Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Back To God

Back To God/RM
Well Belinda where do I begin? The agreement I made with my higher power back in 2015? The agreement it turns out I made before that and before that? Who our family really is? Why all the weird sleeping habits? The weird things that have happened to us in our lifetime? We are descendants from that five star family up above. We are from the Legion. I have the answer to every crazy thing that has happened to everyone of us in our family? How we are all connected to this planet and the stars? How our family names interlink and crossover? In our family their is a reason we have had a darkness close by pulling us down. Where their is light their is darkness close by, trying to take us down.
Church Bells/CU
I'll bet you didn't know our grand daddies last name means Easter? Turns our our grandfather married royalty. He married our grandmother whom was a descendant from two tribes. A twelve and the Navajo (7 the Bishops) side. The picture with the round faces. The moon face tribe one of them had a blue eye. Horus, yup we go back that far. Set took out Horus' left eye the location of my migraines. This sun God is a watcher and your mother is too. Yup my crazy aunt Hoogie, came to this rock to carry the poison of the label disabled. The fight between Cain and Abel. Your mother and my mother and the secrets they keep made an agreement with God our creator to come here and carry the load and carry the blame for this rock. Each in their own way they carried the burdens in their heart minds and bodies.
Light It UP/LB
We are all a family of filters. We are so high up that we can carry the darkness close by from our parents and we still have a heart. God created the heavens and angels first. Androgynous beings of light and energy. Then God created the planets and stars. God is the creation of everything. God doesn't just have one name she has many. She has provided the Truth in every bi9g  book. It is man kind whom cut out the Truth out as we moved along over the years. For the wrong kind of power and control. (slavery)
Hitler is in Heaven remember that. God makes an agreement with his little stars before we come back. "Oh you want to be a black heart? Oh well hell I got just the job for you." This is about the first five generations of everything including that Catholic church. The one whom just placed themselves in the middle and decided Gods rules on Love using Mary's name as penance. The first Pope to write Mary out of the bible as JC's wife is Pope Greg the first. Religion cut out half the heart from the start. That's going to stop no one will speak for me again.

The reason for the bi-polar behavior inside the heart is because we are descendants from ISIS and Osiris first. We carry both of our parents inside us. Religion and the ones with all the money working behind that pentagon to buy out, and wipe out the human race don't want you to know that. The imbalance inside the human heart in not knowing that truth keeps feeding that pharmaceutical company. Damnation the 1900's price fixing and red lining? God told Satan to stay away from that garden. Satan is an entity. Satan is a corporation. Then who owns John Hopkins who got to decide what truth is behind science? Then their corporations grew to insurance and pharmaceuticals. To control and shut down the human race's emotions. They created the addiction and they pulled the med's. The Gin the creation for all this addiction. The treatment centers are the insane institutions that we as the human race our making a living off of all their suffering. This system doesn't care how it gets it's claws into you. The idea is to shut you down and keep you in pain, whether disease or injury. Then they placed themselves in the justice system. The more they tightened the reigns the more of a mess they created due to cause and effect.
Unlove You/JW
Before this we were Lakota's and before this we were druids. Whom were here to represent this rock and keep it going. Then we got the Book of Bob we were not thought of when it was written. Jack in the Box and the light fixture falling on Kim's head? It was the way Corporate America turns a blind eye to any injury. No apology, no real acknowledgement. It was after Jack In The Box and the e-coil. It opened the doors to the Truth behind humanities food. Yet a man I met in AA in Kelso told me they came in after that and shut down every ones wells on the land. They took over the gardens, Montesano poisoned mother natures seeds, to poison the inside of our bodies and keep us hurting. Create the disease and need for this hell care industry.

