my God, I don't know whether to laugh, or whether to cry? Oh the things you do to me inside."

I'm Movin On/RF
I love Him, I hate Him some moments of some days. I feel like a wrecking ball of emotions swinging like a pendulum inside me. Then I thought of the people whose emotions go from laughter to tears? What brought this up? Another documentary on the Cyclops and the giants. All these giants throughout time and those one eye's? Me starting from ground zero literally on everything. Dancing around that pit with my flashlight, hearing for the first time "fallen angel. Sorry we didn't know he was so deep." I look up and yell with my arms in the air, "thanks. Thank's allot for that." As I was walking away I was starting to feel like I was standing in the land of giants.

Come On Get Higher/MN
I just didn't know what giants they meant. The New York Giants perhaps? How many time have I gone back to New York? Those twin towers? Before that all those rats when they were on strike. All that garbage filling the streets. A couple evenings ago I fell asleep to the show Sense 8. I swear to God I didn't even notice the 8 when I turned it on. As I was dozing off I heard this

Chasing Cars/SP
"St. Thomas Aquarius, She calls pride a sin and of all the venal and mortal sins, St Thomas saw pride as the queen of the 7 deadlies. He saw it as the ultimate gateway sin that would turn us quickly into a sinaholic, but hating isn't on that list. Neither is shame." Then sitting on the John dribbling away in my own special way the song came on "Not Ready To Make Nice/DC" boy did I go off on this song. My answer. Casting my spell in my own little way in my song, my chant on just the misunderstanding. I went off like a bolt of lightening in my mind. Then my rage turned into tears.

She's Everything/BP
My rant, "how dare you? How dare you do this to me? Every time he has tried to kill me. Turn me into evil and poison. Every time he has tried to write me off. How dare you write me out of every book of life? Turn every mothers love into evil or whoredom. How dare you poison my power with your lies. Yeah I have no more dignity left inside me. No more vanity. I now sit on the John talking to God. Everything in this set up alone is mortifying to me. Everything he has made me say to that man? Mortified is just how I feel. Which doesn't help me to feel any better.

"Oh the set up and that garden alone? God set me up in that garden 6000 years ago, and if that doesn't chap my ass? Six thousand years Adam and Eve have sat in purgatory for you while you run freely through heavens gates? Then the song came on Wherever You Go/The Calling and I cried. Do you know what it's like to see a man carry a cross with a crown of thorns? Do you know what it's like to see a woman sitting at the foot of that cross? Do you know what it's like to find out that spear of Destiny is my daughter Alexandra and the hole in my heart as she turns a blind eye to me? Her own mother? Before I made this agreement to save my family we spoke on the phone, we saw each other,  we were hanging out. On the phone shopping, laughter and tears. It wasn't until I gave her father the rough draft of this book so far, that she stopped speaking to me.

All I can do is keep giving them lights, my poetry and my words of wisdom, to be strong. Have Faith. I see you. You Are My Sunshine. Oh bloody St. Patrick Day and all the poison and murder in every house of God throughout time? I knew when I started bouncing church's that this had something to do with the name's of the church's. Me not knowing nothing about the different religions? The different clubs, the different cults? To find the Truth buried under all these lies? Is it Anarchy God? Don't we have a right to defend? With my family you have the right to defend and as God's flock we protect the weak whom cannot protect themselves. That's what my family of angels are for. The problem is we are all to defensive and defenseless. They like it this way. Then I looked up Thomas and Pride? It brought up a long list in the Bible on Pride. The names I never knew about. It is all so foretelling and odd I know the answers in God's Truth, His Son's and His Families in all those names.

Temporary Home/CU

Back to the 8 I go.
Oh Satan do you remember earlier I said Set in Stone? That red Stone? You in society IC have stepped in the way to stop everything good with all your jaded minds of fear. What you don't know is that in the Egypt, Mazatlan, Asia, as well as other nations before these books of Hope were written these were the Gods. Don't tell me if one of these God's showed up today, one of these vessels, that you whom came along well after, wouldn't see them as Gods too? Anyone knows with God you don't die. Only the shell that hides our God's inside us buried under all this pride, of the Ego not the family. You have poisoned every culture between every male and female. You have poisoned every sister and brother to begin life anew. It is you not God. It is you whom thought life began with that book of Hope. It's Gods Rock, Its Gods Flock. My heart belongs to Him, it does not belong to you.

Just Breath/AN
Until you can understand this is Gods kingdom and not your own to destroy you will not transcend. What right do you have to choose the ascension to heavens gates? Why do you get put a price and label on Sin and use it as an excuse for all your fines taxes and fee's along my highways? When I saw that Poppy field in Ozark it hit me like a bolt of lightening all over. Just how you have taken everything good about mother nature to transcend to the Truth and you poisoned it in every nation? You turned Mother Nature into science. You took her food and medicine and re-created to keep control on the price and label and sin. You created all the fear. You marketed, marked up and took control of everything.

Travelin' Soldier/DC
The Matrix and Jesus Christ? The septic system back to the septic system I go and how you turned mother natures organics with all your synthetics and your antibiotics. The Lysol commercials with the big trucks coming through? The same industry creating the poison, and the fear? Then all the marketing on that fear? You re-wrote mother natures good and turned it into bad all for a healthcare system. To make this united states slaves to your pharmaceutical companies and all your HMO's. You wiped out mother natures gardens from the ground up. Those HAARP clouds I know what your doing and I want them off. We sit in a dome of poison under the guise of protection.

Now let's see how stupid this little mother is? Another four? We have four chambers to the heart in case you didn't know. Then as I was reading up on The Matrix and the septic system? Now remember Kiley came to me at the age of four did her Keanu crouching Tiger, while waving her fingers forward. She open her palm and she has batteries in her little hand. I asked, "what's this? You know mommy they run on batteries." What you did in your science to fuck with our septic systems is fuck with the other four didn't you?

My Little Girl/TM
Everything on this rock needs Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen to live. You fucked with all of it everywhere outside our bodies to poison the inside of our bodies. To re-write the Eco-system inside our bodies? Alter our genetics? When I saw the movie San Andreas with my other twin Alter Ego, you know the other brown skinned brother? The Rock, in that helicopter I looked at Michael, Uhm there's really a fault line in California?

I'll Be/EM
You fucked with the wrong mother brother. That's why you are doing everything now to get this Untied States sick and weak? Keep us suffering so you can come in take out what you perceive as the strongest nation first. You did everything you could do to keep us naive and dumb with all your games. Defenseless with your take over on everything, our guns and weapons because we are so crazy? We can't handle ourselves? Is that right? You did everything you could do to get as many people as you can owing, to get your claws in our system, you created all this poison in the system. The guidelines and standards to pay you back for all your mark up and dis-service? You wonder why I'm standing right here in this Washington? The whole time I was right under your nose. The best part of all this is that you all thought I was the one being tested.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Calling All Angels

Calling All Angels/Train
"If you knew the magnificence of the 3,6,and 9, you would have the key to the universe. Nikola Tesla" What did I do that night under the full moon? I stood with feathers in my hair, I wore my family jewels, my boy beater with a blue bra. A red t-shirt and my holy jeans. I stood behind the Gull sign after everything was shut down and I sang and danced a jig. My whole body shook like a flapper from the twenty's. My right hand in the air vibrated like a rattle snake and I used my three's to take out my sixes and I turned those sixes back into nines bitch. I got down and funky when I said "The Lords Prayer." I put my left hand on the ground with my right hand in the air and I said "The Lords Prayer." Yup this Angel is back and boy does this angel smoke.

Only Wanna Be With You/Hootie and my Blowfish
When was this Satan? July 2015 and back to those fives I go with my ten back. Now Satan my brother I have figured out how you turned Gods flock into fallen angels. You see Satan I figured out as Gods children, you know that Big C that no one really knows? Our Creator.

It never occured to anyone that He is a parent. As a parent we are all his angels. It is so clearly stated in about every sect in life that we are not the highest being on this rock. We just seem to think so because we are humans born in these shells. We think somehow that we are the highest being. That is the most assinine lie anyone could tell themselves.

Broken Halo/CS
Is that we are the highest beings in and of ourselves? That we drive out own buses? Yet we pray to a God to lead? Then we keep taking it back when things get to scary. With all the brainwashing in this system now we have lost sight of this. This is the reason why the ones controlling all the money. Running the wrong stock to kill off Gods flock that they have done everything they could in this United States to prevent Evolution.

You have created an industry of feeders by poisoning our gardens and selling off the land. You rewrote the industry and the standards of the industries service trying to get this United States to adapt to your system of numbers. To get the human race to report to a machine for all that ails? You got the the justice system to allow the insurance companies to control the United States evolution.

Round Here Buzz/EC
You did this with your pat perscritions for pain. You use the neurolgical pain relievers to shut the human being down and fatigue the body. You use medication for people who have nerve disease from fibromyalgia and Diabetes and tell the ones on this insurance it's for all your pain. You use the high doses of anti-inflamitories now which burn up your septic system if used over long periods of time. Which didn't work for me in the first place. Do you want to know why Satan?  I have a muscular skelatal disease. This system no longer recognizes pain anywhere. Your goal is to speak about overall health?

Yet when someone mentions God in spitituality going further about what you do not know in your small boxes does not mean I have a mental illness. A human being taking a photo of me praying on native land does not make me bi-poloar. I have the right to pray and meditate with my family anywhere I go. I spoke to that first doctor my first words I spoke Truth, "it is like going to church and the Holy spirit is inside you lighting you up." Since when is God illegal on this rock. I can't pray outside and not bother anyone without someone calling the police?

