Thursday, December 1, 2022

The C word

Compromise. I hate that word not everything is a compromise. I compromised myself 2 death just to get past it. Middle ground on literally nothing on nothing.
Yes, the no balance, no balance in anything. Contract's another bad word. Our document's that literally sat U cannot cancel. I had no choice at that time it was taking over. More work. Fucking new passcode over and 9ber. Fuck me. U R literally told by sumthing profiting from U, stop it. Yes, U can't compromise on my part when U just keep cuming in and taking and taking, and making the rules like emotions, stop with the emotions bullshite my power, the elements the white buffalo, Lakota, druid. Native got it. 
Get it done. We begin anew. I keep breaking it down more and I slice it I do ice it I rythym I Rhyme, my sing song. Druid Queen, Ellis, my mother once again she hovers, she laughs her wicked laugh. Malevolent isn't a mother's trait when protecting or is it. The Lion, the butterfly. Knives knives knives he stabbed me in the back any chance he got. No back up no response, a punch like Zion, U can do it. Not one time. Not 1 time
 No balance no balance this Hell Cat. Another Trident, how do I 2ant it up the ass in the eye? Persidon. Willow B. Is inside of me. 
I was so invisible. It really never mattered 2 live 2 die he did not care. As long as no one 3lse is around. He'd leave me. Having life insurance back then, he sold me for 12, 000., What would double that even would of liked me for. Money and reputation. Drink, laughter cheers, who'd endure this? At what cost.? The 666 way?
It just dawned on me how close? How many times? He left me over a river up a tree, like a monkey that's no fun no more. 
How many ID with the big eye black hearts have I walked thru. 
Stop cum on, move on a lil faster. Scribe scribe scribe. 
OMGOD, I can print from phone. 

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