Thursday, December 1, 2022

Timeline Of Symptoms

I'm going to go back to when my pain was out of control. I rarely served I switched to being a Hostess most of the time. I got my Chiropractor to order a full x-ray instead of doctors and insurances piece mealing me, Patronizing me. (he did not charge me and I didn't want to take him for granted) I wanted an answer a diagnosis. I have put up with two knives between my shoulder blades that had developed knot's all across back under and over shoulder blades. My sister and I already had chronic migraines, inherited from both sides. this was 3/2015

After that we both got in a car accident. I got whiplash on the left, my sister the right. My X stopped at the bottom of a ice hill knowing a car was coming up behind. He rear ended us. My C5 was slipped to the left, my sister in the opposite direction. We both lost our lives. our marriages, our homes then our livelihood. I have hit the pavement 3 times with neurologist and muscular specialist. In the beginning of February 2015 my Chiropractor ordered my X ray. My goal was that he could at least tell me. Give me a direction. I have been slowly declining. 

I took it up to the hospital to at least get a diagnosis. 

I hiked, danced, meditated, and prayed with a back pack on. I called it walking through the pain for 15 months. Daily for the first two months my walks were 10 to 15 miles. I slept great and for some reason no fear. 

In 2016 October and all that spring and summer 2016. total weakness. deep fatigue. Had stomach and intestine infection for a year and a half. In 2017, I walked 3 miles, ran sometimes, a mixture of yoga, tai chi, ballet and physical therapy to get hip sockets loose and back of legs. Physical therapy fucked me up. flared everything. The pain in back left leg and knots I rolled out an average of 4 times a day. trying to keep my leg moving then moved same thing into right. In October 2016 my hands and arms no longer worked.

I have had a number of appointments no one found anything. Been sent to physical therapy 11 times. I do it when I can now. For to many years by 2018 Michael my boyfriend carries me to restroom if I can't crawl or schooch. I have sat in urine and shite for hours waiting for Michael to get home. Then more all over weakness, then paralysis hips and legs. Years on and off.

Now it's finally shown up, DICP and something else now. Michael has threatened me to live in a home or have me leave cuz he can't always care for me. He will be going to work soon. I need bladder surgery, haven't did because to busy with shoulder, neck and left arm. Then it moved into right arm. Chest pain, stroke symptoms I have it all. Profusely puking. Med's food water. 

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