I'd Be Jealous Too/DL
I didn't bother anyone out there but boy did I sure get bothered. I wasn't doing anything illegal. It was you small minded people with all your fear that harrassed me. Then these places tell me with the Seattle Tribal artwork everwhere that I can't speak for myself in front of a judge? I have no rights is that it? I have no power right Satan, yet from what I see your ship is about ready to sink bitch.

Road Less Traveled/LA
I see just how you put your hands in the kitty long ago. With that Eauropean banking system and the ones behind it the ones with all the money and they think all the power's plan is to take out Babylon? This United States that was here first? What are you going to do wait for Kym from Korea to let the A bomb off to create a scene and come in do your take over and use Trump as the excuse for all this failure? We humans can't run ourselves? We need a machine to help rum Gods organic flock? Gods organic race?

Diamond Rings And Old Barstools/TM&CD
Oh yeah that's right you rich assholes came in and bought off all of mother natures gardens and lands to build your track houses and condo's. Then what gardens we do have left you poisoned and now we re-wrote mother natures organic gardens. You upped the price on the organics while you poison the rest of the human races food. The other reason for all these allergies and congestion all this sinus pain is from all your poison. in our food and air and your pills.

Losing Sleep/CY
That's okay you re-wrote and re-created the health care industry. Now any chart I look at at any hospital or doctors office can direct you to any box for help. Yet none of it mentions where to go for pain. The pharmaceutical counters are now going far and beyond to document every Sudafed box sold and we no longer talk about NSAIDS and the dangerous use of NSAIDS mixed with other drugs or being used for long periods of time. You re-wrote in this united states what pain was and is by turning a blind eye and denying it or writing a pat prescription that tells you to keep going.

Singles You Up/JD
University of Washington you suck. You got all these boxes along these highways and  roads. They have different names with an affiliate name. They have certain coverage areas and if you cross a county the computers don't connect. The hell you put people through when you walk in or call the office is absurd. The time you waste on me during my consultation, listening to you get all your warnings in about the the things that could be a potential problem instead of actually getting to the problem. Your doctors are on the computers pretty much the whole time.

You Broke Up With Me/WH
I can't deal with Michael anymore. I don't give a flock if he's my Angel. I don't give a flock if he is my rock or my protector. I never want to hear anyone say, "you should be thankful for." I am thankful. it is not this systems place to keep me stuck or for someone else on this rock to determine my value or quality of life.  I was born in this United States and I always had the right to speak, you in this system serving up all your BJ's to shut me down will no longer happen. Do you know what it was like to watch history be repeated to my children?

Greatest Love Story/LANco
To have to call Kiley's school in Junior High because she had no food or lunch money? Hey I'm the bad guy? I'm the one causing all the trouble right? To hear that Mary Stone sat down my daughter and did the same thing to a twelve year old just like she did me? Greg sat there telling her not to be rude while Mary told her she runs this office and that Alex and Kiley are no longer clerks but the cleaning people. Been there done that. You in this system had your chance. I heard in the beginning I don't have to be inside to clean any house. When Jesus Christ said, it's not His Kingdom yet? Guess Satan my brother from my garden well it turns out is is Gods Kingdom. Not yours.

80's Mercedes/MM
Then to see Alex get grounded over the disappearance of five apples with five girls when they were unsupervised and Alex got the blame and grounded? Having to go back to clean Anne's house when she had three daughters of her own. A long time later after Anne showed up with her white glove she made my children come back and do it again. When I tried to get my girls in counseling with me it is because I was getting screaming phone calls. They were alone all the time. Anne took them to counseling with her. She created a unfair chore list with numbers in the hundreds of thousands for each item with the potential to earn extra credit.

Alex wasn't allowed to earn extra credit nor could she go to work either. The consequence of not earning enough points? Alex paid for all her own stuff and the only room that got searched daily? Her personal items she paid for and uses to get ready were removed along with her bedroom door. Alex's room is off the front door, living room and kitchen. I had supervision with my children and I invited Greg over one year for Christmas and instead he stood over my girls looking at price tags and he wanted the receipts for the gifts.

Speakers, Bleachers, and Preachers/BL
I had supervision and my supervisor Linda and myself would have to drop them off at Anne's house with full blown parties and no supervision. Alcohol, weed and now I have figured out other drugs as well. Linda said, you can't see your girls unsupervised or take a pill for your migraines to see your girls but you have to leave them here? At full blown parties? This wasn't the first time. I wasn't allowed to speak.

Ring On Every Finger/LoCash
I've been thinking about the Dill Pickle Lady? Why I hired her and how in the end Greg turned something good into bad? I hired her because she was the renaissance lady at fairs. She'd put a big ole dill pickle in between her breast and push a cart full of homemade dill pickles. As soon as she told me that she was hired. I didn't care that she was overweight.

Cowboy Take Me Away/DC
She had a little chunky monkey build. I thought it was awesome to have an imperfectly shaped human being teach belly dancing to women and children. Truth is she was the average woman. As the average woman with what some of you would label as fat? I labeled as Truth and human. She had flair, she had courage and she knew her stuff. It was to inspire others whom had body issues to move.

That Don't Impress Me Much/ST
To show them hey you can still dance, move and be sexy. When she said "Colleen you have no meat on your bones to give you the shake and oomph the other ladies have." I thought it was awesome and instead Greg uses her as an excuse to get me86'd that my children got out of control and ran around in class? He chewed me out in the office, then turned around and opened the door to the reception area, and I did not yell. I said 7 words at a normal tone, "don't you turn your back on me." I got 86'd out of my own office and papers were drawn up. I had to pay for my own lawyer to tell them what they are doing is illegal and to stop and they did it anyways. I couldn't even go to my children's school which I volunteered for because of these two and I was not allowed to defend myself against these false accusations?

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
All the children started running around the room at once in a children's class. What a crime? It was a set up because no conversation took place between Greg and my belly dancer after that class. Him and Mary Stone removed my name off of everything by then or just did. I continued to keep a smile on my face for my children and keep moving forward until I could get the cash to get out, but they already cleaned me out.

God Made Girls/RL
They wrote in my divorce papers that I didn't take Kiley to soccer one evening. My point in that decision which as a mother I am free to make, was because Greg knew I was on limited time to get from Kirkland, pick up the girls from Riverbend and take them to soccer. Greg not one time had her stuff gathered and ready, the reason why I'd be late. The coach was reporting to Greg if I was late or not there. I got tired of the rush. I let Kiley know that she is 8 years old. Getting this stuff together and to the sitter is not her responsibility but her fathers. Yet Mary Stone could pull my children out of soccer to teach them a principals and virtues class. One of the online pedigree's she earned before her and Greg removed everything out of my name later to use against me in court.

I never got to speak. My attorney told me, not the judge I am responsible for her bill. Greg won't pay it. I even said "the judge said we will go back to court to decide this and she said, no we're not." What to do when your lawyer fucks up? I had no money to start over like Greg did. Do you know what it is like after you hear your whole marriage you got to do your part? You go beyond the call of duty. Hell I even sewed toward the end of my pregnancy with Alex, flax seed packs after work.

My Favorite Mistake/SC
What God is showing me that I always worked. Right through an almost miscarrying Alex at four months and I was at work when my new boss told me (at two months pregnant with Kiley right before my almost second miscarriage) "Colleen you are stressed out. Their is no reason for your breast milk to keep drying up early on you. Especially after you told me all that you do naturally to keep it up." I'm like really? Just like Doctor Pasqually said to me. "you are doing the work of three women a day with no help. You are stressed out and if you don't get some sleep you will die." Really? I had no idea because other than the physical pain and my X, I was not an unhappy woman. Other than that energy drain and the timing of when I'd get this?

Leave The Pieces/The Wreckers
I kept hearing things from the ones whom were supposed to be the lawyer, the judge and the mediators throughout my life, I'm no angel and I never said one bad word of blame toward my X. My own D.U.I lawyer called me a black haired angel. Then some other guy I hardly knew writes me this beautiful poem and reads it to me. He titled it "The Black Haired Angel." Michael tried serenading me to the song "Brown Eyed Girl." I love the song but I made him stop. I hate this romantic shit. I don' t know what to do with it.

Jesus Take The Wheel/CU
This song is so foretelling. When I saw the picture on the Lincoln documentary on the history channel, with the long haired native woman with a blanket on her left shoulder. I froze. Truth is this Washington was here first. That man whom drives that white Semi with JCT on the side is the driver at the wheel in this Washington. In this first family from the heavens.

Ask Me How I Know/GB
I love Davinci's paintings with the index finger pointing up. That purple blanket I curl up under was handed to me. Remember I do not pick. I did puke on it last night. I am so tired of having to take time to take these pills to breath and move. I have to take it with food or milk. I can't use my steroid inhaler unless I brush my teeth. I took them last night on an empty stomach. At times after I eat I still crash for three to five hours. Yesterday evening five. When I got up I took my med's on an empty stomach. I still don't have my new miracle pill for my bladder either. I am so ready to walk away and move back to the woods. I fully understand why people just walk away. Nothing you do is ever right.

All About You/JT
The last time I took a time out to re-coop? After walking away from another scam and wait for my lottery to come up for an apartment. I couldn't be treated locally for pain or pretty much anything else because now in this healthcare system even though it is all documented I have to go back to my own doctor. Snoqualmie Valley Hospital and University of Washington you don't make the rules. You are only turning a blind eye because you no longer want to be liable for someone else's suffering that you, all you doctors over the years have had a hand in. Destroying my life and my T.O.L.