Independence Day/MM
That UK banking system controls everything now. Their is no justice and Truth anymore for humanity. They put us to sleep and created the addiction in the 80's and 90's while they bought up and sold off the land, our gardens all to create the GMO industry. We have been getting poisoned from the inside out for I'd say the last twenty to thirty years. All to create all these diseases in our intestines and burn up our insides. They created all this new industry on humanities suffering. All the poison they created through out time. It is our bodies in our family that each in our own way chose to come here and be filters for all this poison. You my darling married Dell you married heart. Dell lived next to heart and his grandfather I remember looked like Santa Claus and he had a second hand store and he used to whittle wood.
You were born Friday the thirteenth as well as Alex. She was born at 3:16 p.m and Grandma Bishop showed up in my room in Fall City of all places like 6 years ago and on the clock it blinked 3:16 a.m. in red. The hour of the dead. After that I got woke up by two black figures and I didn't need to turn around to rebuke them. Nor did I need to open my eye's. The first one I rebuked and the second I tried and it threw a blanket over my head. That is just the point. The grays are our family too. The blanket was because they created blanket laws around addiction by the time I got to my divorce. I was told by my lawyer to go into treatment. I took two pills and I saw a big lion roar. I was told just before this I had I curse on my head. I took on a label before I was addicted to anything. I had just had two surgeries. A migraine for six weeks and I rebounded for awhile after. Something no doctor knew about then.
Georgia Peaches/LA
I have also been taken back to the seven times my whole marriage I got drunk. Turns out I married a sociopath I thought I married a naturopath. The lion I saw in my mind is because I carry that tree of life every one thought was a myth. They are wiping out of the animal kingdom and the turning of the blind eye to muscular skeletal pain. For twenty years I have had scoliosis that turned into the crone. I was diagnosed just before my divorce by four neurologist with a muscular skeletal disease, with a cardiovascular component. On top of it Greg caused a car accident that took both Kimmie and I out. He collected the check it shut down her claim, her life, her home. I did not know, as well as me. I couldn't get treated after this either.
I got money from my dad after he died from the State. I opened the second business with it. I had migraines for minimum twenty days a month. Greg fucked up my computer at home. When my girls missed school I couldn't go in. I only had five days a week six hours a day to get everything done. On top of all of Greg's getting out of town. All I did was pack and hall. I asked him to hire someone to do the books, just the books. Instead he met Mary Stone and they gas lighted me. They set me up and took everything out of my name. When I got to rehab I learned just what Mary and Greg did, expecting to discuss in court what had happened? I had documentation from my sleep clinic, my psychiatrist because they put me on Paxil, and my treatment center all saying I need to leave this guy. I kid you not I never got to speak. My judge told me I deserve everything I have coming to me. The whole time before and just after my divorce Greg was showing up every where I worked and went with my girls spreading rumors that I'm some alcoholic, meth head, heroine, etc. I had proof of all this and I kid you not I never got to speak about the character assassination he did on me because of a crime he and Mary Stone committed. I was told if I spoke I'd be made responsible for Greg's school loans. I never got to speak, nor did I ever get to go back to court to get the Truth.
Merry Go Round/KM
I have told these doctors for twenty years that my sinuses trigger my migraines. I could never get a diagnosis or a balance on my medications. I went to two pain clinics one I had a bad allergic reaction for over six months. The bottom of my feet hurt right up to my hair. I was told I was lying. Another one gave me some kind of treatment for something else. All because of an insurance and the liability and whose gonna pay now? Insurance and corporate America own the human race and our justice system all while these assholes clean out the mines and run that black oil pipe through this planet.
Yeah Boy/KR
When Todd moved in with you two we became a five star family with our brother in the middle. It seems I married the wrong brother from the wrong garden this time. Your diagnosis of the Chamber Pot Made is a curse. My tree of life being sent from box to box all these years told my pain is all in my mind. Our families power is in our emotions. Cut off the emotions shut down the human body from the inside keep it hurting. Kimmie is taking this on with her migraines, allergies, that car accident and it sets right at the crux of both our necks, and Kimmie is cursed with Celiac disease and turning the blind eye. She slipped in shit four years ago and was laid up in bed for six months told it was in her head. She had emergency surgery over Christmas on her liver that had tears in it from the fall six months before.
Next Boyfriend/LA
Kimm, Big Kimm my other Kimm. The shot gun wedding, the second one a victim of the system and her heart, then the third guy she meets is her love and of all things he's got a heart problem? When mom was diagnosed with that thing that makes her dizzy what I didn't tell anyone was that Kimmie got it first. Every time I go home I learn something new. Do you remember the year, that I popped in with a friends kid? When we were standing at the fireworks show on Lake Sacajawea that firework that went astray went over my left shoulder by ten feet. I left. I have a Sacajawea park here by me too.
Burning House/Cam
I was born in Renton. Number five, a bird. King county. My first home the Gateway in Kent that I did not know until I started this. Well on my dads side this is the catholic Irish side, we are the native pagans with love and family in our hearts. Yeah well my dad is from the Irish angelic side. He carried the curse of the Gin, he made an agreement to stay in that house. Grandma Mulligan's name is Catherine Anne and she was a Kennedy. That Kennedy curse the Rose, that frontal lobotomy, the sins of thy father. My two uncles dead. John and Bob. John and Carolyn went down in a plane for us honey.
