Thursday, December 7, 2017

Loving Arms

Loving Arms/DC
Sitting here wondering how you did it? How you got your hands in the kitty jar? The creation of all your Institutions? You know the ones? Your jail cells, your treatment centers, the revolving door of insanity that goes round and round. All in one hell care plan all in one location IC just how your are making a living off the human races pain and suffering all in one house. Hell your not here to help the human race. The one you label with a character defect? Yet on the other hand you label it an incurable disease? Brought on by some kind of pain in the brain perhaps a mental illness they say God? Oh IC.

I Won't Give Up/JM
Yet on the other hand you jail them, you fine them, you nickel and dime them for an incurable disease? Around around we go in this monopoly of life you got going on to feed just the institution you know the one the Justice System? Hell God their ain't no Justice in all this bullshit. Funny looking at these 12 traditions IC just how you did it. Funny the number? Number six, you created a gray area in a counseling institutions that were never supposed to be affiliated with you in the first place. Oh I get it you created the scarlet letter A to create the support in the Industry, to feed your machine. You poisoned Justice. You know God I think it's right about here IC how they poisoned humanities constitution in all these courtrooms? That blankey Justice System. You know God IC the small pox blanket system come into play here. You came in and you put your hand in the kitty jar by creating the addiction in those hospitals blaming the human race and the doctors whom are not my judge, nor is it their job anymore.

She's My Kind Of Rain/TM
You created the monopoly with your institutions, Corporate America, then we have the other Institution the other corporation the other affiliate H.P.  The Hell Care Plan with the Pharma companies isn't very P.C. of you.  Shut down humanities emotions all this pain and suffering, which run on an insurance? A liability insurance whose gonna pay? Your hell care plan to wipe out humanity after you stole and poisoned my gardens to fight your wars and build you tiny boxes? Your corporations your institutions you created to make a living on the suffering in all your institutions? Your pharma hell care plan you monopolize on the depression to feed a pharmaceutical company instead of humanity?

Evanescence/The Immortal
Your Bermuda triangle in this hell care plan is the institutions on the suffering your treatment centers and hospitals. A.A. something you were never supposed to get your hands on put a price on. Then you created the fines in your justice system. Throw in you hell care plan to shut down the human race and run them around and around with your pharma hell plan to shut down the human race to take the blame. Your monopolize on humanities suffering and pain, you mislabel, you institutionalize and you fine them, you judge them. Hell you don't care how you get your claws in do you? The dragon, the Gin, the demon in the parking lot ready to do another round each time you step out the door? Here's some food for thought when you look me in the eye, this tree of life you all make a living off from, how does it feel to look your food in the eye now? When you look at another homeless person and the suffering I want you to look them in the eye, and remember where you get your food from?

A Change/SC
Now I want all of you to know I know who it is I am. I'm the nigger loving Jew whore little mother, whom ate off that tree of wisdom. If you haven't figured out yet after all this just whom it is I am I"ll give you lame ducks sitting there in denial another clue. You know God has many names, Allusia or is it Illusia I carry inside me? IC I gotta a little of my own A.I. inside me. So you can take your Artificial Intelligence and get the flock off my rock. These children are mine. I mean whom wouldn't be the greatest illusionist behind all this illumination on the Illuminati? That other big I IC not just the poison apple of your hell care plan I got coiling down this rocks Tree Of Life.  Nope I learned another word the other day? The other big I of Indulgence now let me see where this word stems from within the Catholic Church. Michael explained that the elite and entitled could put some coin in the kitty to pay for their indulgences going on behind those closed doors? Whose O ring would that be again God? The curse of the O ring and love? The guide lines and boundaries you put on Gods and the original O.M.'s children? The price of sin and rape right boys? You put the price on sin in my justice system and my highways all these sin taxes on everything you stole and poisoned?  Pay her twenty percent less, leave her to feed those children, keep her in purgatory? Your judgment, guilt and shame about the other big A? Abortion and I'm here to say these holy spirits don't belong to you. Mother Nature wasn't laying on her back when all you little beasties were created so get off your high horse. I'll tell you what I got three ways to provide and pleasure all you got is your spindly little pole and ding a ling you ding dongs. Who wouldn't be the greatest joker of this country pride? Whom wouldn't set them up as the fool? This little foal is here to bring San Andres fault lines down.

I keep going back to what I said "all these women born with dicks?" I loved it when I looked up some of the Judaism names.

She's Everything/BP

Try To Love Again
Every Little Thing/Cp
Slow Hands/PP
God Gave Me You/BS
Dear Future Husband/MT
I'm still really angry with you for all this.

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