Tin Man/ML
You are not my judge nor are you my jury. Any of you. You have lost that right to run anymore test on me. I am no longer your guinea pig to experiment on while I lose my job's, my home and hey what about my Truth sitting in all these treatment rooms?  The abuse in these centers is unacceptable. To be screamed at by another employee. To be harassed about things that never happened and not protect me when some crazy bitch goes to throw a punch for me doing my side work is not acceptable anymore. All any of us heard at Thunderbird and some of these other places is "oh she's going through a hard time now." We have to put up with another human being screaming at me and told I have to take it as part of you curriculum is wrong.

Every Little Thing/CP
The ones that you leave it up to, these self run programs are a waste of time. Now I have to have some little cunt play games with my life and my time for her own personal issues? Every one complained about this one and they gave her a job that she wasn't even nominated for to inspire her to do better. They broke protocol and who suffered, me as well as the rest of the people she didn't like. I called them on all of it. You can't have it both ways.

God, You Mama and Me/FGL
This was in Castle Rock. What a joke this place was. Slavery at best. This is the primary example of what happens today. I was walking with two other people through the dining hall, because we can't be alone in that room in case a guy walks in. If that is such a issue with the way you put people in purgatory with your games you need to shut down. I made a joke I grabbed my big belly and I looked to the woman on my right and I said "yeah you wanna piece of this." Another staff member hears me from up above knowing nothing about me or anyone else.

American Honey/L/A
I get called in the office and told I can't be in the dining hall anymore unless I am with a staff member now. My counselor looks at me and rolls her eyes, because she knew it was a joke yet there was nothing she could do. As usual our orders coming from the top making choices about other people whom are ran by other people making the decision. It's all about that blanket liability. The potential of and the making and passing laws and rules now based on that with no proof. 
When It Rains It pours/LC
You will no longer take a photo of my tears when I pray, or connect with my family and put a label of bipolar and depression on it. A few moments of emotions does not a label make anymore to feed your machine. It's called love light and family. Just because you have a box and category on my husbands love for his wife is to tight of a fit for this mother. I don't belong in no boxes no more because you in this industry. All of them Corporate, Political, pharmaceutical, or your HMO's all to feed a machine no more. You put yourself in your own boxes not me. If you running this country whom allowed all this mark up on everything good to pay off our national debt anyways it can and we aren't catching up still, it's not rocket science or hard to do the numbers on that is it? We will never be caught up. You in this system can't pay off your own debt then you need to shut down. You are no longer welcome to wipe out the human race to feed a machine and not God. 

More Like Her/ML
From what I can see in every walk of life and sect God gave a mother and wife and it is you humans over time whom forgot about her nor bothered to care. Not my issue that you don't know from the day we are born we are born by two and God gave us two inside out hearts forevermore. You can take all your bipolar diagnosis and shove it up your ass, right along with your schizophrenic diagnosis on higher beings.

I started my blood moon early again. Not happy not owning my own body all the time that's for sure. I keep trying to take it back myself and that man upstairs won't let me. I woke up with no milk and no creamer. My back hurts and a migraine again and I have to again at five a.m. walk to the store and carry this shit. Back and forth I go with cash I do not have to spend on food. I can get a gallon of milk when I go to P.T. in Kent for a buck but I got to carry it back and the last time those twelve items about killed me. None of them heavy on their own but after awhile of rotating my bags around trying to get home I was shot once again. I have to be dehydrated before I leave my house or I will never make the ride, bus nor taxi.

A Thousand Years/CP
I take along a peanut butter sandwich for carbs for my fuel to keep me going and sometimes it's not enough. Last week I put down half a pound cake before I walked in the door for P.T. By the time I get home if I'm not to tired to fuel up I crash for hours. I don't want to hear how you think my cure all for my pain and fatigue is my sleep patterns anymore. Truth is this has been my sleep pattern all my life and I do just fine. Just once in awhile when I have to be on someone else's timeline to make them happy then I might need something to help me sleep but other than that I am up at about five a.m. every morning. If it wasn't for me waking up in the middle of the night I'd be more laid up by five. I use that time for Imitrex if needed. Yeti potting, inhalers, muscle relaxers, pain med's if I have them and stretching before I go back down for my second shift.

Happens Like That/GS
I am so burned out on all of it. My body and it's time clock does not belong to you. It belongs to this rock whether you like it or not. I might get pissed off about it at times and scream, yell and stomp my feet to give it back, as you will too. We are only human after all. It does not mean we lack faith walking through the emotions of a clearing. You in religion can stop labeling tears and anger as lack of faith. That would be a lie. Just like the lie that granted you ownership of my body. How about the lie that a daughter, a aunt, a sister, a mother or grandmother is less of a human and is there to serve the male because he is the ruler? He has a ding a ling? You say it in every religion that we have a higher power and that higher power is energy. God's energy. His Sons energy that God gave to you and said in His making, yet not the females? Please.

A Little Bit Stronger/SE


Saturday, October 28, 2017

American GirlT.P

Mine Would Be You/BS
I'm not in the mood for this day God. I know we've been talking about feeding. The different way we feed others love. Michael I now refer to ass my "ball and chain." Please God get me away from this guy. I can't feed him sexually to keep him moving. I can't do this reward system of feeding a man love to earn my keep. Just to do my part to earn my keep? Now Michael hurts and he's barely towing the line at work.

Life Of The Party/JO
The way the employee's are treated at that counter. The customers come in knowing nothing. They don't bother to have their information ready to help them to help you. The customers don't even bother to walk through the aisles to pick up the stuff they know they need. The stuff that is readily available instead they step up to the counter start asking questions or just give the list of what they need.

Party Up/CR
Then they look at the cashiers to get to stepping to gather their items for them or to step out to the car to get the year make and model. Which 80 percent of the people walking through that door know they are going to need it in order to start their service. If you don't know this shit by the time you get your license then maybe you don't need a license or a car. All this entitled behavior. Then the customer acts all indignant when they ask a question and don't like their answer. Michael told me last night he had to walk away from a customer the night before and earlier that day. Luckily another grey shirt was there to step in. Then the same behavior is  happening later that day to another cashier with another customer. I said to Michael I am so sick and tired of the abuse that we as the employee's take working at these front line's."

Smoke A Little Smoke/EC
We are the one's taking the hits at that front line. Jumping through these hoops being the performers. "Don't leave your flair at home today. Have a Hoppy Day you."  Our level as the server on these front lines has declined and it's our responsibility as the servers to make Corporate America hoppy now? Not either person at either side at that counter waiting on a computer system to run all those discount clubs. You know at T.A. you know what they say? Our drivers are our kings. Then why do you poison them with very little service? Why the higher taxes and fee's with tighter spaces and tighter guidelines that were to short in the first place? Yeah the only ones happy behind all this Corporate America bullshit of service is Corporate America Don't make no one happy but Corporate America and their service of machinery and green they cover behind the scenes.

You'll Accompany Me/BS
All the while these Corporate America running the stock are on the other side of this rock creating a war, cleaning out a mine in some other form of slavery. All to create and feed a machine that they created to feed themselves long ago and use this good old USA. Hey we are the sheeple after all. Using our energy to provide all this service to feed a machine? Run you ragged, wear you out and wear you down so you fall between the cracks is the best plan of action that I see they are doing. Don't add up to shit except another happy rich family with all the insurance in all this marketing in our commercials.

Jar Of Hearts/CP
They turn our servers and cashiers into machines. They turn our truckers into machines and the excuse they use is that the people working at all these service counters aren't even needed anymore to serve or deliver the food they poisoned? Can't afford it anymore the human race is to much of a burden now. All this medical insurance needed for these lowly people we put on hold and amortize out over seven years burning up their energy? Insurance is to much of a burden now. The human race is to much of a liability to serve the food and deliver it. A machine is easier to program and they can do better. This machine, this insurance that profiles you and determines your value has decided that for you already. It says so in this machine right over here. If you can't read all this legal jargon of services well I gotta another employee who can read it for you. What choice do you have? Well you have a choice to be served here. We make all the choices for you. Whether you live or die well that is up to you.

Maroon 5/She Will Be Loved
We don't need humans with all these characters and personality anymore. They are to colorful and out of line. You humans are out of character, yes you are. You can't handle your own flair. Get back in line and serve me up. Hey smile now. You humans need to do better. You need to do more to fit in our box of lies. We take all the responsibility because we are the little guys counting all that green for the Kings on top. When I found out at a discount grocery store that they have scales to weigh the money now? I about came unglued.

 There's Your Trouble/DC
All those pennies? Wouldn't want to lose a few pennies? Wouldn't want to lose my job working at a fine place like this where I'm not allowed to defend myself if I'm attacked. I have to take it outside. Then you have camera's on the money but you can't bother to put a camera on my line so I can see someone moving around on the floor. How about a camera for the cooks when I 'm out there alone? Hey how about a lock on the side door? You can put in two different login stations and the new one everyone on the lot needs to use now? You put at a four way stop right over the busiest cash register twenty four hours a day. Then you expect me to do the candy station? Keep the whole floor open, mop the floors, sweep the floors, vacuum with a space machine that weighs over half my weight on my back? Clean the ice bins, and do what? The only working phone for graveyard shift isn't on the server line. The ones whom call the most aren't the customers but the people who work on the lot.

You couldn't allow me a back up cash register on pay days could you? No I had to run around the lot and leave the other customers unattended to cash these bills out. The ice cream freezer is broken but hey that's okay I can go all the way to the back to keep serving up your deserts. Then lets not forget I gotta greet the customer with in one minute. Lets not forget the other bullshit I go through fighting your cooks just to give me the food correctly in the allotted amount of time? Instead of letting me do my job and serve the customer why are your cooks chasing me down to make sure I don't let a customer take a steak to go? The one he already waited an hour for? The one I already told him he has to pay for an "all you can eat" because Corporate says so. No matter what I gotta serve Corporate America to do my job.