Better Dig 2/TDP
I asked God one day how I learned to see the animals in people? He gave me my answer, my family. All those crazy nick names, Worm, monkey, colt, runt, knot head, Spidey legs, my aunt Judy, Cowmay. We live in Cowlitz county. The coal and the pulp industry. My mother in law cursed me by pronouncing my name clean. All those bites I had growing up? My nightmares? Funny thing right here no one ever asked what I was screaming at all those years? I was awake every night pretty much. I sat in my room watching things watch me. First came the toad to my left in my crib. The birds always close by even in name. Then the Lakota woman on my bed with an arm extended watching me. The monster in my closet a great big white wolf with little girls in red dresses climbing on him. Standing at my window at night the Jackal which is the sphinx which was on Mars first the planet I ascend from. That fire sign. At first I knew it had to do with organs and those twin towers in New York? It is but it is also Oregon the redwood forest and what happened to me with Greg? Read ISIS on my blog.
Rain Comes In/The Judds
The Church wrote off the Book of Enoch, the watchers. I got Todd and my unborn son Elijah all over this one. You see all those myths, all those folk lore's, all those beasties were here first. Right along with all of these alien races. I took a photo of the entity on my blog. Freya is the first worm, she feeds the soil. Turns out I am a little monkey after all. Those rocks I dragged under my bed were for protection. I have learned that every thing that has happened on this rock and universe, is right here in this united states. Islam, Salem Massachusetts, the witch burnings and then we have Salem Oregon the industry in the other Pacific North West with four seasons. I have only lived on this West coast line. Mississippi for six weeks then of all places Michigan in a storm again. The red lining and pulling of an industry and pulling the water? Slavery.
After I made an agreement to look insane and allow them to use my body as a vessel I had no idea it had anything to do with me or mine. I thought one little thing and I wasn't happy to find out that one little thing carrying the heavy load for this rock is me. When I first moved to Rainier Oregon I was four years old. I got left outside in a storm, I peed in the car. I almost drown and Kimmie pulled me up. No big deal, yet the second time I almost drown, it was James whom pulled me out. Not a big deal at the time. I want you to think about that Michelangelo painting and the two fingers touching? This time it is a child's hand reaching out from under the water and it was James' hand reaching for me. The third time in Hawaii age fifteen. The fourth time Hawaii in the toilet bowl, my honey moon. I carried the curse of that black swill. The Gin and well I got a Jezebel inside me that is tired of that red carpet being pulled out from under me over the years. Yes darling my Jezebel is here to put that Genie back in the bottle. After mom and Kimmie got in a big fight about Jim, when Kimmie moved to Othello it snowed for the first time in years and years. All the storms I have been left in?
 Cowboy Take Me Away/
I sat up one night when Kimmie was watching the Sentinel. I watched hidden from the foot of the couch. They were demons coming out of the walls. This was around Todd's death that these black things started crawling around my room. They would shake my bed at night. Sue taught me to tell them in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you. I'd lie with my arms across my chest. I felt like they wanted to stake me in my chest. Now the show the gifted and look at the name of the Corporation hiding the gifted ones to turn them into an army? The facility name is the Sentinel. I'm the Sentinel, back for that Centennial. I am Justice. I am the jack of all trades upstairs. I am the Rock. I am the Assassin. I am Kryptonite. In case your wondering yes I am Mary, but this time I'm back for my families medicine. I am Mary Jane. I am the Lion, I am the ram. 
It's Your Love/TM
Ross Street, the pea green house barns school? I'd have a cowboy whittling wood by my door and a rainbow egg twirling up in the sky to my left. Todd was in juvie up the road and I didn't know it then. When I had my concussion at two when I opened my eyes Todd was above me. Todd was Jesus Christ once upon a time and I Mary his wife. Moses Mt.Sinai and the burning bush. All these allergies inside our bodies and sinuses. Colleen, Mt. Si. my burning bush, my folicilitous.
Renegade Runaway/Cu
Do you remember when I said I couldn't get to the table as a teenager? I was at that table with Jesus Christ and his disciples. The lashing JC took is my Tree Of Life. Destiny's dagger is the blue bowl full of cherries I would see. It didn't matter how much love I fed Alex it was never enough. When I lifted the bowl their was a hole in the bottom. The reason why all those cherries were running out? When Alex would say hearts, she meant pop tarts, I'd get a flash of a red king of hearts. When Greg nitpicked me I'd see a tree with the bark being ticked off slowly by a finger. I recon I came back to be the fallen angel this time. We are the women whom stand at the front door to protect our babies for this rock. When JC hung on that cross God planted a seed in Mary's belly. She had a boy and a girl, First was Sara and they changed her name to Kai, she had a brother named Jude. I found the documentary. How Kiley got her name is huge?
Almost Lover
Do you remember when you told me when I was eight years old I said to mother, "fuck you, you never have anything nice to say to your children." I have a demon mother in me. Her name is Truth, she is here to shut these demons down. JC's name I just discovered is Truth. Moms demon is just what the name is Narcissist. Mom and Doris were opposites in their behavior. The crazy things they would say out loud? The four of us have always been aware of our parents but as the children we did not judge them. We did the best we could with what we had. Mom was born with that stutter that glitch. It is a curse to prevent her from speaking. It hides her whom she really is so people look down on her. We are a family of travelers in our sleep. I have traveled to other countries, I have ridden on weird trains, weddings, going to strange locations and after a few times of going back to the same dream when I was done with whatever I had to do I would meet up with one man.

