Monday, December 11, 2017

Get To You

Get To You/MR
Oh where to begin today? My never ending migraine? Now my insurance won't refill my non narcotic medication. Taking them as prescribed twice a day covers 4 and a half days of my migraine. Imitrex is the drug that has had a high price tag because some other asshole controlled the drug, and its hight cost. Now it is cents on the dollar and I can't get more? Always an excuse? You have no idea how much my sister and I have paid out of our own pocket for this drug? I don't want to hear how something so simple got so out of control? For an advanced society I'd have to say not putting a cap on the cost of everything good would of prevented this, but noooooooo...........To busy making a living off of humanities suffering IC. Now my doctors are going to make me feel guilty because I have had to take my pain med's. It has been like this for years. This yoyo of hell on my med's that I could never get any balance on. I'm always in the wrong.

God turned my sixes into my nines. right before my very eyes I saw my 6 and my 9 fold into each other. I laughed and said, "Oh you are a bad bad daddy. Naughty naughty daddy, now let's put that picture into action." No always a hold up? Always a cock block IC? Something to hold me up? Something to tie me down? A storm, lack of funds, it's the wrong time, or you just keep me hurting? Keep me laid up? The way IC it I don't have to be on my feet to 69 me God. Hey you planted that seed in my minds eye not me. I'm going to eatie my beastie. Now that's my kind of play time. Hook me up. Light my fire, roll me over and over. Release my primal beast.

Round Here Buzz/EC
Yeah on top of that trying to function in this cluster flock of a hell care system cock blocking me with all this red tape. I heard another word a few nights ago? Pestilence. The word was pestilence and it made me think of the word petulance? The first day I heard that word was when they showed me my niece, from my wedding. The one I never knew I had. I cried tears of laughter, tears of joy then I said "no God not the petulant child," Then you show me, petulance and her relevance to me? Then I read on about the apocalypse and plagues? I'm sorry God their ain't no way you can make an apocalyptic plague cute. Are you trying to tell me we are the poison to shut down this demon? That ardeur, that scent you want me to release over and over?

Strip It Down/LB
God has delivered me unto the ungodly and turned me over to the hands of the wicked? Do you think? My God, the hell you put me through? The Horsemen, Revelations 6, Death rider of the white horse is the leader? Apocalypse means the lifting of the veil? Then you turn my 6 into 9's? My what a funny guy. Your telling me Greg turned me, my love into poisonous fruit God? My love for my children, my heart he poisoned? Now the domino effect?

Like I Loved You/BY
Oh and it gets better God? I discover their actually is a dragon in all this? I mean you taught me by showing me their actually is a dragon in that heroin and meth? Then I read "Revelation 3:17 The dragon was enraged at the woman, went to wage war against the rest of her off spring?"

Make You Miss Me/SH
The 12th planet is Nebaroo. Four hundred fifty thousand years the annunaki landed on earth, they upgraded human race. Are you showing me we are still enslaved for the gold, or is it that other entity Lamb? I know what the star, that sliver moon and the sun mean God? The universe. Annunaki provided Wisdom, Knowledge and Technology and now we have a Tron kind of thing going on IC. Sirius is the dog star. Anubis is the Jackal headed dog. So my dog has a name? Anubis is the God of transformation of celestial beings. There you have it the other shoe falls? Just get me out of this half mass transformation you got going on. Take me up and out already. Roll me over and play with me already, release my inner beast, so I can beasty play in that garden already.

Honey I'm Home/ST
Then I find my other nines? Zeus had nine daughters. They were called the nine muses. Here we have Pandora's box. My other Nines are the nine principals of the universe, that those that run this rock never thought of. Zeus got mad at PROMETHEUS because he gave mankind fire, hence the box that released all things evil. The Gin provides the depression. Hell he don't care how he pulls you down. Keep you living in the past. Make life hard. Make you tired. Run you ragged. This Gin wants you to get sick and hurt so he can get you hooked into this system. He's not just using addiction to take you down he wants you hurting so he can shut down your emotions through those pills. Control the emotions, suppress the emotions, depress the emotions, create another zombie.

Dirty Laundry/CU
Churchill became a part of the occult in 1908. More occultist on the British payroll. Jack Parson and Ron L.Hubbard released something dark in Jan through March of 1946. Alister Crowley told them not to do this. No I do not look up to Alister Crowley, it was the Writings of Jack Parson that brought me to him. It was in this writing that I discovered Greg's birth date was his. Greg's social security number right in the center is 666. It was in this writing that I discovered Alistair released Babylon, and whom was standing there but ISIS and Michael. It was here that I found another number nine. Parasitic energy feeding negative energy so they can project.

I'm With The Band/LBT
I found my Kim's? Kioma means trinity. There are nine. The oldest is Kioma and her sisters name is Trilly. Trilly means shine. Seven are the same. These are the star children with violet eyes. See I told you we aren't the only beings here. It's just the ones making a living off of the human race that know the Truth and want to keep humanity in the dark and enslaved.

On 12/2/1863 five months since "Battle of Gettysburg" Lincoln had placed on top of that dome a female. A sign the union would go on, 35 guns, 12 forts, 15,000lbs., 19.5 feet tall. She had a hat of an eagle, God gave her wings to fly. A ring of stars and a blanket on her left shoulder. She represents the statue of freedom. Founding fathers and Ben Franklin 1730-1760 Indian Treaties. Yes, it seems God is back for her reservation after all. She is the original Sky Woman who came to earth when it was just water and beasties. You know God I see Ariel all over this one. I had no idea I come from all those seven and 12's right here on this rock. Come on Big Daddy, come and play with me.

Wild Horses/GB
Broken Halos/CS

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