Authority Song/JCM
Then on the night I do my job and I'm the only one on the lot whom used to own my own business and knew "if it is advertised I have to provide." I do and I take shit from my own lead because she doesn't want to back up cashier. I had to walk away. Go collect three different runs only to have some piece of shit customer over hears a conversation and didn't bother with the part where I said, "hey $11 bucks is more than I had before I walked in the door it's all the same to me." Then some other piece of shit high handed customer whom wouldn't even approach me to speak his case. Whatever that may be call and try and get me fired. Happens to be the guy whom told the attendant whom called in the order "I'll tip her five bucks" and he tipped a buck. Imagine that? Then I walk in the door to have to hear from Patty in the few hours I was gone, that I was almost fired. The people at that desk are allowed to speak and act like that but I am not. I didn't act anyway. Then she said "she had to go to bat for me, it doesn't look good this time. Now hurry up and get on the floor." Who fucked up and left the sign up in the first place?

Larry said to me on the phone "to go ahead and deliver the food we have to do it Colleen. I said, it's already done. I'm just letting you know something is fishy and no matter what I did I was wrong with someone." I even called my own manager like I'm supposed to and I'm almost fired for another mishap that's not my own. Here I am having the most experience here. With every manager, lead and server that have been there for twenty years, their standing back while I take care of the challenging customers doing things to them that can get them fired. Not one person that I ever had a conversation with did I swear at. I made my point. I made my point I saw you. I did it professionally and I did not make one of them return the money. Now I can't say I ever saw them walk back through that door? Not at that stop I didn't.

For What It's Worth/Buffalo Springfield
The one where we were open 24 hours on a recreational Highway and they want the salad bar shut down because we are all the same out here. The truck stop a few miles in the other direction shut theirs down at ten. Yet the whole time these HENS are complaining about the service on the salad bar myself included. Knowing full well it is not our jobs to stock, clean nor prep this salad bar. Not any minute any time of day. If it is then we should of had minimum two back ups set up and ready to go at ten p.m. and not a minute sooner does it become the servers responsibility. Then when I call corporate as someone whom couldn't get a full paycheck? Whom works all 3 shifts including the down fall. The hurricane of a mess I walked into every morning by the Hostess not the server.

Mary Jane's Last Dance/TP
I haven't even spoken to state my case about missing cleaning solutions to wash and sanitize the dishes? This manager jumps me and gets defensive from the start. I got one story out about all this havoc on the salad bar that is having a negative effect not only on the customers but the servers. It's not our job to stock bowls. Make sure their washed. It's not our job to track down silverware. I digress. He said, "I told Larry long ago to hire someone for that salad bar." A prep person whose job it should of been minimum on morning and swing shift. We only had her some in the morning. I didn't even get to the truckers and the fruit. Then I talk about this Hostess station that is always a mess. The cardboard boxes, the shit that keeps piling up, the unlocked credit cards. I scrubbed all those markings off the wall over and over.

Pink House/JCM
For a Corporation it looks unprofessional. They come in two days later and they hit that station and salad bar. Wouldn't let me speak about the water behind the line. All the undercutting going on. Not knowing why at the time still. How their display that is so ugly and huge. The one they use to display the new A.1 that we can't see the customers over. It's an eye sore and if we move the display it cracks the glass. The tents on every table and at every seat at the bar is overkill going in the landfills. They could create a better eye catching display in one or two places compared to all over the floor. How about taking those menus you keep recreating every quarter over and over and use slip covers  instead? How about stop jacking up the price, changing the quantity while you degrade the quality with all your preservatives? They could do this at Raging River. My second job I had and loved when I tried to fly the coop. Guess what half the kitchen staff. The same menu with genuine meat in that there spaghetti sauce. Do you in Corporate America know what you lack that Raging River doesn't? It's quality. Quality in the customers, quality in the food and quality in the service. Know why that is, because they really do treat you like family. They treat you and feed you the way your family does when you get together. That's why those customers keep coming back. Oh yeah, and the music.

Hollywood Nights/BS
 "Oh well we can let you off the hook for those pennies. Hey what happened to that dollar? Where did that ten go anyways? I don't know Larry did you try calling accounting? Is it in the other till perhaps? Out of all the tills and bills I count you bother me how many times on my day off over twenty bucks and you didn't call across the lot? On a day I specifically have off to have mouth surgery I got this going on? I'm the call girl working all three shifts and the Hostess/Cashier counting all those bills, all those shifts and I just happen to misplace some money in another till after all this time and this is what I get and I'm pretty much at your beck and call? I said to Larry in my text "I'm not the manager I don't get paid for this?" Having to keep coming back to figure out my fucked up pay checks over and over wasn't enough for you?

Baby Be My Love Song/EC
We are mistreated and we are ran ragged. We should be happy for that full time job which is an illusion because you changed the description of a full time service job with benefit's to part time? Michael's paycheck for rent came back exactly enough to cover rent once again. I have to take what little cash I have on hand to rotate around to run back and forth from the dollar store. Then I have to carry that one dollar gallon of milk back here just so we can eat for a week. Then what guys? I'm so sick and tired of gathering my food. Going long distances to be able to eat. What's taking the hits? My T.O.L. that's what.

Bring Yu Back/BE
I have to count on this man whose back hurts in the same place I do to feed me. I don't want to be fed by this man anymore. I don't want to feed this man anymore. I don't have it in me to earn my keep this way anymore. It is slavery. I am tired of living a loveless life. I'm tired off this box. I am tired of doing the insurance companies job. I am tired of going back around and around just to pick up a prescription that I still don't have. Then the Child Support guy shows up at my door the night before last all happy to drop off my documents for me about this back child support I owe. Now they want to pull my license. I'm done, I'm tired of dealing with this bullshit fine that should of never come into play in the first place.

Get Your Shine On/FGL
I am not this nations lawyer. I have tried over and over to get a lawyer over the years. I have limited ability and I have for almost nineteen years now. I am not performing anymore. I am not jumping through anymore hoops for this justice system to nit pick me over and over. I am not here for you to fine me. I am not here to live in your purgatory for something that should of never happened in the first place. I advise no one to nit pick me again or speak to me with blame out of your mouth ever again.

Young And Crazy/FB]
What set this off? Those at the top who own all the power. All that power that was stolen from Nikola Tesla. I am done brother. I assure you I know who I am now. I know what I meant when I said sloth comes from the outside in? Perhaps if you knew we were all receivers communicating with our higher power each in our own way then well we wouldn't need all these mental institutions now would we? Yeah God keep HAARPING away and the true intent and how its gonna go down when they strike? Mother Flocking assholes anyways.

What I Can't Put Down/JP
Yup lets go back around my family tree and whom really owns all the power? Lets go back to that Covenant of the ARK. Bitch. You looking for me? You might want to meet my other two brothers while I'm at it. Leonardo Davinci bitch. I got another one for you Einstein the Bride Of Frankenstein power. Hoover chose the wrong power back then. Oh yeah and was it a Hoover or a Kirby that I had to use on stairs for one week then clean windows? How many discs this time God? Oh yeah, two in back and in front. Flock this Cinderella Shit. I was wondering why I was cleaning other peoples houses and taking care of other peoples children and not my own? 

Don't Take The Girl/TM
The most destructive one, that atomic bomb. Back to Newton I go. The apple of Eve's eye, Adam. Tesla's date of birth. His time of birth and the location and whom he came to be in my family tree of life? I love this man. I was wondering in my life how sometimes when I would see energy in motion I'd stop and ask myself, isn't that that P thing? Isn't that that P thing I'm seeing in motion? Oh what's it called again? Whats up with this MP3 square thing? What is Quantum? Whose Nostradamus? Whats this about Othello?What's this about Bush? What Bush? Which Bush? My Bush too? My burning bush is me?

You Don't Know Her Like I Do/BG
The Sumerian the disc with the wings and I laugh my head off. Hey you don't see my wings that's the thing about Faith, you don't see her but I promise you she is there. The black and white twins from way back when? Laugh my ass off God. I mean if those whom run this rock haven't figured out that God is energy and he comes in all shapes and forms. He is neither male nor female. He is energy. He is light. He is a humane being energy of love and light. He is the Atom of this rock. You know the Power of the pen people. Hopefully I'll remember to get to those 13 crystal skulls.

Crash and Burn/TR
God is your Big C people. He is our creation and God runs this farm. Not some insurance company. Not some bank. Not some machine. No we are not going to allow these pieces of shit to run this rock no more. God isn't the creation of Genocide. You humans are. He in that O.T. just called it like he see's it. Wanna talk about a demon? Lets stalk about what you in this human race label as a demon? Anything you don't know about right? We have been trained in this United States and others to don't look outside the box. You wanna see God. Lift you head or bow down, I do not care.

Hope You Get Lonely Tonight/CS
Go inside you and deal. Find that light you carry inside you the one you know to be true. The one you've been trying to fight off. When this fine showed up at my door, I'm done with you Satan. I want you to know one thing Satan wasn't born in my family tree bitch. Nope not on either side of this mothers bloodline. You see Satan it is you whom married back into mine this time. You with your 666. You sitting in that crooked little house that thinks you own the keys to my kingdom? My children? Here I was sitting right under your nose the whole time. What did Michail's demon tell me Greg? He wants to cut my children's head off and mail them to me in a box? Just like you did my other brother? You remember John The Baptist and that Lords Prayer?