I keep having dreams in different countries with a crazy aunt. In another country, I believe France, I was painting and a diplomat showed up at our door. Wanting to marry me because he wanted to get to my crazy aunt and our abilities. In other dreams we are locked in glass containers being watched and somehow I transformed in the box with my aunt to check on her. What they were doing to me was testing me. They would take me out back in a forest that was fenced in and I'd be hunted like an animal over and over.

Old countries not from our time. A dream with Kimm in another country we were each in a little trailer and we were participating, yet watching a fair, the janitor the sweeper. Think about all the women in this family. Our generation and how each one of our first marriages was fucked up? The same thing that happened to Dani in Chicago happened to Kimmie in Germany. Then Robin and that rape by her husband but in her state the law allowed it? Neil his three red heads? Huge this one. God has provided a twin in names and birth dates alone. Darren is my twin, the other Joker, the other fool, the other diamond in the rough and look where he lives? All of our family names have come up in history. I am an One With All life on this rock. I am the colt, the fool, and in another dimension the foal. My son is Jesus Christ but I represent that sun in the sky. I am the original mother of this rock. The documentary on Lincoln the woman he saw in the future had long curly hair a native woman with a blanket on her left shoulder.

Here in this Nation the first Nation no one knew about the true driver is on the left. Mom's not mentally ill, she is not mentally schizophrenic, she is a heart schizophrenic because she doesn't understand why? Since about 1800 they have been slowly wiping out the indigent ones and putting them on the reservation. The reason why all these drugs killing off my natives? That curse of the Gin, the beast and the curse of the dragon to wipe them out and shut them down. Kind of like the small pox blanket theory. Tesla, Newton, Bruno, Einstein, Davinci are our family of energy and they have all said we are all receivers. The reason for the H.P.P.A today in hospitals? These people in these mental institutions are higher beings that are being shut down to keep the other machine going, the revolving door of insanity in those treatment centers, using the insurance to shut them off, fine them and label them.

I can tell you why Todd died in a love bug? Why mom and Kimmie got in a fight over the yellow love bug and a castle in Germany? Why mom picked a white love bug? It was not my sisters fault she was lied to about the value of that painting. It's no different then mom paying all that money for these special ed pure breads. I can tell you why Kimmie and mom hate each other? Why I saw rutting pigs with tusk after Greg would finish with me in bed? JC cast the fascist demons into the pigs. The ones working behind the scenes to take out our Washington first then all the other nations after.