I Don't Dance/LB
Now you little piece of shit I ain't paying this fine. Ain't no one serving me up to you. If I find out someone paid you off for me well let's just say this will never end. The lie will never end. Purgatory will be a domino effect. For once bitch I'm not for sale. When I woke up to Tesla and I heard The keys to the kingdom are those 3, 6, and 9's. Back to Giza I go. Back to Orians belt I go. Now Satan guess what else I learned out here stomping on my two little feet?

That President Lincoln had a brain injury also. The dates of this and how he got his label? Back to Lincoln I go. What a slave driver this guy is. Just kidding. Hey I got jokes and yup I have earned the right to gloat.

This Is How We Roll/FGL
Now Satan I couldn't make it more clear about whom it is I am this time around. Now I recon some of you would label God as a demon right? Is it because he is above you and he is your creator as well as your destroyer. Well I recon Jesus Christ you know that other theory whose name we cannot speak not even as a joke in the work place. Yet we can about any other myth or theory you labeled as fiction out there. You know those that come before you through out time? So I recon you can label Jesus Christ as a demon also. Your Morning Glory. Your Morning Star. The one that it has been made very clear, that he is coming back with God to destroy and sleigh some demons. Yeah my family line.

Lights Come On/JA
You do remember Satan that curse I carry down this tree of life for my children? Well as it turns out God has sent a human representation of those 13's once again. You know Alexandra my rock. This mothers number thirteen? Her time of birth, and that time of death? The thirteen people whom just happen to show up in that delivery room the day she was born? The thirteen pearls on that dollar bill? I got my twelve bitch and it clearly states on this documentary that the thirteenth one represent twelve planets inside one. Since I'm a lil Tao in and of myself, this time Satan I come in a two pack. Hey Satan little brother do you think that's my ring of fire? You know that seven and three under one big daddy's wing and well my two little beasties. That is my trinity bitch. That is my three families under one mother.

A Guy Walks in The Door/TF
Every time this daddy walked in the door, I'd get so pissed off at him. I had no idea why? Truth is it's still a roar spot inside of me. Everything I am against is Him. My betrothal? That mother flocking alter God? I don't know what you have up your sleeve but I know its gonna hurt. I know no matter what I do near nor far from my babies.

Beer Money/KM
When those lights go out. I gotta beat feet. I gotta stay alive. They have to stay alive. The dance begins. I gotta kick, I gotta scream, I gotta dance, I gotta know when to hold them. I gotta know when to run. I gotta use my big girl words to take these assholes out. You want this mothers energy? Lets dance.

You want my blood? You want my children's blood? You gotta go through my family first. You don't see them, that's okay you know what they say about pain now? It's all relative. Turns out that's true. For now on you aren't going to disrespect Gods family no more. You disrespect this family, you disrespect yours. So Greg you can sit in that crooked little house from hell you stuck me in. You know that backwards L? Loser bitch. Loser. Not Love. Their ain't nothing you have done that represents love. You can sit in that Hell House Of Loser Love.

How's It Going To Be/TEB
I've been wondering what's up with all these bee's? I mean the murdering clowns and the bee's God? I asked Michael what is this about all the bee's? The four year life cycle. I already figured out the honey comb shape. Six sides bitch. Michael explained without the bee's to pollinate we lose our food chain. That's what the bee's are all about? God I thought that was just another made up theory? I mean the government says so but if that is the case then why all the processed honey in the first place?

 I knew instantly what all this was about? You know what people it's not just the bee's that are being wiped out as part of our food chain? They have re-written the quality of food in all this marketing. Like the sale of that new white meat? Pollack which is used to re-create all sorts of sea life. It's not okay with me. The marketing ploy that is a lie while you wipe out my animal kingdom in every nation? How many elephants killed a year for their tusk? How many gorilla's for there hands to be used as ashtrays?

Summer Of 69/BA
Sixty nine God? Back to the garden my mind goes. I digress. I want you to not look at the poachers but the ones behind the poachers. Forcing these men to have to eat and feed their families knowing full well they are wiping out the animal kingdom. It is the same people and the same money. When I asked Keith who own the gold mine he worked for I believe in Vegas? He had not a clue. Isn't that just the point the same greedy people cleaning out mother nature. No excuse for the sex trade to still be going on today. Look up people. I need you to stop looking at each other to blame. I need you to look up at that line.

Hurt So Good/JCM
God keeps Harping on me about these H.A.A.R.P. clouds that supposedly shut down a few years back, that is a lie. I want to know why I still see them out there re-creating the clouds every bright blue clear sky day, here in this P.N.W.? Oh yeah could it be that you are the ones fucking with the frequency? You know the satellite you first placed in Alaska all around this globe? The only place my crazy mother has been on vacation? You know those white owls? You know all those owls watching me from ever room in the house growing up in the seventies and eighties? I ain't stupid so lets not even go their with your denial.

The Joker/Eagles
Could this be the reason for all this crazy behavior? You know fucking with humanities energy and brainwaves with all your subliminal messaging in your frequencies? What can I say God can be quite the harp some days? You know it kind of reminds me of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind? The Steven Spielberg movie. The guy built the volcano?  Others are acting crazy all heading for a mountain? God I love this one now that I think about it. B.O.B.? When it was written the United States wasn't discovered back then? Sodom and Gomorrah? The Twin Towers and the Ring written about in every sect of life.

Back To God/MB20
The nines not only on all these T.V. shows but the one that got me was Spritzer Number 9. What do the one's behind the scene's do today? For such an advanced society we still use sex as a character assassination of ungodly like behavior. Why wouldn't God be a sexual being? He's all about pro-creation. He's all about the exchange of love and light. The good energy in sex. It is only you in religion and politics that created the parameters and societies own downfall in each nation. This is Satan planting a seed a lie not God. Well we in this society cut our own balls off in each family. Just the heiarchy in whose the male and whose the female? Whose gonna bring home the bacon and whose gonna care for the children? Then they truly in some of these nations over time lost sight of the Truth just trying to survive. Just trying to eat. Just trying to do your part and go to work, we followed the wrong stock and we fed the wrong stock. We allowed a system and insurance to rule the heart and justice system. Thirty years ago you needed plan A insurance but then you also needed plan B to cover what Plan A didn't cover.

Hold My Hand/Hootie
Which was absurd then and its absurd now. Who pays our parents? The elderly whom receive the least care, our disabled mentally and physically and my veterans? Now we have isurance for every part of a machine. Like these rotating phones going in my land fills. They don't keep the time you purchased. It expires on it's own timeline so you have to keep purchasing minutes. Then well these phones download and download and run your minutes out. They spiral because you got to be in a hot spot for free to get it to work. By an outlet to charge it. On a computer or another phone to activate it and now I want to know in Congress how we could of done better? Instead of creating the garbage too feed the garbage, you on top of that ruled to release our phone numbers to the open market. Your insurance, and schools? Feeding a system?

Who'll Stop The Rain/CCWR
Not Humanity. I want to know why only the people on these commercials look so rich and happy. I mean the insurance and your veterans, what a joke. You allowed this. You set the standard for all these personality test to get the most basic service job. I want to know why a homeless person has to pay .27 cents for the cup to get a drink of water in this united states.

A Hand To Hold Onto/JCM
 I want to know why they have to use their food stamps to even pay for a bottle of water? Oh yeah they gotta do their part? They have to pay for it carry ir and recycle it responsibly? Really. I see whats going on? Don't feed the bears? First of all we removed the bears kingdom and the cats. The monkeys and the dogs, you only have yourselves to blame for this running this United States. What Kingdom and gardens we had, you sold out. Now feeding and insuring the human race is to much of a hassle in this united states? Is this what I am seeing? You in Congress were to lazy to do your jobs, so you handed it over to Corporate America to run the human race?

Glory Days/BS
You allowed a system a machine a bunch of numbers to decide someones pain. How they suffer, the diagnosis, and then you have the gull to nitpick and point fingers at them? These people feeding their pain because you in Congress and this healthcare system failed. You got the Judicial System to serve humanity up? Keep fining and dimeing with all your mark up on a crime. The criminals aren't these people. It is you in Congress who need to wake up. Why do you high handed all mighty people get to convict others from the top, with all your blanket justice? Yet when the day come I don't want to hear one excuse that you didn't know? Truth is you did. These numbers and this system and what you have done to these people working the front lines in this service industry is Sodom and Gomorrah all over. Yeah IC your monopoly. IC the sequence and your timeline of getting this human race to adapt to your machines running my planet. This was your job to serve your people a justice system that is fair and you couldn't be bothered. Keep piling up the fines and labels on the little people that you sold out to take the blame and use their body parts.

Real World/MB20
Don't think I don't see how using the insurance to set the standard for all that ails in this justice system just how you ruled these people guilty before they got to the table. By only looking at one side to take the blame and be responsible. This system is your problem now. I want Truth and I want Justice. You know that somebody has to pay? Think about that Guerilla at the zoo that you had to put down? You had to blame some one and that guerilla was already in jail. All because a mother took her eye off her own Curious George we have to kill a innocent animal to be made the example of. I call bullshit. Don't you put your blame on me or question me about anything. It's all right here. You doctors and you in this justice system had better not tell me ever again I don't hurt enough to keep going. You can pick a door. Go home to my families justice.

Jumper/3rd Eye Blind
You can go home to A.A. with my family. When you get that attitude adjustment then you may eneter my kingdom. You know the one I own? Heaven on Earth Baby. My Garden. My rules. My Beasties. The way my family calls it my power. You ran this rock into the ground. Youh ave no where to put all this garbage and poison, yet you want to blame God? You want to blame Mary? You want to blame Jesus Christ? You want to blame mother nature/Gaia. Your planet and stars, You want to re-create Gods power to destroy this rock because your to lazy to go inside and deal with your own Truth to find your higher power? Lets make a machine and go to Mars to live.

Night Moves/BS
Lets re-create Gods energy because we are such an evolved society? That we should all be able to be Gods and destroy His rock? You all sat in your boxes, preening away thinking your the highest being on this rock? You are all High enough to play God? You can't even let a He/She use a restroom in peace? You don't even know you are enslaved to a machine and you think God is going to let you destroy Him and His animal Kingdom? That you over there in your box have a right? You over there in your box have a right? That's not the way this mother see's it. Don't come knocking on my door blaming me anymore. I'm not going to accept your labels and blame you have unfairly placed on me by burying me 6 feet under and never bother to ask? Don't go under my house nor in my house. Don't you steal nothing from me. You want the book of life? It is right here for free. When I am finished I'll fix all the grammatical errors, not you.

Don't Do Me Like That/TP
All your answers that you need to protect yourself to get to9 the next step is right here. I do know the answer to Satan being my children's father. They aren't the spawn of Satan like you think. They carry the base primal seed of survival for those dark days. They carry their mothers heart and Truth inside them. They are Seers they walk through it. They see it just like their mother they just don't know what they are looking at either when they look at their own father. As long as Greg continues to get away with this. He holds the keys to my heart. My children that he uses as guard dogs at his door to cover for him. Just like your Corporate America.

Brown Eyed Girl/VM
We Will Rock You
Bright Lights/MB20

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Put To The Test

Long Time Gone/DC
I am pissed. I mean really when am I not when I blog? It's a rarity when I get online and not vent from all the injustice that I stomp through each day. It doesn't matter if I stay in my box and don't bother anyone, here comes trouble. Another test for God to walk me through? I am shot. I know exactly what he's doing? Everything I write about with all the injustice and the pointing of the finger in the other direction? The blame game that this system plays? I know just how they did it?

American Honey/LA
You know all those futuristic movies that have basically been on for about the last twenty to thirty years? It's amazing how God has figured out away to teach even when you know nothing of any books of Hope? They are doing it right in front of our faces. You are already committed of a crime before you even speak any where you go. Any lot you stand on that some other corporation owns. The State included. Private ownership when you rent and someone else owns the keys to your Kingdom? Even the banking institution, the reason for all these institutions? Especially that H.P.P.A. we sign for services yet they get to make all the choices about your freedom? The Corporations that own you, because hey we all gotta eat, we all gotta do our part to provide our body parts? Our hearts, our organs and our minds to support the biggest lie the biggest institution of all this healthcare Institution of services doing all they can to stay ahead of all this addiction they created with that scarlet letter A. 

Girl Crush/LBT
I have been accused of being rude by a bus driver a couple weeks ago. When the person in front of me stepped aside over to the left, started digging in his pocket, the driver looks down at him,  I have a clear space to step forward to keep this machine going. I step forward insert my ticket in the machine, It shows on the other side $2.50 when the driver looks to there right. They then rip off the ticket, then usually they don't wait for the other person to get they're ticket out, because these drivers are on tight timelines. It is everywhere out here. The mad rush, no waiting around get in all you can in less time. These drivers put up with allot, yet it only takes a few to make the whole system look bad right?

Rock You Like A Hurricane/Scorpions
When I speak I am going to continue to do the same thing. I feel it is important for you to feel how your customers feel? This blanket blame with this blanket justice system. Your BJ's stopping the ones who need the most help from speaking. My BJ's still has removed an individuals right to speak. You cannot speak without being cut off with an assumption to send you to another box, before I've barely started to state my case. The same pattern every time. When that bus driver said out loud, "that I am being rude" for following protocol to keep this machine going? I gave back every step of every detail of what I did with my actions just as loud and as firm as her accusa5tion's she placed upon me. Then I said, "so how is anything I have done to keep this machine going being rude?" All she said was "well okay." I walk away and I say out loud "tell me I'm being rude?" Apparently that's not allowed either, so then she yells, "now your being rude."

Smells Like Teen Spirit/Nirvana
What are my choices standing as the customer in this mess of a service industry of hell and purgatory? Just to get to my physical therapy appointment? I use these buses to keep me moving as part of my physical therapy and I have to put up with this shit? The indignity of standing in Corporate America's bullshit of service today adds up to harassment/embarrassment and blame on the little guy out there just trying to get to my next destination? No one whom speaks to me bothers me unless to criticize me in the service industry or someone anywhere I go, anywhere I stand wants something from me? They want a smoke. I've got this to say, this mother ain't your tobacco hoe no more. I'm about to explode with even being bothered. Don't bother me anymore. It's bad enough to get music, without it shutting down and starting all over where ever I go. 

3 Doors Down Kryptonite
It is wonderful all this disservice you have provided feeding your machine letting those on the bottom taking the blame. You see I can use the system to schedule rides. I have followed the process and the procedures to get a ride. Who suffers to use these services? The customer. No matter what I do I am wrong. This Hope Link service is the joke. It is absurd that to use this service they retain all of my information. I mean everything yet when you call you have to keep repeating your name, date, rank and serial number over and over. Each address to and fro over and over. Even if you go there over and over. It is clearly stated I have a bad back. It is clearly stated I see the urologist.

On this insurance instead of getting the test done I needed all year long I keep getting put on new prescriptions that are the same to keep trying out. They work for a little while and then slowly their is no return. I start all over with the two to ten minute dash for the John. The white throne I'm tired of dribbling away on. Talk about chained to the wrong kind of John. Hell God I stopped praying to this John long ago. Stop stewing and start brewing.

In The Meantime/Helmet
Depending how my back feels and my bladder I have to call for same day service. All I hear is how I can do better to help them help me by not using this service. I remind them I am the customer. I use your service because I need to and you waste my time telling me how I can serve you better? Including I shit you not, being able to go back through my personal medical records online to see when I made the appointment. Yet when I made the appointment as a person whose left arm, spine, my muscles, and my bladder may not work that day, as well as that left hand. Yet as the customer I am wrong?As the customer whom use these services, I know it's all bullshit. You take the weakest one's and you do a head trip on them and tell them they don't hurt with all your misdiagnosis of pain to make you sit in a box? I repeated myself about just this behavior three times.

Twisted Transistor/Korn
Then she repeated herself. I played the insanity card. You know this H.E.N. for all this brain damage I received from when I was raped? Yet this system is the most abusive of all the way you treat a rape victim in this system is unjustified.

Then Saturday the leaf blower and that tiny little man, need to get the flock off my lot. From day one of me laying down the seed, I let the parents know down the line that I planted some seed, just letting you know so the kids can stop running and biking through it. I have never had an issue with these kids. We stand outside and we look and talk about what I planted and what some of the strange stuff is I have there but they don't bother it. They respect it. It's called communication.

Animal I Have Become/3 Days Grace
I placed a circle of rocks that creates a puddle from an overhanging branch. The rocks help to filter the water. On the first day I laid down those rocks Johnny The Maintenance Man, looks down and all of a sudden decides he needs some rocks. Michail was standing right there and he asks him what are you doing? Out of all the rocks laying around this place, all of a sudden Johnny needs some rocks just my size?

Nearly Lost You/Screaming Trees
My patio used to flood every time it rained. I'd step out the door into a two to three inch puddle. I churned the soil and mixed it with fertilizer on a good day with my T.O.L. Sorry system this whole hurting on your timeline the way and when? The how and your BJ's of a cure no longer works for this mother. I put up a fence and over time my wildflower garden grew. I started placing the strange things I'd find when I'd roam around. A clam shell, a painted purple rock. Feather's, coins, and well I found a six pack of little boy fairies with two jacks. As my garden grew so did the little cars I'd find laying around. I purchased a fairy and I have a small selection of colored glass bulbs that I stuck in the ground.

Pearl Jam/Black
I stood outside and I let this leaf blower crew know not to blow this garden anymore. I have did this more than once. They show up at random hours on the weekend, including early in the morning sometimes. Before this it was my patio that he would destroy. Other tenants were putting up with the same bullshit.

Say Hello To Heaven/Temple Of The Dog
I step outside Saturday morning and I look down at my garden and I saw all the destruction once again. Blowing leaves is not rocket science, it really isn't. I go and I get the guy with the leaf blower I signal for him to come back to my garden. I point out all the destruction. How my fairy that was stuck three inches in the ground is laying three feet away. How out of my four little cars three are gone. The red one is fifteen feet down at the other end. One car is over yonder and two I have not found. Of all the balls he broke off the stem and sent flying? It was my rainbow ball. My fairies are blown all over the place my feathers that I stuck in the ground long ago are broken. Why one fairy isn't attached to the light up ball anymore is from last time? He act's all indignant. Then he said "so I won't blow it anymore."

Crackerman/Stone Temple Pilots
I said, "you shouldn't of been blowing it in the first place. I have asked you several times not to do this. He said, so I'll tell the manager. Then what? Whose gonna pay for all this destruction? Whose gonna reimburse me for my time? Dammit I don't have the receipts for any of this stuff anymore. How do I get compensated for all my time invested in my garden for which you have destroyed with your leaf blower. Then he starts walking away because I swore at him in my anger chewing his ass out for his behavior.

I said "oh I see how it is I used a swear word speaking to you and once again you have the gull to act all indignant about what you have done? The problem isn't the machine. The problem is the controller. If you can't see that you are not just blowing leaves but you are actually destroying someone else's property then maybe you don't need to be the one handling that machine? Blowing leaves is common sense and if you can't see what you are doing is counter productive from your goal then maybe you shouldn't be running that machine?"