Read the writings of Alan Parsons and Alex Crowley? His birth date and Greg's. However Babylon is supposed to be here. Standing there was Michael and ISIS they go way way back. Right along with the rest of our ancestors.
All the poison behind Washington poisoned this Washington. The time I said to mom follow those reds, those reds heal? I found them. Woodburn Oregon the Daddy of 7 with two sets of twins all ADHD. His red headed six foot one welsh mother and her sister were killed in a car accident the same day. His brother in law didn't handle it so well and Kyle had to take on the other three. Plus he survived two bouts of cancer for this rock. I have walked away from him more than once. I don't know what or how to tell him its his ring of fire?

In other writing it talks about the seven and three. The sun and the wolf this time. I found some other writing he is surrounded by Kings and Johns. His company John Christner Trucking he told me 19 semis and it is the first number written on the documentary on ISIS and 9/11. His wife died 17 years ago, he is the water to my fire. I am very angry about this man and this betrothal. This is the reason that fault line in California is going to fall. I found the five and ten I write about? Jah, in Jewish is 5 and 10. Yup it seems I'm the blasphemous one. I'm the nigger loving Jew whore from this family. Proud of it. Anyone got a problem that my own brother turned out to be my own husband from past lives, well they can kiss my lily white ass. This time around we are going to accept Truth. We are going to accept all of our family or these assholes can pick their own door. Heaven or hell I don't give a flying flock. I heard in the beginning I don't have to be inside to clean any house. Now I know why.

Uncle Ted and Uncle Sam. Their wives, their children. The numbers how many Ray's we really have in this family tree? I always saw our family go from hawks to bears. I like my bears just fine thank. Uncle Sam wants you Chehalis of all places? That is the wrong uncle Sam. However humanity and the ones doing all the convicting, judging and fining have no idea what they are working with. I can talk to children as young as one or two. I can speak to people with Cerebral Palsy whom can't speak. I can see the pain and suffering in ones heart. That's the worst part. I met a woman who spit out her tongue and slithered her head and body. I squatted down in front of her and I said well aren't you just the troll demon. This is the representation this curse of all these fines and fees on these highways. He is Billy Goat Gruff the troll under the bridge collecting all the fees. Deciding what sin is and the high price of sin on humanity? This is not God, nor is it her son's love.

God don't care what atom/Adams family you believe in as long as love rules your heart. At five I got my first rosary from Grandma Mulligan and I had a grass roots done to my little mouse then too in Rainier Oregon. To block my door from any spilled seed. That rape was huge and what happened that night. I got in that truck because of that truck stop and what they pulled? I asked what the protocol was to not bother Kyle. I met Kyle at that red rock. I followed the red rock road to turn our families lilies into roses. It is Kiley and how she got her name? Her night terrors? She is to inherit this tree of life. If I blow this Belinda whatever my family upstairs needs me to do, I will do. If I go down, if my babies go down this planet this rock goes down along with our families home, heaven. The reason why mom sees Todd standing at heavens gates holding my teddy bear? He is the King Belinda. I want my husband back. I want my true heart home with me once and forevermore. We're going back to that garden of Eden and their will be no more judgment on mankind or our families love for our children. Mother Nature and God were not lying on their back when all ye holy spirits were born.

That man just pounded my Axis back in. I bartered everything and then I just told him why he rapes women? The Truth and he let me go. No spilled seed and then he drove to Fife, took poison then shot himself in the head. Our families karmic justice. On the back of the gold truck it said CRST. Looking back my family has served up allot of justice to those whom have wronged me. That was a hard pill to swallow, all those baby brothers named Michael dead now. The evening I got lost and had to walk around a huge square back to start, four people shot and killed pioneer square.

That blue stone, my wedding ring Greg stole and collected on the insurance on? My Walt Disney movies that mom and I collected? Greg got half and Greg got everything else. I walked away with the blame and having to go in all these boxes and I was telling the Truth the whole time. Like Doris' doctor said to you? Why should she suffer to make someone else feel better? What are her choices? My left arm bursitis never in all these years never diagnosed correctly. My hair in three weeks went from my collar bone to below my bra strap then down to my waste. It is naturally curly now.

You and my children are known as Nephilim. Half demon, half angel. It doesn't make you a demon. It gives you guys and us primal instinct so we can spot danger and know what to do. Hey this family upstairs gave me this crooked halo for a reason.

Todd has a daughter. She was in my wedding. She's my age. I noticed when I looked at pictures of me and her together we looked alike down that T zone. Just like mom and Todd. Me, Greg, Kiley and Alex all have that same T-zone. Child molestation is about breaking the spirit up front. Break the child's heart and confuse them from the start. It is a feeding that child predators feed off of. Not just the vulnerability, but the innocence they want, to be closer to their female side they are missing. The rapes and the comedians are about this rock being raped and eroded away along with this animal kingdom. Our resources being stripped. We are on our last leg. Our nine lives are up. Look at nine on all these shows? Especially the documentary Spritzer number nine? The Attorney General that was making a difference was removed for sexual misconduct. Truth is we are not meant to be with one person our whole lives. Sex is a good thing. Freely given and freely taken of good energy. It is man whom made these rules. As long as a couple is honest about their transgressions it is not a sin.

I have walked through several scams. You have no idea. In 2016 after I got settled into another scam I ran a background check on this guy. Not his money honey. I hate rich men. I really really do. His addresses? The numbers, Juniper street? The Cheshire cat I took a picture of on a tree is one of his addressees. His mother ended up in Graham, my father ended up in Graham. He lives in Woodburn I think. His middle name means music and mountain. He has the sir name to Kiley's name. What happened to me in the delivery room with Greg. Who was really there when Greg couldn't name her?
I spent time in Roseburg growing up. I got Roaseasia when I lived in Mountain view California.

He is the number three in Alex's birth date, then Kiley's, then Kyle's and I'm the Joker the fool in revelations. I am the little horn with the picture of blasphemous with ten big horns and one little horn. With Alex, Kiley and his ring of fire and me we represent the 13 crystals. Jesus Mother Flocking Christ, yup that's my calling. Who knew? I never swore until 2015. Gods point is you do not get to choose the context when you speak to God. That family is my creation is he is my vein, he is my pain that I carry.
Damned If You Do Damned if You Don't/KM
Our grandfathers and fathers have blue eyes. We are brown because we are from the soil in that garden. It turns out my jaded heart is blue. I let Azekeal off the chain. God sent his angel. It was a big bald man on chains. Look at Kyle. Dumbo ears, eagle egg head. His hobby a pilot. The man whom had JC hung from the cross? Pilot. The lions brow, that lions T-zone? He carry's a little monkey on his back of all things. He is 6'4 250 lbs. His body shape he is a lion, he is the king Kong of this rock, and he is the wolf that the last I saw him in my closet in Rainier Oregon, he had little girls in red dresses climbing all over him. When I was pregnant with Kiley a single father would park his semi outside my window. It would wake me every morning. He is partially deaf in his left ear, I in my right. I am fully aware where Darci lives Belinda in Oregon. Of all places Kiley is at? It is right by the Illuminati home base. She's basically a nun. Never been on a date. She is a virgin. She is the virgin of this rock. She is Eve this time Belinda. She is like me. A seer and an empath. She spoke to me before she was born and the things that happened after to both of my girls? At nine days, nine weeks and nine months? I remember my nines. Kiley is the one whom at the age of four came up and did the Keanu Reaves move from the Matrix. The part where he waves his opponent forward? Kiley did that she opened her hand and in her palm were two double A batteries. I asked her whats this? She said "you know mommy they run on batteries.
Oh and Travis took one for the team? That branch that went through him when he was working as a logger. Our tree's our rain forest and to the medicine tree in all those folk lore's is real. Shelly Janine and Travis, Castle Rock? The wolf at Shelly's window, hell's angels. I saw him. I was awake every night in every house I slept in. I didn't get into anything. I didn't stand over anyone and watch them sleep unless I was climbing in bed with someone. I'd roam the houses. I'd sit on the couch. I'd look at photos, out windows. I toured every house at night Belinda. I watched things. When I was four I started scribing. I was in a State Farm office in Kelso/Longview to the right. It had a big buck on the front. Jim and mom went in to speak to someone. When Jim was pretending to be responsible father to get to Kimmie. I would carry this tablet and write peoples emotions. I remember what happened in every home because I moved every year. I remember mom and Kimmie's fights. It was Jim? Not just him sneaking in her bed and mom blaming her, it was Kimmie's responsibility to call and collect child support from dad. Do you know how old Kimmie was when this started? Mom made her the Cinderella daughter in the fourth grade. I kid you not. Elaine pronounced my name Clean. I became the Cinderella of this rock. The dislocated ribs and torn tissue between my vertebrae when I'd try to work?
Live Like You Were Dying/TM
When I went to the hospital in Kelso, I blew a 4.7. The same years and months that me and Kimmie are apart in age. When Kiley would puke in the morning from anxiety it was my time of being born 6:30 a.m. You are fifteen years older than me and Kimm is 13. Todd is eight years older than I. In the book of angels 8 is a good number. Greg's family Mr 666 with three sets of 666's I have discovered, have a black ten back. It is ten families on the black side that plan a take over in this nation. I had to have a fifth pregnancy by a set of twins. James and John. I had to have two more than Greg. Her name Jimmie Jane. The Truth behind that deep deep fatigue I would get behind my eyes during my first four pregnancies? I am an annunaki the RH- and Mars. The depletion of the Gold on this rock. I belong to all the planets. Being married to Greg is when that deep fatigue started and my bursitis, The pain really showed up between my shoulders blade after the birth of Alex. The heart chakra. I noticed in California the pain melting between my shoulder blades during a migraine.