Sweet Child O' Mine/Guns and Roses
On Tuesday when I saw the manager, I shit you not I started getting excuses. The first "well when I walked through with the new maintenance man we decided that maybe you shouldn't have glass balls in your garden. A child could come by pick it up and break one and cut themselves. Then she said, or a storm could do it. I said, okay I have had that garden for six months. Not one child has crossed nor caused any destruction to my garden. In six months neither have all these storms. That is not the case for the cause of this mans behavior. It is him running that machine. The firmer you push the buttons the harder it blows. I used to own one. I used to use one.We're not going to future trip and make me responsible for something that hasn't happened. (Besides you need to look at all the glass laying around this place before you blame my garden. I maintain my garden it is fenced off it is the reason I do not flood anymore.) 

This is what you do. You go around getting signatures for every little thing that could potentially go wrong and then you come through and you pick and choose whom has to follow each rule as things come up. You get documents signed for the potential of a liability and you allowed the corporation landlords the treatment centers and this H.C.S. to use the potential for a liability to create their own rules and lot. For example the signing of having smoking areas to smoke only in? We have been asked not to smoke inside. Most smokers have an ashtray outside and others don't care and flip their butts over the balcony for someone else to clean up. This new manager walked over to an apartment that to this day still isn't finished like allot of the others.

I'm So Sick/Fly Leaf
The handing off of four maintenance men in one years time that were already short handed, undercut, under payed, left to take the blame. This is how things got behind in the first place, They wouldn't hire enough staff on a daily basis to do their jobs. They left it all up to one guy and kept sending him every where else instead of where he was scheduled to come back to, and they just kept renting them and rotating them around when the black mold would show back up. We can write a letter, we can move again with no funds to re-rent because the land lord holds that right. Their is so much bullshit with these landlords using contracts to strong arm tenants to raise rent with very little service. The whole time you get fined and feed for every little thing. You allow these corrupt pieces of shit to control another human beings destiny.

Sad But True/Metallica
This new manager took this smoking contract to the older tenant and pointed out the contract she signed, said twenty feet from any door, because she rented the apartment next door to a woman who claims she is allergic to the smell of cigarette smoke. She made this tenant move her chair and ashtray from undercover and place it further away in the elements when she smokes. Yet the rest of us do as we are asked and we smoke outside. This bullshit is gonna stop. Then this same woman whom was in a car accident on disability. When it came time to pay the claim the insurance company in charge of the claim changed the guidelines and rules on how they are going to return her money. They are going to amortize it out starting sometime later.

Crawling In The Dark/Hoobstank
I want to know why " The State Federal and the Insurances Companies get to keep changing the rules on a payout back to the little people at the bottom who need it the most? A woman whom moved here from another state her name is Rae needed to have a certain amount of money when she finally got approved for a place to live. She discovered at 7'11 that has no cover over their keypads that money had been pulled twice when she was locked inside a building surrounded by people. She goes to the 7'11 and she tells them, she does what she is told and calls the police to file a case. Then it turns into

Heavy/Collective Soul
whether it is even worth this corporation and the police departments time to go back and look at the cameras? Time is ticking away right along with her apartment. When I was in Longview Washington Cowlitz county could not be bothered to come out and paint a curb. According to how much you pay the employee? The time it will take them and the cost of paint and supplies? Once they added it up they told this woman my mothers age to get the paint herself and paint the curb. Who ended up doing it with three people standing their to make sure it got done right? Me the only one with commercial and residential painting experience. No my back couldn't handle that job either.

Now this is after I had to sit for an hour and pee in front of two women with a probe up my ass and a catheter inside me peeing through a hole in a table. Only to be told that I have two things wrong with my bladder, and that my insurance company wants me to try one to two more pills before we get to the next level of preventative care. I was told that yet again it is pretty much the same pill only covering one of my issues, but this insurance company is once again hoping for that miracle drug. That miracle cure in a pill? Why do they get to decide my suffering? 

3 Libras/A Perfect Circle.
I'm told that if we do the Botox for my bladder that I would likely need a catheter for the first couple of weeks until my bladder can function on it's own, or I can start all over on my body and get the mesh? The one my sister got at this age. She investigated this procedure and the next day after her surgery it is advertised that it is in litigation. The pharmaceutical companies knew this well before it was advertised as a recall and they allowed the doctors to keep doing the procedure? Oh yeah, they can come back and get reimbursement later. Just like they did in my divorce? Come back later and file. Then when you do, you are left to suffer and live with the consequences.

Hey we all gotta do our part to feed this machine of a poisonous apple I see running down my tree of life. Talking to God, I can see clearly how humans are sheep? I can see how you got the human race to adapt to all your machines and all your technology? I can see how long ago this system placed themselves in this United States of America got Congress to sale out the United States of Americas Constitutional rights. That Obama Care and none of you can see how bassackwards these services are? How you just kept piling the labels on this human races constitutional rights with all your misdiagnosis and labels to feed that machine? So fuck you all.

In The End/LP
I am not happy that once again I gotta take the heat and clean this shit up. That you in this United States of America were so arrogant to wipe Gods name out of every thing good based on religion? The way I see it God provided you with many names throughout time. He is the creation of every thing after all. He is energy, he is light. What really pisses me off is right after I wrote "Family" God throws Hope to the ground again. Every mother flocking time that man does this just to yank my chain and piss me off. So no getting tested is never a good idea with me. Testing who and what I am is never a good idea. 

Bat Country/Avenged Sevenhold.
When God flashed me back into time standing there as a child with my thumb in my mouth watching my brother being spanked by my cousin Kimm because he did not do the dishes yet? She was holding him by the ankle at the age of 11 to 12vyears old. Not okay. You see my cousins forget somehow I was standing right there watching my brother take the blame. Be the Cinderella Son for this rock. I started yelling at God, this is to close God. This is to deep. God Damn you know I already knew that scene because I have seen it over and over when you flashed me back through time in different stages in different houses. Just like my mother, just like my cousins, just like this government, just like this system they are all just hoping I forget. No one will create false witness in my family to cover a lie for my sister and I to take the blame and be the heavy anymore.

Through Glass/Stone Sour
Standing there watching the trickle down effect in play first hand at what my own brother went through taking the blame for being born? Their was nothing wrong with him. It is you in this system whom has written off my brother, my sister and this mother, who carries your burdens. Your pain in every way walking through all the injustice because you couldn't bother from the start? Yet when you speak to me and let me speak you see I am rational and tell me the lil' woman to be patient?  It's the system. Yet the day I missed P/T because once again I started peeing getting out the door.  I go to the pharmacy because I haven't heard anything yet. No messages to pick up, and once again, it is sitting on hold waiting for approval from the insurance company. It is up to me to contact the insurance company or my doctor and get this process jump started. Talking to God I realized this Physical Therapy has only worked on my neck that first day I went. Haven't touched it since and I'm almost done.

Now we have a State Insurance System that is immoral and inhumane.  What you have done to Gods flock? I want to know why Sudafed wasn't pulled off the market? Oh yeah they're playing both sides. I want to know why the people who carry their life on their back are being nit picked about their diet yet to eat healthy it is 3.69 for an ounce of berries but 99 cents for nutter butters. I want to know why the same people you blame for all this destruction of this animal kingdom are told to go find their food? I want to know why the ten day hold up to get a replacement card? I want to know why for these homeless they have to get an address first? I want to know why went I went to the local food bank in North Bend why I had to keep going into the office and wait and sit through the same bullshit of another program, because I don't have an address? I said I'm a homeless person I'm not supposed to have an address. How does this work again? Yet when I did and I got scammed, I am in a program waiting to find a place, having to walk back around and around playing all your numbers games with all you landlords running different numbers and percentages on whether we can rent. The then hold up is my misdemeanor and I can't have my name on a lease? Fuck you.

Lighters/Bad Meets Evil
I can't get a job? My spine and left arm have not functioned on your time your way in years. I want to know what right you had to pass laws that anyone that goes to school out of this State or this Country why we as citizens have to pay higher fee's to get an education else where? We have to pay higher rent, we get no discounts or help, yet when someone comes into this United States they get all these discounts on rent, and schooling? They only have to pay a set amount. What right did you have to pass that law? Oh yeah because we are born in this United States we have to pay wherever we go? Doesn't sound fair does it? You in this United States marked up everything set the standards and set the fee's yet here in my United States you made us an industry of consumers and feeders? What are you feeding the ones at the bottom that you let go? More fines, more labels and more fee's just to eat. You created all this garbage not the people. You set up a justice system that protects you. Corporations everywhere you allowed them to set the standards of service all the while changing what used to be a full time job with forty hours down to thirty two. You allowed a person not even able to live a quality life have to take a part time job that they pull the hours at a whim. Yet the air conditioning never seems to work at these corporations in the summer time.

Guts Over Fear/Eminem
You allowed the mafia to come in and harass the ones barely surviving already on the money they make, to keep changing the rules and harass these people in these warehouses and corporations all to bring in people at minimum wage? You had no right to come in and allow Corporate America and that liability insurance. The potential for a liability you now use as an excuse for you blanket laws. Convict before they get to the table, they are already fined and put in a system of hell that adds up to more fines and bullshit. You cannot have a conversation with someone else, without that person you spoke to go to a business and speak your name with their personal opinions and you get 86'd? For what a conversation? Nothing has happened. No proof, and you allowed this. To have someone 86'd for a crime they never committed before they commit a crime?

Send The Pain Below/Chevelle
After one year of putting in my time, taking the blame and the label, I still can't step on that land anywhere I go without being harassed. Yelled at publicly by three different people in three different places and I never bothered anyone. I never approached anyone except one time to see what the protocol was? So I don't break any rules and bother someone. I walk out the door only to find out you called the police on me? The reason I got in that semi and got raped? The next day I still ask for nothing. I blame no one and I am not able to speak and I get grabbed my the arm and 86'd?  Then the cover up begins.