Everything about my body is the curse from the garden of Eden, the lie in that garden. The Truth behind Adam and Eve. The wisdom tree that I ate off from. Apparently I'm still sinning against God? Hilarious. Can't happen. Eve has Adams rib, yet Adam has Eve's apple.

The 1900's, Damnation and the price fixing to buy up the land with the farmers?About 6000 years since first book written and about two thousand, seventeen years since JC hung on that cross. The human race got an additional five from that Inca calendar that was supposed to end in 2012. That means I got an extra five in purgatory. I got five days in that valley shadow of darkness. Walmart and the five locations they closed? The excuse the septic system? It was Walmart that came in and reset the standard on insurance vs. full time jobs. They created this mess. Then Obama created this insurance that no one will look at. The insurance just waiting for you to fall to get its claws in you.
We Should Be Friends/ML
In the beginning I kept feeling a bull presence? When I went home, it was my sister I went home for. Joey is the demon that tried to destroy her. You have no idea what he did to her. He was screening her calls and he kept trying to meet up with me. I refused. I was the only one once again out of ten women whom got bit up all over. Everywhere I've been and been through, all the injustice I have walked through in my life it was supposed to be that way. The night I got my DUI I drank for Sangria's after leaving the court house that evening. I drove for like six hours. I was not driving that car. It is in revelations about the Sangria. The clearing I went through, all my past and present lives is the book of John, past present and future. The book that God has written, I'm the Atom behind this P.E.N. is also in Revelations. That third pregnancy was Kiley's Irish twin, my name for him was Elijah Todd. The other prophet besides JC that God took home to him.

In the first two months I met three storms. In the first month of being at that orphanage for lost mothers I met three homeless women with seven children. The park across the way, Earthworks Park. I figured out how the Gin got it's way into the system long ago? The clue was on the side of George Washington's bag. The Masonry that serves families and alcohol to the good old boys to join the club. It was that phallic dome I'd walk by every day. Mother nature is a phallic beasty. The other club to serve up the good old boys throughout time is the eagles club. Yeah baby.
Red Neck Woman/GW
Grandma always reminded of George Washington in her profile. In the 1800's Jackson and Washington spoke of meeting up with aliens in the woods. Lincoln spoke of getting his information from another dimension. Tesla said we are all receivers, that is the Truth. I had thirteen people show up in the delivery room the day Alex was born. Thirteen pearls on the dollar bill. That eye is a space ship. They live though us from these dimensions surrounding this rock, We are the flock. We don't die. We transcend we leave these bodies but we do not die. We are energy. We go to heaven and get a clearing to the Truth. Gods way is not about blame. Their ain't no purgatory. The ones in purgatory are Adam and Eve. Well at that truck stop sits hell's dimension where I stuck that staff in the ground. Might want to read Adam and Eve in purgatory. I have video's of me communicating upstairs and in one I'm Eve crying about Lilith.
If My Heart Had Wings/FH
We have always had spirit animals because we were animals first. Heavens farm is the solar system and constellations that surround this rock. For example above me sits the big dipper it has seven seen stars, two hidden and attached to that big dipper is a bear. When I got to this apartment that I did not choose nor see first, I had a blue eye necklace and a movie the seven dwarfs sitting next to it. My apartment Rainier Continental. Number C12. I'm by Kings Cleaners and Oh thank heaven seven eleven. My car wreck, Safeway. I have a view of Mt. Rainier. I am back to the land of fives. Believe it or not the history street name and school is Camelot. My Road is Military. I did not pick this hell hole. I asked God why am I still here and then I lost it. Sitting behind door number C9. Is the Gin. These two little boys the same Age as Alex and Ki. Same personalities. One is three and the other five. The mother is 32 her name is Sara. I just happened to pull a thorn out of her paw. The Fathers name is Danielle he is 27. These are the ages I had Alex and went into rehab. The five year old's name is your not going to believe it? Jack. In the beginning I said "he is standing at the door. He is here for the son." I just didn't want it to be this family.
It's not just about whose the big John of this rock. It's about the Jacks this time around. I have just discovered a couple days ago, its about the crown. Whose family runs this show? When I was in little sister mode under Todd. He said he is the conductor of this show. I ain't waking up being left for dead in anymore land fills. It's about life, liberty and Justice. Freedom honey. I got my rattler in my right hand when I need it. Well the angel on my back transformed. Her wings got pointy and she grew a staff in her right hand. Its about that new dawn sunshine. I saw a big old demon standing on I-5 taller than a mountain. I don't know what side its on, but it was outside Kelso Longview. The Rose line honey is from this North to that South it goes straight down to my family down I-5.  Mom always said if you ever get lost and need to find your way home get on Cherry Street and hit I-5. Even in that crazy bra'd you get answers. She's got the right hand as well as Alex. I broke mine at fifteen and when I couldn't get Alex to come home. I could hear her spiraling on the phone, she punched a wall for the first time ever and it punched her back. She broke the same hand. The same bone as I. She said it was a blessing in disguise. She was wearing the same perfume I was at her age and I just bought some. Her arts and crafts from her childhood she stuck with. You made me a Raggedy Ann I need Andy. I made three bears and nine ducks. I made a 9 panel wall hanging. A tree, bear claw, rail road, a house with a red door. Warm heart. My door here just got painted red. Mom and her owls in the seventies? That is Alaska and the alien encounters with the white owls. The only place mom has gone.

Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, my mother in laws birthday veterans Day? I made an agreement back in the beginning of July 2015. I agreed to look crazy. I agreed to accept anything that was freely given. Go through open doors only. Willing to not worry about the basic necessities. You have no idea how things just moved along. I had to accept anything I went through. I stood in front of three bears. Me? I sat next to a pit bull six feet from my face and did circles in the dirt. It never crossed the line to attack. It turns out I'm the original mother from Ancient Aliens Season 7 Episode 9. Aliens and the Civil War. You might want to read the titles of my blog.

I know it's a hard pill to swallow but I am the real deal. I am done with the blame game. I am done with she/he whom giveth false witness because of their own fears. It is not okay with me. I can guarantee you my family has their ION me, because I am the Atom from the Adams family. I do not need anyone to tell me how to feel. Think about what a Atom is? A protron, a electron and a neutron. I am not writing this. The power behind that pen is God in all her glory. It is time for Truth and Truth hurts. My sister and I are not here to take the blame for anyone anymore. In our family we have been buried under the lies, and that dark cloud of depression long enough. My children will not be enslaved to my X. On Monday I am delivering everything to the two attorney Generals offices. I am throwing caution to the winds. I will not sit in purgatory for others happiness any longer nor shall the human race. Like Tesla said we are all receivers and it is not for this system to choose how my family feeds me any longer. I am taking back my Tree Of Life. I am not walking through this hell care system any longer. Let the storms begin.

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