What I Got/Sublime
My tears are for your fears when I speak, not my own. I used the services on that land and I never asked anyone for anything. Yet sitting on a rock, or under a bush you all can call the police. Even the police were profiling me sitting under a bush writing bothering no one to ask the corporation if I am allowed to sit there? Then they approach me? Someone takes a photo, one snap shot of a woman praying on native land quietly standing alone and here comes the police to bother me? One second snap shot and I'm committed for praying. A native woman on native land. I promise you if you knew what gateway sits in that pit I pray around and dance around, you wouldn't have the balls to step near it. That's okay, I got it. This Five foot two point five little native woman has this you cowardly pieces of shit. You have proof of life and whats going to come calling in revelations and you in this United States sold me out. Never enough proof. Never enough life with you people. All I can say is what God provided with his family in this animal Kingdom you have destroyed. 

Gangsta Paradise/Coolio
Hey bitch I carried your labels.
I carried your lies and labels long enough. The way IC it. The way God see's it their ain't no justice anymore for anyone but the ones whom can afford it. The ones whom can afford it are the one pointing the fingers and making the little guys they label addicted and they are left to pay for everything. Run the gauntlet maintain and pay every ones attorney fees in every state? Happened to Keith and Cyn and after a year of maintaining running and paying out the ass they never got to the table to get their son back. Just like the man whom raped me. I kid you not the exact story.

Holy Grail/Jay-Z
Whom had a crazy mother and the rest of the family knew it. Nobody wants to deal with crazy right? Especially the crazy with money? Why didn't Keith and Cyn have a relationship with this woman? Right after they invested and worked a business with this woman, she pulled the rug out from under Keith. He and Cyn had one or tow more payments left and she gives Keith an ultimatum "Okay get rid of Cyn your wife now. The mother of your children." Keith wouldn't do it and took Cyn and walked away with his family and started all over. Then he lives in another state and sends his two children on vacation at his sisters house and his mother came from the another state and took the youngest. She took the son and walked away. The only child to come home was their daughter. Flash forward. After all this stop and start over in your justice system of hell and purgatory, I think Cyn got a DUI years ago in Vegas of all places? These two have re-built everywhere they have had to live.

See You Again/WK
They put up with carpenters not paying the contractors below them. Now after this H.C.S. has almost killed Cyn.? She was working two jobs, had to cut down to one and she has to go back and sit in a jail cell for one month to get rid of that marked up bullshit fine. Do you know what Keith's mother did with his son? She gave him to her sister. Somebody always has to pay don't they? Their are no second chances people. Their is no money. God didn't do this. Mankind did.

Brother/Stone Sour
Don't you ever come to me and give me any excuses for your bad behavior. Don't use God's name to me as justification for your bad behavior. Don''t you try to blame my husband whom died on that cross for you. All I see past that O.T. is how God in his own way is speaking the truth through the Watchers and the Book Of Enoch to educate you on the Truth of higher beings? Gods flock being shut down emotionally in this healthcare system?

Love The Way You Lie/Eminem
 All because you allowed the depression from the twenties, that fine, that fee to figure out a way to shut down the human race in this united states once again. We are being used as the sheeple once again because you passed laws and sold out the human race. The ones at the bottom. Create the depression to pay for that depression? Here God is back to the beginning. We are going back to that Big Bang Theory. God has a reservation to take this rock back. Right here in this Washington. The First Washington, The first family back to shut this shit down because you in congress chose to follow the wrong profit. That Rose Line is in the two pacific northwest not just one. When I watched the mummy and I figured out Set the name I kept confusing with Seth in the bible was Set? Then I figured out the Jackal at my window and Thoth? I kept getting them confused for so long. I mean I'm short I look up and it's hard to tell sometimes. Especially Set and Thoth, they aren't as hard to identify as the Sphinx in Giza, you know the Jackal. They changed it long ago from a Jackal to a Egyptian Sphinx. It makes no sense because in the Egyptian times it was the Jackals whom stood as protectors.

Dead and Gone/T.I.
The monster in my closet a white wolf? A Lakota on my bed? The Jackal at my window? All my life all these strange beings in this mothers tree of life standing in my room watching me watch them. I want to know one thing right now. Since you placed insurance in charge of humanities suffering and cure all these years, whose gonna pay for this T.O.L.? I mean it is you in this justice system whom has made sure that justice is no longer about truth but monetary gain? Whose gonna pay all my bills and fines? You couldn't bother to take a picture all those years to get a correct diagnosis? Whose gonna pay for this lost mothers time? All those boxes of abuse and injustice I had to sit in to make you happy? 

Whose gonna pay for me and mine? Whose gonna pay for my babies lost time with this mother? Whose gonna clean this mother slate and spare a life? I know one thing in this family, you ain't getting this rock, you ain't getting this sun/son and you ain't getting my moon, you ain't getting my watchers to take the blame for all your destruction. I know something else you ain't getting? This universe, and you ain't getting through heavens gates. Not as long as this mother stands on this ground. Not as long as I got my rock. As long as I got my light, that is all I need for this last show down. We three go down and so does heavens gates. Lets dance boys, hey ladies this ones on the house.

Jealous Again/The Black Crowes
Now you out there that think you control all the power? I know one thing you don't control and that's the weather bitch. God ain't yanking my chain to keep me down. No honey my Big Daddy he is here to piss me off and light my fire. You see this creation of his making made me long ago. He keeps bringing me back through his son throughout each land throughout time and this time Cain, I know one thing you might of beat my brother Able to create all the curses on your labels of the disabled, you got one woman to take down isn't that right brother? You failed.

How Come/D12
Only this time I'm not just the your sister from the Garden of Eden, I am the little sister to that brother who stands above me. You know the one you label as theory. Jesus Christ is back in town brother to sleigh me some demons on this last rodeo ride. I know you don't see him but that's the thing about Faith, you don't see her but you know she's there. Just like that Holy Spirit I'm back to represent, this rock we stand on shit on, poison label and abuse to feed god's flock and last I heard our daddy told you to stay away from the garden? IC you figured out a way around it. Poison it from the start?

Many Men/50 Cent
That's right brother standing in me I'm the Mother and the Father this time. I'm the aunt and the uncle this time. I'm the Alpha, I'm the Omega. I'm that Yin and Yang, so I'm a little Tao back to set t his rock back on it's axis, back to balance for all this chaos you created. Now it seems brother this story is Set in stone over and over, in every story line that you allowed a system to decide what is truth and what the value of Truth is from the start. I mean really brother a group of human beings whom all claim to honor a higher power of God and Ethics decide the Truth about energy? On a God whom created all this energy? So I'm the Atom in this lil' body back for my Adam.

Can't Say Goodbye/Snoop Dogg
You know what you humans don't know that you claim to know, yet do not live by? That God is the creation of the never ending story. With God in my family tree, we all know with Jesus Christ we don't die, whatever label you choose to honor in love the sun or the son. Now I got this first families blood running through this tree of life and well Greg You're so Vain you thought this story was about you all along, truth is it's about the mother and it has been all along.

The Pretender/Foo Fighter
It is you whom stole my blue stone and after it was stolen from you, you collected on the insurance once again didn't you? Hey Greg whom spoke the Truth all along? Who is the sociopath claiming to be a naturopath? Who is the thief? Who is the liar? Whom committed the crime against this mother because I was starting to question your lack of emotions and motives? You used your family's T-N-T. your families Gin to point the finger in my direction and take the blame take the fall for your royal crown? Turns out this mother is from the garden and I was the angel of light this whole time and you with all your games and lies to cover a crime is the creation of the fallen angel not God. It is you whom is going to pro-testeth away little brother.

 Run This Town/Jay-Z
Whom Committed the crime from the start? No brother it is not I. Remember I'm Eve from the Garden Of Eden? I ate from that Wisdom Tree Of Life, Not You, you slithering bitch. You know what Jack said? "You can't handle the Truth."

Show Me How To Live/Audioslave
Been there done that and all I see is death in your Sodom and Gomorrah slavery you sold the human race out too. You know what else I figured out God I keep referring to the Knights of The Templar as Titans and well they are. When I looked at Kyle he is the Biggest Titan, The biggest Lion with that big red cross he wears across his chest? He was looking at the Holy Grail as was I. Now God how do I get back to that man to do this deed to get the keys back to this Kingdom? I've about had it with being tested and playing charades with you.

Whole Hearted/Extreme
Too Bad/5back
It is to bad God and His Son have been back all along and that you in the land of freedom sold out Gods flock long ago. It is you in Congress who sold out this United States. You are the Oppressors not the Human race.

Candy Shop 50 Cent
Come on Big Daddy, I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna let you wear clothes yet. I learned their is one more to way to feast and feed in this family tree? I can't wait to unwrap you and feast my eyes on you. I can't wait to take in all your sharp curves. I can't wait to absorb all those dimensions you got going on inside you. My garden, my reservation is an open invitation anytime we want to feed each other love. I got one thing no one else on this rock has and that is the Ardeur to shut this shit down Big Daddy. For the rest of you whom have a problem with this mother, this son taking this rock back well I gotta song for you?

Welcome To Evil/Bad Meets Hell
Hey think of me as the organic inoculation you created on this rock.
Ace Of Spades/Motorhead
One more thing God before we part ways, that Cinderella slipper? You know what you can do if this goes off without a hitch? Might be a tight fit a little KY hot on that rim will light your donut hole right up. A nice tight fit, but I can make it work.